Psychic Readings - Learning How to DO Them

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Psychic Readings - Learning How to DO Them

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Fri Aug 12, 2005 5:53 pm

Psychic Readings - Learning How to DO Them

Everyone has Psychic Abilities. They just need to be developed! So lets develop them, and practice on each other. It is the only way to LEARN!

To become a reader, you must learn to switch your mindset from yourself and onto another person as the center point. Your focus is centered on the inner workings of that person as it relates to the world they live in. For this you need to go within to engage that part of yourself that communicates with the universal mind where all knowledge resides.

The first requirement.

Just like learning any other skill you need to practice. Nothing comes to anyone without practice and reading another person is no different. Remember, you already have the ability, you only need to tune it and refine it.

Mind set is important. The more serious you are about it, the faster you will develop your ability to give readings. If you are dedicated to learn, you will. Just remember, Rome was not built in a day, so be patient. Becoming a psychic reader requires patience and practice.

Learn to meditate

Meditation puts you on the fast track to developing your own potential. It helps you get in that deep inner part of yourself where you get help from outside - from the universal mind. If you don't meditate, you can still learn, but it takes a bit longer. Profound and meaningful information is more readily available for a person that meditates. If you intend to go on to becoming a medium, then learning meditation is a must.
See how to meditate.

Where the information comes from

As each person goes through life, the events of that life are recorded. Every thought, words spoken, actions taken and not, are recorded with the universal mind. Some psychic readers refer to this as the akashic records, but its easier to visualize it as a video recording. This is information that you as a psychic reader can access.

How to get the information

The information comes through 5 sources:
1) Feelings - feelings that something is so, feelings of what a person is feeling inside, feelings about what a person fears, what is going on in their life, feelings about what is going on in regard to their personal relationships, etc.
2) Pictures - Visual pictures will come to the psychic read, some are directly interpreted and others are indirectly related. That is some pictures are symbols for another meaning. For example: in giving a reading, a woman client is visualized fishing off a bridge. Does it mean that the client is really going to go fishing or is she looking for a man? The answer lies in developing a 'feel' of how to interpret these symbols. And in this case, it turned out that the client was looking for a man.
3) Hearing - The psychic reader hears words in the form of mind talk. As though the psychic reader was talking to herself. Sometimes it seems like words are being imagined.
4) Knowing - One of the most profound ways that a psychic reader gets information is through 'knowing'. Suddenly, information appears. And as if by magic, the reader knows something that she didn't know a moment earlier.
5) Smelling and tasting - The psychic reader gets a sense (feels) of smelling or tasting.

How the psychic reader interprets it.

Sometimes you will only get a single word or picture about a person which doesn't provide a clear meaning. You must then go back and ask that symbol to give you more information. More information usually comes through one of the other sources. For example, the picture of the woman fishing on the bridge didn't give an explanation beyond the image itself. When the reader went back for more information, a feeling came to her that the woman was really actively looking for a man to be in her life. The psychic reader goes back to the source as many times as necessary to get a coherent message for her client.

How does a beginner get practice?

1) By meeting new people. - First it is necessary to practice giving readings and also to get feedback. Without feedback a person doesn't know if what they gave to another person made sense or was relevant. Feedback gives a beginner and practicing psychic information on how to interpret the symbols they get.
2) Next, the beginner needs to never fear being wrong. The best psychics and mediums in the world 'screw up' on a regular basis. No body does 100%.
3) This is the perfect place in Sun Signs forum to gain insight into just how good our Pyschic Abilities can become. Readings ANYONE?
Last edited by FloridaLightWorker on Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by michelle2123 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:33 pm

How do you start?


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Getting started. . .

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:44 pm

Hi michelle2123,

When someone comes in and posts they would like a reading, try to find out what question they have or what they are searching for, if they do not state it. (General life readings take a lot practice!)

Then see what you can pick up, something in regard to that question. Refer to the sense impressions, in this post. Keep asking questions to narrow it down. Post the Q & A in forum. That way everyone learns together.

Thank you for asking. . . and good luck! I hope this helps you.

'In the light' . . . Linda :smt051

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Post by aelis2004 » Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:57 pm

Very interesting, Linda... thanks for posting! :) I'll give it a try next time...... :)

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:21 pm

Dear aelis2004,

You are so good at readings and intuition already! I thank you. . .
If this can be of any help, in fine tuning your remarkable 'gift'!

Your positive 'energy' and pleasant attitude is a pleasure to all of us!
In the 'light'. . . Linda :smt050

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Post by aelis2004 » Sun Aug 14, 2005 3:59 pm

Thank you Linda!:smt053 :smt008 Your posts are always very interesting and informative... It's such a pleasure to read them :smt023

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Re: Psychic Readings - Learning How to DO Them

Post by seeking peace » Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:28 pm

Thank you! I feel like a lightbulb was just turned on for me. I have had many girlfriends who read with psychics that would call me regularly with the same questions. I guess I shyed away from it for several reasons (one of which was probably the selfish side of me wanting someone to listen to and help me). I guess I had answers for them and myself inside me that I simply had not recognized.
It all seems to make so much sense now. And now I know I have to open myself back up to those friends who saw something in me that I couldnt (or wouldnt) see in myself.
Angel blessings to all,

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:57 pm

Hiya seeking peace,

I am so happy that a little light bulb went on with this post.
Nice that someone gained something from it.
I understand what you are saying, as there have been times
where I wanted for someone to please give me some answers. . .

I think this is part of our human-ness. Not necessarily being
selfish. . . The truth is: The answers are all 'inside' of us, if we
search for them. It is so much easier to look for answers to life
on the 'outside' of ourselves.

Blessings to you! seeking peace. . . Linda :smt002 :smt060

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