I genuinely need some help.

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I genuinely need some help.

Post by BrightNight » Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:46 am

I have been having a pain at the back of my head just above the neck since a few months and ignoring it now is just not possible.

I feel as if someone has caught hold of my brain and is not allowing me to think or get my intuitions clearly even though I am still able to connect with my inner being.

Today I feel as if my hands have been caught just above my elbow and I feel the pull while I am typing.

At first I thought it is a medical problem but I think not. I do believe that it is a very powerful psychic attack that I have brought upon me, probably someone's wrath for not doin their becking.

I genuinely need help to understand what I can do to overcome this problem.

Chanting and praying, believing in self and the Higher Power are keeping me goin but I dont know how long it will last! I get a feeling that some one is trying to kill me.  :smt017

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Post by reichild » Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:21 am

Hello BrightNight, i see you at a gym (or something like that) you have put your neck and back out (needs manipulating into place) whilst working out.

Also i see you sleeping on a very soft matress (possibly two, one on top of another) against the wall. The matress may be foam? You need a bed that is firmer and either raised above the floor or with some kind of insulation underneath (newspaper does the trick) you need to place the head of the bed against the wall perhaps (so that you are not sleeping against it).

There is something you keep close to yr bed at night (maybe even under your bed or pillow) either a stone or a deck of cards? Whatever it is you let alot of people handle it and i feel one of these people (a male) has handled it and left angry emotional energy attatched to it...you may need to get it cleansed.

If it is a stone, you can wash it in water, bless it and leave it in the sunlight for a while. Then leave it in the light of the full moon (this will energise it).

If it is a deck of cards leave them in your crystal collection over night, wrap them in a cloth with incence of Myrrh and passion flower:

Myrrh - This is ancient incense for protection, healing, purification and spirituality.  

Passionflower - Is used for peace of mind, this sweet scent will soothe troubles and aid in sleep problems.

Also Pine - Burn this for strength, and to reverse negative energies.

Of course there are many different incenses you can use for similar-just go with your instincts. Don't forget to wash and energise your crystals afterwards to remove the negative vibrations they will take from the cards.

Whatever spiritual attacks you are under there is also a physical problem that corresponds with it. You need to deal with both of these.

Love & Light

p.s oh and you need to stop sitting slumped forward, (sit straighter with your shoulders back)  it is bad for your neck and back  :smt006

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Post by BrightNight » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:29 pm

Hi Reichild!!!

Thanks so much! All that you have said seems to fit in place!

I have been doin the yoga trick which will ease the stress in my back but have not been following it up so regularly!

Just yesterday, I shifted the bed so the the head is against the wall, I had been sleeping otherwise before that!

I have very good posture but I guess the stress is making me slump! Will take care of that!

About the cards,
Yes, I sleep with a set of cards which are handled by a lot of people and I need to take care of the energies there, I will do so as advised by you and I have a pyramid given to me by my dad. He had suffered a brain clot a few years back and somehow I get the feeling that I will also meet the same faith! As of now, I have sage incense, cinamon, vanilla, coconut, patchouli, aloe vera, lemon grass, apple. I guess sage would be the best to use right away!!!

I really thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help!!! I have been goin crazy thinking what could have gone wrong with me!  :smt119

Loadsa love and good luck always!

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Post by angel2007 » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:32 pm

Hi BrightNight  :) ,

I don't know anything about psychic attacks,

But I just wish and hope you get well soon.

Maybe have a rest and get a really good massage from
a sports injury physiotherapist. They are really good.

Get well soon  :)


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Post by BrightNight » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:36 pm

Thanks Angel! I already feel better now seeing you here and wishing me well!

I am just about to log off right now and go and get my act together, clear my space and put some salt around my room to clear away the energies!


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Post by reichild » Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:39 pm

you are welcme BrightNight, wish you all the best and let us know when you get better.

p.s. if you are worried about a clot pehaps you need to see a doctor, get a scan at least to put your mind at rest  :)

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Post by angel2007 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 3:39 am

Hi BrightNight,  :smt006

Oh my god, I just realised last time you said you had a connection

with me.

I hope you dont also feel my pain because all last week I had a very sore

NECK and now I am recovering. (WOW).

I hope so much that you are better too.
Let us know how your going. :)

Get well soon


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Post by BrightNight » Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:44 am

Hey Reichild!

Believe me, I am feeling really good and as positive as ever! I actually went rechargin all my crystals and I also know who left me the negative energies. He has been attacking me since a few months now and I was severely ill a month back. I had stopped contacts with the said person ! But something good has come out of it! There are a few others, prayers will take care of that now!

I did have a few stones and crystals that I had bought from a shop whose owner was very temperemental and he sold things to me in anger. I also have a marble box made where I keep my candles and other magic work stuff which was made by someone who had a terrible temper and anger around him! I guess I was sleeping in a room bubbling with negative energies! I guess I am a stronger being now! Not only for being through this but also coming out and asking for help here! I never thought I would need to ask for help!  :smt023

Hey Angel!

I dont know whether I can blame you for my state and it wont be right to do so too! I guess we both needed to heal in someway and maybe things were just piling on one after another for me!! I am glad I am out of it and my neck feels good again!!!

Smiles!!! :smt026

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Post by angel2007 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:45 am

I am so glad you are better,  :)

And hope only best wishes for you always,

From your friend   :smt006

Angel2007 :)

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Post by reichild » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:47 am

so good to hear you have cleared your energies and feeling better...it must be quite a relief :-)

love n light

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Post by BrightNight » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:21 am


Thanks so much Reichild and Angel! It is nice to have friends around who can boost and enhance your being!

I am glad I connected with you and I am now proceeding towards my spiritual goal which had taken a blow and I was wasting a good amount of energy figuring how to cut the negativity! I would not have been able to do this without your support!

Loadsa Love!   :smt045

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Post by angel2007 » Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:42 am

Hi BrightNight,

Its great to hear that your doing well,

I hope your always feeling wonderful,

And its a delight to know your well,

Lots of love


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Post by chrisdee » Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:14 am

I'm not qualified in any way but Ive experienced something similar when meditating you can let through dark entities these lie about who they are to get through then they attach them selves to your aura  i would advise going to a healer at a spiritualist church there they will either help heal your pain or as mine was something called night terrors that had attached its self they will get rid of it for you P.S. they don't charge and are very friendly

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Post by BrightNight » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:15 pm

Hey Angel!!!

Posted you a private message!!! :)

Hey Chrisdee! I really appreciate you informing me about this! I was lucky enough to get things clear with the help of friends here! I will just have to be more careful to protect my aura and clear energies every time I do a reading for others!


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Re: I genuinely need some help.

Post by kramont » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:31 pm

BrightNight wrote:I have been having a pain at the back of my head just above the neck since a few months and ignoring it now is just not possible.

I feel as if someone has caught hold of my brain and is not allowing me to think or get my intuitions clearly even though I am still able to connect with my inner being.
Always look for the obvious first!  Go to a chiropractor!  The brain 'attack' can be high blood presure also.

Today I feel as if my hands have been caught just above my elbow and I feel the pull while I am typing.
The attacks I have endured have stayed in one place unless there are multiple attacks at the same time.  Again go see a chiropractor.  Classic --- head>nech>shoulder>arm!
a very powerful psychic attack that I have brought upon me, probably someone's wrath for not doin their becking.
What a load! Sorry, I saw this in a Disney movie.  If this is a psychic attack more likely it is a low lifeform that attached itself to you during an OOBE.

Chanting and praying, believing in self and the Higher Power are keeping me goin but I dont know how long it will last! I get a feeling that some one is trying to kill me.  :smt017

Someone? You run with a rough crowd.
Praying to God is your best option.  Chant all night and I might kill you!
Okay here is what I did to get rid of two nasty buggers.  I was on the edge of hell moving toward an entity that was asking for help, I knew better but...
I was attacked by an entity that chewed a hole in my spiritual side, right side, I can still feel it after 12 years.  I did an emergency wake up but the entity stayed connected and now I had the physical pain associated with a hole in my side.  I prayed, I enveloped my body in the the white light of God'shealing power.  This did not work.  God teaches and has a sence of humor and I wasn't laughing.
Finally after three days I did an OOBE, I knew they were waiting for me.  Love, light, nothing would remove them so finally I visualized a machine gun and shot the hell out of them.  Looking back, the bullets were concentrated energy of love and light.  They came back and I switched to a flame thrower and blinded everyone within three dimensions (just kidding).  Of course the flame was concentrated love and  white light.  BTW - I've wondered close to hell only one other time, those suckers are tough.
Now go get tough and kick butt.  Act like a hurt victim and they will eat you.  Sorry this was not more warm and fuzzy.

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