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Post by BrightNight » Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:33 am

lol Kramont! I guess God;s sense of humour has rubbed off on ya! But I am actually laughing here! This is what I just need! I have identified where this problem has originated from and I was building up all these negative energies, one attracted another and I was finally finding myself enveloped by it! Damn!!!

BTW - I've wondered close to hell only one other time, those suckers are tough.

They are! I always thought that the power of the good will overtake that of the negative energies, I am starting to think so bloody differently now!

Now go get tough and kick butt.  Act like a hurt victim and they will eat you.  Sorry this was not more warm and fuzzy.

That's just what I need and that's exactly what I am goin to do! I need to kick ass and I need to come out a winner! I shall do it tonight, it's noon here!

Actually all these events drained me out so completely that I had stopped thinking like a positive being!

Besides all this, I found out that I had been made a topic of gossip by some relatives and people who are into black magic and chanting! One of them is my own sister who follows buddhism and has gone and spread rumours about me that I am vicious and jealous and am out to get her, which is not true! These people have been chanting vehemently and I am also carrying this burden and am unable to get rid of the stress or talk with my parents about it! I tried and my mom refuses to believe me or she wont just see from my point of view and in the bargain, she wont even talk with me now! These are the developments of the past one week!

These people have made other's believe such a load of shit about me, that  it is humanly impossible to correct the wrong done to me! My only source of help is a miracle, which I am desperately waiting for!!!! Or maybe I will try to sort them out in the OOBE tonight and get back here!!!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Mar 16, 2007 3:12 pm

FLOW SPIRIT FLOW!  It is the most important aspect of psychic/energy work.  When we are attuned to our own spirit and working with it to bring a message to someone, we must remember to flow with it.  We can not hold the message back to see it clearer or longer, we must let it flow in then out at its own speed...which is instantaneously sometimes.  

When we try to hold energies back they create discomfort and pain.  It is all about flow.

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Post by BrightNight » Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:30 am

Hi Spiritalk!

How remarkably apt you are at diagonising what was wrong! There was no flow in  my life, I was not being heard and there was a disconnect that had been created between me and people who would hear me out! I am sure of this and my OOBE experience yesterday is a proof.

My OOBE yesterday afternoon after I posted here.

I saw a wall coming closer up on me as if wanting to crush me completely! The most surprising part is, the moment I was out of my body, there was this robocop like figure(looks like I ahve been watching too many films) who shot at the wall making holes and there on, I took the task and made some huge holes at both ends so that I get moving space. I moved out of these holes to breathe relief.

Then these walls started coming close to each other till they stuck but I was already out by then. I can still see the wall and I know that I have to take care of it completely, but for now, I am very very drained.

I also spoke with these people spreading rumours about me telling them to stop and tellin them that it wont work now.

At night, I did an OOBE again and this time, it was some slimy looking ball creature which was all gluey and like gelatin. This thing actually started running away from me and I wanted to catch it, I can feel it is around somewhere but right now too scared to make a move. I slept while I was in meditation but got up to a presence in my room, which I ahve been feeling around 2.30am since a very very long time, maybe 10 years now. This presence somehow could not get into my aura and this time it was guised as a red rope light, which was around the corner of my room like a snake trying to move.

I guess I need a few more days to start getting things settled with these energies!

After that, I would like to know who is the actual culprit behind all this.

Thanks people, love you all for the support and boost that I got from you!

God Bless.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:23 pm

The astral level you are flying in is just not the best source of spirituality (if that is your goal).  The fact is the astral plane is the lowest level non-physical vibration and is full of low level, uneducated and mischieveous entities ready to lead the unsuspecting astray rather than enlighten.

For some exercises to reach higher, if interested, let me know.  The higher realms have so much more elevated and reliable information for the seeker.

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Post by chrisdee » Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:37 pm

spiritalk wrote:The astral level you are flying in is just not the best source of spirituality (if that is your goal).  The fact is the astral plane is the lowest level non-physical vibration and is full of low level, uneducated and mischieveous entities ready to lead the unsuspecting astray rather than enlighten.

For some exercises to reach higher, if interested, let me know.  The higher realms have so much more elevated and reliable information for the seeker.
Is it possible for you to put these exercises on here please  :smt059

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:16 am

spiritalk wrote: For some exercises to reach higher, if interested, let me know.  The higher realms have so much more elevated and reliable information for the seeker.
Hi Spiritalk,

I also would love to hear about your exercises it is always good to know more and other ways.  I do know at times I find it a little boggy to get through the first level and am wondering if my techniques at times may be leading me astray.  Sometimes I just soar up and its so breezy and light.

I use candles and visualise my chakras and white light myself and do my meditations.  I'm wondering though is it important to try push through this phase when it appears or just to accept it may not be the best time to keep trying and leave it for another time?  Or does my boggyness actually indicate that I need to do it more?

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Post by BrightNight » Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:20 am

hey Spiritalk.

I absolutely understand and know what you are telling me.  knew this kind of astral travel since 1995 but it was only now that I took it upon me to meditate after a good 12 years and that too when i was reminded that I knew this stuff.

To deal with imaginary ghosts, I had to get into their realm and I did, mission accomplished.

And yeah, I would absolutely love to know more about how to enhance my spiritual power and excercises for it, please do tell me.  :)

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:15 pm

I believe all exercises begin with our own spirituality...this is not religion or religious practices...it is getting in touch with our own spirituality and raising your sights from the materialism of our world to the more spiritual realms of spirit communion.  (Many discussions here are referencing the changes the world is going through and will continue to manifest as it changes from materialism to spiritualism over the next few years...the time is now to get into that flow!)

To do this, I think we need to meditate with a distinct interest in forgetting the physical/material body through some deep breathing exercises...into the diaphram...gently and strongly...then see it as blowing up a balloon deep within your centre.  As you squeeze the balloon to release your air...you are also releasing all the tensions and stresses of the body.  

Flow is our most important ideal.  Open a spot above the crown (I am not using the chakras nor referencing them at all) and see the light of your own spirit reaching out and being joined by a wonderful light from above (we can visualize until it manifests) colour being as important and individual as each person who meditates.  

As you see the light going through the body you 'feel' it warming and releasing tensions as it flows into the head, then down the neck and shoulders, down the arms and hands, down the body (back and front) over the hips and down the legs releasing at the feet.  As you continue to flow in this manner, the body will dissolve into the spirit awareness.

In the forehead picture a scene from nature...a garden, a waterfall, a mountain top, a beach, etc....whatever resonnates with your own soul.  This is to become your own personal place of peace when the energies rage elsewhere.

To attune with the specific guide of your own mediumship, put a seat of some sort into your scene so that your guide can join you.  Your spirit is now reaching out in attunement to the spirit without.

As the energy changes (we do not need names, dates, places for our guides...humility dictates they wish anonymity rather than recognition) they are there and ready and willing to communicate.  Your questions get answered and it is important to give so attune with someone you know of who may need your help or attention (as in doing a reading).  The flow will be so warm and loving and the reading so much more valid for reaching spirit in this way.

Always continue to read, see movies, etc. that enhance the spirituality you feel and wish to enhance.  We are a changing, growing and becoming individual all the time.  These changes occur on the spirituality of our awareness as well.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:24 pm

spiritalk wrote:I believe all exercises begin with our own spirituality...this is not religion or religious practices...it is getting in touch with our own spirituality and raising your sights from the materialism of our world to the more spiritual realms of spirit communion.  (Many discussions here are referencing the changes the world is going through and will continue to manifest as it changes from materialism to spiritualism over the next few years...the time is now to get into that flow!)

To do this, I think we need to meditate with a distinct interest in forgetting the physical/material body through some deep breathing exercises...into the diaphram...gently and strongly...then see it as blowing up a balloon deep within your centre.  As you squeeze the balloon to release your air...you are also releasing all the tensions and stresses of the body.  

Flow is our most important ideal.  Open a spot above the crown (I am not using the chakras nor referencing them at all) and see the light of your own spirit reaching out and being joined by a wonderful light from above (we can visualize until it manifests) colour being as important and individual as each person who meditates.  

As you see the light going through the body you 'feel' it warming and releasing tensions as it flows into the head, then down the neck and shoulders, down the arms and hands, down the body (back and front) over the hips and down the legs releasing at the feet.  As you continue to flow in this manner, the body will dissolve into the spirit awareness.

In the forehead picture a scene from nature...a garden, a waterfall, a mountain top, a beach, etc....whatever resonnates with your own soul.  This is to become your own personal place of peace when the energies rage elsewhere.

To attune with the specific guide of your own mediumship, put a seat of some sort into your scene so that your guide can join you.  Your spirit is now reaching out in attunement to the spirit without.

As the energy changes (we do not need names, dates, places for our guides...humility dictates they wish anonymity rather than recognition) they are there and ready and willing to communicate.  Your questions get answered and it is important to give so attune with someone you know of who may need your help or attention (as in doing a reading).  The flow will be so warm and loving and the reading so much more valid for reaching spirit in this way.

Always continue to read, see movies, etc. that enhance the spirituality you feel and wish to enhance.  We are a changing, growing and becoming individual all the time.  These changes occur on the spirituality of our awareness as well.
Thankyou Spiritalk for taking the time to reply.  I shall try this and remove the chakras and use the crown suggestion as you mentioned.  I do love this warmth feeling, it is indescribable as it is just so....ummm.....full and complete......hmmm...yes hard to describe.  It is a feeling I truly enjoy.

Its funny how often i have to remind myself to remain centred as I get caught up in my emotions and need to visualise my space.  Its atop a huge mountian with a pebbly path, snow caped mountains suround.  An open place above with my head in the clouds and always greeted by my guide.  Lovely!


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:28 pm

All emotions deplete the spirit connection.  So it is not about our emotions...when we take this experience beyond the emotions, we find the spirit and there is nothing more warm and welcoming.

You are always in charge of your own body, mind, spirit...never give that power away to anyone....not your guide (they will not want it) not to your guardian (they know to leave it in your hands for free will choices) and not to anyone that comes from spirit realms (no matter how well meaning you believe them to be...those with your best interests will not want to take away any of your power...but will re-energize you as you go in love).

When we study the aura...I see it as 3 energies around and interpenetrating the body...the first being our health.  The second...wide and large...is our emotions...and the third is our spirituality.  Imagine as it flows out from the body....how far away it is to try and draw it through our emotions into our body, mind, spirit balance.  That is the thought that came to mind with your comments.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:41 pm

spiritalk wrote:When we study the aura...I see it as 3 energies around and interpenetrating the body...the first being our health.  The second...wide and large...is our emotions...and the third is our spirituality.  Imagine as it flows out from the body....how far away it is to try and draw it through our emotions into our body, mind, spirit balance.  That is the thought that came to mind with your comments.
Thanks spritalk I shall try that as mentioned.   I am generally a very feely kind of person and usually put a feeling to everything although this is something I am trying to control as it can become very exhausting.  Especially during readings etc.
Thankyou very much for all your suggestions.  Its wonderful having an experienced person  offer ideas.

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Post by BrightNight » Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:33 am

Hi Spiritalk!

So simple, the techniques you gave. I never practised meditation for this reason, people used to make things look so complicated that the whole process sounded boring.

I enjoyed reading what you had to say and will try this form of meditation to re-connect with my energies!

Thanks so much!  :smt051

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