Medium Abilities

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Medium Abilities

Post by RedWhisper » Mon Dec 18, 2006 2:37 pm

Any suggestions on how to strengthen and control natural medium abilities?

I get my best and most accurate visions in dreams, but at this point have no control over when I get them, or who I will see. In fact, I rarely see people I was close to in life.

For example, before my wedding, I saw my Great Grandmother (whom I never met), and she came to congratulate me on the event. I asked her about her own marriage (family legend said it was very bad), and she told me she was a correspondence bride, which explained a lot. She also told me that the men in her family didn't approve, but that she was afraid to be sent back to Austria.

I told my grandmother this story, and she said my Grandfather confirmed that much of it was true. I also described her, and her dress (long, powder blue,  ruffled sleeves) matched the one she was buried in.

I've had many instances like this. I just have no idea how to focus them.

My other abilities vary, but are not that strong.  I'm an intuitive. And very clueless.

I've been learning to read tarot cards, and while they are wonderful and insightful, they do not connect to medium abilities.

Suggestions welcome!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 18, 2006 3:39 pm

That which manifests in dreams by the chance of your mind, can happen by design with meditation.  There are techniques and exercises in meditation that helps to open and expand the mediumship in anyone.

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Medium abilities??

Post by jenchocaholic » Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:48 am

First of all, do you trust yourself?

Meditation is definitely helpfull, though might I suggest you join a group, with a leader to guide you though. It is controlled, safe and you won't stay out too long.

Have you also looked into pendulums and crystal balls. These give instant results, although you will not have the back of a second opinion ie. feeling someone is departing and turning over the knight of wands.

Xtal balls - no you do not need to invest in a xtal ball to find out if you can do it. Apply all the rules, blue quiet etc but use an old glass jar with blue ink in it. I used this for many years untill I found (and could afford) the right xtal ball.

Be kind to yourself,


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Post by RedWhisper » Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:05 am

Thanks for the advice. I will look into all angles. Meditation and group activities are interesting. I never thought of crystal balls before, but its a great idea to explore.

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Mediumship Notes

Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:23 pm

MEDIUMSHIP IS....attuning our vibration to the spirit teachers and guides; which power is used for the benefit of mankind.

Everything in the universe is vibration; each form of life vibrates at their own point of evolution. Each plane from the physical to the highest spiritual has its own vibration; each individual on these planes have their own personal vibration.

We know that radio stations operate on their own frequency and if we want to tune into a particular station we must turn the radio dial to accomplish fine-tuning. So it is when we attune ourselves to spiritual or physical frequencies; whether it be for spiritual knowledge or to help a friend in need. Our minds are the dial and through our mental capabilities, we can tune into the desired vibrations.

With mediumship, we are endeavouring to help those who are earnestly seeking to open the doors of spiritual awareness find their true selves. We hope to give them guidelines to unfold their gifts of the spirit, which are our divine heritage.

No one can do this for you; you must do this for yourself. We can only encourage and advise you; the path you will be treading will not be an easy one. It will be fraught with pitfalls and with discouragement, but to the student, who keeps plodding on the path with eyes on the goal, there will be great rewards reaped.

The trials and tribulations, when used constructively, can only serve to make you stronger in all levels of your being, bringing peace, and balance into your lives.

In spiritual awareness, we now realize that no one, neither an earth teacher nor one in the spiritual realms, can give us this insight into our total being. This is something for which we must strive and attain by our own efforts.

Our teachers, both physical and spiritual, can only give us guidance and encouragement. They will show us how to apply what we are learning in a constructive manner. They will, when invited, work with us in our mental level to help and assist us in dealing with those whom we contact that need our help and assistance.

In the final analysis, it is we who are going to do the learning; we who must accept the responsibilities of utilizing what knowledge we have gained and it is we who have the final say in how we apply what we learn to our physical existence.

As we evolve spiritually and our desires to know and understand are sincere, all things thought to be mysterious are revealed. The universe has no secrets, only ignorance and lack of understanding.

Knowledge is power and power carries with it, responsibility. If the motives for power are not high intent, we advise the student to leave the doors closed until they find the higher self-coming to the forefront.

Power should not be abused, but rather it should be used to better the world in which we live. We should have a full and complete understanding of the spiritual laws and their operation.

The first lesson to be learned is patience; not to hurry our progress but to be content to take one step at a time. Fully understand that step which we have taken before desiring to go on to the next. In this way, our progress and unfolding will be much faster and smoother for you will never have to take that step again. Patience practiced now, will make sure, solid steps in our unfolding of self.

You must unlearn all that stands in your way of spiritual enlightenment by releasing old concepts which have hindered your advancement in awareness, leaving the ground fertile for your budding new awareness in which to grow to the full realization of your purpose for being and your relationship with the universe. The ultimate goal is to find the perfection of soul and the full awareness that we are one with God.

A medium is one who, through the power of clairvoyance and its attendant facets, is in direct contact with a discarnate entity. This ability enables them to give certain detailed facts, which prove that the knowledge is received from a conscious, living, communicative entity.

This ability is factual, is not dependent on the qualities of the subject mind. This ability is able to co-ordinate the subjective and spiritual forces to make the message objective.

Man is a triune being: BODY, MIND, SPIRIT. The body is the overcoat of a physical condition to manifest in a material existence. It contains all the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste and uses these attributes to manifest in the material condition through every sensory attitude of the physical body.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:24 pm

**Continued from Mediumship Part 1**

The spirit is an exact duplicate of the physical body manifesting all experience and recording it as the sum total of man's experience in his existence.

The mind is the bridge between the physical body and the spirit body. In the physical, the mind uses the brain to gain all information, to record all information and to function as a body in the material condition. It has many levels of consciousness in its functions.

In the spirit, the mind is the information gathering function, which allows the spirit, through the duplicate brain, to record all experience for use in eternity. The mind is not the brain; it only uses it as the vehicle through which to function in our existence (both spirit and physical).

This is the sum total of man's genetic makeup for existence. The soul is the spark of life from God, which animates man's creation. It is the whole, perfect part of man sown like a seed to blossom into the spiritual creation of God's intent. As the acorn becomes the mighty oak, so man's soul can blossom into a mighty power for good.

The mind could perhaps be rightfully called the bridge between the spirit and the material body, for through its assistance the rapid vibrations of the spirit body are lowered until they fuse with the slower vibrations of the material body, thereby causing the spirit body to manifest through the material. The three co-relate, one with the other, forming a perfect whole.

Through development, a medium learns to become more sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world and more selective. As the medium develops, they become aware of the emanations from several controlling spirits who become guides, or helpers, each specializing in the function for which the medium is used as an instrument.

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Post by amadea1949 » Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:14 am

You have to be careful to protect yourself with grounding and light.  I used to do a lot of automatic writing.  I recieved a lot of messages and it was fun.  A few times I had a spirit take me over, not while doing automatic writing but just by visiting my sister.  I tranced out and started speaking Spanish, which I didn't know.  When you get into that kind of thing, you must always be ready for it .  It never hurt me but she had to slap me to bring me out of it.  
 You have to be strong and not be afraid.  It can really be an experience. Just make sure you are ready for it.  It will come when you are truly ready. Another thing is never just play around with it.  You must be serious. Good luck and Happy New Year.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:17 pm

Mediumship done in a circle (group) is so much better.  We can question the phenomena and aspects with freedom of thought while experiencing and learning.  

When someone drops into a random trance...slapping isn't the best or most effective way to bring them out.  Try cold water on the forehead, wrist or back of the neck.  It is more gentle and most effective.

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Post by amadea1949 » Sun Dec 31, 2006 4:09 am

Oh I know slapping is not good, lol....but that was when we didn't know exactly what was happening.  We hadn't had a lot of experience then and didn't know the things we know now.  Thanks for the advice though.  We can all learn from each other.

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Post by MysticalMoose » Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:28 pm

Hello.  :smt006 I would certainly recommend joining a circle  - look around & find a Spiritualist Group or Church & go along to get the feel of the place, you will know if it feels like your kind of place. The most important thing is to take it slowly & not rush - we all want to learn & do it now , - I know I have been thru the same. I found that the right person came along at miraculously the right time - when I was living in Spain & was not working & i had all day & evenings free to devote to my learning with little or no distraction. I was very fortunate to find a lovely group mostly much older than me who took pleasure in their teaching. It is an great honour to be in contact with those in Spirit & I truly hope that you find  & enjoy the help that you are searching for.  :smt039

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Post by Teena » Fri Mar 16, 2007 2:12 am

I have mediumship abilities which I am still in the process of trying to develop and hone.  I meditate and go to psychic development classes with a local psychic who I have found to be quite good.  When it is the right time the people that can help you seem to find the way into your life. I have had two mentors now and both came to me almost by accident.  The first was the aunty of a neighbour I heard my neighbour talking about so I asked for her number, I went for a reading and was asked to come back for training.  The other is a local shop owner I stumbled upon for a reading one day and again was asked to return for training.  I read as much as I can about psychic development and meditate as often as I can whether it be for ten minutes or an hour.  Good Luck.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:18 pm

Timing is an interesting thing.  I don't know of anyone that can sustain a thought (which is what meditation means) for more than a short period of time...even returning the mind time and again to that thought.  If you stay in meditation too long it can be an exercise in futility because you have to keep the mind corraled and that can be as uncomfortable as coming into consciousness.

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I get messages for strangers sometimes

Post by thepeagunpath » Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:06 pm

In my 1/2 awake state. It happens when it wants. I'd like to learn how to do it on purpose *lol*.

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Post by werasx » Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:32 pm

Hi, Is being psychic ok for christians?I would think If It something you cant control but how does this work out If you start to work on improving skills?

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RE:Is being psychic ok for christians?

Post by thepeagunpath » Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:43 pm

That depends on who you ask. Some will say its the "Devils" work, others will say its a gift from god. Ya just have to do whats right for you ;)

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