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Post by BLACKCAT » Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:26 pm

Hello Everyone,       warning i just read back my post, it's long. i could have stopped to at least take a breath, jeez.

you guys have said some very nice things about me :smt053 I'm getting flushed in the face.
i value and respect all the insight i have been given. i agree with with much of what everybody said. Rhutobello I too think it is a "money thing"
with my son's dad . The things that he continues to do, make it very hard to believe that. his latest is making Justin do lunges in his courtyard so all the neighbors can see he is being punished. I don't want to start getting into all that now, I'm trying to stay positive.
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Post by Samson » Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:03 pm

Oh Jodi why are you so hard on yourself, I do feel your pain and I also understand how hard it is to forgive yourself, but you can do it, in fact I know you can, stuff the past look at your future there's a lot waiting for you, I know that you can't see it right now but it's there, just waiting for you to accept it. I'm here for you my friend.

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Post by Rhutobello » Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:07 pm

I might be out of order....or we might think the same....but I will back to the forgiveness thing.

What you have done, is done, and it have given you a very bad expirience, that somhow is both bad and good. Bad in the way that it destroyed your life in that time epoke and bad since it destroyed your abbility to follow your sons growth.
But this is thing that have happen, nothing you do can change it, you can never undo it....B U T you can use it.
You have been stronger then before, you can talk with greater authority, you might even volunteer to tell youth about it, you can use it in many differnt way, but you and your son must have an open and good talk about it first.

If you go around and feel that you can't forgive yourself, then this will have a great influence on your life and will act as schackles.
When you get back your boy, he will soon notice "your guilt feelings" and this will be used as crowbar to get his own whishes fulfilled.
I can't see this will be to his advance, but I am sure it will happen if you don't axcept that fact that in order to help him you must forgive yourself.

I know!!! It's much much more easy for me to say it, then for you to do it....but on the other hand...I sit outside of your family and can see it another way!

Good luck....you have my respect at least !

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:44 pm

Even when we can not forgive, we can release!  Let go of all that pain!  When you have been able to release any consequence, then you can begin thinking about forgiveness.  

It is a hard road.  And releasing the energy you are holding is the hardest part.  But if you have a higher power (God) release to those hands of peace and love.  In that way, you are not interfering with your own healing.  And it also allows God to choose another path for all concerned...somehow this is not our responsibility...and it is only what is ours to do we are responsible to do.

Your thinking is still all over the map!  Zero in...it is only YOU that is important!  In that way, you can make more reasoned decisions, without taking EVERYONE into account.  What is best for you is what is best!

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Post by Nicole » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:43 pm

Just a quick note:

You have to like you self before you can like others..
I know been there done that.. You Have to love your self before you can love others... You've changed so much.. Teach your self, train your self I like me.. I love me. I'm good, I'm not that same person years ago.. Start training your mind... I'm good, I love me, I like me, I'm good.. I like me, I love me.. I'm good... Love thy self... It's not being stuck on your self.. It's learning to be able to forgive and have peace in mind and soul...

Your Shadow watching over you~!! *Smiles*  :smt006

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Post by BLACKCAT » Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:50 pm

thanks everyone,
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Post by Nicole » Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:55 pm

BLACKCAT wrote:ok everyone,

let me first that i don't hate myself. before i had gotten sober, i couldn't.t stand to be in my own skin. that is not the case today. i believe i'm a pretty nice person. i'm kind to ppl, even when they make me crazy :smt101 which is a lot.
i try to always be fair and honest. and i keep my word. these things i could have never said 5 years ago. Maybe i'm too hard on myself, but that's just were i am right now. i know that nothing stays the same. hopefully a few years from now everyone will be at peace with each other and THEMSELVES i noticed that no one answered my question from my last post???? why is that??? I take all that you guys say to heart! okay,
almost all of it.  :) everything is as it suppose to be at this moment in time, weather i choose to agree with it or not.

thanks everyone,
Kitty Cat said~!!
i only want the pain for everyone to go away. and i ask u all this. if the tables were turned and you were looking at all these lives's, your kids, yours, his father's, your parents and families? and the truth is you have created all this pain and suffering in their life's, and the consequences are still causing heartache for all involved. how easy do you think it would be to find the good thing in you, and be forgiving? be honest.

Your right.. I would be very hard on my self, It would take me years, if any.... I didn't over look your post.. I didn't reply because I'm like that as well.. I'm very hard on my self about things in my life... I guess it's to easy to say to others, don't be hard on your self.. I'm sorry, I should of know better to fool you... Who am I kidding... But in other words. I want what's best for you and your family... I do learn from what I say to others.. I try to do what's best.. I feel like I failed if I didn't get through to others and my self... Or if I'm unsure I wont say anything also...

Is this what you wanted~?

I try not to step on other ppl's toes.. I tend to say things wrong and not what I really mean... &nbsp;Meaning it just comes out wrong....

Shadow is off behind a tree...lol &nbsp;:smt006

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Post by Samson » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:13 pm

Blackcat, I think just about everybody has said what they wanted; to help you including myself, we want nothing but the best for you and would like to see you smiling again, I'm trying to be really positive here and hoping that all goes well for you, so my friend keep your chin up, I believe in you.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:16 pm

Of course it's hard to do and easy for us to say, that you have to forgive yourself.

In my opinion is that not the main issue here....If we agree with you that what you have done is so bad that you hardly should be able to "forgive" (never forget) then we would agree or most likely, said nothing.

When we point out that you can forgive yourself,(agein..never forget...two different thing) then this goes on our evaluation from the little we know about you, that you have managed to get rid of drug, back in work, show very good feelings toward this community (this show that you have this feelings in you), then we as your friends can express that you are allowed to forgive yourself.

Of course the forgiveness is all up to you, but I hope with our statement that a tiny thought get a foothold inside your brain, that at least some people lare fond of you and think you are a good girl :)

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Post by Samson » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:58 pm

Blackcat, sure you had done some s**tful things in your past and I believe a lot of people have done the same if not worse than yourself, but sometimes we need to look at the future to see were we are going and leave that other crap behind us, so that we can build and be strong again, I know forgiving yourself is hard because I struggle with that as well, if i'm willing to give it a try I think you can as well.

P.S Just leave your past baggage at the railway station to get lost with crowd.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:06 am

OK you guys, i think u guys think I'm mad in my posts. i'm not at all. i was just curious how u guys would handle the situation.
i think things have gotten much better with my new attorney. i wasn't saying i wasn't even going to try not to forgive myself. i just think i'm right where i'm suppose to be. and i'm OK with that. for the most part i have made peace with my past. but just as nicole said she is hard on herself, i have always been that way. so lets move on to brighter things. life is good,
and i have many blessings to be grateful for. and everything will turn out as it should. now lets put this all to bed. :)

blackcat &nbsp;:smt006

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Post by Nicole » Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:33 am

BLACKCAT wrote:OK you guys, i think u guys think I'm mad in my posts. i'm not at all. i was just curious how u guys would handle the situation.
i think things have gotten much better with my new attorney. i wasn't saying i wasn't even going to try not to forgive myself. i just think i'm right where i'm suppose to be. and i'm OK with that. for the most part i have made peace with my past. but just as nicole said she is hard on herself, i have always been that way. so lets move on to brighter things. life is good,
and i have many blessings to be grateful for. and everything will turn out as it should. now lets put this all to bed. :)

blackcat  :smt006
Sounds good sis...lol
I'm heading to ZzZ soon...lol &nbsp;:smt015
Have a great night~!! &nbsp;:)

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:18 am

The thing I love about here, is that so many ppl think about others & give advise to help others, even ones we have never ever seen in our life & have spoken for the first time.

No one thinks u are mad blackcat, if u are, than I think I am a PSYCHO, & since I am not, u can't be mad.

About the forgiving part, u have made peace with ur past, that is good to hear, but I think u are not hard, but very hard, maybe even harsh or ruthless when it comes to u, u are very self-critical of urself, that means u are ur own biggest critic, I know that because that is how I am too. So first I will tell u to stop being ur own harshest critic, & start being soft on urself (don't know if soft is the right word).

Irrespective of what all u felt for ur ex-husband, u know the fact that he is also suffering & u don't want to hurt him or destroy him anymore, that speaks volumes of ur growth or wisdom. Forgive him & urself & forget it, & both of u try to do the best for ur son, that is what u can do to make him happy, & make sure that he doesn't do any mistake like the ones his parents have made. I know it is all easier said than done, esoecially for someone who isn't in ur shoes & one who doesn't even have the expirence to talk about this stuff. But all I ask u is Trust me about this, it will work out well.

What u must be more interested in is "What is best for ur son?", even if u don't get custodial rights, u ask for permission to meet ur son, to be involved in his life, to take decissions for his welfare. I think u must try making peace with his father too, & tell him that u are not out to snatch ur son from him, but to make sure that ur son has a better life than u both could ever have, have a better future than ur past. I think he will agree too.

About this....
i only want the pain for everyone to go away. and i ask u all this. if the tables were turned and you were looking at all these lives's, your kids, yours, his father's, your parents and families? and the truth is you have created all this pain and suffering in their life's, and the consequences are still causing heartache for all involved. how easy do you think it would be to find the good thing in you, and be forgiving? be honest.

To be honest, I might never really forgive myself, but I said I might, because for me then my children's life & future would be more improtant than anything, even my life & then my families & parents life & future would be next in the list, & then myself. &nbsp;It would be difficult to forgive myself, love myself, & forget my past, but still I would try to do it because I don't want others to suffer more than they have already done.

Don't know what else to say, but do hope that did help u.

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Post by angelmama » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:59 pm

I will never figure out the court system...if you have a high paid good lawyer and can act in front of the judge the other person doesn't stand a chance. My ex is Jekyl and Hyde. In front of the judge he plays the game and acts a certain way and then once out of court all hell breaks lose and he won't even follow the court order. I have custody of 2 of my kids, the other 2 are in foster care. The ex who abused us, and who continues to pose problems still has managed to gain extended unsupervised access even though it states he has no parenting ability and there has been repeated continual problems with his conduct towards the children. &nbsp;I have never abused my kids, however, because I spoke up about my safety concerns about their father I only get limited supervised access to the 2 in foster care, so I cannot corrupt their mind with negative messages about their dad which I have never done. I am finding that the system overall needs to change, there are more and more abusers gaining custody and access, and those of us who speak up to protect the children are condemned and persecuted for it.

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