How do I stop being afraid?

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How do I stop being afraid?

Post by mystic_chick » Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:08 pm

Hi everyone!

I am trying to develop my psychic abilities and I am going to be doing this by first praticing a meditation and relaxation exercise,but I am a little afraid of what might happen.

I did another exercise a couple of months ago that I found in a book about getting in touch with your guardian angel.As I was doing the exercise,I felt something touching my face and the name "Sara" popped into my head.

I guess the reason I'm scared is I really didn't expect anything like that to happen and now ever since that day,I have been hearing someone say my name.I will look around and I will not see anyone  :smt017

This happens even at work(I am the only Rhonda there) and I am driving my husband crazy because I am constantly saying to him "Did you just call me?"

Is something going on or am I just imagining all this? (or going crazy!)

What can I expect from doing my exercises?I don't want to get caught by surprise.

Thank you so much


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Post by Evie » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:13 pm

Hi Mystic chick....

Welcome to the forum.... Interesting... I  get this too ...
"We are Sara".....  :smt017  I don't know what this  means
but it doesn't scare me, it rather confirms that I feel more
than one energy protecting me.     :smt051  :smt051
:smt051  :smt051

I also hear my name gently spoken.... I like it.
:smt007 A LOT!

Protection???? ... what are YOU doing to protect yourself and
your space? This is the first thing you be practising... (I was
going to use that emoticon that shakes it's finger at you but
changed my mind... even though he is really really cute... )
I really don't want to talk to you like that ... not on you first day
here. :)  
Learn all about protecting yourself and then you will lose the fear.... ...  :smt003

Nice to meet you.
P E A C E  from  
Evie ...   :smt109

OH... :smt005  ONE more thing.... I am sure that WE are not crazy! OKAY

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Post by BLACKCAT » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:02 pm

my question is this. are you really afraid? or are you just startled. i feel your truly not afraid of whats happening. i also don't feel that when you did this exercises, while you might have doubted your own ability, you did on some level expect it to work. otherwise why do it? here's my take on this. if this truly scares you and this is not what you want, or if you feel uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form. then stop doing exercises like this. only you know weather this is a good being or not? you already know in your heart. don't ever second guess yourself. if you want it to go away, there are things you can do to make it stop calling your name and go away. the advice to protect yourself was very good. ground yourself first and center yourself after you do something like this. but the truth of the matter is you did a exercises to get in touch with your guardian angel, and when it answered you, you didn't answer back. you must always be ready for any kind of outcome. don't do anything just to try it. if your not prepared you could open up some bad things. my suggestion to you is either answer it, or apologize for calling it, and tell it your not ready yet. ignoring it will not make it stop. it's as confused as you are at this point.

hope that helps,

peace, blackcat

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:26 am

If hearing your name is scaring you the reason they keep calling is to get your attention.  So say within Yes I hear you what do you want to tell me?....then let it flow...

If you are scared they wont come unless you are ready the last thing they want to do is make it harder on us or scare us.

Read up on protecting yourself with white light, look into and study grounding techniques so that you are prepared.  Next time if you hear the voice and you want it to stop then ask it to.  Let them know that you do not want to make contact just yet until your more comfortable with the process.   You have control and becoming sacred is usually due to a fear that you have lost that control so take back the reigns.

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Post by mystic_chick » Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:18 am

Hi everyone!

Thank you for responding!

After reading everyones posts I went ahead and did the relaxation exercise.

Nothing really happened(but it's my first time) the only thing that happened that I was wondering about was the fact that I was very aware of my body.I could feel my blood moving through my veins.

My shirt touching my skin was uncomfortable.In fact..I was in my room doing the relaxation exercise when my son called me from downstairs to see what I was doing.When I heard his voice calling my name,it felt like a big jolt! Now that really surprised me! It really stung!

Maybe it was because I was really into the exercise.. :smt017

I am writing everthing that happens in my journal so I can keep track of my experiences.

Thanks everyone!


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:07 am

Keeping everything in a jouranl is certainly the best way to keep your info and also to know what means what.  So for me the eifell tower means the person is falling in love son.  A priest means I have connected witht he sitter real father whom is either deceased or the message pertain to the sitters father.  So there are many ways that symbols will mean something and its all diferent for everyone.  Its a good idea that when you get a symbol to write down what it measn to you and if it is accurate etc.

Goodluck and dont forget we all prgoress at different times in different ways sometimes it will go quick and slow down but no two people are the same.  do what resonates with you and your doing it the right way for you!

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Post by Courage » Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:53 pm

They say "curiousity killed the cat, satisfaction brought him back".
You look for things and at things all the time.  it might charge you up to see the unknown.  maybe you could say wow.  and it may only be temporary-you'd forget the paranoria and fear to have it all again.

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Post by nnt » Tue May 15, 2007 1:50 pm

Hey Rhonda,

First of all change your attitute towards the things you are experiancing.

for example, next time when you here your name think as if it is your beloved one who want totalk to  you, if it scares, take it as something comedy, for example, if you here Saaaaaaaarrrrrrrraaaaaaaaa.......then repeate it again  in a funny mannner.....soon you will find this situation very light and you will find that the experiance is worth.

Moreover Fear is a false expectation of unreal situations....

I think you are brave enough .......

hope things will work out for the wa can you tell me which book you read on the subject?


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