Question about Auras

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Question about Auras

Post by Flame haired one » Wed May 23, 2007 6:35 pm

I have been told that when a 'spirit/guide/someone' is trying to enter your aura or 'touch you' in some way; that you will feel it by them penetrating your aura.  I have experienced chills that are not 'cold' shivering.  But, along certain parts of my body for periods of time in warm rooms and no drafts.  Could anyone enlighten me?  I now acknowledge the presence...just unknown if I should be saying hello to whoever/unknown...if this is a real phenomena.  


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Post by Samson » Thu May 24, 2007 9:04 am

When that happens to me I ask them to leave.

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Re: Question about Auras

Post by Nicole » Thu May 24, 2007 10:07 am

Flame haired one wrote:I have been told that when a 'spirit/guide/someone' is trying to enter your aura or 'touch you' in some way; that you will feel it by them penetrating your aura.  I have experienced chills that are not 'cold' shivering.  But, along certain parts of my body for periods of time in warm rooms and no drafts.  Could anyone enlighten me?  I now acknowledge the presence...just unknown if I should be saying hello to whoever/unknown...if this is a real phenomena.  

Angels talk to you also FHO...
How do you feel, safe and cosy~?
If it's a nice feeling talk to them...
They talk to us all the time..
He maybe giving you a hug..  :)

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 24, 2007 2:52 pm

IF you know the presence can be trusted, open to it.  If you do NOT trust the presence, dismiss it.  Spirit impressions come in many ways - even the physical - with shivers of acknowledgement.  Many psychic/mediums have felt those confirmations of their own words.

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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 4:24 pm

spiritalk wrote:IF you know the presence can be trusted, open to it.  If you do NOT trust the presence, dismiss it.  Spirit impressions come in many ways - even the physical - with shivers of acknowledgement.  Many psychic/mediums have felt those confirmations of their own words.
IDK what type of presence it is.  I do not feel threatened, so, I assume it is not bad.  It happens to me maybe every month or so.  Sometimes a couple times in the same evening or only once.  It always affects my left side and has now spread from my left side/behind my thigh to also include my upper back.  It starts out small and spreads to encompass this area that I speak of.  

This is not an occurence that has happened all of my life, it has started only in the past year; when I have begun to acknowledge certain experiences or want to learn different things.

Anyone have any thoughts on communication - if I do not feel threatened?  Or is it more of them letting me know that they are here?

Thanks for the responses so far.   :)

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 24, 2007 9:31 pm

If you are purposefully attuning (it is a process of the meditation) with spirit guides and you get the shivers, they are acknowledging their presence to you.  It can be very comforting to know they are there.  Now it would depend upon when it is happening?  How attuned you are?  Were you trying to reach spirit guides?  etc. etc.

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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 9:44 pm

spiritalk wrote:If you are purposefully attuning (it is a process of the meditation) with spirit guides and you get the shivers, they are acknowledging their presence to you.  It can be very comforting to know they are there.  Now it would depend upon when it is happening?  How attuned you are?  Were you trying to reach spirit guides?  etc. etc.
I was not in a meditative state in any of the times that I have had this occur.  I can be sitting down and working.  I can be doing my laundry.  I can be watching a movie.  I was not trying to meet my guides during these times.  It happens with people around, moving/talking to me or sometimes when I am alone.  I am not good at meditation/visualization even yet.  I get the fidgets.   :)  I just purchased some gemstones to help center me during meditation.  I am confused and full of curiosity at the same time.  So, before my posting this, I rarely bring it up to people, because of the looks that I get.  I doubt a lot of it....because I cannot 'catch a hold' of what is happening at the time, if you will.

I am just thankful that you are discussing this with me.  I sometimes wonder if it has been someone close to me that comes in to my aura to say hello to me.  (they passed 1.5 years ago).

Does this mean that if I work on mediatation/visualization that I can move forward and learn to acknowledge/seek knowledge?
Thank you again.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 24, 2007 9:47 pm

Of course, as with all things in life, the more we understand the better we will function.  The more you understand psychic 'stuff' the more it will make sense as you experience it.  All skills are about education and experience in balance.  Learn then practice.

It happens most with me when I am demonstrating mediumship.  I have attuned to the mediumship and then the shivers can happen in response as they draw near.

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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 10:00 pm

spiritalk wrote:Of course, as with all things in life, the more we understand the better we will function.  The more you understand psychic 'stuff' the more it will make sense as you experience it.  All skills are about education and experience in balance.  Learn then practice.

It happens most with me when I am demonstrating mediumship.  I have attuned to the mediumship and then the shivers can happen in response as they draw near.
I guess it is because it is not discussed often and I at times feel odd acknowledging verbally, as not to offend, even if it is a whisper in front of others who do not share my beliefs or know of them.  Sometimes I wonder about my sanity.   :smt002   Without guidance, it seems that I have been, I will have to start to seriously work on meditating.

I just wish that I knew who it was, you know?  Thank you for sharing you thoughts.

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Post by MissEm » Thu May 24, 2007 10:50 pm


I am a very newly discovered Earth Angel and all this 'stuff' is indeed very new to me.

I don't really get chills as such but feel 'pressure' on  my shoulder like a hand is touching me, hair sometimes tickles my forehead, I get an urge to scratch/rub my chin, and sometimes 'someone' cups my cheek.  These things happen at any time of the day or night with me.

My sister is with me all the time I feel and she has a few friends that pop in too - very happy girls they are too and seem to giggle a lot.  Cheeky things! :)

I feel I am becoming more and more intune with them and all things spiritual so its like all yr senses are heightened to picking up on things.  I'm not talking about the basic 5 senses either here.  It's at a much deeper or higher level.  

I felt my wings come a few weeks ago and it was a truly amazing experience and I rmember the process actually started as I was driving into work.  I could see myself standing there with arms out from my sides and palms facing outward, face to the sky and such a beautiful golden glow around me.  Truly awesomely beautiful.  I feel those white to golden colours are strong for me and around me.

I haven't spoken to anyone else - friends about this awakening of mine.  I think because it's so new to me still and I need to understand more yet before I can feel comfortable to tell others.

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Post by hussam » Fri May 25, 2007 7:36 am

When that happens to me I ask them to leave.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri May 25, 2007 3:11 pm

We begin all opening to the psychic through the 5 material senses, adding 2 more:  Intuition and I Know (this neither sees nor hears - it just knows) to the psychic sensitivities that are heightening with our interest(s).  So even when they feel materially based, they can be the spirit making contact.

I did want to add....sometimes spirit can produce a mask (of sorts) that covers the face - it is called ectoplasm - and the faces of spirit loved ones can be seen to the gathered people around you.  This is common in circles where people gather to meditate and open to awareness of spirit guides and loved ones.  Touching your face (as it can feel like cob webs on it) will disrupt the process.

A warning on this type of physical practice...don't try this on your own!

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Post by Flame haired one » Fri May 25, 2007 6:26 pm

spiritalk wrote:We begin all opening to the psychic through the 5 material senses, adding 2 more:  Intuition and I Know (this neither sees nor hears - it just knows) to the psychic sensitivities that are heightening with our interest(s).  So even when they feel materially based, they can be the spirit making contact.

I did want to add....sometimes spirit can produce a mask (of sorts) that covers the face - it is called ectoplasm - and the faces of spirit loved ones can be seen to the gathered people around you.  This is common in circles where people gather to meditate and open to awareness of spirit guides and loved ones.  Touching your face (as it can feel like cob webs on it) will disrupt the process.

A warning on this type of physical practice...don't try this on your own!
Good Morning Spiritalk,

I would like to know more about the I Know...There have been times that I have felt like something/someone was there - but, feel odd - as there isn't anyone around.  Paranoia came to my mind first as a dismissal; it does not happen in certain places and does in others.  Light/dark, small/large rooms/hallways - it has no rhyme nor reason.

Thank you again for your thoughts. :smt006

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Post by spiritalk » Fri May 25, 2007 6:44 pm

When we listen with the heart it is attached to spirit phenomena for sure.  Strange energies that abound around us can be thought of as that I Know.  When someone calls on the phone and you know who it is before you answer, someone knocks on the door and you just know it is good news...there is a lightening of the heart.

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Post by Flame haired one » Fri May 25, 2007 6:50 pm

spiritalk wrote:When we listen with the heart it is attached to spirit phenomena for sure.  Strange energies that abound around us can be thought of as that I Know.  When someone calls on the phone and you know who it is before you answer, someone knocks on the door and you just know it is good news...there is a lightening of the heart.
Thank you.   :smt002

Just trying to establish/cement what I feel around me.  Taking babysteps to open myself up, as occurrences keep happening.  Just working towrds the goal of opening up chakras and keep an open mind to not second guess myself.  Which at times is hard.   :smt002   I only have one confidant and now this board.  Have a wonderful day!

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