How to harness psychic abilities

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How to harness psychic abilities

Post by Shelly9 » Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:18 am

At random times someone is about to say something or a certain number is about to be revealed or something like that and it pops in my head, but when I try to do this consciously i fail miserably another example was one time i was playing with a deck of cards and was able to guess the card until i was doing it seriously or trying to show someone else so how do i control this or recognize the true feeling

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:00 pm

That is very similar to the tests given for natural ESP (extra sensory perception).  The fact that it is random indicates some need for training and control.

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Post by Shelly9 » Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:56 pm

and how would i go about that?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:11 pm

Have you ever considered finding a good psychic/mediumship teacher?  All talents need to be honed through learning the basics from the teacher and practicing our own skills.

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Post by Brother-Minos » Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:09 am

Hi Shelly,

Good question; how to recognize the true feeling; or more importantly how to Trust yourself.

Spirittalk mentions ESP training, and might be referring to the use of simple shapes; they are

a triangle, a circle, a square, a star, and a couple of wavy lines.

It's a good idea to use these at first for a few reasons. By being simple, you'll be able to focus in on how they make you feel.
They are also some of the first few shapes you learned as a child. They are also very positive and hold much importance in religious-spiritual traditions.

The first thing you do is get to know them in a personal way; you should associate whatever is inside that enormous psyche of yours to the symbol. Get these symbols on cards; print them out or draw them on index cards. Make several copies of each.

On larger paper, choose one of them, like the triangle and find out what your subconscious associates with it. Draw the triangle and add to its shape.  Do this more than once. Like you might turn it into a pyramid or a tree or a kite....etc. After you've made several examples decide which one you like the best and feels most potent to you.

You can also colour each symbol different colours and see which one seems most right to you; You're trying to connect with the symbol in as many ways possible, this will establish it more firmly in your mind for when you're tuning into it without seeing it.

Once you have done this and chosen your simple associations for each one, lay your cards face down in front of you. You want to connect those associations to the actual shape by training yourself to recognize the feeling. It's sort of like working backwards now because you think of your colour or image and try to pick the right card that goes with it. You'll probably be wrong a lot at first, take note of how you felt each time you chose right. That's the feeling you need to recognize every time you do this work. You have to do this regularly to eliminate the element of chance and guessing.

Don't strain concentration; deep breathing helps to relax.

If you like the deck of playing cards, maybe you're very in-tune with numbers. But even with those you should be associating something more with each number so they don't all feel the same.

There's so many exercises like this that get harder and harder; and if you are into ceremonial, ritual, or high magick, all correspondences between multitudes of symbols is important.

I hope this helps somewhat and you can think up your own games and exercises.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:29 pm

Meditation is the tool used to open/expand the spirit as you use the mind to quiet the body to address the spirit.  As you do deep breathing exercises it calms the body, then the spirit can attune itself to the spirit realms.

Meditations and exercises are available for those seeking psychic/mediumship skills.

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Post by Shelly9 » Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:55 am

thank you guys for all of the awesome advice!

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Post by cowvvvv » Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:10 am

Yea, back then I used to do the same thing, try forcing it to happen.  NOPE that does not work!  Sit, relaxed, lose your attention and become subjective.  Make sure no disturbances around, other wise, in subjective state, you might get brainwashed/hynotized.  Sit, relax, it will come when the conditions are met.  Yep, it gonna take a while for you to figure that out.... :smt002 ...patience patience...

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Developing Awareness

Post by KeshavaOm » Mon Mar 26, 2007 1:02 pm

Hi Sheely9,

There are many layers to our minds. The first to be aware of is:

The Sub-Conscious Mind

The Conscious Mind

The Super-Conscious Mind

Growing to understand the nature of each will help you understand the nature of your intuitive knowings. Spend some time observing your thoughts. Look at yourself thinking and say "I am using my sub-conscious right now", or, "I am having a super-conscious moment".

To be clear...

The sub-conscious mind is: any thought that is an energy pattern. This includes what you may have eaten for breakfast, a memory from last year, or any thought and experience that has already occurred. Once the moment has passed, it has impressed an energy upon your mind and is now a sub-conscious thought. Many live in the impressions of their sub-consciousness for most of the time.

The conscious mind is: What we are aware of in the present moment. Only what is emerging and occurring right now that we are paying attention to.  The Apex of Creation.

The super-conscious mind is: your own highest nature, uncluttered by sub-conscious impressions. All knowing is at your command in this state. All intuition flows from this aspect of our selves.

The reason we do not naturally reside in our super-conscious states is the clutter and activity of the energy field around us, caused by our own lack of awareness. If a person is worrisome about the future, they are projecting energies. If someone is worrisome about the past, they are congesting their energies. They are fully surrounded and swimming in congested energies which cloud their super-conscious selves. The way to lift above the cloudiness is to practice being aware of awareness.

Turn awareness back on to itself.

It is taught to me, by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, that growing into super-conscious life, is a natural process of spiritual growth and attentiveness toward dharma. Psychic abilities are not the end which you seek. Union with your true highest self will result naturally in super-consciousness. Reach for this state and all else will follow.

Om Shanti

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 26, 2007 2:24 pm

Check out my blog for some information on meditation (as a tool for mediumship) and see what resonnates.

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Post by __GHOST__ » Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:35 am

Most people have experiences in everyday life that show their psychic abilities are at work.  Have you ever thought of someone you haven't talked to in quite a long time, and that person contacts you soon after you thought of them?  Have you ever had a feeling that you should take one route while driving, instead of another that you usually take, and then later find out that there was a wreck or traffic jam on the usual route you had the feeling to avoid?  Or conversely, have you ever disregarded that feeling and taken the route you usually take, only to get stuck in a traffic jam?  These are only a few quick examples of how the sixth sense works in everyday life...the more you pay attention to it and trust it, and find out it's right, the better you will become at recognizing and utilizing it.

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Post by mysticangel » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:41 am


One factor that you seem to not be able to do this when you are serious is because you are concentrating too hard.  It should be natural and it should flow.  The gifts are of nature and so in the same token, it shouldnt be where you have to concentrate really hard or focus really hard to get it right.  Compare the two times and you will see that when you are just playing around, you are more relaxed and you have allowed your sight free reign...


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:22 pm

As the psychic talents, abilities, skills are as natural as life, we all have them, in varying other talents.  When we have a talent it is important to learn all we can through a good teacher, then home the abilities within ourselves to the best possible level of accomplishment.  (After all, even a concert pianist had a teacher for the fingering on the keyboard).

Do not dismiss the psychic as a gift.  Gifts do not require our effort and can then manifest in just that vein.  It is often said, we get out of anything, the effort we put in.

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Maybe this might help

Post by David4 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:19 pm

You don't try to move your finger... you just move it.. without focus.

Notice in school they try to make you focus.  They told you not to daydream.

I also had a teacher tell  me never to look at the sun.  

I look at the sun now but with my eyes close.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:47 pm

As with any talent, go for the basics to a good source (teacher) and then practice your own talents. Each and every talent will be unique to the individual...just as the snowflakes are unique in expression.  

Imagine a concert pianist, born with the abilities...he still goes to a good teacher for the basics as he practices to hone his own talent.  Are psychics any less worthy?

God bless, J

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