Does the more Psychic we become mean we are closer to the end?

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Re: Does the more Psychic we become mean we are closer to the end?

Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:54 pm

sunmystic wrote:
Smiling From Within wrote:If we are all here on our own journey, our lessons of life, working towards our highest enlightenment.  How are we able to tell how far along we are?

J:  I don't think any of us can measure our own progress.  It is about allowing all our experiences to teach us something.  I am reminded of the inspiration:  
Reason, Season, Lifetime

People  come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do  for that person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON,  it is usually to meet a need you have expressed.
They have  come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with  guidance and support,
to aid you physically, emotionally  or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are.  
They are there for the reason you need them to be.  

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an  inconvenient time,
this person will say or do something to  bring the relationship to an end.
Sometimes they die.  Sometimes they walk away.
Sometimes they act up and force  you to take a stand.
What we must realize is that our need  has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done.  
The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is  time to move on.

Some  people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has  come to share, grow or learn.
They bring you an experience  of peace or make you laugh.
They may teach you something  you have never done.
They usually give you an unbelievable  amount of joy.
Believe it, it is real. But only for a  season.

LIFETIME  relationships teach you lifetime lessons,
things you must  build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation.  
Your job is to accept the lesson,
love the person and  put what you have learned to use in all other relationships  and areas of your life.
It is said that love is blind but  friendship is clairvoyant.

Don't worry about the destination, enjoy the journey!

Is that for us to know in this life or do we just keep learning?

J:  We are in an experience that allows us to learn in a material vibration.  The spirit continues and the spiritual lessons will continue.  That is what the afterlife is all about - spirit and spirituality.

Surely, the more in tune of us out there must of grasped most of the lessons needing to be learnt, helping them to stay on course on their life path.  But how do you know.

J:  Each lesson takes us a step in spirituality.  But there is always more to learn.  In the afterlife it is considered to have 7 spheres with many planes of understanding spirituality.  We arrive through our life lessons at sphere 3 (usual good living people) so there is always more to learn and grow.

You meet some amazing clairvoyants, mediums, sensitives that are all knowing and all seeing but how do they progress higher still if they are say older in life and have learnt so much in general life experience.

J:  There will never be prefection on the earth plane.  Only progress of the soul towards its own individualized spirituality.  That is the purpose and direction of the lessons of life.  No one is all knowing - only the highest - God is omni-knowing.

Can they become anymore psychic than they already are and if so does that mean that they are nearing the end of their time and lessons here.  Not meaning from a physical age point of view.  How high can a living being go? Without becoming a lone person sat meditating high up in the mountains never to speak to another person again.

J:  Spirituality while still in the body is learned through all our lessons.  We can learn while isolated or we can learn while still in the chaos of our lives.  It is important to our growth to know what our soul needs and learns.

I know a little about the realms that are between this world and beyond but I dont know how self teaching/guided souls as myself maybe, know what to work towards next.

Is it always that spirit will guide you to whats next or should we know what we are working towards.

Does this sound like a confusing question with loads of buts in it.  

I've been curios to know this question for a while but this is the closest I've come to being able to try and put it into words.  A heavy one I know but the answer will enlighten me no end.


Smiling From Within xx
Smiling Within has created an interesting set of questions with this topic and the above post. :)

Smiling Within is basically asking, "what are we here to learn and how do we tell how far along we are with this learning and is there an end to this learning that we are here to learn?"

The great ones all claim that we can ascend and with this ascension take our physical bodies with us, most of them did it themselves as evidence that it could be done. They also say that until we do this we are trapped in the cycle of life and death and are considered in a state of ignorance. Learning is required in order to escape this state of ignorance.

Spirits without living physical bodies can not teach one how this ascension is done. Only spirits with living ascended physical bodies can teach you how this is done.

Psychic union through love with an ascended being/enity is where this learning starts and it ends when one understands how ascension is done. From there one chooses to ascend or not. But whether they choose to ascend or not they are nolonger learning what we are here to learn. If they have chosen to not to ascend, then they are here to serve, but not here to learn.



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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:59 pm

I know a little about the realms that are between this world and beyond but I dont know how self teaching/guided souls as myself maybe, know what to work towards next.

J:  Perhaps learning to let life unfold into what steps are provided helps us learn through the many and varied experiences.  Do we always have to formulate our lives and maybe miss an opportunity to be of service and learn?

Is it always that spirit will guide you to whats next or should we know what we are working towards.

J:  I am incllined to think it is a little of both.  We can plan and outline but somehow spirit tends to supply the needed energy to get the job done, when it is right for us as a learning experience.

Does this sound like a confusing question with loads of buts in it.  

J:  I have always felt there is never a dumb question, only one not yet asked.  When we want to know, we have to be brave enough to ask and sincere enough to want to know the answer.  Never ask a question you are afraid to examine the answer.

I've been curios to know this question for a while but this is the closest I've come to being able to try and put it into words.  A heavy one I know but the answer will enlighten me no end.


Smiling From Within xx

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:01 pm

sunmystic:  There has NEVER been a recorded incident of ANYONE taking the physical body with them.  The material decays.  It is meant to do so.  Only the spirit survives and goes onward.

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:03 pm

spiritalk wrote:sunmystic:  There has NEVER been a recorded incident of ANYONE taking the physical body with them.  The material decays.  It is meant to do so.  Only the spirit survives and goes onward.
Spiritalk obviously you and I disagree :)

And one can also say that there is also no proof that what you claim to be true is actually true either. And because of the unknown abilities of the human mind one could also ask, "what is actually your creation and what is actually real?"

Personally I feel that what you do is real whether there is true evidence or not. and I feel that what you do is apart of a larger picture.

Spiritalk I have no problem with what you do because I can do it also. It is you that has a problem with what I do. I speak to the living and you claim that they do not exist :) Oh well. Like you said, "this stuff is all opinion anyway."



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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:44 pm

There is no death, there are no dead.  In that respect I speak to the living.  

Perhaps we might consider the science of energy.  The material energy is gross and intended for use in a material world only as we live and learn in an environment of magnetic energies on this earth.  

Oh, there is so much to learn and the material energies keep the lessons in a material vibration.  But the spirit still exists, even as we live in the material energies.  Once created the spirit never dies.  It is the continuity of the spirit that we are here to enhance through our soul lessons.

"Science without religion is blind.  And religion without science is lame."  Einstein, the greatest mind of the 20th centurey, said words to that effect.  We are neither blind nor lame, we can and do use science and religion to define our journey.  

We have an embalming service on a dead body for a reason.  When you view a body without embalming after 3 days it is bloated and decaying right before your eyes.  The material can not withstand the release of the spirit that animated it for this lifetime.

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Oct 05, 2009 4:50 pm

A little something that I found on the internet:

The topic of ascension and ascended masters is one that probably will continue to spark controversy and disbelief, and can be a difficult subject to comprehend even for those who have spent years studying esoteric doctrines. Having been playfully described as something like getting "beamed up", as in the television series Star Trek, the idea of ascension has not reached widespread acceptance. Some relegate the subject matter to the realm of New Age myth and fantasy, while others maintain the process of ascension is as natural as human evolution.

Historically, for the past two thousand years, the concept of ascension seemed so outrageous and confrontational, especially within traditional, western, orthodox religious belief systems, that many people dismissed the idea immediately or have a very strong adverse reaction to it. The idea that all humans could conceivably do what Christ supposedly did is seen by many religious persons as presumptuous, if not blasphemous.

In the 21st century, the notion of ascension seems to attract individuals more interested in eastern religions, spirituality, metaphysics, or those simply looking for a deeper meaning to their existing beliefs and experiences.

One difficulty in discussing the idea of an ascended master is that there is no universally-accepted, definitive, scientific text which describes what the conditions are to become such a person, or how to verify the conditions. Even in the 21st century, most public sources, even books directly dealing with the topic, tend to describe various ascended masters, their activities, meetings with such people, etc., without giving us the requisite understanding of how we ourselves could undergo the process of ascension firsthand. With only anecdotal reports and no actual "how-to" manual, we are then left struggling with how to either retrofit this concept into our existing beliefs, how to shift our beliefs entirely, or simply reject the system altogether. Texts that claim to give a deeper understanding of ascension, including practical exercises, meditations, diet, etc., are often dismissed by mainstream audiences.

Beginning in the 1930s, a few books were published on this subject, the authors claiming to have had contact with Masters who encouraged the more pragmatic aspects of the Ascension process to be known. Prior to that, the practical knowledge is claimed to have been held in strict secrecy within Mystery schools, allegedly due to the pressures and intolerance of orthodox religious authorities. Even among many who believe themselves to be spiritual adepts or initiates, the concept of ascension has not been widely accepted or understood because of the radical nature of transformation that has been ascribed to it.

Books which purport to detail the developmental process Jesus went through in finding his own Inner Christ Self include The Urantia Book, published in 1955, and A Course In Miracles, suppposedly dictated by Christ Himself and published in 1976.

Examples of Ascended Masters
The history of ascension predates Christianity, indeed extending back for thousands of years, yet the story of Jesus is one of the most widely known stories of ascension.

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:24 pm

They use to think that the world was flat :) so nobody tried to sail across the ocean. And the folks that thought that the world was flat were very adamant about it :) . Oh well :)

And about science, the science that you are talking about is late 19th century and early 20th century. You need to brush up on your String Theory math. There are some very interesting things going on out there on the frontiers of science. :)



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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:20 pm

Christ said: This I do, so can you and more.  He set up his disciples to carry on his mission.  Aren't all lives about leaving someone behind to follow in our footsteps; to teach what we know to others to follow?

The death and return of Jesus was in a spirit body.  That is the finest description of death and spirit existence ever described.  

Science has proven that at death a certain weight leaves the body.  This is the weight of the spirit/soul.  

Many people believe in an afterlife.  So what is it about human existence that continues on into an afterlife?  The spirit/soul weight from human existence would seem to fit this description.

Ascention is about our spirituality.  As adults we are not the spiritual being we were when born - we go through stages and learning experiences that enhance our spirituality and our soul ascends.  As it continues into the afterlife there is yet more lessons of spirituality that help us ascend even more.

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:11 pm

spiritalk wrote:Christ said: This I do, so can you and more.  He set up his disciples to carry on his mission.  Aren't all lives about leaving someone behind to follow in our footsteps; to teach what we know to others to follow?

The death and return of Jesus was in a spirit body.  That is the finest description of death and spirit existence ever described.  

Science has proven that at death a certain weight leaves the body.  This is the weight of the spirit/soul.  

Many people believe in an afterlife.  So what is it about human existence that continues on into an afterlife?  The spirit/soul weight from human existence would seem to fit this description.

Ascention is about our spirituality.  As adults we are not the spiritual being we were when born - we go through stages and learning experiences that enhance our spirituality and our soul ascends.  As it continues into the afterlife there is yet more lessons of spirituality that help us ascend even more.
SpiritTalk :) what you said was very well said. And it is one version of how things work :) Personally I feel that what you said is true, but that it is only one part of what is actually going on. And granted, what you said "is" a very important part.

When God dried up the waters to create the physical part of creation He created three different sections, the physical, the spiritual, and the part in between. He said that He lives in the part in between. Our goal as young living enities is to join God in the part that is in between, which is generally call Heaven or Paradise. Folks that seem to have actually gone to this place where God lives all left with their bodies. No dead stinking bodies were left behind :)

Until we get how this was done figured out, the spirit world is a good place to park one's self while resting up from the hustle and bustle of the physical world :)

SpiritTalk, I am not trying to convert you to my way of thinking. You are presenting your way of thinking, I am presenting my way of thinking, and others are welcome to present their way of thinking, and "Ain't we got fun :) !"



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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:11 pm

Do you really beleive there is one all being all seeing creator then? How? Who created them?

Cassie - head spinning in whirlwinds of doubt

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:16 pm

There are 3 realms to be sure - the mental, the spiritual, the physical/material.  Material that is used on the physical level decays - we witness this when the body dies.  It putrifies so quickly no one could on in the physical body.  It just does not make sense.  That is why I like science - even when I am not scientific - it proves the point of the material existence above all else.

The spirit within is eternal.  It lives now and always.  God would not be in between worlds - he formed all the kingdoms and is the ongoing creator in all of them.  No in between world exists.  We are either in material existence or spirit existence.  The mind (mental realm) helps us focus and find ourselves where we are meant to be.

My father died two nights in a row.  Of course the second time he did not return.  He told of a beautiful place full of peace and comfort (his body had a lot of problems - from a heart condition to a plastic hip) and from which he would never return again.  He found his heaven.  

You might remember that heaven and hell are Christian concepts described and done up in Christian literature.  They are the extremes of spirit existence and do not allow for the growth that continues even unto spirit.  We can all grow and become through spirit - in our phyical body or our spirit body.

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:54 pm

Cascade of Light wrote:Do you really beleive there is one all being all seeing creator then? How? Who created them?

Cassie - head spinning in whirlwinds of doubt
Actually Cassie, "The Source" did :) but that is a whole nether story and "head spinning in whirlwinds of doubt" is probably not a good time to explore it :) Ok?



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Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:01 pm

spiritalk wrote:There are 3 realms to be sure - the mental, the spiritual, the physical/material.  Material that is used on the physical level decays - we witness this when the body dies.  It putrifies so quickly no one could on in the physical body.  It just does not make sense.  That is why I like science - even when I am not scientific - it proves the point of the material existence above all else.

The spirit within is eternal.  It lives now and always.  God would not be in between worlds - he formed all the kingdoms and is the ongoing creator in all of them.  No in between world exists.  We are either in material existence or spirit existence.  The mind (mental realm) helps us focus and find ourselves where we are meant to be.

My father died two nights in a row.  Of course the second time he did not return.  He told of a beautiful place full of peace and comfort (his body had a lot of problems - from a heart condition to a plastic hip) and from which he would never return again.  He found his heaven.  

You might remember that heaven and hell are Christian concepts described and done up in Christian literature.  They are the extremes of spirit existence and do not allow for the growth that continues even unto spirit.  We can all grow and become through spirit - in our phyical body or our spirit body.
Obviously SpiritTalk, I ain't your normal Christian :) and yes you do have to have your dead and rotting bodies as evidence of true reality. :) and I am glad that that works for you.



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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:32 pm

As I had to witness my deceased husband in that state I would not use the phrase 'works for me'.  It is just a part of our natural world.  Even after embalming my grandfather started to decay after a few days in the funeral parlour.

COL:  Could we consider it is all about energy?  The source of all energy does not reside in human existence.  There is a higher source.  It could be seen as a fountain if that imagery works - but it is a font of energy.

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:55 pm

spiritalk wrote:As I had to witness my deceased husband in that state I would not use the phrase 'works for me'.  It is just a part of our natural world.  Even after embalming my grandfather started to decay after a few days in the funeral parlour.

COL:  Could we consider it is all about energy?  The source of all energy does not reside in human existence.  There is a higher source.  It could be seen as a fountain if that imagery works - but it is a font of energy.
That fountain of energy is The Source in motion and all immortals are attached to this motion and are nourished by it :) all things in creation including the spirit world are made up of it. Some folks confuse it with God or the Divine Mother, but it is not God or the Divine Mother. Most young animals and people are attached to it (which is why they radiate so much life energy) but loose this attachment as they get older and their bodies then begin to fall apart.

Yes everything is energy and in motion. And the shape of that energy and motion is created by one's mind and by God's mind. But the stuff that the mind plays with comes from The Source and The Source cares not what one's does with it. When God gazed into the Deep and cause His Spirit to move over the Deep to create motion in it, He was playing with The Source. The Source and the Deep are the same thing. The Deep is just the part of The Source that is not in motion.



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