Mean Pyshics, and what they can do.

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Post by ammo » Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:26 pm

This has happened to me and it is very scary feeling. At first I was unaware that anyone was influencing me but I got help from a few psychics and they all said the same thing. The person that was trying to "destroy" me was described as "evil", interesting because alot of these psychics don't beleive a person can be completely evil. It took me nearly a month of mental conditioning, prayer, various soul strengthening rituals and alot of reversal spells to get myself back on track and at the end of it I felt as though I had fought WW1 all by myself and it took another month for me to completely regain my strength and previous mental state. The really messed up thing is that when these sorts of things happen, most people just think you are plain crazy and it isn't exactly unreasonable for them to think that.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:00 am

It is all about the energy.  How and what did you invite into your energy?  

While I don't like to believe there is evil, I have felt it in connection with an artifact from negative rituals.  If we believe in ultimate good, there must be ultimate bad - opposites exist.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Fri Mar 13, 2009 2:30 am

Sometimes the ego becomes too powerful.  It gets more power than we ever intended it to have.  When someone tries to take over another, it is the ego, looking for fulfillment.  Fill a void or lack.  Numb a pain.  

I agree, it cannot be done, unless we allow it, or invite it in.  Always hold positive energy about yourself, and others.

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Post by ammo » Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:37 am

I agree, I beleive that the person who was affecting me was only able to do so because I was unaware that this was going on and I was also in a really bad situation which weakened me spiritually. I'm naturally a very positive quirky person, even in bad situations but I found myself feeling very depressed and it got to the point where I wanted to just die for no explicable reason, it was bewildering. I myself never beleived that evil really exists and still don't like to beleive it but I have proof, I guess. It is a very disheartening thought honestly. Especially the fact that the person who did this (a very experienced priestess in afro-carribean magic) was doing so without having any valid reason other than jealousy, from what I gathered.  :( Do people really live their lives like that? Hating for no reason?

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:40 am

Yes, Ammo.  I believe they do.  Their ego is totally in control, not their spirituality.

Where you hold your thought, you create your reality.   A good lesson is to ALWAYS hold positive thought about you.  Even when you feel 'depressed', imagine yourself wrapped in a cocoon of pink light of love and protection.

Stay strong.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:42 am

If the person has affected you, I would say it's because you've let your shield down. While some believe you can't be affected, and that you're convincing yourself, I say it's half true. Energy is energy, and how you allow it to affect is up to you. Just as you can send/receive someone positive energy, you can do the same with negative energy. However, you can combat that with your shield. That's why you'll hear so many say over and over "Use a shield!"  The rainbow bubble you'll hear about is nice, but through some digging I've found using various lights and elements for a layered shield works great. Pick what you want, but I've found layering my shield works great. In the end, what you visualize is what helps best. We're individuals, after all.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:22 pm

I have 2 forms of 'shielding' that I recommend/try.

1.  Visualize yourself wrapped in a cocoon of pink light of love & protection.

2.  Visualize yourself in a bright & brillant tin can.  Safely inside, reflecting all negative energy back to the person, while reflecting also your own beautiful light of truth & love

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:55 pm

IME NEVER use mirrors of any kind in your protective shield.  What you mirror back is your karmic responsibiity.  What they sent out is theirs.  

Mirrors are just not the best tool in any way in psychic work.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:27 pm

Lol, I tend to get the willies around mirrors at night. Maybe that's why, considering I'm a dreamer.

girlsmomma, what I use is similar to a combination of both. I wrap myself in colored light, starting with white, pink, then I go through the spectrum depending on what I feel needs the most. I use woods and metals, typically ending with silver and gold. In between I put a "sticky substance". That fills in any cracks. I guess you can say I'm covered.

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Post by amalimrock » Sun May 24, 2009 1:59 am

I have never heard of powerful mean psychics yet, but what you can do:

1. Use the Law of Attraction to your advantage, do not think about stuff like this and mean psychics won't exist in your life
2. Use a bubble shield. Like a dense psi ball, you just use it to shield you from any leeching, mind control, empathy etc etc. Note: also useful against mosquitoes since they can percieve energy too XD, but I digress.

Hope this helps

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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 27, 2009 11:35 am

Of course it would be nice to dismiss the negativity of others, but we are in a world of the law of opposites.  And they do exist to aid our journey of learning.  

It is true that what we send out comes back to us through the natural laws as well.  Keeping words and thoughts sweet is beneficial as you never know when you will have to eat your words.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:51 am

"Just because vampires need" to take something to help themselves doesn't mean that they do this in a negative way..."

Taking comes from lack mentality. The world gives us everything we need. Flow with the river of giving and receiving. To take is to lack faith that you will be given what you need. There's yogi's who can do tons of work without even eating, because they have tapped into the ambient energy sources and their purity has allowed them this. Since the work they do and what they use the energy they are given is in resonance and harmony the universe facilitates this by providing what they need. Alternately, when energy is going to uses that are dissonant, the energy is cut as a form of protection. Realizing the lack of incoming energy one begins to re-evaluate and see how they have strayed and begin to work toward harmony once more. With this understanding one can be grateful for being cut off as it helped them get back on track. If one is cut off, and does not accept the need for returning to purpose then they can begin to struggle to live out of resonance with divine flow. An example is found in fishing. Industrial fishers have had all kinds if problems with fish drying up, and with sickness in the fish in trying to farm them. Some have just gone deeper and deeper looking for fish and as the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, this can be described as insane, since inevitably, going deeper into the same approach will lead to the same result, the fish getting tired of their energy being profited off in an unbalanced way cease to present them selves. Native's have experience incredible abundance from nature in reflection of their attitude of abundance and sharing. There were times when there were so many fish making there way up river that one could walk across the river on the fish, if the fish liked them. They would blessed with such abundance because they respect it, only take what they need, share, and don't abuse what their given.

Psychics who are chasing money around don't have as much power as those that keep such bull shit from their minds.

If one who is psychically powerful misuses their energy, their power can slip. If they slip from lack of self-control and harm others but their intentions are still good, then they weren't all that powerful, while their slip up can still be harmful. But we learn best from our mistakes as we won't soon forget them. I know I've hurt people before when I was not in a good head space, but I've been disciplining my self, and learning to direct my energies in better ways.  If one who is powerful is hurt and lacks self-control, they could go around doing to others what had been done to them, but if they were truly powerful they could protect them selves, or if hurt take it in stride. It is possible for even the best intentioned to do damage inadvertently.

The subject refers to one's doing so maliciously. This rare as the psychically aware can tune into the pain of others, and for the one causing this pain for t he other this sensitivity is intensified to give them a karmic lessen and wake them up to what they are doing so they can change. If they are powerful then it's cause their either balancing out a goody goody who is also powerful, or they were once on the path of spiritual growth and healing, and have fallen of it and are lacking humility in their recovery. If they continue to misuse their abilities they will loose them. That's why So many business men and politicians look so haggard.

I guess It would be to give an example of the good role bad role balancing each other, and one creating the other. The other week or so this guy was trying to hard to to please a girl he likes. His approach was to come across nice and look good an all that. His friend figured that he could help him by acting sleazy. It was pretty hilarious watching the one guy being all goody goody, and the other guy being all sloby and rude. It didn't work, the girl was kind a put off, but I was entertained.
Last edited by Aegeus on Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:55 pm

A lot of damage can be done in the process of balancing the energies, even the world.  Look how out of wack the world is right now.  I wonder.....balance is the key, but we do not see that lesson.

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:17 am

FireRose wrote:I believe that if someone has that much power, we all have the POTENTIAL to have it, and thus block it out. If I was 100% sure who was doing that to me and couldn't block it out then I'd have to attack the person physically, which would be a shame, but no one should have to put up with that torment if they don't deserve it.
It's an interesting topic, thanks for making me think about it :)

Attacking them back in any form would make you just bad as them, and also be the reason why you'd of attracted such energy. Besides it is possible to block it, and even if it wasn't you could express you predicament and someone would have the clarity to see the truth of the matter and to see what to do about it to actually resolve it rather then escalate and fuel it.

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Post by FireRose » Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:51 am

Aegeus wrote:
FireRose wrote:I believe that if someone has that much power, we all have the POTENTIAL to have it, and thus block it out. If I was 100% sure who was doing that to me and couldn't block it out then I'd have to attack the person physically, which would be a shame, but no one should have to put up with that torment if they don't deserve it.
It's an interesting topic, thanks for making me think about it :)

Attacking them back in any form would make you just bad as them, and also be the reason why you'd of attracted such energy. Besides it is possible to block it, and even if it wasn't you could express you predicament and someone would have the clarity to see the truth of the matter and to see what to do about it to actually resolve it rather then escalate and fuel it.
I agree. I meant that a physical solution would be a last resort. Well said.

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