Discovered i have a MAJOR psychic ability, its scaring me, what now?

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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Post by k0103707 » Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:51 pm

I've re-read the previous posts which were written by you two just before my last post since i found them strangely familiar... and guess what you guys are regurgitating my thoughts exactly as i thought them, word by word... not everything on them but most of the stuff on it. Do you guys realise your're doing this?... Its like i'm talking to myself... Just as proof that this is the case and this condition is true...

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Post by k0103707 » Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:44 pm

SO is the only way people will leave me alone and stop using the paranormal around me, when i reach enlightment...? cause i don't know how much more i can take...

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Post by k0103707 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:23 pm

Its like i'm being forced to experience my thoughts... why do people care? why is it so important? why do you bother me, why can't people just live their lives without having to bother me all the time every single day... i'm having my thoughts pushed upon me... their just thoughts for f*** sack! Or is there a problem with thinking? Or does everyone here have the same challenge, to control their thoughts cause it influences their lives in a materialising manner the way it does with me? It seems unfair!

Why is it based on thought and not your decisions, needs and wants. Cause it would be boring..?

Its like there isn't even a point on deciding or analysing anything cause it will just be influenced by thought... i'm desperate to get out of this! The only way out is to kill yourself, i hear you say..?

This place feels like a game...

Just leave me alone!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:39 pm

k0103707 wrote:SO is the only way people will leave me alone and stop using the paranormal around me, when i reach enlightment...? cause i don't know how much more i can take...
You cannot stop people around you using their psychic abilities for the wrong reasons, but you can to a degree decide with whom you will associate or hang around with. Using these spiritual abilities negatively carries huge karmic penalties (with power always comes greater responsibility to use it in a morally correct manner), but any attempt by you to make them change their minds is only likely to make things worse than they already are.

You must learn to ground and protect yourself properly whenever you go out in public, especially when there is any possibility of encountering the people whom you are referring to. In addition it is also suggested that these people are basically psychic bullies, and like all bullies they get their kicks or ego trip by exerting power over others who are more vulnerable than they are. Do not give them any extra power over you, which they do not deserve to have or use.

Unfortunately there is no magic formula which is guaranteed to get rid of all psychic bullies and thugs effectively overnight, but the way in which you respond to their attacks can make a significant difference to how they will treat you in the future.

Even if you are quaking with fear inside, it is easier said than done but try to project a sense of self confidence and inner strength towards them and many of them will soon lose interest in manipulating you and move on to someone who is weaker. Your fear provides the fuel or energy which they need to use against you.

As for waiting for yourself or them to achieve God realization, forget it. You need to take whatever reasonable action is necessary to protect yourself NOW, before it is too little and too late.

My impressions without doing a formal reading (as this is purely a discussion forum) are that you often misinterpret your inability to protect yourself from the ongoing "pressures" of all the thoughts and emotions of people around you as being the same as genuine psychic attacks.

THEY ARE NOT, although both conditions must be taken seriously, and dealt with by using quite different appropriate methods.

You have poorly defined energy boundaries. In other words it is often difficult for you to feel as though you are separate from other people. It is often next to impossible for you to tell what are your own thoughts and feelings from theirs. At present you are like a psychic sponge, soaking up their thoughts and feelings without limited knowledge about how to prevent this from happening to you.

Re-establishing and strengthening your aura (personal energy field) must become your first line of defence, plus avoiding as much as possible the people in whose company you feel most uncomfortable or "under attack".

Do not do anything which could act to further weaken the psychic skin (the outer boundary of your aura) which is designed to protect you from such people such as for example taking recreational drugs, consuming large amounts of alcohol or associating with people who are clearly lacking in any morals and empathy.

In contrast do everything which you are practically able to re-energize and reinforce your personal energy field, so that you are no longer a potential target for either genuine psychic attacks or the constant, unremitting pressures of the thoughts and feelings of other people in your close vicinity. Do not wait for them to become God realized.

"12 Great Ways To Strengthen Your Aura" by Carole Fogarty ... your-aura/

"Manual for Advancing Souls"

"8 Ways To Strengthen Your Auric Field! from Victoria Vives Khuong’s Reiki Manual"

Does this help?

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Post by k0103707 » Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:45 pm

Sure does help a lot!

I've thought of some strategies but haven't kept to them as i've got other things on my mind at the moment. The main one is to ignore it all and concentrate on myself, eventually there is no point in anyone using any paranormal actions around me since it won't affect me and i won't listen or pay attention to them... Simple yet effective!

Yes i agree that using any such abilities does have a negative karmic influence, and should not be used at all other than in a positive manner, even then it probably shouldn't be used! That's if you go on the karma exist bandwagon. I don't tend to go that route i follow the route that i've always known and served me well, which is following my morals, common sense and conscience, just this should be good enough to handle any of this and have a positive out come.

As i said i don't fear much in this place, once you release yourself from desire and are willing to fall there is nothing to fear. if you've experienced what i have in this place, you'd have no fear, since there is nothing to fear, the only thing to fear is yourself. if anyone that's reading this and cares i'd advice you to follow your own path and don't go on someone elses ride, just because you wanna be accept etc... f*** what society says you should do or what it tells you is right or wrong, follow your own route using your morals, common sense and conscience, do what makes you happy. i've seen and experienced both extremes and upon seeing those have chosen my path wisely, all other stuff just becomes negligible. I see people trying to pock holes in my logic, my life, the path that i've chosen, but the truth is THEY CAN'T, i always come out on top in that argument, 'cause i've decided it all with a good reason and that reason is its what made me happy at the time, staying true to my morals, common sense and conscience.

I've actually tried reiki and have an experienced person that's guided me through it but unfortunately besides the first session it pretty much hasn't done anything for me. My condition is related to the power of the mind, imagination and thought, basically i need to control my mind and i can pretty much do anything i want with it and making anything materialize in this world within the constraints already placed on this place. Although meditation and reiki has help me to relax my mind, unfortunately my mind has coming more hectic since learning of this condition, i was a thinker, i've become a even bigger thinker and am now relaxing more and controlling what's going on in my mind so that nothing negative will happen to me or others around me. I've noticed i'm experiencing much less of my thoughts than i use to, but i realize i'm still not fully in control.

I've got 4kg Amethyst crytal next to me most of the time, its suppose to bring a lot of positivity, and other stuff that i've tried, but my condition overrules anything outside of my mind, its like my mind controls and overrules other things external to it. So essentially there is only one solution and that's me having full control of it... I'm guessing i'm probably a week or so away from having this control i can feel it coming with each day that passes, i've tried to understand how my mind works and what i could do to take full control and at least avoiding any negative outcomes of any of my thoughts. i'm essentially doing very well at the moment, i realise when somethings about to go wrong and i correct it. the more i progress the easier its becoming, hopefully eventually i won't need to do any of this and hopefully it will be ingrained in mind and mental routen instead of me having to work to keep it stable.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:17 pm

I'm guessing i'm probably a week or so away from having this control i can feel it coming with each day that passes, i've tried to understand how my mind works and what i could do to take full control and at least avoiding any negative outcomes of any of my thoughts. i'm essentially doing very well at the moment, i realise when somethings about to go wrong and i correct it. the more i progress the easier its becoming, hopefully eventually i won't need to do any of this and hopefully it will be ingrained in mind and mental route instead of me having to work to keep it stable.
What else is there then left to say, other than to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, and a very happy and more self controlled new year.

Christmas blessings,

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Post by k0103707 » Tue Dec 18, 2012 2:16 am

:) You too! Thanks for taking your time with me where others probably wouldn't.

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Post by k0103707 » Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:35 am

Does "god" condone using the paranormal in anyway...? isn't the occult wrong and shouldn't be used at all in any manner be it good or bad? It seems wrong to use it for any purpose other than personal use ( non profit, only to improve yourself, and leaving those that don't know about it, don't understand it and don't want anything to do with it alone...) and only using it in the privacy of your own home... All this just seems shady and completely wrong in my opinion...

Especially using the occult to control others, to torture and making others unhappy, all in secret, changing the course of someone's life, using it for your own benefit, or anyone's benefit for that matter, since if you are benefiting someone with your abilities your're probably affecting someone else's happiness and well-being, cause and effect etc... and them having no where to turn, and letting all this build up in them and letting them suffer in secret, knowing what's going on but aren't able to do anything about it, and having no one to talk to, otherwise they'll be put in some mental institution for the rest of their lives? All this just feels completely wrong... i'm sure no "god" would allow this... otherwise it would be much of a god in my opinion

Shouldn't using the paranormal be banned, as in reality it brings no benefits to humanity, and does nothing that anything physical couldn't do? This goes for all psychic powers and anything involving the paranormal...

All this just feels completely WRONG!!!

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Post by k0103707 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:21 pm

So me and my spiritual guide have more or less concluded that this is some sort of "creation" ability. I'm a creator apparently!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:15 pm

K:  I can certainly understand fears.  But why do we invoke God to take them away?  Fear is there to help us move and learn more.  If you truly believe it is evil or some such anti-God nonsense, then leave it all alone.  

Begin by leaving all your psychic and paranormal sites which have been working hard to help you through those fears.  You see, you are totally in charge of your life.  Take charge!  Make it what you want.  

And if your God does not like you using it, then cease and desist.  That would be a God of fear and I only know a God of love.  God does not bring us anything that we can not handle, nor does God abandon us in our fears.

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Post by k0103707 » Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:26 pm

Very well said!

I don't go by anyone else's standards, i learn and take the best from what exists and from what i know from all cultures and belief systems be it atheisms to religious cultures. I don't believe any of the paranormal is anti-god or whatever, if i do have some sort of "creator" ability that just sets me apart from others, its nice feeling your're unique in some way. But i don't understand this ability... and only see the world through the physical... this is why i don't want to use it, i don't wanna be misusing an ability i don't understand... thats why i'd like to leave it alone at least until i know i can control my mind and control the ability! my morals are at the heart of these decisions, not anyone else's standards be it what it says in the bible what other physics say or whoever.

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Post by k0103707 » Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:04 pm

This is an incredible burden to carry for the rest of my life... Its a massive "cross" to bare! Knowing i'm one thought away from causing unwanted events to happen in my life and other peoples lives. Having to continuesly experience my thoughts and not being able to get away from it... EVER! :( Having to always be aware of my thoughts, constant work so that nothing unwanted happens! :( To have so much responsibility over this place... so on!

It seems as thought this isn't enough for others, they still have to make me unhappy on top of it, its not distressing enough, its not stressful enough!

Let alone the problems i face as a normal human being, having to think about where i'm going to get my next pay cheque from, i'm completely dependant on others, i can't take care of myself, where am i going to be living tomorrow... since i don't live in my own place and can't take care of myself with my current income. If anyone actually likes me and wants to be around me or are they just zombies, do i have any actual friends or are they just doing their duty, does any potential life partner even want to be with me, love me or is it just a duty... and so on! Looks like this isn't enough problems to handle for people that they still try to make me unhappy on top of it!

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Post by Duchess1964 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:28 pm

I have learned to live with my own ... gift.  All of the oldest female children have had it.

When I touch someone, if I do not consciously block them, I can see their moment o fdeath..  This gift has had 'switch on' since I was about 4 years old.  Not to go into details ... if you have something that is in addition to all that you are as a human, then you have a gift.  Use is or ... loose it.  If you wish it to 'go away', ignore what it says and like the man who will not walk on his own ... you will not be burdened.  Takes some time, but if you are patient ...

I chose to except my own ... what will you do aside from complaining?

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Post by k0103707 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:25 pm

I'm learning to live with it, learning to control it, its incredibly difficult, i have accepted this "creator" ability... and am trying to understand it, its all about self control of your whole being, mind and body. I see it as another responsibility in addition to the ones everyone has as human being. Such power and influence shouldn't exist here, its a lot for a feeble human being to handle. I have direct power and influence over all beings on this planet be it plants, animals or humans and can change the course of someone's life by just thinking it. Imagine the amount of self discipline i'm having to learn and develop, the temptation, not think anything stupid. Imagine it... most of the time i'm not even all that aware of what i'm thinking... i'm just going along unaware of the condition... and BAM, something happens, a string of thoughts happen... and whatever they were i or someone else will end up experiencing them weather i like it or not, be it positive or negative...  In addition i'm made aware of the resulting thoughts... imagine the guilt... and experience them and live them myself and can never get away from it. At the moment its more of a torment than a gift in all truth... as i believe using the paranormal/psychic/occult only leads to unhappiness one way or another...

I accept the condition and will do what i can to keep it under control, learn and improve myself... i was caught of guard, unaware, lacking knowledge, lacking self discipline, unprepared... its like getting a normal person of the street say a street vendor and instantly giving them a job as an aircraft controller, having no experience, no knowledge, no training, of whats happening and telling them get this plane on the ground safely... that's me right now, the street vendor!

Well i'm just telling my story and trying to understand what's going on... and how to get this under control. Yes i'm complaining and whining but who wouldn't, its a lot to take on from one moment to another... I'm on here talking just because, its more about having someone to talk too, 'cause i already know what i have to do, its incredibly difficult though. Finding what i had to do to solve this, was the difficult part, that parts at an end, this whole situation is at an end as i've got most of the control that i need, i just need that little bit more to have complete control.  

I'm saying this externally just to vent but internally i'm happy and happy with myself and how i'm handling the situation. I'm proud of myself, and how well i've handled such an incredibly difficult condition and am coming out on top.

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Post by Duchess1964 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:22 pm

VERY GOOD!!  Always be proud of the gifts you have been trusted with.  Good luck to you.


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