How do you receive most of your psychic information?

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:11 am

I have a few others to add also.
Starsign,  :)

Please feel free and safe to add them to this discussion thread, as you are amongst friends.

These personal anecdotes or accounts of where not listening to your instincts or inner voices could potentially lead to your downfall or in some cases your early death (as was the case with the frayed iron cord) are I feel much more interesting and compelling evidence that we are spirits with temporary physical bodies, when compared to all the rest of the psychic literature put together.

Because these are first hand experiences of the person who had them and who is writing them down for us to share, your words carry an air of authority and of being genuine and honest which cannot be found in any other way.

And to top things off you are an Aussie like myself, which only makes me feel a deeper sense of connection with you, although this comment is not in any way meant to be offensive to people who come from another country who I number amongst my many internet friends from all four corners of the globe.

You come from New South Wales and I come from South Australia and we meet each on an international website, on a server located somewhere in India.


Isn't technology a wonderful thing for bringing people closer together, WHEN IT IS ACTUALLY WORKING?

Welcome to the discussion,

EoT    :smt052

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Post by starsign20002000 » Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:31 am

Thanks for replying Eot.  Yes I can see what you mean by not listening to my inner voice.  I live in the outback, NSW, and it is great that Aussies like you are here.  It is great to be able to communicate with others from all over the world too.  Yes it is cool.  Yes technology is great when it is working.  

Sometimes I can smell perfume around the house, but it is not my perfume.  I try to work out where it is coming from but cannot.

Sometimes I can see when something is going to happen.  A picture pops into my head and I see what is going to happen, sometimes it is my inner voice saying be careful don't do that.  

Just wondering how to develop these senses more.

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Post by suzisco » Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:47 pm

Hmm I tend to use my intuition and listen to my inner voice so clairsentience is my primary skill.  I have some empathic skills and that allows me to sort of see into the person and whats going on.  I love the thought that you can have gustatory psychic ability :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 23, 2013 2:37 am

Smells are an interesting phenomena and often identify the spirit sender.  But be aware, the pleasant as well as not so pleasant can and do occur.  lol  

Smell is the closest sense to memory.  We remember someone from their smell long after our vision has ceased.

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Post by cedars » Sat Mar 23, 2013 8:42 am

Smell, or a whif around the room.... or some perfume which you never used yourself.... even cigarette smell....they sometimes just go past us and it reminds us of a particular person.... When it does not remind us of a person, then the mind starts searching as to who was it, what was it, who the smell related to.....

Music: dont undermine music. Sometimes, out of the blue, I am drawn to listen to a certain piece of music or concert and while listening/watching I wish my father was still alive to watch and listen with me to things that have now changed form the time he was on this earth.... I feel a lump in my throat.... I regret so much he is not around to enjoy the new interpretations of certain composers and so on...... and then I feel calm... I believe that the urge, the inspiration that I had to play a certain piece was triggered by spirit to have the same enjoyment and pleasure for themselves...

My thoughts...

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Developing your psychic senses is a bit of a misnomer

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:55 pm

starsign20002000 wrote:Thanks for replying Eot.  Yes I can see what you mean by not listening to my inner voice.  I live in the outback, NSW, and it is great that Aussies like you are here.  It is great to be able to communicate with others from all over the world too.  Yes it is cool.  Yes technology is great when it is working.  

Sometimes I can smell perfume around the house, but it is not my perfume.  I try to work out where it is coming from but cannot.

Sometimes I can see when something is going to happen.  A picture pops into my head and I see what is going to happen, sometimes it is my inner voice saying be careful don't do that.  

Just wondering how to develop these senses more.
As my respected colleagues have also told you while regular practise never makes perfect it is the most effective way to safely develop your spiritual abilities or senses.

Actually the whole idea of developing your spiritual senses is a bit of a misnomer, as the senses belong to your spirit body and are already as developed as they will ever be, whether or not you are presently incarnate and temporarily using a physical body to interact with and move around this physical world.

Thus developing in this context means that you are doing what is required of you to become more aware of the information coming to you through these senses as well as to increase your sensitivity to the psychic information, and to better discern the difference between what is genuine and what on the other hand is only the product of your imagination, fantasy or wishful thinking.

In order get extra assistance with developing your psychic/spiritual abilities in addition to you attending a regular weekly development group or circle in your local area, I still cannot go past recommending the no nonsense practical approach used by the MIT trained scientist Pete A. Sanders, Jr. in his book "You Are Psychic!" 1989 [Fawcett Columbine]

There is no mention in this book of seance rooms and floating trumpets as well as some of the other more esoteric approaches to expanding your psychic powers, but instead a series of clearly explained instructions for doing this both in private and as part of a group of students. And it is written by a scientist who is fully trained in the use of the scientific method, and who is therefore less likely to be labelled by the general public as being mentally unbalanced or a psychic fanatic or fraud.

For example you may or may not know that a gut feeling happens because the main psychic centre for clairsentience or psychic feeling is located in the area of our solar plexus. There are two more minor centres to be found on the palms of each of our hands (used during contact healing to locate the part of the body which needs treatment)), but by far most of our clairsentient impressions arrive through our "gut".

The solar plexus is roughly half way between our diaphragm at the base of our rib cage and our navel (belly button) on the mid line. We can consequently increase our sensitivity to any psychic input by purposely and regularly focussing our attention on the area which is believed to be the main psychic antenna for that specific type of impression.

By continually and methodically concentrating your attention on the solar plexus psychic energy centre or chakra you cannot become more clairsentient than you or all of us already are since we all possess a spiritual body with its own senses, but you can definitely increase your sensitivity and discernment significantly.    

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members who have and will contribute to my inaugural discussion thread, after I was made a moderator on this forum. I am really impressed by the intelligent and friendly exchange of personal stories and knowledge used so far, and I hope that this will continue.

Things have moved exceptionally slow on most of the especially non reading forums of recent times (on many days there are no new posts on any forum), but I sense (there is that word again) that this discussion at least is finally moving along at a healthy and interesting pace as I originally intended it to when I posted it at the end of January. Greatly helped in this positive direction by the ongoing support which I am receiving from other readers and moderators and other valued internet friends. This is very humbling.

Thanks everyone.

Please keep up the good work.

Yours appreciatively,

EoT  :smt026

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Post by oriel » Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:00 am

May I just butt in and say EoT you're one of the nicest people I met in boards/forums in the cyberworld..Always helpful and detailed in explaining.. :) have a nice day everyone! :smt006

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A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are.....

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:40 pm

Dear Oriel,

With humility and gratitude, I thank you kindly for your generous comments.

I do not see this as you butting in, and I seriously doubt that anyone else here does either.

People helping and encouraging other people is what this online spiritual community is supposed to be all about.

Anything appearing on these forums which does not help or encourage other people often has much more to do with massaging people's fragile egos (readers included), than it ever does with loving service, compassion and healing.
Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.

Amen to that,

EoT :smt002

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Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed May 01, 2013 1:30 am

I am am still monitoring this thread, and thank everyone who has contributed to it so far.

It is interesting to be able to see the number of different people in whom each of the psychic senses is the stronger.

This does not mean however that if it appears that you are mainly a psychic seer (clairvoyant) or hearer (clairaudient), that you could not develop the other channels, if you wanted to and were willing to do the exercises involved.

You might with regular practice turn out to be a more than adequate psychic smeller or sniffer (Clairolfactant), but compared to someone who is exceptionally gifted in this smelly way of receiving psychic information, you would be like someone who is still practising their musical scales on the piano, competing with Ludwig Van Beethoven.  


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Post by suzisco » Wed May 01, 2013 5:20 am

I also believe that EOT'S patience and knowledge is truly humbling and a joy to read. I wish I was as skilled at oration as he is. Many thanks for the work you put in here. Kind regards

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Post by suzisco » Wed May 01, 2013 5:20 am

I also believe that EOT'S patience and knowledge is truly humbling and a joy to read. I wish I was as skilled at oration as he is. Many thanks for the work you put in here. Kind regards

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