Hello, I'm an aspiring psychic and I have a question about fortune telling/readings

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Post by OceanTide » Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:11 pm

Totally. There are so many different careers that I'd be interested in pursuing. Based on what I've decided, I've seen my future play out in so many different career fields. It kind of drives me crazy, considering I want to do so many different careers because I have various passions.

This is why I try not to worry about the future too much. I live in the "what do I want right now" kind of mindset. My future has many different courses, and I really don't know which one(s) I want to take. I'd be happy with any of them, but there'd also be something missing in each of them, if that makes sense.

Honestly, I see random stuff in the future. I can see tomorrow, I can see a year from now, I can see 50 years from now. Overall, the visions in my point of view that I see generally come true within a month or so. And I have them all the time, so nothing's really a surprise. For example, I foresaw the surprise party my sister organized for me a few years ago. I foresaw my mom winning a contest. I foresaw my first day of school, so I knew my way around. If I know I'm going to have an absolutely horrid day, I'll cancel whatever I had planned that day, and I'd just stay in bed in order to avoid the mess of a day I was going to have.

So life can get pretty dull, considering there's never really any surprises. I try to spice it up with various hobbies and such. I also try to be spontaneous, but I may have foreseen myself doing the activity I decided to do, so it's not really spontaneous.

I just try to change the future to keep it interesting. But a lot of the times, my "changing the future ideas" are what I see, so apparently that was the path I was meant to take. Gah, it's so frustrating.

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Where are my life's surprises?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:03 am

And I have them all the time, so nothing's really a surprise.....So life can get pretty dull, considering there's never really any surprises.

Yes like almost everything else in life, being a prophet does have its disadvantages.

Only some of us possess with any significant strength the gift of accurately and reliably predicting what the most likely future outcome of a set of conditions will ultimately turn out to be, but with this power comes a great amount of responsibility to use the information wisely and sensitively, and not in the process to unintentionally create a negative self fulfilling prophecy.

By simply (did I really say simply) observing the shadows of the future, in some ways often unknown to us we change the event itself. It is like doing an examination at school where you get to prepare and bring in all the answers with you. Not a  true test of anything, other than perhaps that you are good at summarizing information which came from someone else.

I do not think you have such a big problem as you imagine that you do. If your path involves you learning certain lessons that will not be properly learned or learned at all if you know about them beforehand, you can be sure that the Universe/your Higher Self/your spirit guide or guardian angel or God him or herself will keep that event or lesson completely hidden from you in your best interests.

Budding prophets often have serious issues balancing their feeling of responsibility to let people know what might happen to them so that it can be avoided, but without creating unnecessary fear and panic, as no psychic prophet has a 100% strike rate if he or she is being honest with themselves. Usually if someone claims a consistent success rate of above 80%, they are either fooling themselves or the general public. It is in that 20% or more that the surprises come.

But of course you already knew that I was going to type this posting, so did I waste my time and energy doing so?

I think not!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:54 pm

There are many forms of protection and grounding available to consider.  What works for one may not work for another.  We have to pick and choose what works for us and what does not.

NO energy need ever be blocked.  We can manipulate, filter, change, but do not block energies.  

The best protection that works for me is seeing an opaque bubble (similar to one blown from a child's soap bubble pipe, complete with the rainbow patch as rainbows are such wonderful symbols of bridges, connections, communication).  Affirm this bubble as a filter of all energies from within and without.  Now you are ready to face the world at large.

All psychics have some measure of empathy. After all is said and done being psychic is using your 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch - both tactile and emotional) on a sensitive level of your being.  Understanding that will help you be in touch with your own energies.

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Hey OceanTide

Post by Ishtar » Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:36 am

Hey OceanTide,

Hope you are well…

Was just wondering if you ever got more info on the link of having Fibromyalgia and being psychic/empathic.
I too have Fibromyalgia and with that I have IBS, IR, PCOS and then there is the headaches, the fatigue…

I always just thought it was a family thing my Mother and Sister also have it. The thing is they are also very sensitive…

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Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:16 am


I would not wish to be seen as attempting to upstage Ocean Tide about this issue, but the following links about the possible relationship between fibromyalgia and psychic abilities could be of some interest to you, although they look at it from two completely different perspectives, with one being more cynical about whether the relationship is real or imaginary.

If any significant relationship does exist, the psychic abilities most commonly associated with a person also having fibromyalgia are of an empathic nature. That is an extreme sensitivity to the emotions of other people.

This does seem appropriate as the condition itself mainly manifests as an over-sensitivity of the skeletal muscles in certain areas of the patient's body to the neurotransmitter chemicals which carry the nerve impulses to the muscles from the autonomic nerve fibre endings.

I have done a lot of my own research in this area because Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (both of which I have) and these abilities, all seem to be linked together in some still to be understood manner. The IBS which I have had since the middle of 2008 is also implicated.

http://laughingcrowknits.blogspot.com.a ... ities.html

http://skepticalpsychicblog.blogspot.co ... ychic.html

http://www.psychic-experiences.com/real ... story=2262

In addition the following article teaches people like us to protect ourselves from people who either intentionally or unintentionally drain away our life energies. We are evidently more vulnerable than the average person to these so called "psychic vampires"

"How to deal with psychic vampires"

Know yourself. People most prone to being drained of energy by others are people whose own boundaries are weak or ill-defined, and who tend to be people pleasers, unwilling to say "no" and afraid of ever being seen to let down anyone else.

Get yourself checked out by a doctor before blaming people around you for "draining your energy". You might have ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, poor nutrition, or any other underlying medical condition that needs treatment. Granted, it may be worsened by hanging around energy-draining psi-vampires but you have the upper hand in fixing it if you know you've got it.
Talk to a counsellor or therapist if you have problems with your emotions, feelings, and interactions with other people.
Improve your fitness and immune system. If your physical strength and immune system are under par, you'll naturally feel more vulnerable to a lot of life's vicissitudes, and this can leave you open to people who prey on weaknesses. Eat healthily, exercise regularly, and maintain your overall health.
"Top 10 Survival Tips for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)"

http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/pre ... person-hsp

Hoping that all these links give you a good start on your healing journey.


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Hey EoT

Post by Ishtar » Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:32 am


Thank you for the post and the links will definitely look into those… sorry I am only replying now was away from the internet for a while…


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:37 pm

Another condition prominent in Psychic/Mediumship work is Diabetes.  (I guess we are all too sweet!  lol)  I have found many who suffer this condition, but it is manageable.

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Re: Hey EoT

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 09, 2013 3:06 am


It was my pleasure to be of assistance.

Message read and understood.

Once you have followed those links, could you please provide me with some feedback about the articles under this same thread to help me to better help other members, using their advice in the future as well as my own?

Thanking you in advance,

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Post by Ishtar » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:09 pm

Hey Spiritalk,

I have Insulin resistance, thank goodness not diabetes yet. but yes it is manageable...

i wonder if this is just something random or if there is truly a link and if there is might it be an avenue to explore as a type of prevention or treatment...

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Post by Ishtar » Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:15 pm

Hey EoT,

I am not sure if this is what you are asking of me, but I went trough the links…

If I have to go by the first one alone than I am definitely 100% empath lol. The fibro pain in the beginning was so debilitating.  I could not walk very far without pain or do the simple things like getting out of bed without looking like a 90 year old… shuffling my feet, back bent till my muscles and joints got oiled and I could move in the upright position again… Being so confused and confusing others with where the pain is if they asked because it would be in 5 places at once.  The way I dealt with it was to condition my body to move passed the pain and take more… sounds strange I know, let me try and rephrase…  to deal with the pain better I basically tricked my body to accept the pain as the norm and upped my pain threshold.

Don’t worry I don’t go looking for extra pain…lol  it is just when I am in a situation that involves pain I try to control what I feel through meditation or just simply trying to zone out so that my mind does not register the pain. For example a while back I had to have a few fillings done, the dentist asked if I wanted injections to numb the pain because some of the work she had to do would be painful, I opted out … the pain got bad but I got through it, now you would ask me why in heavens name would you put yourself through that. Two reasons , I had to prove to myself that I could do it and I was tired of letting pain win.

I am not saying that you have to inflict pain on yourself or advocating anything of the sort, that was just something that I had to do for myself to prove that pain does not own me,  so to speak… So over the years I have been coping better with the pain, I know my limits but try not to limit my living and it could also be that maybe my fibromyalgia is not so severe as others might have it…

The interview with Judith Orloff … I just know realised it is things I sometimes unconsciously do, like grounding myself when I feel everything is spinning to fast or I am getting too much info from the outside that it feels like I need to shout to hear myself think or that the stuff coming from the outside is drowning me out. Also my Mother and others have always ask that I massage them, (it is something I like to do as it also relaxes me in return) they tell me I usually know just where the pain is and what i should do to make it better, this is of course without any official training. What I then later instinctively and with the help of the internet learned to do was not to hold on to their pain or not hold it in my body but to let it move through me and out of my body…  I for one don’t watch the news, I don’t know when it started but I think it was just a coping mechanism that kicked in after a while. Attracting positive energy resonates so much with how I see things and what I believe.

The link about the physical symptoms … so that is where my interest in Reiki and crystals comes from… mind you I have always been interested in alternative healing but a couple of months ago Reiki and crystals kept jumping out to grab my attention.  

To come back to the link between fibro and being an empath…  the logical part of my mind wants to question it more but on the other hand… if you look at who has the fibro, it is either people who does not know they are empaths or empaths who have not (yet) been diagnosed. Might the saying where there is smoke their usually is a fire suffice…

Let me know if this is along the lines you wanted or if you wanted a more structured research type of reply based on the articles alone…


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Exactly what I wanted. Thank you!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:12 am

Let me know if this is along the lines you wanted or if you wanted a more structured research type of reply based on the articles alone…
Is a more structured research type of reply even possible, as this effort by you was much more and better than I ever hoped that it would be?

I already know what is contained in the links I gave you. I knew that they were useful, but I wanted to know how useful they were to you personally.

And according to what you have reported back to me, they were very useful in helping you to better understand your own coping mechanisms, in learning to live fully in spite of having the fibromyalgia, and its associated chronic pain

What I was really interested in was your response to what was contained in them. I wanted to get inside your thoughts and feelings about the information, and that is exactly what you did so well.

All of what you said about upping your pain threshold and learning to use this control to your advantage made perfect sense to me, and no you are not a masochist who actively seeks out pain for pleasure. You did not ask for this disease, although there are suggestions that like my CFS your fibro may have a spiritual basis to it.

Our HS (Higher Self) has taken it on in order to amongst other things experience and learn certain lessons through our Earthly identity and physical body about the need for greater self love and for taking better care of ourselves. It is NOT about punishment for past sins, although the pain can seem punishing at times.

The interview with Judith Orloff was likely to be nothing new to you. It only confirmed something which you already knew and regularly  apply in your daily life. It was like preaching (teaching by example) to the already converted.
To come back to the link between fibro and being an empath…  the logical part of my mind wants to question it more but on the other hand… if you look at who has the fibro, it is either people who does not know they are empaths or empaths who have not (yet) been diagnosed. Might the saying where there is smoke their usually is a fire suffice…
This could form the basis for an entire future discussion in this forum at a later date. Like the chicken and the egg, what came first, the empathy and sensitivity to pain or the condition itself?

Our logical and intuitive minds are designed to work cooperatively in combination with each other, so as long as we do not close our mind down completely with too many questions and doubts, continually questioning these apparent conflicts is both healthy and productive.

Thank you so much for your feedback which was of the highest quality, honesty and potential usefulness to any other members in the future who I give those same links to.


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Hey EoT

Post by Ishtar » Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:51 am

My Pleasure and i really do hope it helps...

This discussion was really food for thought , and i must confess i am still chewing :smt002

warm hugs,

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