Indigo People....

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Post by Casey » Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:14 pm

Agreed. I suppose there are more shades to this than initially meets the eye.

It would be better to speak softly concerning these ideas when it comes to the public eye. When I was a very devoted follower of Christ (After the Cult-Business), I found that Jesus, as I was experiencing Him, seemed to be far more interested in Love than Conversion. The best way to change someones mind is to not have changing their mind as the first thing on your agenda.

If you are yourself, the untampered with self, and respect and love has been gained from the people around you, it will be a lot easier for them to witness the examples of those abilities; this seems more preferable than to preach. People would rather taste a pear than be told what it tastes like.

Even worse, if you tell them what a pear tastes like, and it doesn't fit the bill when they finally do eat a pear, they might just find dissapoitment and give up pear-eating for the rest of their days!

One of my favorite words of wisdom, and one of the hardest to follow, comes from Tao Teh Ching: "Avoid all extremes."

(Sometimes it's too easy to take things of "The World is Ending and I have a Mission to Do" to such an emotional extreme, burnout may be soon to follow. I believe it would be far better to keep a calm eye on it and continue to excell in loving the folks around you and trust that you will continue to develop abilities that naturally come to you. This is idealistic, but I believe it to be truth nonetheless.)


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Re: Meiousei wo shugo ni motsu

Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:01 pm

Sei no Senshi wrote:She gets her piece but I don't get mine?  Typical *rolleyes*  Anyway...

I disagree with the claim that the Indigos have been incarnating for one hundred years.  I've read several articles on them and they've all basically given the same time-line 1979 to 1999.  This timeframe is very significant, I don't think the 'Indigos' are spirits or anything that are incarnating from Earth from somewhere Beyond.  It's just people with particular astrological influences.

When we discuss's always good to have the same definition of it.
It seems my Indigo differ from let me state mine :)

I take my from Wikipedia where it is stated :
Indigo children is a term used within the New Age movement to refer to children who are alleged to possess paranormal attributes such as the ability to read minds.
This ability I also equal to a a psychic..(so in a way I call Indigo children a product of more psychic awareness).since I assume they somehow must connect to us in order to read us.....I assume also that it is natural abilities give by birth....and not given by gift by some super external forces.
So I assume the name is new....but the ability in itself is as old as the human race.
I don't think that Indigo children is a new race altogether, which it must be if it arise 1979 and end in 1999 (they have to be a new race since they have other abilities then the normal human race)

Since we have given something a name, we start to practice this will then become stronger.

Then we have people who have good fantasy....who create bestsellers on mind control and normally we call it science fiction. They move buildings...burn people..and transport theme-self from A to B in in a blink.

When we then hear about "Indigo" children we might start to put equal between science fiction and reality....then we are on a wrong path.

So in my opinion will an increased "population" of "Indigo" children not be because of any star or planets....but more on a stronger focus on this abilities and the allowance to develop it.
Further is it more respect for what they can achieve among the common population, due to more information, which also increase the development of the ability.

But of course I might be wrong altogether, since I haven't read the book....neither put my mind to study the phenomena  :)

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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Oct 20, 2007 10:08 pm

And Casey...I agree in all your thoughts.....they sound very fine to me.....a good lighthouse....and I wish you all good luck true life :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 1:46 am

WOW.... a lot of good information to read tonight... Thank You all for posting....

Casey: I agree that ANY thing can and often is over glamorized, and I love that you put your personal insight on here, I think that it is helpful... I wanted more information and I think that  without giving it you helped me to get it... (sounds weird but I swear it made more sense in my head)

Rhuto: I think that I can agree with you that psychic abilities do seem to be tied into 'Indigo' people rather closely.... Though I can see many possibilities as to why....

Sen No Senshi: Do you think that it is possible that the last time when Pluto and Neptune switched places (the 1735 to 1749) that the people you mentioned and others were born that if born today, would be labeled as indigo, and therefore that it is possible that Indigos have been around since then only much more quiet about the things they could do because they feared being persecuted which was something that happened often to those who were considered 'out of the norm' in these times? (okay I know I am talking a lot but I DO have a point) and therefore, could have produced off-spring, that although not as strong as the original or the 'new wave' coming in, of 'indigo's' that certain traits carried through and this is why there are people out there in this world who fit into this category but yet don't seem to fit?

I would love to hear everyone point of view on the questions I asked Sen No Senshi... it was just a thought... I hope not a too far out there one... I often tend to dive too deep into somethings.. *smile*

Last time Pluto and Neptune switched places was from July 11th, 1735 to September 15th, 1749.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:17 am

Indigo children is a term used within the New Age movement to refer to children who are alleged to possess paranormal attributes such as the ability to read minds.
And it is very fitting that this most recent Pluto-Neptune switch had Neptune beholding Pluto with a very long-lasting Sextile.  Thus this seemingly vast psychic potential.  However, the 'Indigo children' have a deeper meaning than just to be psychic (whoo-hoo), they are supposed to have deep and powerful missions to accomplish.  A la Pluto.
So in my opinion will an increased "population" of "Indigo" children not be because of any star or planets....but more on a stronger focus on this abilities and the allowance to develop it.
Oh-ho, but what about those children who are not raised in New Age households (if any)?  They would live in such an environment where this focus does not exist, it would not be allowed to develop in that no one would know how or what they were dealing with.
Do you think that it is possible that the last time when Pluto and Neptune switched places (the 1735 to 1749) that the people you mentioned and others were born that if born today, would be labeled as indigo...
No.  I don't recall Thomas Jefferson having psychic powers...
...and therefore that it is possible that Indigos have been around since then only much more quiet about the things they could do because they feared being persecuted which was something that happened often to those who were considered 'out of the norm' in these times?
I doubt it.  It's based off of a planetary cycle, one that repeats once every 258 years.  They would live together, they would work together, and they would die together.
and therefore, could have produced off-spring, that although not as strong as the original or the 'new wave' coming in, of 'indigo's' that certain traits carried through and this is why there are people out there in this world who fit into this category but yet don't seem to fit?
Planetary cycles aren't inheirted...O.o'

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:28 am

No but DNA is and having certain abilities in a physical form, would be able to transfer through DNA to children and so forth, much like other traits that can be passed down through families....

Are you 100% certain that Jefferson wasn't? there are many things that have existed that were not common knowledge until long after the time that it existed in.

I am not asking if it is true, just possible.

"they are supposed to have deep and powerful missions to accomplish"

Are you certain they don't??

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:34 am

Perhaps so, but I would think there's a big difference between the obvious inheritance of DNA and the 'indigo ability', which is something that doesn't seem to come around that often.

Well, no, but I would hope that through historian's constant studies on the founding fathers that something that strange wouldn't have eluded detection.  Are you saying psychics weren't around in the 1700s?  Psychics have been around forever.  Delphi?

In the grand scheme of things, anything is possible.  Possible isn't really what needs to be looked for, but probable.  Is it possible the world can end tomorrow due to an asterioidal impact?  Of course.  Is it probable that the world will end tomorrow due to an asteriodal impact?  Not at all.

By that same token, are you sure they do?  What makes you think they do, other than a spiffy title that relates to one of the several possible hues of the aura?

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 2:51 am

I am not really concerned as much with the aspect of the aura *doesn't even know what color hers is* What interested me was the other things mentioned... the things that I know I have experienced first hand... I don't really care if there are or aren't indigo's, I just wanted to learn more about people who I think I can relate to in a very personal and life altering way, a way that I have never related to someone before with out using on of the abilities that I have.

Yes, I do think psychics have been around pretty much as long as humans have, What I was referring to was the increased psychic awareness, that supposedly accompanies indigos.

I admit with no qualms that they made just be a made up title, that someone decided to call him/her self to make them feel better about being SO different... I am not taking it all as absolute truth.... I know better than that... I am saying that possibility to me is still a staggering number, even though it isn't as certain as probable. So many things that are probable now have at one point in time or another only been possible.

Science has made that happen, and I believe whole heartedly in science. I am just asking to learn and form my own opinions, and for me knowing it is possible means something. I don't care about someone's aura color more than I do about WHO they are as a person. It wouldn't be any different then liking or disliking someone for having or lacking money, or the color of their skin... we are all people and deserve to be treated equally, because of that fact. There is always someone out there smarter or faster or more psychically gifted than I am, but that doesn't mean they are better.... Attitude is what makes someone worthwhile to me, and their heart. Being mean just because you can, makes you someone I don't want to be around... (you not meaning YOU but in general anyone I am talking to about being said thing<ex. Mean>) I chose to look at who you are and not what your labels are and not who you say you are.... I don't like to tell people about the things I can do for that reason alone.... once I know someone and feel that they know WHO &nbsp;I am then they can know something that I just happen to be able to do.... ya know?

I guess the point is that it doesn't matter Indigo, or not, I think that the people being labeled as such are something to explore and learn about, and possibly for me to connect to in a way that I haven't experienced before. That is how I am looking at it, and I also believe that Astrological things can influence who we are in some way physically, Look at what the moon does, who is to say that it doesn't change who we are going to be by the position the moon is in, that it doesn't help to make a trait more or less dominate. Science can't say why two blue eyed people can have a brown eyed baby, and why they do, when logically they should have blue. There are too many unknowns out there to not question the validity of it, and the absurdness as well.

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Post by Vircanaq_88 » Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:20 am

Hello All, I really like Whats Being said On This subject tonight. Casey, You Helped Me to look at It From a diffrent point Of View. Sei no Senshi , your post of planatary aspects Has me thinking about a couple of things also. Tell Me what type of Astrology do you study? Westren, Idian, Sidereal? ( Not trying to get off subject) ANd What If your birth chart Pretty much has all the dealings of a Indigo Child, and says your mission in life is for the people, like all those good ol Historical people you named earlier, WHo ALL BROUGHT OUR WORLD UP IN SOME WAY &nbsp;IN THEIR AND MADE BIG CHANGES THAT AFFECTS US STILL.Could you still say that there is no such thing as these type of Indigo Race Or Shall I say &nbsp;No Such thing of these People THat We Give the Name Indigo Exsisting. With These significan Influences, and characteristics?. I hope im making sense I Promise Im Trying to go somewhere with this. One More Question. DOes a INDIGO CHILD &nbsp;have to have EVery Last ABlity Listed To Have In Order To Be ONE Or DO THey Just Have TO Have SOME and feel certian ways about certian things? HOPE I MADE SENSE

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:20 am

Nyteshadecreed wrote:No but DNA is and having certain abilities in a physical form, would be able to transfer through DNA to children and so forth, much like other traits that can be passed down through families....

Are you 100% certain that Jefferson wasn't? there are many things that have existed that were not common knowledge until long after the time that it existed in.

I am not asking if it is true, just possible.

"they are supposed to have deep and powerful missions to accomplish"

Are you certain they don't??
It is always interesting to me when DNA is brought up because again we begin to concentrate on the material aspect of this life.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:22 am

Tell Me what type of Astrology do you study? Westren, Idian, Sidereal?
ANd What If your birth chart Pretty much has all the dealings of a Indigo Child, and says your mission in life is for the people
And what, preytell, would such a chart look like?
Could you still say that there is no such thing as these type of Indigo Race Or Shall I say &nbsp;No Such thing of these People THat We Give the Name Indigo Exsisting. With These significan Influences, and characteristics?
When the world is meant to change, it will make sure there are people who will help it change. &nbsp;I do not believe in an Indigo race, I believe in people who are born with the capability of revolutionizing the way we look at different things. &nbsp;This is not consistant with the definition of 'indigos' which seems to only be children who appaer to be more mature than their physical age and have some psychic abilities. &nbsp;Find me a claim of anyone on that list being psychic, then you'll have yourself an argument.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:22 am

Sei no Senshi wrote:
Indigo children is a term used within the New Age movement to refer to children who are alleged to possess paranormal attributes such as the ability to read minds.
And it is very fitting that this most recent Pluto-Neptune switch had Neptune beholding Pluto with a very long-lasting Sextile. &nbsp;Thus this seemingly vast psychic potential. &nbsp;However, the 'Indigo children' have a deeper meaning than just to be psychic (whoo-hoo), they are supposed to have deep and powerful missions to accomplish. &nbsp;A la Pluto.
So in my opinion will an increased "population" of "Indigo" children not be because of any star or planets....but more on a stronger focus on this abilities and the allowance to develop it.
Oh-ho, but what about those children who are not raised in New Age households (if any)? &nbsp;They would live in such an environment where this focus does not exist, it would not be allowed to develop in that no one would know how or what they were dealing with.
There is one thing that puzzle me.
The way I understand Indigo is this a's not a scientific accepted proof.
You yourself are telling that you don't believe in it....and that is ok....but why then making chart and telling that it is because of planets that this happens?
If this is true....well then Indigo Children must be true....because you are saying it happens because of something.....but you will have no science behind your claim.

As for children not born into New Ages family.
Who on earth have not heard about psychic behaviour by now???
You don't need to be a New Age person yourself in order to have seen it on TV and newspaper.
If you then get a child that are might not explain it with that he/she is half wit or maybe he/she will grow out of it with age....this because they know that there might be another explanation.

We shall not go far back in time 30-40 years...and then psychic was something that you saw on Circus or in small tent with a crystal ball.
There was something strange about them and I think most people was afraid of them because they could tell about the future.

This have no changed....our reality have changed...

When we put up a Indigo children....and are telling that they shall be a part of changing the world....well then many of them will be such a part.
Again not due to stars....but due to belief....due to goals put up as children.
Many of the indigo children my stay as average people...some might climb to the highest peak...and we can say....look it was right.....but was it? &nbsp;we have had focus on indigo....what about all those average humans with goals and purposes who have reached equal far...or maybe longer...what is the cause of their success? Goals and hard work!
Beliefs can move mountains or destroy it's always good to have a glass of ice water near by :)

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Re: Meiousei wo shugo ni motsu

Post by Gem » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:54 am

Sei no Senshi wrote:She gets her piece but I don't get mine?  Typical *rolleyes*  Anyway...

I disagree with the claim that the Indigos have been incarnating for one hundred years.  I've read several articles on them and they've all basically given the same time-line 1979 to 1999.  This timeframe is very significant, I don't think the 'Indigos' are spirits or anything that are incarnating from Earth from somewhere Beyond.  It's just people with particular astrological influences.

The 1979-1999 timeframe is extremely significant in the realm of space.  It's during this time that Pluto switched places with Neptune and became the eighth planet from the Sun.  So, for the first time in 250 years, Pluto's influences were not being filtered through the aura of Neptune.  So, those of us born during those times and who have close aspects between our personal planets and Pluto have this raw, revolutional energy coursing through us since Pluto overcame Neptune.

Don't believe me?  Yeah well, I'm pretty sure I can prove this.  Last time Pluto and Neptune switched places was from July 11th, 1735 to September 15th, 1749.  Well, who was born during this time period you ask?  Paul Revere, John Adams, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, John Hancock, William Hershel, Benedict Arnold, Thomas Jefferson, Meriwether Lewis, and Giuseppe Piazzi, just to name a few.

So, let's see.  We got some American revolutionaries there, some astronomers who revolutionized the views of space, and an explorer who...explored no, I kid, he and Clark explored the territory of the Lousiana purchase and took note of everything he saw.  Talk about observational science.

So, it's my belief that this Indigo thing isn't some mystical influx of spirits, but a perfectly predictable planetary cycle a la Neptune and Pluto which just empowers particular people to do great things.

~Jikuu no hoshi, Meiousei wo shugo ni motsu, henkaku no senshi.
Stunning! I will investigate this further... I wonder if I have been 'indigo' in other lives too &nbsp; &nbsp;:smt003 &nbsp;hmmmm

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Post by Gem » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:56 am

Nyteshadecreed wrote:I am not really concerned as much with the aspect of the aura *doesn't even know what color hers is*
But isn't that the modern day similarity that all indigoes have in common?

An indigo aura?
Science can't say why two blue eyed people can have a brown eyed baby, and why they do, when logically they should have blue.
That is easily explained with genetics :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:27 pm

Gem wrote:That is easily explained with genetics :)
Yes, but they can not say why a recessive gene and a dominate gene change in the display of themselves, There are many theories on this topic but nothing concrete as to why.... Just because science can say that it happens because of this trait or that, is mostly speculation, we don't know for sure.... Nothing in science is as concrete as many would like to believe that it is.... There is always a new way to do something that makes the old ways obsolete.

The point I was trying to make is that astrological influences MAY have an affect on the physical body of people not only born under that sign but while they were still in the womb. &nbsp;This is just an idea, but one that I would like to hear more about... I am taking in to account the way the moon affects ALL life on our planet... and that it could very well affect us physically too... I am not saying that it is the sole reason why people are different.. just that it might be why some people ARE more sensitive than others....

I also agree with Rhuto (I think it was him) who said that just because you have something in you doesn't mean that you use it... I know first hand many people who don't believe in any thing mystical but often do things they don't attribute to it... Like hearing things no one else does... Like people calling to them. &nbsp;

Sidewalk: I bring up DNA, and the material world because so much of it is still unknown to the world... How can we say that there isn't a link between the two (material/physical and the spiritual) there may be a particular genetic anomaly found in DNA that links people with abilities together.... I mean we are all linked through genetics, we are all family through genetics...

Anyways, just a few thoughts that have run through my brain in the last two days... they aren't the only ones on this topic but the ones and intrigued me the most, and the ones I wanted to get feedback on....

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