Psychic Abilities

For Psychic discussions and general questions.

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:15 pm

spiritalk wrote:I have often thought the catholics make such good psychics.  They have a built in mantra with their rituals like the rosary.  Any phrase repeated is a mantra and can take the mind to a more calm place.  It is good for meditation purposes.
SpiritTalk :) CityHunter has a valid point and you are evading it :)

But then you did get a post credit :) so life is good!

love you,


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Post by Horser55 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:22 am

Ok so I went downtown today and walked around. I was drawn to look at a few people, they just caught my attention for no apparent reason.

The reason I went downtown was to visit a metaphysics shop that has runes, tarot cards, crystals, herbs etc. and it has a bookstore section too! ^_^ I bought another deck of tarot cards - as I wasn't to pleased with my other deck. When I picked up this one the back of my head started tingling, it was interesting. I also bought them a very nice wooden box to stay in! :D

Those people that I was drawn too - I don't know if that is something subconscious that I noticed or if it was some sort of psychic draw.... :\

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Post by Horser55 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:25 am

Oh also, sunmystic or SpiritTalk - I was wondering if one of you (or both would be excellent!!) would mind reading my sister's picture - she really, really needs some insight. :( ... hp?t=66470

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:11 pm

Horser:  Your sister has a beautiful smile, which she allows to mask her feelings at all times.  There is sadness in the eyes.  There is unfulfilled dreams and goals.  She is kind of restless and doesn't even know where to begin to fix it.  She has so much and is very thankful.  But behind it all is a sadness of not doing what is right for her soul.

This usually relates to something creative.  Perhaps helping someone else?  Or even helping herself to create a new life.  

Her education is complete but she misses the academic atmosphere.  She is most at home with her books and studies.  A research project would be a good fit for her.  She heard of something is this area but feels it would be disruptive to home life - must be in another city or state?

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Post by Horser55 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:56 pm

Thank you both for your readings - we appreciate them! It's AMAZING to me how spot on you can be.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:25 pm

sunmystic wrote:
spiritalk wrote:I have often thought the catholics make such good psychics.  They have a built in mantra with their rituals like the rosary.  Any phrase repeated is a mantra and can take the mind to a more calm place.  It is good for meditation purposes.
SpiritTalk :) CityHunter has a valid point and you are evading it :)

But then you did get a post credit :) so life is good!

love you,

I am not sure what I am evading - that's not me!  LOL

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:12 pm

Horser55 wrote:Ok so I went downtown today and walked around. I was drawn to look at a few people, they just caught my attention for no apparent reason.

The reason I went downtown was to visit a metaphysics shop that has runes, tarot cards, crystals, herbs etc. and it has a bookstore section too! ^_^ I bought another deck of tarot cards - as I wasn't to pleased with my other deck. When I picked up this one the back of my head started tingling, it was interesting. I also bought them a very nice wooden box to stay in! :D

Those people that I was drawn too - I don't know if that is something subconscious that I noticed or if it was some sort of psychic draw.... :\
What a person puts thought into (feels or noticies with their mind consciencely or subconsciencely) lights up and attracts the eye. What attracts you to certain people is these areas giving off energy. So the way to begin to explore the psychic abilities world is to look at other people and see what part of them your eye is attracted to and if possible what feelings they cause you to feel.

What we can do here if you would like to Horser is have a look as some pictures of some actors and discuss what they are radiating. Actors radiate alot of energy and so it is fairly easy to study what they are putting thought into :)



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Post by Horser55 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:47 pm

Ok, I looked at this picture of Gerard Butler ... utler2.jpg

for some reason I am drawn to look at his chin/lips area, I don't know why. You'd think I'd look at his eyes, but it's his lips/chin that I'm drawn to stare at. He looks like he's got something on his mind that he'd like to say, but he got interrupted. What do you see mystic?

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:00 pm

So guys lets all have a look at this picture and see where his energys are being place and coming from. Humm? :)

I like him, he is fun!

Yes he is placing alot of thought in his lips, but what he is actually radiating is "pout". That is when thought is placed in the area under the nose. "Pout" also lights up the lips. All truly sexy actors and actresses radiate pout when they want to present themselves as "sexy".

Also if you have alook at the tips of his ears you will see energy on the tips of his ears. Clark Gable is another example of a person who placed thought above and on/in his ears.

He is also radiating alot of energy from his heart center :)

If you looked at the whole picture you would see that he has a nice "tush" :) and an energy that attracts one to the area around the top of his hips.

He is giving off blue and white light with quite abit of sun yellow light from the center of his forehead (life energy). He is radiating "Existance" (the crown chakra is very on) and "nurishment" (throat chakra is very on). And the mischivious look in his eyes comes for the energy around the tips of his ears.

Well :)


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Post by Lovelife » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:36 pm

This is cool... I don't have any psychic ability that I know of.. but maybe I will see what happens.  Nice first pick Amberly love!

To me... I'm drawn to his eyes first but I think that is more because I like blue eyes lol.  As for his mouth that is perpetually in a half smile.. even when acting he talks a lot through the side of his mouth... to me usually implies a "I have a secret that I'm not telling you... and it's kind of funny" like Mona Lisa... That is what I usually see in him.. but for some reason in this picture I feel that it is more of a smirk with some contempt in it... like he didn't like something or someone he saw and felt some disdain or "better than thou".   Also I always feel that he is holding back and hiding things... like maybe he hides his feelings... even tho he is a very expressive actor I still feel like maybe personally he holds back a lot.

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Post by Horser55 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:43 pm

Erica - I see what you are saying. Good points.... ^_^

Mystic, I was drawn to his ears for a few seconds, but dismissed it because the pull towards his mouth was much greater. have you seen his new movie - law abiding citizen? We get a nice tush view in that!

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Post by chelsh1776 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:52 pm

I think his expression is somewhat one of discomfort. He looks like he doesn't want to be wherever he is, doesn't want to be doing whatever he's doing, but that he's going to play it cool anyway. However uncomfortable he may be in his current surroundings, however, he still looks very confident and prepared for whatever may happen.

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:15 pm

Guys the management of this message board is going to move this topic to picture reading :) which is ok :) if they decide to do that. Ok?

But this part of this topic is about :) seeing the "up front energies" that people radiate and seeing these energies from a psychic sense. Actors and Actresses do this on purpose to effect you as their audience. Or they are just a character actors and not method actors because character actors have no idea what they are doing.

By studing what actors do on purpose :) (and because they are noisy) we can get a feel for what normal people radiate because they (these real people) are doing who they are :) and are not doing things on purpose, unless they are :) doing things on purpose. I can radiate anything on purpose, the question is, "Is that the real me?"

The reason that we are exporing professional actors is because they are "noisy"; and that they are doing this stuff on "purpose" to effect you as the audience. So anyway guys because they are professionals, you are never going to know who they really are by looking at their pictures. :) Ok?

But you can study what they (professional actors) do, :) in an energy sense and learn to see the energy/light/emotion that folks give off, because they (these professional actors) are really noisy. Ok? Which is why the camera loves them.

We can also ask, "How does the professional actor effect you?" ,as long as we understand that the effect that they are creating on you, is being done on purpose :) ok?

To be continued :)

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:35 pm

The energy is in the eyes that take the attention to the ears.  He is projecting to the audience, see me, hear me.

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Post by sunmystic » Tue Oct 27, 2009 9:43 pm

spiritalk wrote:The energy is in the eyes that take the attention to the ears.  He is projecting to the audience, see me, hear me.
You are just being mean Spirit awk, so I pull my permission.


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