What's the real definition of Psychics?

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Post by Sohail » Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:49 am

i wanna try telepathy.. even telekinesis
any tips regarding this?

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:03 am

go to >> Mediumship development academy on this forum... you will find all the help you need!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:22 pm

Why Sohail?  When we open to psychic/mediumship abilities, they come on our own personal talents enhanced through the talents and skills of sensitivities.  Talents do not so much come from us as find us willing to open to them.

Telekinisis is a disruption to people's lives - they say how things pop around them (like light bulbs) and they can not control it. There is a certain amount of telepathy involved in working with spirit guides.  Other than that it can be very intrusive if not used for good purposes.

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:52 pm

spiritalk wrote:Before the psychic powers comes the spirituality.  It so important on so many levels to be opening and working on self in spirituality as you open the power of your sensitivities (psychic).  

The psychic powers are about reading the energies that are all around us.  If we use our own experiences to read those energies we may not rise in spirit to address the finer points.
God but I love what you have posted :) only a master would have said what you have said.

hugs and love :) !


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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:53 pm

Well, Spiritalk,I sometimes forget that not everybody uses their gifts for other's good. I do find telekinesis fascinating, but also see that there are very few people practicing it openly. There must be a reason for that I guess and I can only imagine it takes some very advanced psychic powers. I honestly don't see much use for it, either, except when you are in an emergency situation and need to move something very heavy your body strength can't handle or something that needs to be moved quickly,but you can't reach it on time.
I have heard some indigos say light bulbs pop around them often and electronics malfunction or act weird...the latter happens sometimes with me. For example my alarm clock don't go off when they should, or they go off when they shouldn't. Radio frequencies often change or get louder or quieter when I go near an analog radio, Not just a little, but a lot. I have trouble ever finding any radio stations at all because me touching the radio makes 'em all disappear or scramble and then I let go and they are blasting my ears out. That is all analog radios I have - 3 of them... My computer often restarts the wireless Internet connection while my bf is on the same connection and there's nothing wrong with it. I have found no virus and everything else seems fine. No pattern to it either except that there are times when the energy in my body gets strong enough to cause almost like a tingly/burning sensation in my hands and forearms and sometimes chest that is only relieved when I put it to good use like sending Reiki.
I had issues with phones, too, my cell phone will sometimes not ring when it should or not even show a call at all when I just talked to someone. I use to have cordless phones anywhere from 1.5-2.4 ghz and they all were getting static interferences to the point that you could not hold a conversation. We finally got a 1970s rotary phone and the problem disappeared. it must have to do with energy frequencies, I think... everything has a different vibration and can be influenced. The question is, do I really want to? LOL... oh and that's where I wonder if using Qi Gong to move something isn't in reality the same as telekinesis (=moving something remotely) Oh wait, my TV remote if programmed right, will change channels all by me intending to do it and pushing the button... hmmm LOL
Last edited by PetraVanilla on Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:00 pm

Sohail wrote:i wanna try telepathy.. even telekinesis
any tips regarding this?
Talk to Allah first :) and then go explore the ways. All of us did that :)

Which is why we are really good at what we can do.



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Post by Sohail » Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:11 pm

sunmystic wrote:
Sohail wrote:i wanna try telepathy.. even telekinesis
any tips regarding this?
Talk to Allah first :) and then go explore the ways. All of us did that :)

Which is why we are really good at what we can do.



was it a joke :|

whtever it was..it was sick..besides wdo u hve any prblm wid my religion?

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:46 pm

Sohail, don't take Sunmystic so serious, he didn't mean to insult you...  he's often on the lighter side, actually trying to make you smile. Not everybody gets his jokes everytime, tho lol... Sunmystic, I think you were thinking, but not telling here haha.
Sohail, he did however try to tell you that you would want to explore your spirituality more, first, which often does go along with religion, but more often supersedes it. So before you start playing with psychic powers you're not yet prepared to use in their entirety with all their consequences, study and pray! It is imperative to do so to receive full revelation along with the few things you can study, .... some things can't be explained, they literally reveal themselves without our input!

Love and light!

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Post by Sohail » Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:33 am

PetraVanilla! its ok. but plz next itme dont say anything related to my religion. not even in a joke.. btw i want to improve my future seeing power.. any idea?

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:43 am


I've been doing quite a few picture and non-picture psychic readings here on the forum, telling that I am in the process of learning and ALWAYS asking for feedback. I also journaled my readings and feedbacks for my personal track record. Surprisingly to me, I have yet to receive negative feedback. If you have psychic abilities and trust your intuition, you will find a relation between what you see, the person and what will actually happen. Remember that the future can most always be changed by the person's actions, though, and I would always let them know that when doing a reading, especially if you see something negative. Also give intuitive advice on how they might be able to change it for the better. When I talk intuition just write down every bit of impression that you get when you concentrate on the person. Pictures for me are easiest and I pay attention to every detail like colors changing in my field of vision, words that pop up in my mind, the shape of the face the depth of soul within their eyes, the condition of the skin and hair, the vibration of their feelings. I also sometimes ask how old the picture is, because a newer picture will say more about the person and their situation today, while a picture from let's say 5 years ago may reflect the person's past. If you tell the future just based on such a picture the person might tell you and confirm, that today the things you forecasted, are actually reality or in the process of coming true.

BTW it seems like most psychics have trouble reading their own fortune/future, maybe because they are biased when it comes to their own relationships and so forth... the only thing that works for me in a way is laying tarot cards, they have never lied, yet! You simply go by the meaning of the card and apply it to your life. With practice your intuition and spirit guides will lead you in the right direction predicting/giving the answers to questions in regards to past present and future.

Another thing you can do is try and predict outcomes of things. That could be a 50/50% chance thing as flipping a coin and telling what side will land on top, to the weather or horse racing results. I have come to the conclusion that if you are above 80% (8 out of 10 tries) right, you are most definitely gifted. Practice makes better!

Good luck!

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Post by Sohail » Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:31 pm

on my birthday... i expereinced something [it made my body immoveable n some force was hitting my head].. later tht day i heard of a blast in Islamabad.

some days back i again predicted tht something bad will happen. later next day, a blash in Rawalpindi occured.

i live in Bahawalpur.. its far far away from Islamabad n Pindi
dont knw whts the link between me n these 2 cities

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:09 pm

Sohail, I know that distance doesn't matter, I predicted that earthquake in Seattle,  and I am over 480 miles/768km away from there... I also sensed something bad would happen 9/11 and New York is 2,500 miles/4,000 km away. But both are metropolitan areas, like both of the cities you mentioned. When the vibration of an event to come increases (like animals feel an earthquake before it comes, many people conspire before a major blast or terrorist attack, until it finally happens), you, being more sensitive than people that just go about their life and drown those vibration sensations out, will be more likely to pick them up and make sense out of them. Those vibrations have little to do with time or space. Einstein's relativity theory presents the option that time is only an illusion. Yesterday was the present and the present of today was yesterday's future and is tomorrow's past. Any point in time is happening, has already happened and will happen, we just adhere to a man-made schedule...

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Post by sunmystic » Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:56 am

Sohail wrote:
sunmystic wrote:
Sohail wrote:i wanna try telepathy.. even telekinesis
any tips regarding this?
Talk to Allah first :) and then go explore the ways. All of us did that :)

Which is why we are really good at what we can do.



was it a joke :|

whtever it was..it was sick..besides wdo u hve any prblm wid my religion?
I guess you are on your own Sohail. I have no problem with your religion. And I love Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. If you do not go through the Divine then you are not going to find what you are seeking. :) Sohail your warnings about things are coming from and are a gift from the Divine. If you want to break that connection, that is up to you and I will stay out of it and never be apart of anything that you post on this message board again.


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Post by Sohail » Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:14 am

oh i m sorry..i didnt meant to hurt u. blv me
actually i m having some problems..so kindly forgive me.

btw i want this god gifted power..but dont knw how to excel it

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Post by Sohail » Sun Dec 13, 2009 5:16 am

still i m confused..tht whts my connection wid those upcoming incidents

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