Indigo People....

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 4:37 pm

Ohhh yeah... the aura thing.... What I was saying is that I don't need to know the color of my aura to know what I can do and who I am and that I am here to accomplish a specific thing. I have felt that on my own my whole life... and I try to do my best of fulfilling it all that I can.

While I understand that indigo's having the aura of a specific color is significant, it is not what I am looking for or at when I think about learning more about these people, I might or might not fit into that part of it... but making it ALL about the aura is denying the more important parts of what I have learned about it already...

Wanting to and making it your mission (for lack of a better word) to improve our world and the people living here, is what I think is more significant. Changing things for the better is also something that I don't think you need to have an indigo aura for... The aura is just a way to identify each other.... (from one indigo to another) IMHO.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:03 pm

You yourself are telling that you don't believe in it....and that is ok....but why then making chart and telling that it is because of planets that this happens?

Well, it's interesting regardless of whatever my personal feelings are.  I don't believe in Indigos, what I believe in is a generation of people who will revolutionize our view on something, maybe several things, like the people in the list I gave before did.  Fighting for what they believe in, or just being lucky.  It's not that this is a once in a life time thing, oh no, anyone can make a difference, born in this timeframe or not.  All Pluto is doing is giving my generation an urge to change something, like it's done for several genertations and even more individuals before us.

If you then get a child that are might not explain it with that he/she is half wit or maybe he/she will grow out of it with age....this because they know that there might be another explanation.

But how many times does that happen?  "Behavioral disorder?  Ha, no, my child must be psychic."  If that's the way people looked at it, there wouldn't be such conditions as ADD and ADHD.

There's nothing mystical about the Indigos, it's just astrology.  "The times are a changin'."  :D

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:12 pm

Sen no Senshi: DO you believe in anything mystical? Like psychics? at all?

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:20 pm

I don't see what that has to do with anything, but...okay.

I'm here, aren't I?  At Mystic Board.  That's a good sign. :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:41 pm

It doesn't have anything to do with anything I was just curious... and being here doesn't mean you do... There are boards that have nothing to do the the mystic stuff... and you didn't actually answer... but if you don't want to, then by all means don't I was just wondering... *smile*

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:45 pm

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as snippy.  I just re-read what I put and my reaction was "Bad! Bad!" *slap self in forehead*

Good point.

I do.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:49 pm

*giggles and stops you from smacking your self* I didn't get snippy... I got.. ummm distracted?? LOL... anyways I am glad to hear it... I believe in me too... Ummm I mean Psychics.... hehehe

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:52 pm

Sei:  The indigo information is not about a single generation.  It is about people born over the last 100 years trying to lead the world into the light of spirituality.  There have been a few more over the last few generations, but they exist in a lot of generations of human history.

"The Indigo Child is a boy or girl who displays a new and unusual set of psychological attributes, revealing a pattern of behavior generally undocumented before. This pattern has singularly unique factors that call for parents and teachers to change their treatment and upbringing of these kids to assist them in achieving balance and harmony in their lives, and to help them avoid frustration."

-- Lee Carroll & Jan Tober

How can you tell if you are an Indigo?

A good way to "test" yourself is to answer the following:

Are you always searching for your greater purpose in life but feel like the world isn't set up for your kind?
Do you sometimes feel wise beyond your years?

Do you have trouble conforming to the ways of society?

Do you feel out of place in today's world?

Do you perceive the world very differently than most people around you?

Do you have strong intuition about certain things that most others do not?

Do you often feel misunderstood when you try to talk to people about what's real?

Are you a truth seeker?

Do you feel like you were born to accomplish a special mission in life?

Do you feel isolated and alone in your beliefs?

Misunderstood by family?

Do you feel anti-social unless you are with people of like mind?

Are you emotionally sensitive?

Did you have a difficult childhood?

Do you often feel dis-empowered by too much authority?

If you can answer yes to many of these questions,
then you are most likely an Indigo.

What are Indigo and Crystal children and adults?How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?      

We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.      

The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the las100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and way-showers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.      

The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.      

The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change.      

The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have acquired or are in the process of acquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels".

Just for some solid information on indigos.....
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Post by Gem » Mon Oct 22, 2007 3:08 pm

spiritalk wrote: Just for some solid information on indigos.....
Depends on the interpretation one takes on 'solid' ?

These are opinions, they are not based on facts or scientific study though....

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Oct 22, 2007 4:15 pm

Thank you Gem, brilliant.

The Crystals are a different thing entirely, and I'm really not sure how to explain them astrologically.  For all I (or anyone else knows) the Crystal children are just Indigos who Neptune decided to shove some power down their throats when he got out of the underworld.  It would fit the date for the early 2000s, but even then I think the ideas of the Crystals are a little strange.  With the Indigos, you could track them and see how the oldest supposed Indigos are doing, but the oldest supposed Crystals are going to be...eight max.  Now much you can look at

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:35 pm

There are few 'experts' in this field but this is the one source that has studied their material - I call that solid.  There is always a lot of good, bad, ugly information available - particularly on the internet.  Finding a reliable source is so much better for the study of any information.  

Of course, all is opinion - yours, mine, anyone's - but finding some good sources is good.
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Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:05 pm

"Experts" was a fantastic way to put it.

From the Wikipedia page:

Indigo literature frequently talks about "university studies" and "interested scientists," but gives no actual citations.
Is that what you call 'solid'?

This, my friends, is an excellant example of what I think is happening with this supposed Indigo wave.

An example of this emerged in a 2006 article in the Dallas Observer which covered the Indigo Child phenomenon.[15] The reporter observed an eight-year-old boy named Dusk quizzed by a man on his "Indigo" status:

"Are you an indigo?" he asked Dusk. The boy looked at him shyly and nodded. "I'm an avatar," Dusk said. "I can recognize the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire.(Yeah, you and anyone over the age of two, my boy.) The next avatar won't come for 100 years." The man seemed impressed.

However, readers of the Dallas Observer wrote to inform the editor that Dusk may have been drawing on the Nickelodeon children's show Avatar: The Last Airbender. This highly rated television show features a twelve-year-old boy who is the reincarnation of the Avatar Spirit, has the power to manipulate (or "bend") earth, wind, water and fire, and was once frozen in suspended animation for 100 years. These similarities were not noted within the article, and the editor of the Dallas Observer later admitted they were not aware of the possible connection until several readers brought it to their attention.
Oooh, the magic of television.  I remember playing those games when I was a little boy on the playground with my friends.  Good times...good times...  Maybe that's how Neptune strikes back.  Delusion.  Interesting...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:41 pm will always have such incidents.....but are those incident strong enough to say that all is wrong?

I have hard to believe that Indigo children is "a new race" with a special task to save mankind......but I have also a hard task to believe in any religion as the only true one.

By giving "Indigo Children" such a label that they are here for saving the do a lot of injustice to those children.

They might then in early stage come into extreme groups, that so "strongly believe" in this, that they destroy the child in order to bring forward the abilities described.
Which we also have heard in this thread...but maybe not destroyed...more with a experience she could be without.

The more we mystify a group....the more persons it attract....but not so many well educated people....more people who have strong belief in it and wish to be a part of it.

When it comes to saving the world...then it can only be done, if we all do our part and change the way we misuse the Nature.

The evolvement of mankind, or species, is an ongoing process and I have a hard time to believe it will stop with us.....we are just a race like all other....and very few are left of those who have existed.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:28 am

Rhuto: I think that is very insightful Rhuto...

Sen No Senshi: I also think that you are making Very good points, I think that they hype, is just a little tooo much and a little tooo unbelieveable.

Though I personally think that there is some truth to the whole of the indigo people.... I am just not sure as to what I excatly believe.....

Hmmmm much to think on....

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:00 pm

Sen:  Wickapedia has been found suspect in so many areas.  Another source would give some more valid information.

Nyte:  As to belief in Indigos - I, too, have never picked up on the latest hype on any subject - the new age type of thinking has been open to so much and has been found suspect, at best, in the end.  I did recently take a color test and found that by asking some very insightful questions (similar to the write up I found) indigo tends to fit the bill.

I might add....I have given this article information to a number of people recently and they have found some comfort in the fact it defines what they had been feeling, about fitting in and being ostracized in so many ways in their life.
God bless, J

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