"Black Panther Cat" magic...

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Post by spiritalk » Tue May 18, 2010 3:53 pm

Of course spirit guides have a life of their own.  Spirit realms are all about learning and growing - just like the earth plane - only on a spiritual level.  They are not with us every moment.  They do come when we open to invite them to our lives.  

A guardian may stay with us so much more.  Watching every step and learning and growing along with us in spirituality.

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Post by Ishtar » Wed May 19, 2010 8:16 am

Hey Spiritalk,  :smt006

Hope things are well... :)

SO a guardian and a spirit guide are two separate beings... How are they different???  If i may ask, what do you think The Black Panther is to me, guardian or guide?
I don’t know why or where the apprehension comes from but i can’t bring myself to contact my Spirit Guides... I have tried but then just stop... The strange thing is i want to know them...


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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 19, 2010 2:56 pm

The panther may just be a symbol of your spirit guide contact (a friend of mine sees a cardinal and her spirit guide is there to work with her).  I believe we must work in species so that communication is easier, but we do welcome and enjoy the animal kingdom for all it offers us in strength and protection.

I do not believe your panther is either a spirit guide (as such) nor a guardian.  And yes, I do see the job of each as slightly different.  A guardian guards and a guide guides.  In the name is the differences.  We have a guardian for life.  Spirit guides can come and go as needs permit.

We must realize that the subject of spirit guides is strongly controversial - I give only my understanding to enjoy spirit presence.

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Post by Ishtar » Mon May 24, 2010 10:06 am

Just thought I share with you guys...

The strangest thing happened today I was browsing a site and they were talking about meditating on how to get in touch with your animal guide...  I opened the link, minimized it before it was fully opened (had to do something else) Anyway when i opened the meditation link.. The First thing i saw was a picture of a Black Panther...

Was the Black Panther  trying to say something here...LOL


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Post by shard » Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:49 am

I know I'm resurrecting an old post but it resonates with me...

Ishtar, I too have a (cat/panther/ jaguar??) with me, prob always been with me, since I was a child,my protector and companion but only recently has she come to the front of my conscious awareness.. a year ago I participated in an ayuhuasca ceremony, during which I was confronted by reptillian entities who wanted my energy, wanted to control and suppress me, I was overcome by a powerful force which became my mind and body, the force was a large cat,at the time I assumed it was a jaguar, the cat hates all reptillians, the intensity of its power blew the entities away with a deep resonating growl that emanated from my bowels, where i think the cat resides.

Since then, she has come to the fore of my consciousness on multiple occasions, she is a warrior and abhors evil, I need to be more conscious of this because she can get me in trouble where maybe claws are not needed lol :) Especially when I deal with 'snakes' or 'spiders', I have difficulty playing the game, my righteous claws and hiss have no impact, they use it against you, right now I'm learning to purr and play (rats are so easy to toy with), stalking is next on my list!

Beware, cats may have teeth,claws and raw power but a lot of the other animals are way more dangerous, sneaky and ultimately deadly, they hide and bide their time.. when you least see it coming they strike!

Stay conscious! :)

lotsa luv all

by the way, this is my first post, what fun!

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Hey Shard

Post by Ishtar » Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:08 pm

That must have been some ceremony...
Sounds like you have come to know the Cat very well... would love to hear more


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Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:42 pm

Hello again after such a long time... Ishtar, you are still around! :) Good to see you here! Someone called me a panthress recently... out of the blue... I was kinda wondering if anyone else feels any panther energy with me... it's been a while and my energies have changed and shifted...

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Spirit Of Black Panther

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:27 am

Someone called me a panthress recently... out of the blue... I was kinda wondering if anyone else feels any panther energy with me

Your avatar represents the entire species of cats, big or small.

House/Domestic cats, tigers and female panthers alike.

All members of the cat family share several characteristics of behaviour, while in other aspects each of them can be quite unique.

I would be interested to learn why you chose that particular animal as representing your essence or power totem.

Are you simply a cat lover? Did you pick up on something within you intuitively which characteristically makes you like a female panther?

A pantheress energy?

Or perhaps a little of both?

Black Panther classification
The term black panther is used for any type of big cat with a black coat.  Other than the black leopard and black jaguar, the most commonly accepted view of black panthers, people also use the term black panther for all look-like all-black versions of a cat species such as the cougar, puma, tiger, bobcat, lynx, jaguarundi, or even a suspected prehistoric survivor – the cave lion
http://blackpantheranimal.com/black-pan ... cation.php

Spirit Of Black Panther

Role: Prophet
Lesson: Reclaiming Power
Element: Fire/Water
Wind: West The Quest Within
Medicine: Shape-shifting

http://www.crystalwind.ca/mystica/anima ... nther.html

Hoping that this helps you to track down why someone (psychic?) recently called you a pantheress (the correct spelling).


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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:21 am

Ha u know that ure opening up a can of worms here, right? LOL I am answering before I even read the articles you linked to, because I might have to say even more after reading them.... The black panther was actually the first totem from the cat family I was fascinated with when I was a kids... I created a "club" called "The Black Panthers" with my best friends at about 10-11 yrs old and even made identification cards with black panther images on them.

The Lynx was the first totem that came up in my adult life when I first learned about animal medicine.... after I read and thought back, I realized that in the past couple months, I encountered lynxes everywhere, including pictures, statues, magazines and internet articles and FB posts. It was so obvious. Then I reasd about the Lynx and everything from lifestyle to physical things matched me quite well. Down to the strong legs and the keen sight in low light conditions as another psychic friend here on mysticboard told me at the time.

In the last couple years I have not only indulged in my love for cats by getting one back in 2008, Mittens, but also by rescuing a pregnant cat, after which I ended up with 6 cats in a small apartment. Until recently 3 remained after finding homes for 3 others, but 2 are inside and one lives outside (tomcat unfortunately sprayed too much and got his sister pregnant) and has no intention of leaving. I dont mind because I hope to eventually move and take him with me. I now have 1 fixed adult cat, and one older teen who just had 3 kittens (I had so hoped I could get them cats fixed before this happened.... oh well....)

Around May-June, I had a dream of a white tiger. I was running from strangers in a field and he stepped out of the forest in front of me. Instead of showing fear, I bowed down in front of him and layed down in the grass. He proceeded in the direction of the people following me, by stepping across me, covering me with his body, growling at those people to protect me... he claimed me by (don't laugh) marking me in the dream and the people were afraid of him and took off in the opposite direction. It was a lucid dream and I realized my spirit guide white tiger (a medium once told me I had a white tiger on one side of me and a huge dragon on the other) is actively protecting me... it was so real I could feel his body heat and feel his breath on my hair as he stood over me.

Ok the pantheress... one day, a few weeks ago, I had some struggles and asked for a bit of encouragement from my team and my mentor online... my mentor said only this: "Petra, you are a pantheress with powers beyond measure..."

Now the most interesting thing about the panther is the shape-shifting. Over the last 2 years or so I studied Wicca, Paganism and Shamanism, the latter of which I chose to be my main path.

I could start another thread about this, but just in a nutshell, I was visited last winter by a Peregrine Falcon. I rescued him with bare arms with no struggle or hacking out of my stairway, which leads outside. He trusted me completely and we made an instant intense connection. He sticks around, as well.

One day an SOS was posted on Facebook, a friend's father, a shaman himself, had heart problems and a 2% chance of survival; It was clear to me I had to try and help. I was quite inexperienced in journeying, yet I decided to try a journey with the help of the Falcon. As I laid on my bed with my dream stone (a special crystal used for journeying) in one hand I drifted off into a vision... but most incredibly I felt my eyes turn into those of the falcon, my mouth and nose into a beak, and suddenly my chest felt like it was heaving up and down with my arms lifting up and down, as those of a bird in flight. In my vision I crossed meadows and lakes and mountains and finally found myself next to a hospital bed with a couple of DRs surrounding a patient. Suddenly I was alone and waved a 6 inch raven feather in 3 places over his body. Just as sudden as I got there, the journey began to reverse rapidly, pulling me back over the mountains, lakes and meadows in a flash. And boom I was back in my bed and it felt like I had dropped back down n it... I was still in a total daze for the next roughly 2 hrs after...

I told a friend about it, and she said it would have been interesting to have run a camera while I was journeying... to see if there had actually been physical changes...

As different as they are from each other, the totems I am mostly surrounded with can be put in 2 main categories, cats (cat, white tiger, lynx, panther) and birds (falcon, owl, raven, goose, dove and hummingbird). A third one is insects (honey bees, ants, butterflies, large beetles and praying mantis)

OK I go and read the articles now :)

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:48 am

Wow.... yeah... ok... I AM A PANTHERESS according to EVERYTHING that article just spelled out for me... From the magnetism and charisma, to survival skills and noticing minute changes, and observing others' energies from no matter what distance, to strength of will and truth no matter if u want to hear it or not...

Also... I have discovered a thing about me that scared me at first... I always knew I had the gift of persuasion and strangers always open up to me within minutes, but I have also told people who have rubbed me wrong what would happen to them karma-wise and was able to confirm weeks and months and years later that whatever I had told them came true. I wondered whether it was my gift of prophecy or maybe persuasion that played a role here... could I really MAKE stuff happen, by forcing my anxious and angry energy toward people to help Karma along...? The fact that the panther medicine seems to confirm this is pretty amazing...

By now I am pretty darn sure I am a neuromancer (do not confuse with necromancer - not interested in messing with the dead lol) I am now taking on this great responsibility to keep my thoughts and powers in check and practice forgiveness, rather than sending out whatever it is I am sending out to those poor individuals who just had to mess with my emotions and well-being and that of my children... there is a good application for my immense will power ;)...

I guess the fact that ppl have told me I intimidate them although I am a very friendly outgoing individual seems to have found an explanation here, too... plus when I get mad, if ever, I never get into fights.... something makes my energy push people to take a few steps backwards and even leave.... and I have witnesses for that one...  

LOL WOW is all I can say..... WOW!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:11 am

Please allow me to stick my nose into this rather interesting exchange! Cats have always fascinated me!! Because of their symbolic meaning where I grew up? Or maybe because I am a leo (not sun sign, nor the ascending sign, etc!).

The safest way, I thought, to get closer and to KNOW cats was to raise a kitten as a pet and a family member :-) Though lot of "scooping" is involved (but you don't have to walk them daily like the other pet child, *or else...!*)

I discovered today a simpler and ??enjoyable way to KNOW the CAT!

Watch Adamson's BORN FREE and also the movie: The life of PI!

Love and Light!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:38 am

I realized my spirit guide white tiger (a medium once told me I had a white tiger on one side of me and a huge dragon on the other) is actively protecting me... it was so real I could feel his body heat and feel his breath on my hair as he stood over me.
This discussion is becoming increasingly more interesting and full of what appear to be strange coincidences as it progresses, as the white tiger is my power totem animal.


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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:11 am

Rohiniranjan wrote:
Watch Adamson's BORN FREE and also the movie: The life of PI!

I still haven't watched the Life of PI... I guess I have to now :) and Born Free.. haven't heard of it, but it is the weekend, so might just put in a couple of movie nights! :) Thanks for the suggestions "Roh" (Sorry for abbreviating - lesser chance of me misspelling lol)

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:34 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:
This discussion is becoming increasingly more interesting and full of what appear to be strange coincidences as it progresses, as the white tiger is my power totem animal.
Well Eye of Tiger implies tiger lol but White Tiger... hm... I've been fascinated by them for a while now, but it's never been so real... I mean, I haven't ever been that close to a large cat before in this life... yet I am convinced I now know exactly what it feels like... and from my emotions, deep respect, more so than fear, love and admiration of the white tiger's strength (his sheer size and body structure would put "the fear of God" like they say into anyone else...) I would go so far as to say I admired him as a large female cat would... like a queen admires her king... both powerful at different levels...

Generally black is more my color... (coming back to the panther) maybe the white tiger, combining both dark and light, has something to do with a balancing act within ourselves...

Lastly I read that the white tiger queen is the most fierce protector of her offspring of all large cats, white tiger male included...

I did remember another concurrence this summer... mountain lions...

I go camping by myself a lot... Last year I found paw prints about 30 ft from my campsite (I had sensed the mountain lion the night before, but never saw it...)

This time a kid from another campsite about a mile down from me asked me if i had lost a cat? I was like why? She said she had heard screaming almost like from a baby or kitten... I told her to be careful, because there were cougars in the area... sure enough, later that night the family encountered a mountain lion mama and 2 cubs.. I never got to see them, but sensed them as I spend a while in their camp that night, watching the kids, while the single mother helped out another person who got stranded nearby... we made noise and sang and made sure the fire was going well to keep the cats away...

Later I walked back to my tent alone... I knew the mountain lions were watching me, but also trusted they felt the same connection I felt...

Before I went to sleep, I tried to make a connection with them... sure enough I had a lucid dream: I was walking in some house and there were stairs; when I looked down the stairway, there was the queen and her 2 cubs, just like I had imagined them (I also looked their features up online later and I hadn't made up their markings) She looked at me, protective but a slight bit fearful. Suddenly I felt a male presence as the magnificent male stepped closer to his family.... he stared into my eyes as if he was saying, don't hurt my family and I won't hurt you... it was a mutual agreement and I let him know telepathically that yes I had no intention on hurting them... once again I felt such a deep connection with the animals... "mutual respect" is the most appropriate term for that feeling...

I found multiple paw prints the next morning, again, by the creek, about 30ft from my tent, as I had the year before... Some were larger than I was used to...

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:57 am

PetraVanilla wrote:
Rohiniranjan wrote:
Watch Adamson's BORN FREE and also the movie: The life of PI!

I still haven't watched the Life of PI... I guess I have to now :) and Born Free.. haven't heard of it, but it is the weekend, so might just put in a couple of movie nights! :) Thanks for the suggestions "Roh" (Sorry for abbreviating - lesser chance of me misspelling lol)

Love n Light,

Dear Petra.


I am not an 'animal activist' etc! Just a puny human being like you and EoT and the rest of US!

But we humans have a gift which is 'freedom of choice'! Given by WHO?? But we have it!

Hence, we try and toil and some manage to find THAT?

I hope you find the full version of Born Free and also manage to scope Life of PI

This or some other weekend!

Love and Light


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