How Psychic Are You?

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Dj I.C.U.
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How Psychic Are You?

Post by Dj I.C.U. » Thu Jun 29, 2006 8:45 pm


To find out how psychic you are, try answering the following questions.

Have you been attracted to the occult ever since you were a child?

Do you often complete other people's sentences for them?

Do you always buy the perfect birthday gift or Christmas present even though they haven't told you what they wanted?

Have you ever thought about something that you wanted and then miraculously had it pop into your life the next day? This could be something very simple such as the desire for a certain kind of Chinese food or a pair of shoes.

When you think about people do you shortly receive a phone call from them afterwards?

Do you "talk" inside your head to a deceased relative, such an aunt or grandfather who you feel is like a guardian angel watching over you.

Do you feel nausea and other symptoms of physical distress when you are near a cemetery or other places where people are deceased?

Have you ever had a dream and had it come true?

Have you ever sensed when someone has died?

Can you tell the history of an object just by picking up?

Do you cry a lot at a sad movie?

Do you seem to attract the walking wounded (troubled people such as alcoholics or addicts), more so than most people in life?

Have you ever won the lottery by guessing a couple of numbers dead on?

Have you ever been in bed and felt as if your soul was leaving your body and that you were looking down at yourself from the ceiling?

Have you ever had epilepsy, brain damage or manic depression?

Were any of your ancestors psychics?
Assign yourself 1 point for each question to which you replied yes.

If your score is seven points or less than you are not unusually psychic. You were born with the natural radar possessed by most humans.

If your score is between eight and twelve points than you are definitely an intuitive and have an ability that can be cultivated into something more. Others are probably drawn to you because of your empathy.

If you scored between thirteen and sixteen points then you are unusually talented and should explore a career as a professional healer, medium or a psychic.

An explanation of the results:

Most psychics develop an interest in the occult very early in life, often even before the age of twelve.

Completing other people's sentences for them is a form of highly tuned intuition. Couples do this because they are very connected to each other.

Being dead on by giving someone exactly what they want for Christmas is another example of intuition or you "tuning" into another person's thoughts.

Having your little wishes come true at just the mere thought of them is a rudimentary form of manifestation. An ability to manifest dreams into matter or manifest coincidences is a sign that you are not only in tune with your psychic abilities but also with your higher self.

If you think about someone and they call, that is a form of telepathy (sending a message from mind to mind) at work.

Psychics are thought to be hosts for ancestral spirits. If you find yourself frequently talking to a deceased relative in your head it is possible that you are a medium - a person that can channel the spirits of the dead.

They don't call it a "gut feeling" for nothing. People who are psychic often feel nauseous or a pain in the center of the forehead or at the top of the head if they are near a place where spirits hang out. Many psychics will also feel this if they are around toxic or negative people.

If you have dreams that come true, then it can be said that you are blessed with the gift of prophecy.

Psychics, mediums and other intuitive type often know inside when someone else has died. This is because they either feel the connection from that person intensify dramatically for a few hours or days, or they may even just feel a sense of loss or disconnection.

The ability to tell the history of an object or sense who owned it is called clairsentience. This means you are able to pick up messages through your flesh. Many say they feel a buzz or itchy feeling in their palm when this is happening to them.

If you cry a lot at a sad movie, or even just any sad story, this means that you have a wonderful ability to be empathetic with others. The danger of being able "to put yourself in someone else's place" and understand them, however, can be dangerous as often the feeling often feels like love. Women who find themselves in bad relationships often mistake their feelings of empathy for feelings of soul love.

Psychic individuals tend to attract troubled individuals for a couple of reasons. One of them is that the people who are troubled intuitively are drawn to others with healing or empathic abilities. Very often the person that comes to you feeling this will say something like "You are the only person who understands me." Also there is a principle that light attracts dark. The shinier and more enlightened you are as a person, the more you tend to draw negative events that challenge your progress on your soul path.

If you have won the lottery, you are either very lucky, or very psychic!

Out of body experiences and nightmares where you are being lifted out of your body are very common amongst psychics. It indicates ability to astral travel and talk to other spirits.

It's sad but true, but many psychics are people who have hit some kind of rock bottom with their emotions or nervous system. The sixth sense is often borne out of a necessity when the person lacks common sense or even the usual five senses due to an illness.

If you come from a long line of diviners, readers or prophetic people than chances are that you are capable of developing the same abilities.

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Post by Owl of Minerva » Sun Jul 16, 2006 7:17 pm

I am no medium - in fact one of the barriers to developing my own talent without the fall-back of runes, tarot etc is the confusion inside my head, distinguishing between my Spirit Guide Charlie - who often has to prove he's there by telling me what time the bus is going to come (e.g. five minutes late etc etc) or other things I couldn't have known without him - and my angel Ariel (who has a nice, deep, warm voice - a bit like the purr of her signature lion) and so on. Unless I hear voices externally - have done on a few occasions, more so when I admitted that there was something in the dreams I'd been having to give the whole subject a closer look - or directly within my dreams, I get worried that it is only what I want to happen; in cases when I've heard actual voices they have generally proved themselves right. I think one night I channelled Robin Cook's spirit.

e.g. Someone told me inside my head that "someone is coming to get you on July 13." July 13 came and went, and no nice chauffeur-driven limousine, pink champagne on ice to whisk me off to lunch at Downing Street. I worried all night that I'd just made it up to satisfy my curiosity. The next day I got a letter from an MP - written on July 13 - I'd worked with on the election inviting me to a reception at Westminster, so that was that bit fulfilled. He also looked slightly different, and I had a dream a while ago that one of my colleagues would appear to me on paper without his glasses, as Rob did in fact on his photographic letterhead (in the dream it was in a newspaper, but Rob as an MP is in the local paper all the time, with his glasses...because without he has a pronounced squint). So I could know and release the fear that Charlie and Ariel were just figments of my overactive imagination.

I guess then I know I am psychic/intuitive, but I would appreciate advice on how to disentangle thoughts of my own from communication from spirit-guide or angels. (I know I haven't spoken with any deceased relatives; my grandma speaks to my dead grandad a lot when she needs his advice but she probably wouldn't admit to doing anything other than thinking about what he might do if he was alive - but the way she "asks" his advice suggests that she channels him).

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Post by NoobixCube » Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:48 am

I don't think I'm a medium of any sort, but in my history classes in Highschool, if I ever saw a photo of a place of lots of suffering or death it would distress me no end.  Once, before I knew what Auschwitz was (it was a German concentration camp for the Jews in WW II), I saw a photo of it and it was like a thousand people were crying or screaming, and I was hit with a feeling of terror at just seing the photo.  Also, when the twin towers were destroyed, I was asleep at the time (it was about midnight, my time, when it happened).  The whole day prior to that I'd been very sensitive to everything around me, and while I was asleep I had an incredibly vivid nightmare full of blood and screaming and fire.  I could smell blood and burning hair and skin, and I could feel the heat of the fire.  One person was screaming directly at me to help her.  I think it's entirely plausible that in two buildings that large, at least one person would have been psychic (latent or otherwise), and in enough distress to mentally scream for help.  It's also plausible at least, that some people who are either strongly psychic or just very receptive (I can't have been the only person this happened to either) would have heard that cry.

I've discussed my talents in full in another post (can't remember which one at the moment though) and I seem to have got a fairly random smattering of a lot of untrained skill in just about everything :P

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Most quizzes

Post by spiritalk » Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:13 pm

And this one is no exception, are limited at best.  These do not even define the power of the psyche to be sensitive to the psychic within each and every one of us.  Yes, it may manifest stronger in some than others...just like any talent.  But, it is available to all.  Knowing you have this talent, what would you do with it?

A muscian finds a good teacher for the basics as they practice to hone their skills.  Even a concert pianist had a teacher for the basic at some point!  

So how important is it to recognize the need for help?  Most like to use it like a 'special' talent or ability that no one else can have...when, in reality, anyone is capable of doing psychic work.  And it is work.  All they have to do is learn how from a good source and it will manifest in leaps and bounds.  

Fooling around can also do the opposite...bring in all the negativity of a low level influence.  It has been drawn on the law of attraction...what you think will open and expand your consciousness in this skill too.

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Post by Greyfox » Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:37 pm

I dunno--some of those questions seem to be more relevant to telepathy and/or clairvoyance than to psychism.  Clients sometimes try to play "stump the shaman" with me, and challenge me to tell them what they are thinking.

I always reply with a shrug--"I'm just psychic, not telepathic."

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We have to

Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 03, 2006 1:42 pm

teach the client what is psychic mediumship before we even practice it!  LOL

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This posting makes me feel good.

Post by lizmeegan » Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:10 pm

I have a lot more latent psychic ability than I thought.

Thanks for sharing it.

All the best,  LizK

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:35 pm

There are many sources, with a lot of information, some of it even conflicting with regard to Psychic Mediumship abilities.  Some call it a gift...I believe a gift is given and the receiver will do nothing to enhance it if they believe it has been given at this level.  

In Modern Spiritualism (religion, philosophy, science) there is an open minded approach to all students who wish to open/expand their consciousness to include psychic mediumship abilities.  They use mediumship in their services as proof of the continuity of life and have a purpose to train and enhance their own workers for service.  Education in this topic is readily available, online, on hand, and by correspondence for the interested seeker.

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tarot: psyhic test

Post by zomora » Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:06 am

Well now its one thing to take a test, and look at the results, its a good thing i've never depended on te test scoring. In general I've always tested in the ten percent  area of the test. But on the stuff I downloaded from your web page I couldn' t find my way out of wet paper bag.

I guess homuor has been a life long friend. Peace.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:46 pm

Test questions are always limited.  Trust your own instincts and see how far they take you.  Psychic is attached to being sensitive to many energies of life, not just the material ones.

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I am pshyic

Post by roygre7 » Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:06 pm

Most of the things you ask has happen to me. I have not won the lottery, but all of the other things have happen to me. I knew about 9-11 before I was 16. I had a dream about it and told It to some friends who told me "its just a dream" that's all I thought it was. I have had a another dream more resent I hope doesn't come true. It was a nuke attack on californa. I don't like this ability What can I do to stop it.

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Post by Samson » Thu Oct 19, 2006 2:54 pm

Roygre7, as frightning as it looks your dream is telling you something just look at N.Korea that's where your answer is and I hope for you and everyone else over there that it also doesn't come true.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:40 pm

Dreams are not the most reliable of sources for psychic input.  Dreams are about our unresolved emotions in our conscious state, for the most part.  There are 2 small windows of time when psychic activities actually happen...just before sleep takes over and as you rise from the sleep state, but the mind is still altered.

The 9/11...unless you actually got the name, address, phone to speak...any symbolism can be construed to mean what you got.  The explosion itself could have (and most likely was) some situations in your own life that had explosive consequences.  Remember, at 16 we are very emotionally focused and everything is such a drama in our life.

Just some thoughts....

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Post by Samson » Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:45 pm

I wish it isn't true either Spiritalk, even for America.

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My dream

Post by roygre7 » Fri Oct 20, 2006 7:11 pm

The dream is not something I would dream. It's more like and astro projection. I mean I'm in another body, child both times, I was there to see it.


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