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Post by lsbinuy29 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:08 am

I personally have great powers of telepathy. I can talk to anyone who has an open mind, now I cannot read minds, but I can have conversations with people. I am currenty seeing someone ( I dare not mention the name) telepathically. Has anyone had an experience like this? Or has telepathic powers?
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Post by spiritalk » Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:09 pm

There are many that refer to psychic abilities as being telepathy.  There must be a fine line between the two experiences.

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Post by Tish » Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:47 pm

:smt006 Yes, I do, and I think both my kids do, too.  They are currently experimenting!

I hold conversations with people I am not with at the time, and the results of the information given, or topic discussed, seem to be with them when I next see them.  I have never tried to discuss what I have done, though, as I think most people that I know would find the whole idea disturbing and upsetting.  I think that when we do this, we are talking to their subconscious self - I would not expect them to have conscious awareness of what took place.

Often, though, it is pictures received, and knowing what is happening with them (mentally, not where they are or what they are doing).

But oddly I have had occasions where I have seemed to know subconsciously what someone is experiencing, when I have been mentally "tied in" with them; in that I experience a reaction - once I burst out laughing, and said to them, "No, don't do that!"  But then I just felt surprised by my reaction, because I had no more knowledge of what it was about - all I knew consciously was who I was talking to, and I felt the amusement.  (It later turned out that there had been a traffic accident, and the attending policeman was being rather rude to a woman who was upset, and the person I was tuned in to was angry with him and mentally considered punching him!)  Another time, with the same person, my eyes suddenly filled with tears, and I said to him, "How do you stand it?", and I knew who was being unbelievably vile to him, but I had no conscious knowledge of exactly what was said, nor any mental pictures of what was going on.

It seems that some part of me knows more than I have access to.

I think we are all doing this, all the time, with the people we are "linked" to.  I call it the "mental plane"; where we may be close to someone telepathically, although they are not present physically.

:smt002 Isn't it fascinating?

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:12 pm

That definetly is fascinating Tish.

& lsbinuy29, I have no telepathy powers, but would like to have it.

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Post by Tish » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:41 pm

Vishwas, I will tell you a secret.  ( :smt005 Ha! This is the internet, I am telling the world!)  But seriously.

This is the worst thing I ever did:

There was someone I desperately wanted to be with, and he loved me too but there were obstacles.  I missed him so much, though, and I hardly ever got to see him.  So my thoughts were with him constantly, and this went on and on.  After about 2 years (!) of this, I began to find that when I woke in the morning, he would feel near; I could feel his energy, the way you do if you have spent time with someone and they have just left.

And then I started to find that I would wake early (not like me, usually I'm a zombie!), at around 5.30 a.m., just look at the clock, then go back to sleep.  This went on happening, every morning or most mornings, I can't remember now.  Anyway, there came one morning ...

I woke, looked at the clock, then lay back down.  Suddenly, I became aware that he was lying beside me.  I was just so pleased to be with him, so I turned and cuddled up to him.  I don't remember it ending.  But when I woke properly, he felt so close, and it was so real.  I remember thinking, it doesn't matter if he doesn't come to see me down here, as long as I get to see him like this ...

The following morning, the same thing happened.  I woke, looked at the clock, then lay back down.  And suddenly became aware that he was lying beside me.  But this time, when I turned to him, I looked at him and he was awake.  I went to cuddle him, but he pushed me away.  He said, "We shouldn't be doing this."  I just smiled, and shrugged.  I thought he meant we shouldn't be seeing each other because of the usual obstacles, but I think he meant "meeting in dreams".

I didn't see him for a couple of months or so, and there were no more dream meetings.  But when I did see him, he seemed very agitated, and he said firmly, "I've been getting up very early, about 5 o'clock."  Then he refused to talk about it any more.  He doesn't know anything about "mystical" stuff, he thinks it's "witchcraft", by which he means Satanism.

Though there are other reasons, and other experiences, that is the biggest reason that I say, when you think about someone else, you are calling them ...

I do not know whether I could have done that if he hadn't had the same bond with me.  But to concentrate for that long on one person - the bond would have to be very strong indeed, surely?

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:30 pm

Surely that bond had to be strong, I hope I am not doing something similar to my friend.

Thanx for sharing it Tish.

I think I would like to have to power to speak to ppl, wherever they are in the world, without any phones or interent or anything. Wouldn't u??

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Post by Tish » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:05 pm

:smt006 Well, I felt bad about that, because I upset him, and he had to go to such lengths to avoid me!

But actually, there is one person who knows what I do, and she is not afraid.  She is a relative, just a few years younger than me, and since I have always kind of looked after her, she doesn't find me scary.  I help her sometimes.

While I was experimenting with "Hey, is this real, or what?", I tried to send her a mental message one day; I just told her to call me and say, "Let's take the kids to the park."  For half an hour, I sent her the message, then waited for the reply.  I get a kind of "mental kickback" if I send a suggestion, and they agree.  It was coming in positive, but then weakening and stopping.  After half an hour I gave up.

Another half-hour after that, my phone rang, and it was her.  "Go on, then, say it!" I said.  She was bemused.  "What do you mean?"  But I just repeated, "Go on, say it."  She said, "Well, I was just going to say, I wondered if you felt like meeting up and taking the kids to the park?"

I laughed, and told her what I had done.  She said: "Ooh.  I have been thinking about it for some time, but I kept thinking: no, I'm too tired."  She was very amused.  I think she's probably the only one I know who isn't scared.  She uses it for her, too.  If she has to go to something where she's nervous, she asks me to "go with her" mentally, to give her courage.  So I do.  And if she's in trouble, she "haunts" me; I get a mental message, usually in the form of song lyrics, for some reason(!), telling me how she's feeling.

If you want to try, it needs to be someone you're close to, a friend or relative, or a love.  Try to feel how it feels when they're standing next to you, feel their energy.  Try to see their face on the screen in your mind.  Running over memories of them helps, I find.  Make it as strong as you can.  I always feel that when you can see their eyes clearly, you have got through.  Then just think to them, and think of it radiating from your temple (that's what I do, anyway).  Keep the message simple.

I think we can all do it!  But then, hey, I'm nuts!

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Post by Vishwas » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:34 pm

Thanx for the tips Tish, but how do we do it to a person whom we have never met or seen, but know them directly or indiorectly & can it be used as a two way radio LOL. joking, but still can 2 or more ppl talk using that way??

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Ok here's the big secret!

Post by lsbinuy29 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:47 pm

Yes my telepathy powers are very strong, and for once I am going to tell you the secrest, the person that I shall not name!!!!! It's Madonna, yes, i connect with her and others, you do not wnat to know who, you would be stunned. But since you guys opened up I felt I should do the same. God I can't beleive I am saying this. We've had a relationship telepathicaly for two months. It's amazing, you would not believe the things that you can do. Her soul is always with me and when she sleeps, she enters into my body. Remember my name, for you will never forget it, Yanina! :smt008
My baby!
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Post by Tish » Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:52 pm

:smt006  Hi, Vishwas.

I have no experience whatever of more than one at a time.  From my experience, I would have said that my mental energy can only be focused on one person at a time.

I am puzzled though as to why you would want to communicate with someone you don't know or have never met?  What would you want to say?

I must admit, I don't think you are doing the same as I was, perhaps I shouldn't have put it the way I did.  We are all thinking about others in our lives all the time, there's nothing sinister about it.  But I do think that on some subconscious level, that is actually us mentally "touching" each other.  When I got that close and I shouldn't have, really, if I am honest I already knew I was reaching him because of other things that had happened, which he knew about too, and his reaction then should have told me to stop.  Me, I was thrilled with the connection and wanted to see what we could do with it.  He wasn't.

So when I continued, and I was deliberately calling him closer, I was doing wrong, really.  It's just that since I knew he wanted to see me too, but wouldn't out of what, guilt?  I suppose I thought I could override that, and do what I wanted anyway.  Not very good, eh?

:smt002  We live and learn.  I was still glad to have experienced that, though.  It quite blew my mind to see that it was possible!

:smt006 Hi, Isbinuy29!

I do not much know what to say to you.  I know people think I'm crazy half the time, so ...

But I'm afraid that I do not believe you for one moment.  I think you are either kidding yourself, or in trouble.


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Post by lsbinuy29 » Wed Dec 13, 2006 1:26 am

Believe what you want to believe Tish, but all I can tell you is that telepathy is real and we can contact anyone who has an open mind. And as far as the Madonna thing goes, well you will just have to see to believe, and you will see one day.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:00 pm

Tish:  I get messages from song titles and words all the time!  Its fascinating! what our spirit will use to get our attention.

I am wondering how closely this is connected to empathy.  The reason:  I had a panic attack one day and it lasted for a long time until the sender phoned me.  This was a complete stranger to me, I had never met this person, but we shared the same first name.  She had been fired at 3 when I got the attack and it didn't let go til I spoke to her and calmed her down at 5.

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Post by misty-midnightrain » Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:49 pm

I think all of us has some kind of telepathy. We either use it or lose it. We are all born with a sixth sense but as we grow older we are told by so many Adults that we are making things up and as we get older we start to lose our abilities to use this wonderful gift. If your child has an imaginary playmate , Who is to say that it is not real. One of my Grandaughters is 6 and she has a gift of being able to feel and see things that others do not. I encourage this in her and talk to her about it. We can look at each other and I already know what she is thinking about. It is a great gift. Try using this everyday and you will be surprised at the results after using your telepathy, and going on your first instincs. People tend to make things complicated and try to reason out every little thing. But  if you act on your intuition then I think it will prove that it turns out better.

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Post by Samson » Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:16 pm

Yes I believe in that Misty, that we all should take note of our intuition because I do.

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Post by Tish » Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:32 pm

:smt006  Hi, Spirit-Talk!

I'm glad I'm not the only one being "haunted" by songs!   :smt005

Seriously, I have wondered whether it's an easier way to tell us something, because of the link with music (the pattern of it, maybe), and the "familiarity" of the words.  Do you find that the bit that matters feels kind of "highlighted" sometimes, and although if you want you can kind of mentally sing yourself the rest of the song, you know which couple of lines or so is saying the important bit?

I'd often wondered, too, whether it's not that they chose the lyrics, maybe, but that my subconscious kind of "translated" what I was picking up into a form I could understand, or that would get my conscious attention ...?  It is fun.  But sometimes confusing, because I can't figure out who it relates to!


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