Has anyone studied Transfiguration?

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Has anyone studied Transfiguration?

Post by Raymond » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:07 pm

Quite a while back my wife and I were sitting in our living room, bored, and I suggested she try to see my aura. Well, she had never done anything like that before and said she would try but did not think it would work.

I lit a candle, doused the lights and then stood against a light colored wall and explained how it works. She stared just past my face for a minute or so and then suddenly let out a little scream that shook us both.

I asked her what had happened and she said she saw my face change to many different people very fast. She said one person was really tall and I seemed to grow when he came along. One of them was a female also.

She was so shook up that she refused to do it anymore so a couple of nights later I decided to see if I could do the same thing. There is a big mirror in ond of our bathrooms so I set up in there. After a few minutes I saw the same thing only I did not see it as clearly as she said she did. It was still really weird though. Didn't scare me but I knew then that I had to find out what was happening.

After studying many books I found out it was a form of scrying if you used a mirror. What my wife saw is called transfiguration. It is hard to get a good explanation on the subject. I did talk to one psychic who explained it happens during some forms of channeling and she might be seeing the spirits around me or even what I looked like in past lives. Perhaps both. tow of the spirits who appear one after the other seemed to resemble my grand parents who are in spirit now.

If anyone has had this experience or has read about it I would be pleased to hear from you. Even though it has been a while since it happened I am still very curious about the subject.

Thank you!


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Post by Nicole » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:18 pm


ROFL..... I was 7 years old.. My friend and I was on the phone and she told me to try this... So I did.. In my bathroom mirror, I stood on my tip toes and our light was not really bright anyways.... It scared the crap out of me... LOL my face was changing slowly.. I stopped. and jumped back.. I even started crying... rofl I let it go that night.. Tried it again a few days later, did the same looks.. I had about 10 of them.. Now when I look close to the mirror it wont do it... It's like I faced my fears~? I did it for so long... My mother use to tell me to stop it.... When she left for work I would be right back in there trying it again... It is creepy.....LOL

Even the background changes.. hair color, eyes change color.. young to old.. mean looking also.. :-(
Happy.. I even looked ill out of one of them...

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Post by Kieoma » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:25 pm

I have done this it's very amazing.  Years ago I was told that I was seeing my spirit guides(may also be past lives). With practice communicating with them is possible. So I was told.

I think I will try this with my husband this evening.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:46 pm

Mirrors are just not a good spiritual tool.  There is too much physical energies allowed in the exercise.

Transfiguration is a physical exercise in which spriit produces a light material over the face (usually) and it allows them to manifest the spirit form in the substance.  It usually happens when someone is more experienced than what you described, but sometimes spirit just use who and what they can for manifestation.  The purpose with your wife could just have been encouragement of her natural abilities.

In my experience, the more we practice attunement with our own spirit guides, the more they open the spirit realms to our understanding and practice.  If the guides of your own mediumship feel it is a worthwhile exercise, which could and would aid your development as a spiritual being, they would encourage its use.  Perhaps we are just meant to encourage our own talents and not request that which is titilating at best.

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Post by hpkitkat » Wed Feb 14, 2007 7:18 pm

Am gonna have a try tonight and see, sounds a bit scary though.

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Post by angel2007 » Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:42 pm

You must be very gifted.

I found this piece of information on the net. I hope it helps.

Transfiguration - Some mediums have the ability to act as transfiguration mediums, where spirit are able along with the use of ectoplasm  to adjust the facial features of the medium by means of an ectoplasmic mask. The transfiguration is often so complete that the person simulated appears to be actually present. (A lot of people get mixed up about transfiguration, & lean toward the belief that they have seen transfiguration, when in fact they have seen the spirit person moving close to an entranced person by means of clairvoyance. Remember if the transfiguration can not be seen by all present then it is not transfiguration)

Here's a link you might find interesting.


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Post by mysticangel » Fri Feb 16, 2007 7:11 am

do not know if this is the same thing as what everyone has experienced, but often times when I meditate, my face would change into several different types of faces and even though my face is there and then yet it isn't my face.

One of my guardian angel whom I call pappi will often times make himself known to me through my face.  He will appear and I know and can feel him appear on my face and then he will go away.  This is usually only at times when he wants me to know of his approvals, disapprovals, celebrations on certain things I did and he will let me know his thoughts on them.  I see all 3 of my guardian angels that is always by myside and know who each one of them are.  There are others that have been given to me her recently in the past couple of months, 8 of them in fact who gives me extra protection for which I am ever so greatful for them.


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Post by Raymond » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:35 pm

You are correct absolutely spiritalk. Actually what Angel2007 said is more exact I believe. "A lot of people get mixed up about transfiguration, & lean toward the belief that they have seen transfiguration, when in fact they have seen the spirit person moving close to an entranced person by means of clairvoyance. " Trouble is I have yet to convince my wife she is clairvoyant. She refuses to do the experiment anymore.

I used the mirror only because it was my only means to see what she saw. I saw the same spirits she saw except for one. Why that is so I do not know. I do believe two of the faces were of my grandfather and grandmother although .there were some slight differences I don't know why there is a difference except maybe for the way it is happening. Maybe it is not that good a technique or I am not experienced enough.

Anyway, that and several other astounding things are what eventually propelled me into studying the supernatural and why I am here on this forum. Even today I am having interesting things happen but I am more in tune with it these days and know that I am being led on a very particular path  I just do not know where it will eventually lead.


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Post by Raymond » Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:47 pm

Thank you Angel2007. The link you gave was right on the mark. I owe you big time for that. I have been looking for just that explanation for a long time. Thanks again!


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Post by angel2007 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:58 am

Hi Raymond,

Your welcome any time,

I have learn't so much by searching for answers.

And I thankyou for your inspiration and "everything".

Thankyou again


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Post by calibandita » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:18 am

i've never heard of this, but really interested....

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Post by Raymond » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:12 pm

I would be very interested in seeing what results others have with this. You never really know what can happen!


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Post by gigihealys » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:18 am

I've recently tried this, and the results scared me a bit. I've heard that it can show you your possible past lives, and I saw my great grandmother, who passed away before I was born. This made me think of the possibility that I was a reincarnation. Past lives and reincarnation have always fascinated me and I wish I could learn more about it. I also saw the face of my mom's friend, who passed away back when I was about eight years ago. After seeing a psychic, I was told that every night his spirit is among us, and he sits at the edge of my bed with me, to make sure I'm safe. I take a lot of comfort in this thought, and a lot of comfort in seeing his face again. This is a very fascinating thing to try.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:58 pm

Transfiguration is about those that have passed on.  A friend was doing it for a group and Abraham Lincoln came through, clear as day.  There were other figures.  But when we can recognize, we can gain from the experience.

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Post by Ani » Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:01 pm

I have a question: can the spirits that pass through you do you any harm? coz I was eager to experiment when I read of your experiences but then this idea put me off a bit.
and one more question: how can we know that its transfiguration and not a mere optical illusion? sometimes things may seam to change when you stare at them too long  :smt017

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