Hearing my name softly spoken

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Hearing my name softly spoken

Post by spookchild » Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:51 pm

I have had this experience several times. I am a heavy sleeper who hardly ever remembers dreams. But sometimes in the morning I hear my name spoken and it wakes me up. It is then that I realize that I didn't "hear" it but dreamt it.

At these times, I am not trying to wake up by a certain time of day or anything like that, so I know it's not my subconscious alarm clock working.

Does anyone have an insight into what something like this might mean?

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Very unlikely to be just a dream

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:08 am

To our moderators: I believe that this posting belongs more in either the Psychic or Paranormal forums, as I very much doubt that this is a dream to be interpreted using symbolism.

Actually I believe that you were neither fully asleep nor wide awake at the time you "heard" these voices calling your name. There are hundreds of still largely unexplored states of consciousness exist between the two and auditory (sounds) as well as visual (images) hallucinations are  not at all that uncommon for a person in one of those many altered states.

A dream dictionary and discussions about possible dream symbolism or your inner child calling out to you to gain your attention (a favourite for psychologists and psychiatrists) are consequently not going to be of much use to you in better understanding what is happening.

The fact that this happened on more than one occasion does suggest to me that the inner voices are coming from outside yourself, and might possibly be mediumistic in nature. Have you ever tried laying completely still with your eyes still lightly closed before getting out of bed on these mornings after you have heard the voice again, to see whether you hear anything more? Better still, have you tried asking as to who is calling your name and why?

Experiencing these voices which have a reality of their own although apart from our everyday shared waking level does not necessarily mean that you will eventually go on to become a medium, or even that you would want to.

But it does I feel offer us a valuable clue in that psychic hearing (clairaudience) may happen to be one of your own psychic strengths, and that if you wished to develop this ability further in order to help others, you would very likely be quite successful at doing so. I also sense that this is not a haunting and/or that it does not mean that either you or your family are in any imminent danger.

Exactly how your name was said (the tone of voice used) would also be useful information in order to assist us to help you. IMHO


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Re: Hearing my name softly spoken

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Apr 16, 2007 2:19 am

Dear Spookchild,

There are states called hypnogogic and hypnopompic states (sp?). Often people hear very vividly sounds or see flashes of reality (some prefer to call those *visions* because that sounds better).

Are all of these, our brains trying to play tricks on our awareness, monkey that our brain is? Or are these real experiences that are meaningful and trying to tell us something?

My preference would be to meditate over the repeating experiences and information because they are personal and most meaningful to the one that has been experiencing those, and more so if it is happening repeatedly. If meditation is a problem, then it is very easy to learn. It is simply being comfortable with the idea that there is a need to spend quality time with our-selves on a regular basis and that it is not selfish to be with yourself, as many modern societies make us believe. Even a new mother needs some time to herself on a daily basis. Without feeling guilty!


[quote="spookchild"]I have had this experience several times. I am a heavy sleeper who hardly ever remembers dreams. But sometimes in the morning I hear my name spoken and it wakes me up. It is then that I realize that I didn't "hear" it but dreamt it.

At these times, I am not trying to wake up by a certain time of day or anything like that, so I know it's not my subconscious alarm clock working.

Does anyone have an insight into what something like this might mean?[/quote]

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Post by Mlady Raka » Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:11 am

I hear you Eye of the Tiger,

I will leave a "ghost post" in this forum and lock it...and transfer the original to the Psychic forum for further discussion there....

Thank you for bringing it to my attention

love and rainbows


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Post by spookchild » Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:48 pm

My apologies for originally posting this in an incorrect forum. I thought this experience was some sort of a dream that needed interpretation, but the insights of Eye of the Tiger and rohiniranjan are leading me down a different path of exploration, one that makes more sense.

I have not yet tried lying very still after I have one of these experiences in order to hear if there are any further messages, but the next time it happens I will. I never thought they were anything more than just dreams, but the idea that they are either mediumistic or hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations is intriguing.

One further note that might give even more insight: one of my earliest childhood memories is of playing quietly by myself in a room and "hearing" my name whispered by something or someone, and it frightened me. Throughout the years I always viewed this experience as something my imagination cooked up, but now that it has been happening as an adult I am not so sure.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:49 pm

It is someone like a spirit guide calling your name to get your attention.  The interpretation would be...look around your life and pay attention to all events for a while.  It was an attention getter and it always works.

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Post by daffodil » Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:35 pm

Hi Spookchild
I posted a similar query in dream interpretation as I was not sure if this was some part of dream process , I too have gained insight  :)

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Post by sharpenup » Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:14 am

I started hearing my name being called a few years ago , when the boys father had decided to leave us (unbeknown to us at the time).
I now hear it often and more often these days in terms of endearment , rather then just my name.
My first thought is that I'm suposed to be paying attention to something, I just wish it was more specific

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 20, 2007 6:21 pm

I think spirit calls are not specific nor destinct because we are being called to understand ourselves in the process.  In dreams it is an emotional response to our lives.  In spirit it can be called for many reasons.

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I heard my name being called and know the voice but....

Post by Kaz » Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:05 pm

I came across this post as i was searching for an explanation to a dream , well i can.
't remember what or if i was dreaming before i heard my name being called it was my ex and he sounded as if he was searching for me  in the dark and i felt an overwhelming urge to call his name back ,vocally , not in my mind , i woke as i was shouting his name , feeling very confused , have searched and can't find  anything on hearing voices , but i did have a warm feeling also after i called back to him which confused me even more , any ideas on this , i would be grateful as its driving me a bit nuts , thank you

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:50 pm

About every other morning, I hear my named called, sounding like the usual call from hubby.  It means there are things happening and I need to be aware in my life.  Look for incidents that apply.

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Same here

Post by David4 » Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:11 pm

I've heard my name being called 2 times in the past 4 weeks... Once when I was in bed waking up.  And once when I was out side laying down in the sun.

It was very soft..  female voce... very light...    

I didn't think to even say anything.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 12, 2007 9:43 pm

If they use our names it is often to wake us up to what is happening in our life.  Look for some interesting opportunities to open and be prepared to move on your own best interests.

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