Sensitive...too little or too much..pitfalls of clairsentients???

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Sensitive...too little or too much..pitfalls of clairsentients???

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:15 am

I was thinking last night whilst in deep thought that is it possible my development of my feeling side maybe to blame for my less than thick skin.  I am very sensitive almost too much.  It does not take much to hurt me should anyone try and at times theres no need to even try.  I have used my feelings to help me in my readings it is the first way I receieve my messages but has doing this opened me up to being vulnerable to normal everyday life.  I think yes!

Now I've been a stay at home super mother if I do say so myself for 13 years I had part time work on the ambulance side of things for a few years etc but I havent worked for a boss in a long time.  My boss at St Johns was so nice and more a friend than boss so I never had any issues in being asked for more or less of me in regards to a working situation.
Now I am concerend and the work thing is just an example for the sake of my topic, that should I go back to work for someone my thin skin will not protect me from bursting into tears or reacting to a stronger demand.  I worked for one boss 13 yrs ago whom on a regular basis threatened to kill us girls who were waitressing.  He did it all the time if we didnt get plates onto tables in a timely fashion he was forever yelling abuse and insults our way.  Now if I was to be faced with another boss even much more subdued than him I couldnt face it I would cry and probably strike out.  

I am finding my emotions are stronger now, its harder to hide them...Now I wouldnt want to ever give back what I am learning and for how so far I have already come.  I like that I am clairsentient and that I'm able to give others at times a much needed insight to get them on their paths or encourage them with their great work so far.   Is it although going to be a hazard of the develompent that for all time now I'm just going to be too sensitive.  How do I thicken up my skin to not allow me becoming so hurt without losing my touch on others.  I am aware of others intent when confronting me or a situation and I can always see things from two points of view (its not as great as some would think) so I dont react to everything but I am now much more sensitive to situations and have found over time I have shied away from situations that may involve heated arguments, fights or brawls such as pubs, family gatherings etc etc.

Does anyone else have this also, anyone finding their becoming much to thin skinned and trying to balance their development without being too open to normal adult life?

I also dont mean the use of protecting techniques etc I use these I'm talking from a much more natural physical not psychic emotional stability.  I am very happy with me emotionally just not that happy with the fact I'm a very easy target???

How can I get thicker skin...would it mean the loss of some sensitivity for readings, can I  be thick skinned and still be clairsentient?  Is being thin skinned what clairsentience is all about?

Any thoughts or experiences????

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Re: Sensitive...too little or too much..pitfalls of clairsentients???

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:55 am

Dear Angel ...!

As long as you retain the sensitivity [and wisdom] to question your sensitivity and vulnerability and belief and admittance that you could lose the gift of sensitivity, I assure you, that the GIFT shall not leave you!

It is the GIFT and not the GIFTED that has a stake in this relationship! You see, the human without the GIFT can still do seven hundred and seventy (and counting...) things and lead a worthwhile life, but the GIFT would lose its raison d'etre the moment it loses its HUMAN substrate!

Hence not to worry! Just be true to yourself and through you to all others that are really images of YOU!

Makes sense, I hope?


[quote="flight _of_angelwings"]I was thinking last night whilst in deep thought that is it possible my development of my feeling side maybe to blame for my less than thick skin.  I am very sensitive almost too much.  It does not take much to hurt me should anyone try and at times theres no need to even try.  I have used my feelings to help me in my readings it is the first way I receieve my messages but has doing this opened me up to being vulnerable to normal everyday life.  I think yes!

Now I've been a stay at home super mother if I do say so myself for 13 years I had part time work on the ambulance side of things for a few years etc but I havent worked for a boss in a long time.  My boss at St Johns was so nice and more a friend than boss so I never had any issues in being asked for more or less of me in regards to a working situation.
Now I am concerend and the work thing is just an example for the sake of my topic, that should I go back to work for someone my thin skin will not protect me from bursting into tears or reacting to a stronger demand.  I worked for one boss 13 yrs ago whom on a regular basis threatened to kill us girls who were waitressing.  He did it all the time if we didnt get plates onto tables in a timely fashion he was forever yelling abuse and insults our way.  Now if I was to be faced with another boss even much more subdued than him I couldnt face it I would cry and probably strike out.  

I am finding my emotions are stronger now, its harder to hide them...Now I wouldnt want to ever give back what I am learning and for how so far I have already come.  I like that I am clairsentient and that I'm able to give others at times a much needed insight to get them on their paths or encourage them with their great work so far.   Is it although going to be a hazard of the develompent that for all time now I'm just going to be too sensitive.  How do I thicken up my skin to not allow me becoming so hurt without losing my touch on others.  I am aware of others intent when confronting me or a situation and I can always see things from two points of view (its not as great as some would think) so I dont react to everything but I am now much more sensitive to situations and have found over time I have shied away from situations that may involve heated arguments, fights or brawls such as pubs, family gatherings etc etc.

Does anyone else have this also, anyone finding their becoming much to thin skinned and trying to balance their development without being too open to normal adult life?

I also dont mean the use of protecting techniques etc I use these I'm talking from a much more natural physical not psychic emotional stability.  I am very happy with me emotionally just not that happy with the fact I'm a very easy target???

How can I get thicker skin...would it mean the loss of some sensitivity for readings, can I  be thick skinned and still be clairsentient?  Is being thin skinned what clairsentience is all about?

Any thoughts or experiences????[/quote]

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Post by mysticangel » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:09 am


It is very common to becoming emotional feelings and it will seem like you are so weak and get emotional over every little things.  There is nothing wrong with that.

What happens is....when we are coming into more of our abilities and we understand a little more of the under workings of what the Universe and life is all about, it will change a person to becoming more compassionate and it has a powerful way of changing who we are becoming.  This has also happened to me as well and never understood why I was like that until now...and just realize a lot of it a few days ago myself.

I used to be one of those tough, cocky attitude, holier than thou type mentality and never shed a tear in my life and saw that as a sign of weakness.  Through my transformation and through my learning (which I still am learning) that it has completely changed me into an entirely different person.  We don't have to put on a thicker skin or learn how to get our skin thicker.  What we need to do is learn how to cope with the situations as they come towards us.  

Remember that we can only handle one thing at a time proficiently.  Handle what is in front of you at the time and that will help minimize it some.  You also have to ask yourself, if you react a certain way towards whatever is happening.  Would it change matters or change what happened??  If the answer is "NO," then why feel those feelings?  Take the energy you have and put to solving the issue instead of wasting it on areas that is not going to help you in anyway.  In order to calm our emotions and become neutral, we need to learn to become the cause and not the effect....hence.....not feeling the victimization feelings.  It is easier said than done and I know through past experiences.   Everytime you are in that position again, remember to ask yourself some of these questions and we have to consciously remember to do this because it will seem foreign at first and ask ourselves these questions.  Slowly, you will notice that you are able to balance yourself out and will notice you won't have them as much as you once did.  

I hoped this information helped you!

I was re-reading my postings and thought it sounded harsh and sarcastic to my ears.  F.A.W.  if this sounds rough to you, I assure you that it was not meant to be...and wanted to add this little tidbit. These are the questions I had to ask myself countless of times to overcome my own victimization feeling and found this is what helped me get beyond this.  Handling the situation one at a time is most helpful because you won't feel so overwhelmed with having to feel like your being pulled every which direction there is.  Hugs~


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:35 am

Thanks Mystic angel.

What you say does means something although I understand not letting it effect us etc and I can deal with things usually without getting to involved infact in most situations it just runs off me because I know the intent or that what is said or done really has no bearing on me but them instead.

Its that with some people you can feel their frustration, their anger, their loss of hope all the horrible stuff that usually sits behind cruel taunts like that.  Its a feeling like they want to pull you down into their sad state so I suppose on one way it having them say all this stuff to you knowing on some level its go to do with them but feeling it for much longer than normal.

I'm having a really hard time articulating exactly what I mean.....hmmm....I mean I understand all of the ways it works and such I'm more afraid that getting back into a normal workplace and life is just going to be too hard.  How do you fit in with people after you been doing this...I m making this more confusing........I suppose in a way I just dont feel like I blend in with others like I used to and I dont want to either I just......oh I dont know what I want now.....

I'm not sad or depressed or off my path I'm feeling a bit...... weird.....I think I better meditate clear my aura I have a feeling maybe somethings effecting me now.   I got something going on and I gotta work out what it is properly before trying to get others to.  It may have had something to do with my dream last night........I just kinda feel no matter what i just cant close down and go back to being un-clairsentient or atleast less unaware of it.....does that make sense??

I suppose I wish I had a button I could press so that when required I could press it when I'm around destructive minds and open it when I'm around good intents?

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Poking my nose in

Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:56 am

flight _of_angelwings wrote:Thanks Mystic angel.

What you say does means something although I understand not letting it effect us etc and I can deal with things usually without getting to involved infact in most situations it just runs off me because I know the intent or that what is said or done really has no bearing on me but them instead.

Its that with some people you can feel their frustration, their anger, their loss of hope all the horrible stuff that usually sits behind cruel taunts like that.  Its a feeling like they want to pull you down into their sad state so I suppose on one way it having them say all this stuff to you knowing on some level its go to do with them but feeling it for much longer than normal.

I'm having a really hard time articulating exactly what I mean.....hmmm....I mean I understand all of the ways it works and such I'm more afraid that getting back into a normal workplace and life is just going to be too hard.  How do you fit in with people after you been doing this...I m making this more confusing........I suppose in a way I just dont feel like I blend in with others like I used to and I dont want to either I just......oh I dont know what I want now.....

I'm not sad or depressed or off my path I'm feeling a bit...... weird.....I think I better meditate clear my aura I have a feeling maybe somethings effecting me now.   I got something going on and I gotta work out what it is properly before trying to get others to.  It may have had something to do with my dream last night........I just kinda feel no matter what i just cant close down and go back to being un-clairsentient or atleast less unaware of it.....does that make sense??

I suppose I wish I had a button I could press so that when required I could press it when I'm around destructive minds and open it when I'm around good intents?

I just read your post, what you need is a set of tights like superman and a telephone booth...mild mannered FOAW  by day then superchick by night....would be great to have an on and off switch

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:58 am

ROFLMBO  Thats so funny .................but  I dont like the idea.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................unless I can have a flamming red cape too!!!!!!

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Flaming red cape

Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:03 am

If that is what floats your boat personally I prefer the whole spiderman costume it is so  and carring around a telephone box could really be a strain on your back....sorry gone crazy, ever thought of shielding yourself with a different kind then what you are use to?

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:30 am

YUck the whole spider man costume does my head in its the webs ...the sticky looking......hugging......webs....I keep looking down and freaking out trying to find the spider thats caught me in its web....freakkkkkyyyyyy

The telephone aint to bad but hubby keeps complaining that I need to update and get mobile phone, I have found an old Tardis from the Doctor who studio that may be better

I have thought of using balsamic vinegar for protection atleast that way I got something tasty to put on the moutfulls of spent enegy off

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Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Apr 16, 2007 6:52 am

flight _of_angelwings wrote:YUck the whole spider man costume does my head in its the webs ...the sticky looking......hugging......webs....I keep looking down and freaking out trying to find the spider thats caught me in its web....freakkkkkyyyyyy

The telephone aint to bad but hubby keeps complaining that I need to update and get mobile phone, I have found an old Tardis from the Doctor who studio that may be better

I have thought of using balsamic vinegar for protection atleast that way I got something tasty to put on the moutfulls of spent enegy off
 Man I am just to funny have been trying to post a reply for the last two minutes but can't stop laughing at myself.  Tardis, Telephone booth maybe they were the first mobile telephones (The brick with the shoulder strap)

I hear Frankencence disburses unwanted or negative energy.

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Post by suzisco » Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:27 am

Hi Flight of Angels, i thought i would add my own bit here.  I too know exactly what you mean.  I find the only way to deal with the emotional stuff is to have a decent amount of alone time every day.  I need about 2 hours per day to recuperate from my day, i work with very damaged people every day in life.  I have empathic abilities too and i have to be very careful or i bring home sadness and despair thats not my own.  I used to get angry and throw things about to get rid of the rage but now i just do the alone thing which brings me back to myself and i don't hurt my family with stuff thats not theirs or mine.

Hope that makes sense, in my alone time, i do alot of thinking, meditating, listening to music, or i just zone out and let everything go.  Some times a situation is very intense and i find it difficult to let go and the pain stays with me, but thats normal part of life but i now don't cry about it, i just accept its part of life and find something fun to distract me, like being silly with my daughter.

Suzi xxx

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Post by mysticangel » Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:34 pm


Most definately did I understood, and no you explained it exactly!  LOL..

I have that problem as well, it is like when you are already feeling blase' and then everyone else's depression, sadness and God knows what also compiled on top of what you already are feeling yourself and it gets 10-fold feelings for us and sometimes 100-fold (if that is possible).  The best thing to do is blockage as much as possible.  Build that wall around yourself and block you out from everything else.  Sometimes it is overwhelming when you feel or see pretty much everything there is to see or feel and sometimes we just want utter ignorance bliss from it all.  When all else fails, what I do is turn the music on really loud and just start dancing, that usually helps me.  Of course you would want to do what you enjoy doing most that usually takes your mind off of things or brings you back to your balance again.  For me, drowning out the thoughts, feelings, and visions with very loud music and get crazy does it for me.  LOL!  

Who says you have to go back to being normal?  Normal is soooo terribly boring, I'd rather be eccentric and different...we stand out more!!! LOL...

Seriously thought, there's nothing saying that we have to live life as being normal and I don't know if any of us even remember what normal is??  To me right now we are normal, the others are the ones that are not normal....wouldn't you agree???  The great part about what we can do and who we are is that yes we are human beings...but we chose to live in society as it is, not that we have to live like them.  In life, it is okay to be different and if someone finds me wierd or crazy, or just plane looney and have lost it somewhere upstairs, then so be it...I will stand before them and thank them perfusibly for noticing I was different.  Don't go worrying yourself over thinking you're losing  your gift when that is not going to happen when you use it for the good of all and not abusing it.  So smile and see a bright new day is here and life is very good again!!!  Here's a hug for you!!!  

((((( HUGS )))))


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Post by Gem » Mon Apr 16, 2007 1:51 pm

errrmmm... don't any of you block and shield? Do you use exercises to control your sentience and emotional input?

There are lots of ways of 'turning down the volume' of messages and input from the outside world. I know when I was learning I had to actually wear gloves before I would be able to accept change from a shop assistant or I would be caterpaulted trhough every memory that money held aswell as the assistants personal life and traumas.  

I have learnt how to control these senses and feelings now and although I never turn them off I can turn them down to a level where I can seem to be cold and unaffected on the outside. Working with abused animals and special needs children meant that I would be faced with a cacaphoney of screams and sears of pain and light and hatred, fear, anger, torment, you name it, I had to find a way to shield my inner self and still carry on working and dealing with the outside world of normalacy.  Dealing with the darker side of mankind too with the rspca was a real test and taught me an awful lot!

A thick skin is necessary in the world today, but the skin can be temporary or can be an illusion that is for chosen outsiders see, the inner you stays soft and protected and can then function and cope with this noisy world.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:51 pm

My thoughts, too, Gem.  Doesn't anyone know about shielding, protection, grounding?

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:42 pm

Gem and spiritalk
I did explain earlier that these techniques I use and I know we all do on here..we all rather good at them now...haha.   I am always making sure I am protected at all times.  I had expalined that this emotion etc wasnt so much as attached to using my clairsentience when reading or normal day life it was rather a reaction to being this type of person that my fear would be I could never work for someone else due to my overlly sensitive side  

The whole empath side means that even when I am protected my need to always be open and help others put me at being more vulnerable generally, I'm more easily hurt naturally not always psychically.  I could put up with any amounts of insults or crossfire  when I was younger but that has become harder to do after opening myself up more to learn

I can white light etc and protect the feelings I get from others but has this ability to feel others meant my whole life will be more sensitive in general even when protected not from psychic stuff but all stuff just living day to day.

Maybe it might just be a case of grounding more????  I do it...... but maybe not well enough???  

Anyone want to go through their grounding practises??

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:20 am

Dear Angel,

Deleted my wordy message that I was composing --

Protection from What, Who?

Is God on Sabbatical? And we all infants are on our own?

What a wonderful time to FIX up the daycare centre to OUR LIKING!


<just kidding, jest kidding, OKAY?>

[quote="flight _of_angelwings"]Gem and spiritalk
I did explain earlier that these techniques I use and I know we all do on here..we all rather good at them now...haha.   I am always making sure I am protected at all times.  I had expalined that this emotion etc wasnt so much as attached to using my clairsentience when reading or normal day life it was rather a reaction to being this type of person that my fear would be I could never work for someone else due to my overlly sensitive side  

The whole empath side means that even when I am protected my need to always be open and help others put me at being more vulnerable generally, I'm more easily hurt naturally not always psychically.  I could put up with any amounts of insults or crossfire  when I was younger but that has become harder to do after opening myself up more to learn

I can white light etc and protect the feelings I get from others but has this ability to feel others meant my whole life will be more sensitive in general even when protected not from psychic stuff but all stuff just living day to day.

Maybe it might just be a case of grounding more????  I do it...... but maybe not well enough???  

Anyone want to go through their grounding practises??[/quote]

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