Angel Message for the day

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flight _of_angelwings
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Angel Message for the day

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:52 pm

I again am pulling out an Angel Card which gives us a message for the day.  I will write the cards Name and then write my own Intuitive interpretation.

Play Music
St Cecilia

This card indicates the need to play music but not the ordianry type we hear on a daily basis whilst driving around in our cars rushing to get to work and back.  Not the broad spectrum of music that we hear in the background at mechanics or waiting in the line at the bank.

We listen to music so much during our day that we are now unaware of it.  In the yester years music was played at special occasions, it was used to romance a loved one and to celebrate a special occasion.  Music has almost started to become immune to our ears.  Especially now when we can listen to a song and not hear any of the words.

Much music is also now filled with bad language and evil intent.  This music is not one to make us feel whole but it brings us down, it pulls at our moods.  It plays all the time on the radio uninvited to our ears and yet we hear bits whilst waiting in rush hour etc.  We need to listen to the upbeat music, the music at times that has no words....all beautiful instrumental.....If instrumental music uplifts you then you know you are relativley free from stress.  If it brings you down then you know you may need some time out to be at ease with yourself.

We need to again realise that music plays such a huge part in our lives tickling our moods and sensations where at times we can become one with the song playing. We can choose to swing and sway or fight and cry with our chosen selection.

Today I ask of you.  Intently choose some music that you know will lift you up.  You spend much time busy and neglecting your hearing and sense of audio.  Go out romance yourself with some beautiful music and see how it helps you to blossom even on the darkest hour.

Let us dance....

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Re: Angel Message for the day

Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:22 am


The part about music and its modern speckled nature I can relate to! It is interesting that instead of the critique coming from an old baby boomer fogey like me, it is coming from a person younger by a couple of decades at least!

I think it is about personal choice and free-will. The music that we choose to listen, wisely or not so wisely!

That said, there are times when a tune from some music that we do not normally listen to just hits you and stays inside your head and then your soul. That is not free-will I think, but almost destined.

Maybe there is a generational thing too and a certain generation is destined to connect to a certain type of music that the generation before or after them will not give two hoots about!

As long as they all enjoy in their separate auditioning chambers with anechoic insulation between their accoustically-isolated Audio-Shangrilas!


[quote="flight _of_angelwings"]I again am pulling out an Angel Card which gives us a message for the day.  I will write the cards Name and then write my own Intuitive interpretation.

Play Music
St Cecilia

This card indicates the need to play music but not the ordianry type we hear on a daily basis whilst driving around in our cars rushing to get to work and back.  Not the broad spectrum of music that we hear in the background at mechanics or waiting in the line at the bank.

We listen to music so much during our day that we are now unaware of it.  In the yester years music was played at special occasions, it was used to romance a loved one and to celebrate a special occasion.  Music has almost started to become immune to our ears.  Especially now when we can listen to a song and not hear any of the words.

Much music is also now filled with bad language and evil intent.  This music is not one to make us feel whole but it brings us down, it pulls at our moods.  It plays all the time on the radio uninvited to our ears and yet we hear bits whilst waiting in rush hour etc.  We need to listen to the upbeat music, the music at times that has no words....all beautiful instrumental.....If instrumental music uplifts you then you know you are relativley free from stress.  If it brings you down then you know you may need some time out to be at ease with yourself.

We need to again realise that music plays such a huge part in our lives tickling our moods and sensations where at times we can become one with the song playing. We can choose to swing and sway or fight and cry with our chosen selection.

Today I ask of you.  Intently choose some music that you know will lift you up.  You spend much time busy and neglecting your hearing and sense of audio.  Go out romance yourself with some beautiful music and see how it helps you to blossom even on the darkest hour.

Let us dance....[/quote]

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:33 am

I used to listen to Metallica's Fade to Black and heaps of other heavier music but that was when I was rebelling etc....I still listen to the odd heavy music that would still make my mother cringe but I'm very well aware of the effect music can have on a soul.
Theres a band out called Cannibal Corpse......I mean how low can it go???? The lyrics have all these horrible things which I would never ever post...........Theres no way my family would ever play that under my roof......NEVER!


Hehe theres this one song that I heard about 10 years ago and all the lyrics say is...

"Your never gonna get this song out of your head, out of your head, out of your head.  You aint ever gonna get this song out of your head, out of your head, out of your head....!!!"

And guess what they are right its still there....LMBO!!!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Apr 19, 2007 3:43 am

Okay Angel, you do realize I hope that NOW you are really beginning to freak me out ... ;-)

I was thinking more along the lines of Dvorak's Romance in F minor and that soul-grabbing piece from Big B's Pastoral Symphony.

Am I carbon-dating myself? :-{


[quote="flight _of_angelwings"]I used to listen to Metallica's Fade to Black and heaps of other heavier music but that was when I was rebelling etc....I still listen to the odd heavy music that would still make my mother cringe but I'm very well aware of the effect music can have on a soul.
Theres a band out called Cannibal Corpse......I mean how low can it go???? The lyrics have all these horrible things which I would never ever post...........Theres no way my family would ever play that under my roof......NEVER!


Hehe theres this one song that I heard about 10 years ago and all the lyrics say is...

"Your never gonna get this song out of your head, out of your head, out of your head.  You aint ever gonna get this song out of your head, out of your head, out of your head....!!!"

And guess what they are right its still there....LMBO!!![/quote]

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Post by sharpenup » Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:05 am

if you would love to hear some really nice music , go to this link and listen to the background music.  There is a place to download this song and another, both really nice

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Post by Evie » Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:30 am

I really like this idea of the Daily Angel Card reading.  Very cool... Thanks Angel!

I find that music is many things to me... soft easy listening music definitely can sooth my nerves, However, I TURN IT LOUD if I need to drown out my own thoughts... Music is also meditative for me... I can float away... actually very far away ...

Maybe it is because I am a baby boomer but I have a hard time resonating with the newer music. I can feel aggrevated even... I am careful about what I listen too. I am stuck in the past, liking the oldies the best.... Wow... do I ever time travel.... when a song reminds me of past times and experiences.  I love when a song on the radio can transport me back ... I loved my teen years!

I feel Music is a 'gift' and I often wonder how much music we hear that has been channelled ???  

Thanks again Angel


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