Do you know your Spirit Guides or Angels?

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Do you know your Spirit Guides or Angels?

Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:25 pm

I have  many guides and some favourite Angels.  My dec Grandmother also has been around to impart some of her wisdom but I have learnt that even though she may be dead, she is still family and still aint always
So some of my guides are fantastic and I know which one is which by the feeling they give me.
I have an older male he is the wise one. He has a long beard white short curly hair and he likes to help me with my articulating and my perception.  If I need a brain then he is the one I call on.  When doing my automatic writing he is the one that helps me.  His Name is John but he lets me call him Jack.
I have an older woman also and she is my I become to over excited during a reading or connection she is the one that comes in like a headmistress and pulls me back together so that I can concentrate and get on with my work.  She may at times be boring and strict but oh how I need her.

They are my main two they are the ones currently working very hard with me so that I can keep on my path and obtain my goals.

Now heres the fun guides.  I have a younger male guide about 20's he is more like a brother I know when hes around as I feel the gentle tugging on my shoulders....he keeps everything fun he makes sure it doesnt all become too much work.  Sometimes it feels like work but he brings it back to basics and hes the one to give me signs that are completely stupid so that I have to try keep a straight face when relating what I see.  Then theres shirl as I call her.  Gorgeous long dark hair, she has an olive complextion and is very very exotic.  She has a band around her head with a dangling crystal between her eyes, she wears long silky clothing and is always so free and liberates me!  She is heaps of fun too.  She keeps me sane and I live out my Artistic side through her.  

I have two other guides...I'm not really well associated with them yet obviously my purpose isnt revolving around what they can offer me as much as the other four can in the time being anyway.

Now I do know I'm getting a new the next four years and I'm very excited about this new addition, I know will be a new perspective to have him on the other side helping me there rather than how he helped me on this side.  Theres some guides that are with you right from birth and others will come and go as your life path can change and turn.

So its my belief that you can have Angels, Guides and deceased loved ones all help guide you through life.  Angels give divine guidance, their advice is always right from the top.  Guides are taught and they guide us and help us become all we can.  Our deceased loved ones love us and check on us and I have learnt the hard way that just because they are dead does not always mean they have the best advice.  Dying does not make us heavenly intuitive.  Like they were in life they are in death so I love to chat to them but like all family i listen and keep my own opinions.

I would love to know your opinions and thoughts on Guides, Angels and deceased loved ones?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:51 pm

The way I work is on energies.  When attuned there is a change of vibration and I am with spirit.  I allow that whatever my needs may be, they are fulfilled in this attunement.  And whatever is needed for my current situation is always addressed.

Identity has never been important to me...although I have had some input personally on who is there and working with me.  My understanding it...humility being the first lesson of spirituality...they don't need to be someone 'special' in this life to be special to me in our partnership.  Even the scullery maid of the King's court can be of service from spirit.

Just my thoughts on this topic...

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:06 pm

Thanks for your input spiritalk.  We all do work on various ways and what works for some doesn't for others.  I'm glad you put in your way.  I do understand the energy attunement you mention etc.  

I always name things personalise them for me..I mean I even name my crystals.  My bird avairy has over 30 birds and yup...they all got

My kids do the same now they have three guinea pigs and they are called snap crackle and pop, so they are namers too...half the fun of finding something is naming

Hmmm I think I got a little off topic...haha

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:37 pm

Just are attuning to spirit communion and a guide is coming to you with some much needed input on a  current situation.  At the same time, you are asking for sally when it is joe that is there?  While they don't get caught up in identity, this may preclude their work as the vibrations would not be right.  Just a thought to consider...

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:53 am

I havent taken to requesting who I want to speak to I leave that to their wisdom to give me the best person for the job at their liking.  They know best at the time.  Whom I want or what I need is not necessarily what is best for thats for them to decide.
Thanks for your wisdom spiritalk I do understand your point and am aware of it.  Now others readings this also can realise its important to let spirit come as they need to.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:53 am

I havent taken to requesting who I want to speak to I leave that to their wisdom to give me the best person for the job at their liking.  They know best at the time.  Whom I want or what I need is not necessarily what is best for thats for them to decide.
Thanks for your wisdom spiritalk I do understand your point and am aware of it.  Now others readings this also can realise its important to let spirit come as they need to.

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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:19 am

So you DO name your crystals...LOL

I am chuffed that you picked up my guide...and he has been around to confirm what you said.  

He is not John Porteous though...but exactly what you said he was...and the fragrance has become more defined...

Barberry was added to the mixture...I now smell champa (sandalwood), amber and barberry when he is around and the whole overtone is a woody fragrance... it's lovely.

I believe I have become clairscentient.  I have also started recognising negative and dark entities, especially when people are arguing (even on the forum).  While I read their posts I sometimes begin to smell the odour of a's disgusting.  The odour subsides the moment I change to another post.

love and rainbows

Last edited by Mlady Raka on Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:23 am

Hehe yes I do and  even have one called Raka now.  Although i only name my favourites or I would be here all

Its a ruby fuschite crystal and is beautiful..looks like a hard boiled lolly thats the Raka one I have!

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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:35 am

Oooh boy...LOL...  I hope she gives you a lot of love and good energies....

love and rainbows


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:44 am

She gets lots of looks and has lovely energy.  I have had quite a few visitors try and steal her is a remarkable crystal.

Well I'm glad he is able to help you out more.  like I mentioned he is such a wise wonderful guide.  I'm really very glad you are able to connect with him a little more now......and more so over the realisation of the awakening of what a wonderful presence you have around.  It seems you may also ahve the gift of smell for your psychic tools which is also known as...oh gosh its at the tip of my tounge....or should I say will look into the officail name but its another way to identfy a person and or/their intent.  

If I smell a pipe it means my Pop is around etc.....

I will try looking into painting him for you he is still imprinted in my third eye.....I really really like him.....

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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:09 pm


I have always had Claircognizance and Clairsentience but this is totally new to me and extremely interesting....

(Now you had me looking up these words, I had the gifts but never knew what they are

love and rainbows

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:43 pm

Clairsentience is feeling, sensing.
Clairscentience is smelling
Clairgustience is smelling, tasting

As I understand the terms.

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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:55 pm

Thank you for the additional information Spiritalk....

I got my information from here about Clairalience, and where Claircognizance is concerned, another website has actually said that it was 'knowing' things without knowing how you know...LOL.. ... airvoyance

On this website I found some interesting information about the "Four Clairs"....

Although they speak of Clairsentience, it seems they do not know or acknowledge Clairalience nor do they incorporate smell in it remains a little confusing for me.  

Their description about Claircognizance fits my gift perfectly though, although a measure of feeling (Clairsentience) is also involved.  It's more as if the knowledge is placed directly into my brain and I just "know" things....and if I open up I also get the accompanying feeling that goes with the 'knowing'.

but you have just shown me there are different ways of calling these gifts...they do remain very interesting though and has helped me much since I received them.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:03 pm

The psychic development book I like best for descriptions is Tara Ward's Develop Your Psychic Power.  I like it because it starts right at the beginning....with our 5 senses....used in a material way and then taken to the psychic by adding Intuition and I know (this comes from the neither sees nor just knows).  Our sensitivities, when open are using all 5 senses.  We can't always find the clairs that describe it...but clairsentience covers so much.

No psychic or medium uses any one is somehow a combination on which spirit guides can get through to us in manifestation.  When one sense is stronger, it is used most.  But all make up the demonstration.  Be open to that thought.  

Even when you don't see (clairvoyance) you can be hearing, smelling, tasting, touching (this has 2 aspects - the tactile on the skin as well as feelings within).

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Post by Mlady Raka » Thu Apr 26, 2007 2:13 pm

Thank you for your input Spiritalk,

I will definitely pay close attention.

love and rainbows


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