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What is this?

Post by mystic_chick » Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:46 am

Hi again!

Sorry for all the questions.

I was just wondering about the jolting and skin sensitivity I am having when I am doing my relaxation exercises.

Is this normal?If it is,why is it happening?

I was meditating in bed last night and I heard a noise and it startled me so much that I felt like I got an electrical shock.It is very uncomfortable and my skin feels very sensitive,like when I have a sunburn.

In the middle of it my husband brushed against me and again it was very uncomfortable so it looks like when I am meditating,I can't have anything touching me or disterbing me.

Has anyone else experienced this?


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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:06 pm

When you are in meditation your senses are heightened especially your sense of hearing and touch.  It is not uncommon for you to be startled when doing this excersise.  
It pays to let others in the house know you are going to meditate as after some time if you keep getting startled you may find your unable to relax as much therfore it will become more difficult to obtain a deep level of meditation.  Some meditate in still quiet others with light instrumental music on.  do what feels best for you.  Take the phone of the hook, close the door with a do not disturb sign on it or sit in a park away from the hustle and bustle of others and let go.

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Post by Gaeliccrossed1 » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:33 pm

I agree with flight of angelwings, what you were experienceing was an interuption of your energy flow from an outside external interruption.It is much more comfortable to have complete silence(if possible) with no interruptions, what "flight' is saying is correct, you need to let others know when you need your space so that you can have a free flow of energy that is uninterrupted. :)

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Post by mystic_chick » Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:54 pm

Thank you both for your help!

I lov this place!!!  :smt007


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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:27 pm

It is also on the nervous system that we attune.  That is what can be startled and/or sensitive to the meditation.
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Post by mystic_chick » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:54 pm

spiritalk wrote:It is also on the nervous system that we attune.  That is what can be startled and/or sensitive to the meditation.
Hmmm....I wonder if that is why,when I meditate I get buzzing and ringing in my ears!  :smt017

That would explain it!


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Post by suzisco » Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:14 pm

well the ringing in your ears is more likely to be the fact that in that state you can hear the blood pumping round your ears.  Also slience has its own noise that your eardrums interpret as buzzing in your ears.  

Hope that helps, if the noise gets to you then concentrate on your heartbeat.

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Post by mystic_chick » Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:02 pm

The only thing is I always have buzzing /ringing in my ears,only in my right not my left.

Also lightheaded...I've been to the ear dr,my dr and nobody can find anything that would be causing it.

I'm going to a dizziness clinic in July.

I was just wondering why it gets worse when I meditate.

What you said makes sense Suzi!


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Post by Gem » Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:12 pm

Have you investigated Tinnitus and Menieres syndrome?

Concentrating on meditating and keeping relaxed and still can trigger vertigo in some people, the over compensation of the body trying to keep still can cause dizziness and a feeling of falling. If I was you I would go for more visualisations, than meditations, with your eyes open and focusing on an object like a candle flame or a trees branches, the slight movement will help you to see the moment more clearly.  Depending on why you are meditating you could try a led meditation too :)

I think the main thing to do is to not worry and perhaps go easy on the meditating till you have been to the clinic?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:26 pm

And when we are being prepared to 'hear' spirit there seems to be some work around the ears that is going on.  Check all physical conditions first...that is a must.  Then when it is recognized as spirit input, tell them to back off as it is annoying or find another way to open your ears to input.  Sometimes spirit doesn't realize how uncomfortable they can make us until we tell them and ask for them to desist.
God bless, J

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Post by mystic_chick » Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:14 am

Thank you everyone for trying to help  :)

I have been tested for Tinnitus and Menieres syndrome and it's not either.

I am basiclly meditating to develop my psychic abilities...if anyone knows of anything else I could do I am open to suggestions... :smt003


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:53 am

Each of us are 'hard-wired' differently! And I mean our brains/nervous systems.

As we meditate and try to raise our spirituality, which essentially has always meant to me personally -- trying to raise our perception and awareness so that we can tune into the parallel and concordant SPIRITUAL REALM where we simultaneiously coexist too but just are not paying attention to! It is like when you are at work, your home and those who dwell there exist, as well as the life at the club you belong! But YOU are not there all the time, simultaneously! With spiritual-tuning the sweet thing is that you can tune in anytime! You can meditate on the bus, between emails, at lunch break, even during work and of course the best place of it all for all of us: IN THE SHOWER!!

It is this monastically-driven but inattainable for most-modern-mortals-who-are-also-truthful (!) ATTITUDE, GOAL and TEACHING that creates confusion and this elitist sense of inattainableness insofar as meditation, spiritualism is concerned! AS if spiritual time and practice needs to be isolated and separate from moment to moment living. Sure it helps for a bit, but eventually it must embrace and perfuse your total life or you are creating breeding grounds for a schism and divided selves within you! And that cannot be HEALTHY!!

Since we are all differently HARDWIRED, our personal experiences will be different! Some will hear a ringing, in left, right or both ears, some will feel a soft cotton ball touching their forehead or face, others will feel a cob-web, some will jerk around a bit or worse!

The first thing obviously is to rule out that there is some neurological problem or metabolic/endocrine problems (they mimic some of the symptoms and feeling, because it is the same HARDWIRING that is involved and we are limited by, if you catch my drift!)

Once all that is behind us, we must next face the real challenge! NOT to get distracted or enraptured by the siren song of these happenstance impressions and sensations! They are the side-shows that want to get our attention and to make us sit down and watch their show and forget about the journey we are really on!

And, YET, it is okay to take a break and watch these light and sound and touch shows! But thereafter, we must go on and get back on our journey of '10000' steps!


P.S.: [I HATE IT WHEN THIS HAPPENS AND THEY SWITCH THE RULES ON US! For decades it used to be a journey of 1000 steps, but recent health studies indicate that in order to remain healthy one MUST take 10000 steps each day! Now the important message here is that what I described -- 1000 or 10000 is really describing only ONE DAY! So what I am saying is that when it comes to spiritual journeys it is important to take it ONE DAY at a time!]
[quote="mystic_chick"]Thank you everyone for trying to help  :)

I have been tested for Tinnitus and Menieres syndrome and it's not either.

I am basiclly meditating to develop my psychic abilities...if anyone knows of anything else I could do I am open to suggestions... :smt003


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:02 pm

Rhonda:  When all physical symptoms have been eliminated, we can be sure it is a part of the spirit.  That means it is time to look at all the spirit experiences from the point of view of spirit input.  

We have tools of our own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) that work together to balance and empower our own body, mind, spirit as we work to open ourselves to spirit input.  Begin each day with a simple affirmation and repeat it during the stresses of the day, to keep the balance within.  Make it your last thought at night before sleep, to keep your dreams sweet.  In this way, you will be leaving all your dramas, traumas, stresses in God's hands for solutions to appear.  This combines visualization and affirmation.

There are some meditation notes in my blog.  Check it out for some help with your own attunements.

We meditate constantly when our mind goes on a kind of wool gathering mode.  These are not the meditation times to get us truly and surely attuned to spirit to work with self in connection with spirit realms (guides, loved ones, etc.)  Purposefully meditating to attune can be done on an exercise for that purpose.  

The first step in all our talents, skills, abilities is to take charge!  We do this when we have talents in other directions, why not the spirit?

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