question about death during a reading

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question about death during a reading

Post by doogatyee » Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:52 pm

i am wondering if when you are doing a reading, you can see if death is in the near future for your subject or if death is near for a loved one?  if you can, do you ever tell the person or do you leave that out?

the reason i ask, is because i have had the feeling for almost a year now that my husband will nopt be living much longer, that he will pass to the other side.   I try not to give much thought to it, as i understand i have no control over it, or i would be given directions to stop it.  They resurfaced again this last week when i saw a vsion, of what apperes to be his funeral and heard the song that makes me think of a someone dying.

A few nights later while mediating and asking for clarification on this vision all I heard was a very loud clock ticking.  I have only mentioned tthat I think he will die to my sister about a year ago ( I had just experienced my third miscarriage in six months, and was driving in my car with here and told That i really neede this baby to stick one of these times, as I knew this fourth baby would complete my family and I wanted my husband to meet this child, becaused I thought he was going to die sooner rather than later in years.  As I finshed this sentence both rear windows went down automartically and the radio went wonky) (mI concieved my daughter that cycle and she was born last Nov) .
When my husband brought his new truck home, and I looked at it, I heard a voice whisper- that is the truck he will die in.
It's as if I know he will die on an ordinary day, doing nothing different than he does everyday - such as going to work or coming home.
I am not dwelling on this, I understand that when it is a soul's time, it goes no matter what.  
What I am wondering is if I seeked a second opinion from some one who does readings, would they pick up on this?
And If they did pick up on this would they tell me.  Would you tell someone that is what you saw, or would you let it go and not mention it?

Thanks Cori

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Post by Angelique » Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:57 pm

Hi doogatyee,

I learned my lesson at a very young age... my sister in law had asked me to do a reading on her and I saw death, and I saw how they died, but I assumed it was her grandmother. I distinctly remember telling her this would be like a whirlwind illness that came out of no where and as quickly as it comes is as quickly as it would take her and I gave her a time frame of when it was to happen. A few months later it was her mother who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer that had spread beyond the ability to help her. She died a few weeks later. My sister in law will never forget my reading and never ask me for another again. She was not upset with me, but it scared her and I felt horrible because of it all. The only time she will ask for my feelings is when she is traveling and wants to know if it is safe or it has something to do with the kids. But I learned my lesson the day my sister in-law, whom I call my sister, mother died; that I would never tell anyone something like that again... If I see it's not safe for her or the kids to travel, I'll tell them that.. but death, I personally believe it is the wrong thing to tell someone if it is foreseen.

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Post by chrisdee » Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:47 pm

I am learning psychic/medium ship and Tarot on three occasions death as come up the first was to be a family member in about three months time a young girl in her twenties with dark hair this fitted my daughters discription  i worried my self sick as the months went by and in the third month my niece of same discription died--
the second time it was an older mother/motherly person i took this to be my godmother as my mother was already dead this was to be in about two weeks in the second week my partners mother died -the third time i was doing a reading for my brother i saw his dog had only may be three weeks although it was by no means old my answer to my brother was there's something about your dog here but what ever it is you wont be able to prevent it the dog had a very happy last few weeks
so looking back on my own experiences i personally would probable say that this person of this description is feeling down and suggest a visit from them but even if the identity was clearer i would not tell them directly of a death i know what i went through when i thought my daughter was going to die

God Bless knowing or thinking you know is at the very least difficult to live with

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Myself, I would want to know about that!

Post by EmeraldWings » Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:01 am

I know I am not everybody but I am sure that if a psychic foresaw death in a reading for me I would definitely want to know about it. It's a personal thing and I think the person being read should tell the psychic in advance so they know what to tell and what to leave out.

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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Tue Aug 07, 2007 6:51 am

I will never foretell of a death within a reading.

doctors diagnose and explain that an illness is terminal but they also will never be able to tell exact dates or details.  It is not for us to know when we will die but to make sure that when we do we didnt spend our life wondering when it would happen to us or our lived ones.  To contemplate and surroound your ideas and thoughts of death means you have halted living.

A death forseen in a reading would never be portrayed to my sitter as like in medical illness miracles do happen and we can never ever guarnatee accuracy so why even put the person through that terror anyway.  A reading is to help the sitter through their life to accomplish their goals and to live to their potential in saying anything to the contrary would alter their paths I feel.

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Post by doogatyee » Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:30 pm

Thank-you for the replies.   I have wondered if getting a reading would help but deep down I understand that really it probably wouldn't bring any comfort - if there was nothing seen it may give me comfort until my own feelings resurfaced again, and if it was a yes- I may take parinia to a new level.

I believe that perhaps these feelings andvoices/visions i get are meant only for me to trust myself and my intution, and to know that if something were to happen i would be okay (which i have always known) and also to keep travelling on the path of learning the way i am doing.

It is good to hear others insights as to how to deal with events such as this.
Thanks again.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:48 pm

One of the things I did when forming a partnership with my personal spirit guides was to say: I don't want information I can do nothing to change, and I don't want to know about death of anyone.  This helps me work in complete freedom with my spirit guides.

I will add...when necessary they have worked with me when someone is terminal.  I recently went to do a healing for a friend's husband who was in final stages of his suffering.  It was early December and when I finished I felt he would not see Christmas.  When I left his wife was saying we know it is ending, but not yet.  I just gave her a hug.  We are never prepared to let our loved ones go.

A friend asked me to visit her mother in hospital.  She was hanging on by a thread and in death's hold of consciousness - not quite here.  They wanted her to know she had permission to go - it was time.  Days after my visit she passed peacefully.

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My reading

Post by Laura A » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:04 pm

I had a reading done a few months back by a man I have been to several times and I am going to again on the 14th of August.

During my last reading he mentioned the names Charles and Chuck but gave no other info. on them.  At that moment when he mentioned their names I felt the sense of a funeral.  The names he metioned are of my family Charles the father and Chuck  his son.  So...I thought since I had the feeling of a funeral I felt that one or probally Charles would pass on.  Turned out it was Cindy that passed.  Which was Charles' daughter.

Things aren't clear cut.  There are only glimpses. :smt002

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