burning question...

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burning question...

Post by cmarie177 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:15 am

Ok, this may be a bit too far in the future to ask about, but will I marry my current boyfriend? I've been wondering about this for a while and I really want to know, but as I said it may be too far in the future.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:34 am

You are 16 and then I might say...hopefully not.

It's always good to have a good friend....but you have just reached the start of your life...you have only started to develop from a girl to a woman...and your friend have started to develop from boy into man.

This is a time with big changes and even if there is many "childhood" friends that later become married it's wrong to give you such predictions.

When you have been "childhood" friend, you know each other....you play together.....but this have all been on the feelings of a "child".
(Okay have been there myself...when I was 16-17 I knew it all..I was a grown man...my parents was just old fossils ...HOW WRONG I WAS :) )

So keep the good friendship....marriage has no priority for years yet....see how your friend develop...don't rush thing....enjoy your youth...life might become "harder" when your adult status comes. (=marriage..commitments..responsibility)

Good luck to you :)

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Re: burning question...

Post by Gem » Fri Aug 10, 2007 9:56 am

cmarie177 wrote:Ok, this may be a bit too far in the future to ask about, but will I marry my current boyfriend? I've been wondering about this for a while and I really want to know, but as I said it may be too far in the future.
Hi CMarie, Welcome to Mystic Board.

Let me answer your question with another question or two.

You asked "will I marry my current boyfriend?"

Lets say I consulted my crystal ball and said...


What might that as a prediction, have as an effect on your life?.......

You start taking him for granted, he gets fed up and leaves.
You don't make so much effort, thinking he will marry me anyway, he gets fed up and leaves.
You flirt with other boys, knowing your are safe with a boyfriend that you will marry and who will stand by you whatever, he gets fed up and leaves.
He has an affair, you forgive him, because you will marry him and so he has more and you are unhappy.
....and so you change the outcome.

If the crystal ball said NO!!

You might leave him now before the relationship develops into deep love.
You might start looking at others and hurt him deeply.
You might treat him badly and even though he loves you very much he leaves.

Do you see that a prediction like this can be no good for anyone? Your actions will change just by reading a reading. Your thoughts might swing to another path.

You are still very young, things will change as you grow older and more mature. Relax and enjoy yourself and have fun :)

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Post by Angelique » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:10 pm

Hi cmarie,

Both Gem and Rhuto make excellent points.

In addition, being that I can remember what it was like (like it was yesterday) at the age of 16 and being in a relationship with my "first love" I must confess that although we thought we would end up marrying each other, we didn't. Though we both hold a very special place in our hearts for each other. Needless to say, I'm glad we didn't, because who you are at the age of 16 is not who you will be when you are 20, 25, 30, etc... Your feelings change, your point of view changes, your maturity level changes, how you love changes, how you communicate, everything about you changes as you grow into your own skin and learn and then some, and you are still growing into your own skin.

For anyone tell you at this point whether you will marry the one you're with could alter the path you're meant to follow. Live and enjoy your life and don't worry about what tomorrow brings.. relish the present moments. Tomorrow brings getting a job, paying bills, a mortgage, raising a family worrying about your kids, watching your parents get old, taking care of your folks,  etc... And that isn't bad at all, but life prepares you in small doses to be able to handle what comes your way. So don't grow up so fast, be 16 and enjoy all life brings you these next few years, just have fun.

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Post by adrianna » Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:52 am

angelique is right on so many levels.

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Post by kramont » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:38 pm

No but I see you pregnant within a year.  

Which path will you take:
17yo and pregnant or 22yo with a college degree and engaged to a man?


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:19 pm

From personal experience, let me just state that it's best to worry about the here and now--not the future.  From what the others said, I hope you can see that the future changes way too much, and it is influenced by every decision we make.  The future is read based on what is happening now.  It's never written in stone as far as our relationships with others.  We pretty much make our future.  Though, worrying about who you will marry at the moment is something trivial, to be honest.  I thought I wanted to marry at 18, though I was also manipulated into an unhealthy sexual relationship, basically being his slave.  He didn't want me as a partner; he wanted to own me.  Now, that's drastic compared to other instances, such as the 2nd time I was engaged.  Things just moved too quickly, and the guy wanted a family too soon after we would have been married.  It's best to just allow things to flow freely.  Don't worry about the future, or you won't enjoy what you have right now.  Just be happy.  Enjoy each moment with him.  If he ends up not being the "one" for you in the future, at least you'll have had something happy to look back on when you're older.  You'll wish you dated for fun more often when you get older.  It's all about companionship, and learning from the experience.

I know I sort of repeated some things Angelique said, though they are true.  I've just learned them the hard way.

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