Meeting guides

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Meeting guides

Post by Shumani » Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:43 pm


I have read a lot of different techniques on the net about meeting your guides but i would prefer to use a simple way that has been tried and tested and has good results.

If anyone could let me know of a certain way they use i would be very grateful. I used to have an MP3 file that talked you through it step by step but have misplaced it


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Post by *Faylinn* » Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:06 pm

That will be two because I will love to do so,too!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:06 pm

Have you checked out the Mediumship Understanding course going on?  Check out the meditation lesson.  Then we can put the right energy into the exercise for meeting your guide.

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:07 pm

I too would like to learn how to meet/contact/learn about my guide(s). I've been told what to do in terms of meditation and have tried several techniques, but something holds me back before I find what I'm looking for.  Is it possible that in some cases, you are not supposed to know?

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Post by mtthwoh » Wed Aug 22, 2007 10:55 pm

Thats a good question Amethyst-Jen I was wondering that to.The problem I have is that  I feel that i'm controling whats happening when I try to meditate.I don't know how to just let go.In other words I think i'm making it happen

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Aug 23, 2007 3:42 pm

When we connect with our spirit guide we are forming the most wonderful of friendships and partnerships through love.  They come to us to work with us and do a lot of the spirit side for us as we open to those energies.  

The best technique to reach your guide and only your own personal guide, is to use a symbol.  After all is said and done, language is symbol.  Choose something from nature - a flower, a water fall, a bird, etc. etc.  When you have chosen your symbol fit it into your meditation in a special place.

Sit quiet and meditate on a peaceful place that can hold your attention.  Put your symbol (as well as a seat to welcome your guide) in the scene.  In this way, you will be reaching your personal guide through a symbol that resonates with you and the guide.  When the guide comes they will attune to and use the symbol to show you they are there for your communion.  It is all about an energy shift.  When they are there, you can begin to work with spirit energies of mediumship.

Be sure to question (who, where, when, why, how is a good place to start) when you are receiving pictures, visions, thoughts, or anything else for other people.  Asking for yourself comes a lot slower.  They are working on the premise of service.

On closing, be sure to thank your guides.  Open and close with prayer to the God of your own understanding.

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Post by weezerwall » Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:01 pm

spiritalk wrote:When we connect with our spirit guide we are forming the most wonderful of friendships and partnerships through love.  They come to us to work with us and do a lot of the spirit side for us as we open to those energies.  

The best technique to reach your guide and only your own personal guide, is to use a symbol.  After all is said and done, language is symbol.  Choose something from nature - a flower, a water fall, a bird, etc. etc.  When you have chosen your symbol fit it into your meditation in a special place.

Sit quiet and meditate on a peaceful place that can hold your attention.  Put your symbol (as well as a seat to welcome your guide) in the scene.  In this way, you will be reaching your personal guide through a symbol that resonates with you and the guide.  When the guide comes they will attune to and use the symbol to show you they are there for your communion.  It is all about an energy shift.  When they are there, you can begin to work with spirit energies of mediumship.

Be sure to question (who, where, when, why, how is a good place to start) when you are receiving pictures, visions, thoughts, or anything else for other people.  Asking for yourself comes a lot slower.  They are working on the premise of service.

On closing, be sure to thank your guides.  Open and close with prayer to the God of your own understanding.
I just found this while browsing.  I will try this, J!  THANK YOU!!

Weezer :smt006

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that would be great!

Post by jennanidanu1 » Mon Sep 03, 2007 5:44 pm

I would love to meet my spirite guides so if you have a good way to do that I would like to know about it, please.  Jenna

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 04, 2007 2:35 pm

Can I the notes on meditation in The Academy - Mediumship Development.  There are hints for everyone to follow.  Of course, the meditation and techniques you choose are personally your own.  Some hints for inclusion or exclusion can help to define meditation for you personally.

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Post by Fate7523 » Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:23 am


Im not sure if this is helpful, but I've heard that you could meet your guide when you goto the astral plane. I've got a website that offers free online video course on astral projecting, but i'm not sure if I'm allowed to post outside links on here. If not, then please have a mod delete the link. (


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:15 pm

The astral is the place of uneducated and low spirit entities...this is not a place to find a true loving partnership.

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Post by Fate7523 » Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:47 am

spiritalk wrote:The astral is the place of uneducated and low spirit entities...this is not a place to find a true loving partnership.

Oh wow I did not know that.

Don't we goto the astral plane everytime we dream though? Could you please explain more about the astral plane? From what I know, I thought the astral plane can be filled with good/bad spirits... If the astral is a bad place, does that mean learning to astral project can be bad for us?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:52 pm

These sites are filled with opinions and this is mine to be sure.  It did come across very strongly, but I have seen the results of those who think the spirit world is the same as the astral world and have not found the spiritually elevated for that reason.  

I don't believe it is the astral we go into at night.  As a matter of fact, in reading Far Journeys by someone who is the handbook for trying to astral project, it would appear it takes a lot of effort and frequently results in pain.  I don't know about you...but if someone told me I was signing on for discomfort I would have replied - NO THANKS!

We do go through altered states of consciousness as we go into sleep state - the first is alpha and that is the same state we usually get to in meditation and can remain alert.  That is the time in our sleep time we can have psychic experiences.  As our minds go deeper to REM sleep it is through others labeled theta and beta.  Many studies have been done on dreams and their purpose but mostly they are symbolic of the unresolved emotions from our conscious state.

IME it is so much more elevating and purposeful to reach for higher levels - most say we communicate with spirit at the 3rd level of the afterlife.  It is certainly into the light.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:22 pm

spiritalk wrote:These sites are filled with opinions and this is mine to be sure.  It did come across very strongly, but I have seen the results of those who think the spirit world is the same as the astral world and have not found the spiritually elevated for that reason.  

I don't believe it is the astral we go into at night.  As a matter of fact, in reading Far Journeys by someone who is the handbook for trying to astral project, it would appear it takes a lot of effort and frequently results in pain.  I don't know about you...but if someone told me I was signing on for discomfort I would have replied - NO THANKS!

We do go through altered states of consciousness as we go into sleep state - the first is alpha and that is the same state we usually get to in meditation and can remain alert.  That is the time in our sleep time we can have psychic experiences.  As our minds go deeper to REM sleep it is through others labeled theta and beta.  Many studies have been done on dreams and their purpose but mostly they are symbolic of the unresolved emotions from our conscious state.

IME it is so much more elevating and purposeful to reach for higher levels - most say we communicate with spirit at the 3rd level of the afterlife.  It is certainly into the light.
Is there a place where someone has described these "levels", or perhaps you can describe them for us?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:11 pm


ARTHUR FINDLAY (Rock of Truth) records information from séances:
“The Etheric World has a locality.  It is not in some far off region in space but is a part of our world and goes around the sun along with this earth.  Just as our earth turns on its axis, so the Etheric world turns along with us.  It is all part of one whole.  The earth is like the stone in a peach and the Etheric world is like the fruit surrounding it.  Just like the stone, so the earth is the life-giving seed to the Etheric world.”

Rev. Stainton Moses (Spirit teachings by automatic writing):

“Earth is the highest of seven spheres.  There are, after the earth life, seven spheres of active work and following these seven spheres of Divine contemplation.  Each sphere has many states.  In the spheres below the earth, the slopes are dotted with spirits hurrying to their destruction.  They will not seek for anything which is good and find joy in wrecking souls and dragging them down to their own level.  They sink lower and lower until they lose conscious identity and become almost extinct.

Punishment is not meted out, but is the inevitable result of violation of natural law.  In these spheres they remain, subject to the attempted influence of missionary spirits, until a desire for progress begins.  When the desire rises, progress starts.  Remorse and a desire for good is the way out.  The spiritual atmosphere becomes changes, and into it good angels enter readily and aid the striving soul.  Slowly the sins are purged away and the soul begins to progress.”  

*   *   *   *
7 spheres of the Afterlife(as generally described and garnered from Spiritualism literature)...

Level 1:  Animal level.  Animals are found in other levels to add to our pleasure and comfort.  But they do not have the same soul progression as humans so their home is within the first sphere.  

Level 2:  Dark unenlightened level devoid of natural comforts.  This is the place where undeveloped spirit go.  Those who chose negative, selfish, abusive lives and are not ready to release themselves from this vibration find darkened surroundings.  

Level 3:  It is most similar to the earth plane and is the place where those who have lived a decent life on earth gravitate.  Also, you will find that children are here regardless of how they lived, because they are not held accountable for their choices the same as adults.  This level is pleasant and those who live there can create homes and other comforts that suit their light.  What spirit inhabitants build corresponds to the condition of their soul at arrival and will change as they progress.

Level 4:  This sphere is closely related to the 3rd but is a bit more refined.  It is for those who have advanced spiritually while on earth and upon being in spirit realms.

Level 5, 6, 7:  These spheres are graduated toward higher spiritual attainments.  The higher spheres work on a higher vibration of energy.  We lose the associations we have with the earth plane and it physical comforts.  Within these spheres spirit becomes more like light and positive energy.  Earthly, physical aspects disappear, as they are no longer needed.

*   *   *   *
While on the earth plane there is a natural obstacle between the conscious and unconscious layers of the mind.  It is difficult to know what is going on in the area below.  However, at death, the veil between the layers is lifted and our consciousness becomes complete.

*   *   *   *
ARTHUR FINDLAY (The Rock of Truth):  
“One of the differences between our material life and our future etheric life is the enormous power of the mind.  The mind plays a much larger part in the Etheric world than it does here.  We all know people who are out of harmony.  This does not happen there.  Here on earth we are all living on the same surface.  We are meeting the good and bad, the intelligent and the ignorant, having nothing in common with those we meet.  Here, our work and everyday occupations bring us into contact with minds of all types, but there minds of like development congregate together, and the higher the development, the higher is the surface or plane they live on.”

JOHN OXENHAM: The English writer, while ill, experienced visiting the spirit world by an out-of-body experience.  He describes it as:
“I then seemed to be on the crown of the world.  I could see as I had never seen before.  All around and below me I looked over endless distances.  And I could hear as I had never been able to hear before.  My deaf ears had not been able to hear for years.

Then 3 men, deep in conversation, walked toward me.  One of them looked like a prophet of old, the second, a native of China.  The third looked like a nature of Africa.  These 3 men welcomed me and from them I learned the secret of communication between the so-called dead, for although they addressed me in their own language, the words reached me as though they had been spoken in English.

They told me I had only to wish to be with a certain person and he or she would be there.  But they also said it would be better to concentrate on one person at a time as friends might be scattered anywhere in the universe.  “Even here,” they told me, “You can only be in one place at a time.”

Leaving my new acquaintances, I sped through space to the person I wished to see, my wife, who had passed on many years before.  She came towards me with out-stretched arms and a face showing happiness and welcome.  Soon she led me to other ‘dead’ members of my family, who greeted me.  I met my ‘dead’ son, visited other olds friends who had passed over.  I was told individuals who wished to do so could visit friends on earth, watch over them and help those who needed strength from the spirit world.”

These are Spiritualism authors and the information garnered comes from study on that subject.  This information is used in training circles for Spiritualism students.

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