Channeling Healing vs Magnetic healing

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Channeling Healing vs Magnetic healing

Post by AutumnSprite » Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:25 pm

I saw this mentioned and wondered if someone could elaborate on it more (hope I got the two right) :)

Thanks and love~

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:31 pm

I am not sure myself... but I will do some research after I get done putting my pizza in the oven and get back to you... I can't wait to learn more... *smile* Thank You for the topic!!

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:39 pm

The channeling of healing energy occurs when one allows oneself to be a vehicle or channel through which healing energy can flow. In the use of healing energy it can have a profound effect.

Colors of the chakras also used by Healers to read energy in the auras and whether it is healthy, unhealthy, blocked or free flowing.

    It is important when acting as a channel for healing energy or channeling, to centering and protection of oneself. By using deep breathing exercises and visualization, the Channeler is able to prepare themselves for the gift they are about to use.

    The secret of channeling healing energy is ALLOWING yourself to feel connected to a positive energy source and allow the free flowing of the energy through you to someone else.

    By tapping various energy sources within our bodies and without we are able to connect in other ways. These centers are natural doorways to positive energy.

    When we associate words with the experience, we can also open doors in this manner. The word "love" will make us feel relaxed and peaceful. Using the word "love" connects us to the energy source that is love. Words therefore can be used as a connection to a positive energy source.

Magnet therapy is a type of "alternative" medicine  which claims that magnetic fields have healing powers. Magnetic cures have been attracting gullible patrons for centuries (Mackay: Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds). For example, in the early 1770s, Anton Mesmer, a Viennese physician met a Jesuit priest and healer with the unlikely name of Maximillian Hell. Fr. Hell claimed that he cured people with a magnetic steel plate. He knew this therapy worked because he had many satisfied customers. Mesmer plagiarized Hell's magnetic therapy and posited that it works because there is a very subtle magnetic fluid flowing through everything but which sometimes gets disturbed and needs to be restored to its proper flow. Hell, Mesmer theorized, was unblocking the flow of this magnetic fluid with his magnets. Mesmer eventually discovered that he got the same results without the magnets.

More than two hundred years later, we still find extraordinary claims being made about magnetic healing. Some claim that magnets can help broken bones heal faster or wine taste better, but most of the advocacy today comes from those who claim that magnets relieve pain. The support for this notion is mainly in the form of testimonials and anecdotes, and can be attributed to "placebo effects and other effects accompanying their use" (Livingston 1998). There is almost no scientific evidence supporting magnet therapy, though the occasional positive study does exist, e.g., "Randomised controlled trial of magnetic bracelets for relieving pain in osteoarthritis of the hip and knee" ("British Medical Journal, Dec. 2004). This was a small study (194 subjects over 12 weeks) that found a slightly higher decrease in pain from osteoarthritis of the hip and knee in the group wearing magnetic bracelets as opposed to a "dummy group". The authors noted: "It is uncertain whether this response is due to specific or non-specific (placebo) effects." The reason they could not be certain that the magnets were responsible for anything is that it is very difficult "to blind subjects to the presence of a magnet" (Finegold and Flamm 2006).

Of course, a single scientific study here or there that supports or fails to support a hypothesis should rarely be taken as conclusive. Many of these studies involve complex statistical analyses and due to such things as the small number of participants, the experimenter effect, and variables that are difficult to measure or control, the reasonable thing to do is wait for a consensus from numerous studies before making up your mind about such things as the effectiveness of magnets (or vitamins, etc.) on health. The fact is that there have been very few scientific studies on magnetic healing and the evidence supporting many of the extravagant claims for such healing is not very strong.

Okay I know it is a lot to read but this is what I found....

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Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:06 am

I don't think I used exactly the correct terms I read from another post... it's been a few days. :) But I learned a lot more about channeling healing energies and ideas for meditation. I like the Love concept and about envisioning channeling a healing energy 'through' myself.

I think that is the part, another described another healing method where not channeling, but rather, reflecting or expending from oneself, so drained. Have to think some, but the channeling information regarding healing~ which I am investigating more, is helpful,a nd gives me perspective.... :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:14 am

*smile* glad to have been some help... if you get the chance to check the words let me know.....

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Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:14 am

OH!!!!  I found it!
eye_of_tiger wrote:If you find that your own energies are being depleted in the process, this is what is called MAGNETIC HEALING.

True SPIRITUAL HEALING does not use your own energies at all, so a session of this should leave you yourself feeling energised.

When we serve as healing channels for these divine energies instead of using our own, one extra bonus is that our own life force is greatly enhanced as the energies pass through us.

I would suggest that this could be a big part of the problem in your case, in that you are doing magnetic healing instead of channelling healing energies from outside yourself. There are certain techniques that you could learn from either a person who is either already themselves a practising healer, from books or off the web which would help you to learn to channel healing, instead of continuing to run yourself down...
This really got me thinking as to how as an empath as well, I am drained when not shielding, grounded. Also, in healing, being drained means I am not channeling the energies as Nyte described above. Been in my mind... but not sure I understand the opposite- if means using own energies, not letting flow through oneself...?

Thanks for bearing with me :)

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:20 am

*smile* what I get from all of this is, using YOUR personal internal energies to heal often leaves you feeling drained and tired, but being able to draw/channel energy from the world or  spirit guides or who/whatever is out there is more like simply being a vessel through which the healing travels to get to a destination... kinda like a garden hose is how you get water to the flowers WAY over there.... you being in this example the hose.... Or are you meaning something else and I am just missing it??

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Post by AutumnSprite » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:50 am

Yes. I think that is what happens sometimes. Plus, for a long time I was not well versed in what I was doing, i gave and gave... so often and so much of myself. Not using the garden hose concept (very neat btw).


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 22, 2007 12:59 am

My sincere apologies for any confusion that the term "MAGNETIC HEALING" may have caused you. It has absolutely nothing to do with magnets as such, but is a term which was used by the late healer Harry Edwards to describe exactly what Nyte has so eloquently said above.

Here is a short quote from the book "Spirit Healing" by Harry Edwards 1978 (published by the Harry Edwards Spiritual Healing Sanctuary Trust) Chapter 4 - Methods of Healing - pages 31 - 32  

My own comments are included in brackets.

"The term "magnetic healing" is often used, but it is an unfortunate use of the word. The magnetic force is a polarised physical force and is not a healing force. A better description is "Cosmic Healing"....This form of healing is not spirit healing but the transference of cosmic energy from one to another.....When a "magnetic" healer is in sympathy with a sick one he can consciously direct a flow of his energy to the patient. That is why the patient feels better and stronger. If the healer does this continuously with a number of patients, then he, too, will feel depleted until he re-charges his reserves......There is no (clear) division between magnetic and spirit healing - one can lead to the other. It (magnetic healing) is often the first step in the development of the healing gift."

Sorry again for the confusion, as I have only just noticed your discussion about this subject (and I therefore felt personally responsible for clearing the mess I quite unintentionally left behind). :smt009

Your's sincerely,

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Oct 22, 2007 1:00 am

Thanx, it was the first thing to pop into my head so there it went... hehe *smile* I think one of the most important things to remember in healing is that you can help, but not give yourself away or you won't be able to help anyone else that needs you...  ya know? anyways I hope that this has helped you... *smile* I know that it has me...

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 22, 2007 8:31 pm

An important aspect.....NEVER be vested in RESULTS.  It is the healer's responsibility to channel energy - it is not about the healing itself - that is the responsibility of a higher power - The Healing Force.

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