Scared to become psychic

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Scared to become psychic

Post by matt22113 » Sat Nov 03, 2007 2:00 am

Hi everyone!

This is my first post here!

I have a question and would greatly appreciate any help

I have been told by two psychics, one who was on oprah, that I have a psychic ability.

I have books on how to get my psychic ability to open up

The only problem is that I have a tremendous fear of ghosts and demons.

I know I'm not ready to see that kind of stuff.

is there a way to manifest away fear?

I see all these sites that show you how to become psychic.

but none of them ever mention losing fear.

Is it just something that you get used to over time?(Seeing ghosts and demons)

Also I'm a pisces I think that could be a reason that i'm scared so easily.

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:09 am

Fear is a personal thing, or the mind?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:41 am

Q: Will I open myself up to evil spirits when I learn to develop?

A: There are various protection and grounding methods that are available to you. You should try these before you try any other psychic development exercises. Most development courses do start off by giving you some protection and grounding tips. You should only proceed with your development process when you are comfortable with it.

Quote taken from "Psychic Abilities: Frequently Asked Questions" by Ana Bryce

Hoping this helps to ease your fears concerning seeing ghosts or demons,

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Nov 03, 2007 9:33 pm

I think a good question to ask yourself is; Is the want to gain the abilities worth facing a fear that you have?

Not all ghost are scary... some are, some aren't... some are nice... some are (ummmmm) Jerks.... (to put without cussing) *smile* I wish I could help you more... but I never had the choice... they were just there....

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To See or not to See

Post by J&A_Hernandez_2007 » Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:39 pm

I would rather see what is in the room with me than not, however, I haven't the ability to see clearly, I only feel the presence of spirits both good and bad and to see shadows. But I can tell if they are good or bad.

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Re: Scared to become psychic

Post by KHEM » Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:18 pm

matt22113 wrote:Hi everyone!

This is my first post here!

I have a question and would greatly appreciate any help

I have been told by two psychics, one who was on oprah, that I have a psychic ability.

I have books on how to get my psychic ability to open up

The only problem is that I have a tremendous fear of ghosts and demons.

I know I'm not ready to see that kind of stuff.

is there a way to manifest away fear?

I see all these sites that show you how to become psychic.

but none of them ever mention losing fear.

Is it just something that you get used to over time?(Seeing ghosts and demons)

Also I'm a pisces I think that could be a reason that i'm scared so easily.

1st of all, welcome to the board and wish you to enjoy it! :)

2ndly, the psychics who told you you have psychic ability were right.

It's a bit like I see you and let you know that you are able to smile.I don't need to attend tv shows, however popular they are, to reveal that to people.

As far as I am concerned, everybody is a psychic. The only difference is that some people embrace that truth and live with it while others fear it  and some hide away :)

The world, as a whole, has yet to grasp that truth and it will save a lot of money :)

There is no reasons to fear demons and ghosts. If you are bound to see them, you will see them regardless of your "fear" :)

Besides, being psychic doesn't expose you to them only, there are beautiful visions if you are ready for them :)

To become psychic is a process, it's not an "instant thing" and if you follow well that process, your so called "fear" will gradually disappear. It involves patience, self discipline, dedication and focus.

Your so-called "fear" might be better called "fear of the unknown" , that's a common one along with fear of being alone, in the dark, misunderstood and so on.

Here are some recommendations:

-books by Sonia Choquette
-books by CW Leadbeater
-books by Emmet Fox
-books by Yogananda Paramahansa

Being "psychic" is not the end. As previously said, everybody is...In addition, you might want to better your spiritual education as well :)

Don't worry about your sign, it has nothing to do with your mindframe right now. We all go through the 12 signs sooner or later and they can be curses or gifts depending on what you think of them...
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Some ghosts and/or demons should be feared!

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:19 am

As far as I am concerned, everybody is a psychic. The only difference is that some people embrace that truth and live with it while others fear it  and some hide away

Could I please also add here that it is not part of everybody's spiritual path to become aware of and develop their psychic abilities within any given lifetime? This means that they should not be persecuted for seeming to fear them or hiding anything away from anyone, including themselves.

Just as they need to respect our rights to have and practice our own beliefs, we in turn need to respect their's by recognising that psychic development is only one aspect of our total spiritual path. But then we are highly unlikely to meet such a person on a spiritual/psychic forum such as this one, as psychic abilities are simply not a part of their belief system for this current lifetime.

There is no reasons to fear demons and ghosts. If you are bound to see them, you will see them regardless of your "fear"

There is definitely no need to fear ALL ghosts and demons (if indeed you believe that these exist), but some of these paranormal folk have driven people to the point of considering taking their own lives in preference to having to spend another day enduring their malicious acts of cruelty.

Only a complete fool (no offence intended to yourself) would not fear these ghosts and/or demons. Fear is a vital part of our physical and psychological defence mechanism with the purpose of ensuring our survival. It is only when our fear about ghosts and demons gets out of control and we see them everywhere we look that it becomes something of a negative and self destructive nature.

People first starting out with their psychic development can choose to ignore that SOME of these inhabitants of the other world are definitely to be feared at their own peril. While they should remember that only a relatively small proportion of them intend to cause mischief and harm, I feel that by taking the necessary precautions that we can greatly minimise the chance that we will encounter them while developing.

Some psychics throughout their entire professional career have never once seen anything which could be regarded as coming from the other side of life. Many people who do not believe in or want anything to do with the paranormal may still see ghosts in their homes, which is why they may sometimes consider coming to a place such as these MB forums, purely to ask for our assistance in this matter.

Just my own thoughts about what you have written, most of the rest of which I completely agree with and support.


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Post by KHEM » Wed Nov 07, 2007 1:00 am

Thanks for your light EOT :)

I see where you are coming from and I do apologise to all the readers if what I wrote about people hiding and avoiding paranormal activities seemed to them like I was "persecuting" them :) . Yes, we all have Free will and work to do through lifetimes and no 2 paths are alike.

I agree with your definition of fear .As I'm sure you've noticed  mine was more of "to give them power" or "to give them more attention than needed" hence being under quotation marks.

Of course, once your second sight opens, you are bound to see some "ghosts and devils" around. The same as with the normal vision , you cannot avoid to see certain things no matter how well meaning you can/want to be...

As far as those who started already to witness paranormal activities; I really think, the least they can do is to "face the truth" about those happenings and start to get educated on those subjects for the sake of their peace of minds. Trying to act as if nothing happened is really trying to repress things and we all know that what comes out of psychological repression :)

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Post by JClark » Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:45 am

Couple of thoughts:  Create an "affirmation invocation" -- something like, "I surround myself in light and am open to only those of the highest good for all concerned" before you "tune in" to any energies.  That will enable positive energies to come your way.

Second, try asking questions by writing them out with your dominant hand and then answering with your non-dominant to see where the fears are coming from.  Could be a past life where you were tortured for being psychic, or at the very least, for being different in your tribe.  Once you've faced those fears, they'll dissolve.

Good luck!!!

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Psychic..Maybe you should try....

Post by MagickMoonShadow » Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:08 am

[quote="Nyteshadecreed"]I think a good question to ask yourself is; Is the want to gain the abilities worth facing a fear that you have?

Not all ghost are scary... some are, some aren't... some are nice... some are (ummmmm) Jerks.... (to put without cussing) *smile* I wish I could help you more... but I never had the choice... they were just there....[/quote]

When I was young, I had a "man" (this is apparantly what I called him) who hung around me and told me things.  My mother said she was actually scared of me at times.  She would come into my room and I would be just playing, and talking talking away, and actually looking at SOMETHING!  When she would be looking for something, for example, I would just walk by her, and yell something like "It's in the back of the cabinet mommy!"  And of course, sure enough.  

I contracted spinal menangitis at the age of 4 and was given a 10% chance of living, and the Dr told my parents that was being genorous.  They basically told them to start preparing for my death.  

The next day I was bouncing around like a normal child of that age, like nothing ever happened.  I should also mention I had been in a coma for 2 weeks.

When my parents brought me home, everything just stopped..No more "man", no more talking, no more birds on my ceiling (this was another thing I would tell my mother about..the doves on the ceiling as I was laughing away).

I don't know what or why this happened.  But I too have been told by many tarot readers, psychics and clairvoyants that I have "THE" GIFT.  That I am a highly guarded soul.  

I don't know what to do to get that gift back, and this is why I have turned to Wicca.  I guess when the God and Goddess feel I'm ready, then just maybe.  I do feel precenses, and I can tell when something is going to happen.  I don't always know what, but I can sense if it's bad or good.  My friends have just come to trust my instincts.  When I say "I don't want to go out tonight", they stay home as well.

One time a voice popped into my head as I was driving, and I had a vision in my minds eye.  A cop was sitting on the crest of a hill.  Sure enough, there he was, taking radar, just waiting for an unsuspecting green eagle talon doing 80 in a 65!!  LOL, too bad I saw that one coming.

Anyway, one psychic told me to get this gift of mine back, I should basically sit in dark room by the light of one white candle-basically meditating.  He said I will see a light, and when I do, walk towards it.  He said the other world will be open to me then.  I can't keep my eyes closed long enough though or I fall asleep!  

I hope this may work for the poster as well.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:29 am

Hmm interesting

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Just a quick question......

Post by Rev_Vesta » Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:49 am

being Pyschic.......
Do you mean that you are able to pick up vibrational energy from client, or those passed over....?
Do you mean Clairvoyance or any of the other Clair*********? see movies, pictures, photos of cirumstances, people, places, events etc....noises, feelings, knowings and smell?
or Medium communicate with those passed over?   We all have the abilties to be pyschic and then develop into other areas.....
Start with meditations in devloping personal self...... working with Chakras, to stay balanced and perfectly healthy.... treat your body, mind and Spirit with repsect and things will happen when they happen.......... just remember to ask your Spirit guides, Angels etc...... to give you just the information so you can move forward slowly on your the right pace for you.....
keep a journal (BOS- book of Shadows) of your journey.........
You can develop self with working with tarot/Oracle and other Divination tools........they can be all stepping stones.......
Good luck..and hope you discover what you need within self...

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Post by KHEM » Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:57 pm

"Strictly speaking, psychic powers mean the powers of the soul, because this word psychic is derived from the Greek psyche, the soul. But in ordinary language this term is used rather to imply that we call the powers of the astral body, or even in many cases those pertaining to the etheric part of the physical body. To speak of persons as “psychic” generally means nothing more than that they are sensitive – that they sometimes see or hear more than the majority of people around them are as yet able to see or hear. Though it is of course true that this sight is a power of the soul, it is equally true that all the powers which we display in physical life are also powers of the soul, for our bodies, whether astral or physical, are after all only vehicles. What is commonly termed “psychic power” is then only a slight extension of the ordinary faculties; but the expression is also sometimes used to include other manifestations which are yet somewhat abnormal among men, such as mesmeric power, or the power of mind-cure. Since the will is the motive force both in mesmerism and in mind-cure, I presume that we can hardly object to the application of this term psychic power in these cases. Often telepathy and Psychometry are considered to come under the same head, although these in reality merely indicate a somewhat unusual sensitiveness to impressions from without. In truth, all of these powers of the soul are inherent in every son of man, though they are developed as yet only in a few, and are working only partially even with them, unless they have had the inestimable advantage of definite occult training. "


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Post by JClark » Thu Nov 08, 2007 6:53 pm

One more thought:  I've had the good fortune to meet Mary Ann Winkowski and James Van Praagh both -- and I think they both have books out or coming out.  Mary Ann has had her psychic gift / ability to see ghosts since she was a little girl and she is the most up-beat positive person you'd ever want to meet.  Maybe reading about her journey would give you hope and courage for yours.  One final thing:  this Friday's Ghost Whisperer episode (11/9/07) deals with psychics -- the regular character and a visiting psychic -- and I think from the previews it seems the issue comes up about their gifts and how they deal with them.  Again, it might be inspirational to you!!!  All the best!

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Post by KHEM » Thu Nov 08, 2007 8:06 pm

Thanks a lot JClark for mentioning those series of "Ghost Whisperer",it's very educative and helps a lot people who are not educated about those issues to be's no wonder it is highly rated by millions :)

I am sure a lot of people recognise their lives into those series; especially those who would never talk to that "in public"

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