why are people ignoring me?

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why are people ignoring me?

Post by sonicpunk32 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 2:45 am

why are people ignoring me? is there something in me that is making them avoid me like the plague?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:34 am

Exactly which people do you feel are avoiding you like the plague?  :smt009

Do you mean specifically the readers on this forum, or do you instead mean amongst your own friends and acquaintances?

There are several things you yourself can do in order to greatly increase your own chances of receiving an effective reading, sooner rather than much later.

"Guidelines - For General Members - Not got a reading yet"?

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... php?t=7609


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Post by sonicpunk32 » Sat May 03, 2008 1:51 pm

Sorry for not responding sooner.

The people that ignore me, are strangers I come accross. People in chatrooms. Even my own family, and the family's friends. Well, they dont ignore me, but well, I just dont know. People in general, when I meet them, and I try to talk, the look I get on their faces is one of disappointment or something, and shortly after or immediately, they stop talking to me. And they casually go elsewhere. This happens everywhere I go. I think it's like the words I speak dont resonate with them or something. Cause they either find me really annoying straight away, or really really antisocial. In anycase, something I'm emmitting is repelling them away. Nobody even approaches me, which often happens to people even when they're trying to be avoided. Even mean spirited angry destructive people get noticed and given attention to, but why not me? Shy people, they get noticed, and even viewed as very sweet people by most, and have many friends. Even they arent repelling people. I used to think, maybe I'm shy, but after a while, I quickly noticed that I'm not shy, cause I wasnt being treated as such.

This began around when I was 11. I think it was the time I became self aware or something, cause before that, time was going slow, everything seemed magical, and I was in some sort of ignorant bliss where I felt connected to the world (as compared to now). But soon as I turned 11, that began to fade away. Even though if I look back, all my life, I've been alone, it never began to matter till I was around 13/14. Then I had to become social, but no matter how hard I tried to communicate to people, nothing clicked, no connection to them was formed, and they ignored me.  At age 21, now I'm in a state of panic and confusion, cause I dont know how to handle myself in public, what to say to people, and being ignored because of this just isnt practical anymore. Only a select handful of people who have been put into my life, I guess for some strong reason, havent ignored me. These would probably be my mom, and a couple friends I met during the years. Everyone else, pretty much ignores me. Could this be blockages in my navel and throat chakras? Cause either bonds aren't being created or my voice isnt being heard.

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Post by jld » Sat May 03, 2008 2:19 pm

I have felt the same way as you in the past. The problem was my sensitivity to the world and I didn't have faith in a higher power... that contributed greatly to my sense of loneliness. This makes life a struggle...me against the world....you against the world.  I had to stop fighting. You have a 16/7 Life path as do I. This relates to the Tower card in tarot.  The problem lies in perception. How we perceive the world is what is reflected back at us. Developing a relationship with a higher power requires humility. This is important for the 16/7. You are experiencing negetive 7 energy...loneliness, isolation feelings. Also the worrying and restlessness. It is important to stay in the present and not get ahead of yourself worrying about the future. The blockages you refer to are from internalizing your environment. Energy can't get out that way. hope this has helped.

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Post by xaxaa » Sat May 03, 2008 2:31 pm

I don't think people believe you're evil. Perhaps you don't talk to them and they feel you don't like them...
Or maybe you're trying too hard! People kind of smell desperation and they are not attracted! I think that's
the reason that you always meet new people who would like to be in a relationship with you when you already
have one and not when you don't and would like to! It's because when you're happy, the others can feel it and that
makes you more attractive!
So why don't you try to cool down a little bit! Be happy...don't make special efforts for others to talk to you! Kind of ignore them...
(not in a rude way of course...and talk to them if they do talk to you!!!)...
Another thing you can do is to meet new people! People that you can make a totally fresh impression! To do so you could look for a job(if you
don't already have one),sign up for gym classes or try to learn some foreign languages! Those are very effective ways and you also learn
new things...If you can't do any of these then you could also do some chat! There are many people who feel lonely there...you'll
see you're not the only one...and you're not alone!
Whatever you decide to do, just remember that it's up to you to change your life :)

I wish you all the best!

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Post by jld » Sat May 03, 2008 2:35 pm

This also came up for me to share with you...along the same lines as xaxaa

. . . love is a great beautifier.
--Louisa May Alcott

Meeting life head-on, with a smile, attracts to us people and situations. Our attitudes shape our world - which is not to deny that problems do occur. However, problems can be viewed as special opportunities for personal growth -- as gifts, more or less, that we are ready to receive. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The stumbling blocks we encounter push us beyond our present awareness. They teach us that we are stronger and more creative than we'd thought. Problem solving is esteem-building.

Negatively confronting the day is sure to complicate any experiences. A simple misunderstanding can be exaggerated into a grave situation, requiring the energy of many people to handle it. On the other hand, a patient, trusting, loving attitude can turn a grave situation into a positive learning experience for all affected.

We can beautify the day by smiling at it and throughout all the experiences it offers us. The expression of love to everyone we meet guarantees to make us more lovable in return.

How great is my influence today! I can go forth feeling love, if I choose to--guaranteeing an enjoyable day for me and everyone I meet.

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Post by sonicpunk32 » Sat May 03, 2008 2:36 pm

Hello, please, I dont understand, can you explain more about how I'm internalizing my world, as you say? How do I externalize then? I really dont know.

I believe that there are higher beings than us. Is that what you mean by having faith in a higher power? I believe I have spirit guides. Should I believe in one god? Join a religion? I believe in spirituality, but I really dont think religion is for me, though. My concept of God, is of the Universe, and God is everyone, and everyone is God. That sort of thing.

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Post by sonicpunk32 » Sat May 03, 2008 2:45 pm

Thank you, xaxaa, I'll keep that in mind.

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Post by jld » Sat May 03, 2008 2:48 pm

I was refering to development of your spiritual side, not religion (that's for you to decide though). Know that you are not alone then.
The internalizing is a sense of self-consciousness. For example walking in a room and thinking everyone is looking at you, not liking you...it's a kind of self-centered fear....then internalizing it to mean there's something wrong with you. It's your perception. Self-love is important and that is then relected outward.

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Post by sonicpunk32 » Sat May 03, 2008 3:09 pm

So what you're saying is, I should get in touch with my inner self, my Higher Self, the part of me that is connected to spirit. Meditate, develop my intuition? Does having this 16/7 life path require that I be in touch with my spiritual side?

So what you're saying is, right now, I am radiating the aura of "something is terribly wrong with me" and this is what others sense which keeps them away from me? And all these years it's gotten worse because I have had more time to believe my own delusion that something is wrong with me and that people dont like me because of me? A kind of hatred for myself because, for so long, I have believed that I dont belong? This self-centered fear, it has reinforced itself in me because of the results I've been getting, mostly because of the fear itself? Should I then believe that I do belong, and that I am worthy of attention, and that those that dont give me their attention is because of their own problems and not mine? When I am desperate for attention, does this scream to others that I am not worthy of attention?

You know, because of this, I've always had a list of things I've wanted to aquire before I could even begin to feel confident in myself about this. Things like, say, knowledge, and a focused mind. Hypothetically, if I were to gain these things, which I think would definitely make me feel alot more confident in myself, would the aura of "something is terribly wrong with me" go away and people start giving me the attention I've always desired?

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Post by jld » Sat May 03, 2008 3:39 pm

The life path of the 7 is a spiritual one....You could do a little research on the 7 life path in numerology. I feel you could also benefit from learning about your tendencies to withdraw and your need to know more...maybe thru ennneagram? Here are some affirmations...some you may relate to and saying them may help...
I now release...
• all fearfulness of the world around me.
• all feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness.
• my fear of being violated or overwhelmed by others.
• my dark and destructive fantasies.
• isolating myself by rejecting others.
• believing that no one can be depended on.
• desiring to antagonize others and ruin their peace of mind.
• being cynical and contemptuous of the normalcy of others.
• fearing that others will exploit me.
• feeling that I am a misfit in life.
• being secretive and hiding from people.
• postponing my emotional needs.
• neglecting my physical health and appearance.
• the agitation and restlessness of my mind.
• feeling that I always need to know more before I do anything.
• avoiding my life by escaping into my mind.
I now affirm...
• that I am secure and grounded in the reality of my own life.
• the strength and wonder of my body.
• the value of my inventiveness and sense of humor.
• that I accept uncertainty and abiguity.
• that my life and struggles are meaningful and rewarding.
• that I have faith in the future and in human beings.
• that I reach out to others confidently as an equal.
• that I find serenity in being compassionate toward others.
• that I support others from the fullness of my heart.

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Post by xaxaa » Sat May 03, 2008 3:50 pm

Excuse me to interfere again but reading the posts above I was wondering...is it
that perhaps you talk too much about yourself? I mean, do you meet people and start
talking to them immediately about you and the way you are and the way you feel and
generally explain them analytically YOU???? Cause if you do so, that's the reason they avoid
you! People get very annoyed about these subjects!!!!! Humor always works...you should
try it! Don't discuss about important things of your life just the first moment you meet someone!

And about God, I'm a Christian...and we have this story about one of our Saints:
There was a ship that sunk and a guy who was praying to this Saint (Saint Nicolas) to
save him! He was in the middle of the sea and doing nothing but pray! Then the Saint appeared
and told him: I'm helping you...but you have to move a little bit your arms so that you get saved!

What do I mean by this? Don't stay there and wait for your God or inner power to do the miracle!
They'll help you...BUT you have to help yourself first!!!! No miracles if you don't try by yourself!

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Post by sonicpunk32 » Sat May 03, 2008 4:29 pm

xaxaa wrote:Excuse me to interfere again but reading the posts above I was wondering...is it
that perhaps you talk too much about yourself? I mean, do you meet people and start
talking to them immediately about you and the way you are and the way you feel and
generally explain them analytically YOU???? Cause if you do so, that's the reason they avoid
you! People get very annoyed about these subjects!!!!! Humor always works...you should
try it! Don't discuss about important things of your life just the first moment you meet someone!
There have been times in the past when I did that, but it was only to the people the universe had brought into my life. Somehow, that didnt stop them from going away, they remained my friends regardless. But I have never gotten a chance to discuss about me or my life to strangers.
xaxaa wrote:What do I mean by this? Don't stay there and wait for your God or inner power to do the miracle!
They'll help you...BUT you have to help yourself first!!!! No miracles if you don't try by yourself!
Well, I was talking about waiting to aquire knowledge and a focused mind. Meaning, I work on aquiring those now, not wait till somebody gives them to me.  Though I wouldnt call knowledge and a focused mind to be miracles. Are they? I just think they are very useful tools to help me create my miracles.

For example, when I began driving cars, I thought it would be somewhat easier than it looked. Yes, I got on the road and learned to the best that I could. But I could only learn so far, cause my mind is unfocused. Having a focused mind is, what I learned to be, an essential part of learning to drive a car around. Even after many years of driving, there are things that I cant seem to do, without a focused mind. Things like estimating the speed of several cars around you while attempting to switch lanes because the current lane you're on has a stopped car ahead waiting to make a left. And if you make the wrong calculation or dont pay attention to one of the several cars around you, you will crash.

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Post by sonicpunk32 » Sat May 03, 2008 5:02 pm

jld wrote:I feel you could also benefit from learning about your tendencies to withdraw and your need to know more.
Whoa, this is a bit shocking. You mean my tendency to know more is actually bad for me? Well, I do have this desire to know everything.

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Post by jld » Sat May 03, 2008 6:07 pm

sonicpunk32 wrote: Whoa, this is a bit shocking. You mean my tendency to know more is actually bad for me? Well, I do have this desire to know everything.
That's not for me to say...It's good to know about our tendencies. Always feeling that we need to know more before we are "good" enough...to get out into the world, to interact with others... can be a way of isolating ourselves.

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