Your opinion, please?

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Your opinion, please?

Post by seekerofangels » Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:25 pm

First, I apologize if I post anything in the wrong place.  I'm still learning my way around.  I've been reading like crazy and I don't think I can live long enough to soak up all this wonderful information so again, I apologize if this question has already been answered -- I just haven't found it yet.

My Mother ALWAYS knew what was going to happen before it happened.  It seems she always got "signs".  When I was married to my first husband (eons ago), he was stationed in Viet Nam.  Mama was at home by herself, sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee.  My husband's picture just fell off the wall and the glass broke.

Mama wrote down the date and time and then called my sister and told her that "W" had been hurt -- she never told me.

Not long after, I received a telegram stating that he had been shot and was in the hospital -- date and time EXACTLY as she had written it down.  My sister told me all of this later.

Is there any wonder that we used to slink out of the house before she could give us any words of wisdom?

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated as Mama passed away before I really got interested in any of this and, unfortunately, before I had the chance to talk to her about it.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:38 pm

Empathy for family and loved ones is a common psychic method.  She also had some precognition going on there to predict the incident.

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Post by seekerofangels » Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:12 am

Is there anything to her "signs"?  I remember when we were young, in the car with her, headed to our Grandpa's house (where we lived with them).  She looked at the trees and because the leaves were turned a certain way, she told us that Grandpa had just died.  When we got there, we found out that he had, indeed, just died.

Thank you so much for your input.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 01, 2007 3:46 pm

Many people use nature and all its glory as signs of life's events.  When the leaves turn inside out, we are in for a storm.  Many people have this ability to forsee events through nature's wonder.

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Post by seekerofangels » Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:55 pm

Thanks so much for your insight.  I feel bad that I'm learning more about my Mother here than when she was alive.

She just told us that the leaves were turned the wrong way.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:01 pm

Thats just the idea - we all have symbols - some from nature - that tell us what we need to hear.  Some is based on old superstitions but some is also based on spirit guidance and signs and symbols.  All messages are based on symbols, even our language was a symbol at one point.  We all gain from things in different ways.

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Post by HappyChic727 » Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:06 pm

Wow, sounds like your Mom had a gift.  Did she leave any of her notes and writings behind?  Was she born with a caul (sp?) over her head?  Sylvia Browne was.  It's supposed to be a sign that you will be psychic.

Whenever I need to know what a symbol means, I go to to find out what it means pertaining to a dream and then I apply it.  It helps.  

I just went to see John Edward and Char Margolis last Friday night.  They were amazing.  There's just no way that they could know all that they did.  "Who brought a tooth with them?"  "Who brought a Christmas ornament with them?"  "Who lost a ring?"  Sure enough, one lady had a tooth implanted that day and another brought a Christmas ornament, made by her daughter who passed away and another couldn't find her second wedding ring from her husband who had passed away.  

The show will air.  People who had readings had to stay behind and sign a release form.  John Edward has a new show called Crossing Over.  In my area, it comes on at 10:00 p.m. on Saturdays on WE channel.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:02 pm

Dream symbolism is slightly different from psychic symbolism.  Colour matters.  What you can do is see how you 'feel' when you want to know what a specific symbol means.  It is a personal approach.  

From time to time it can mean more than one specific thing - hence there is no psychic guide to symbols.  There are some references to general symbols.  Carl Jung wrote a book on symbols.

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Post by connect » Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:15 pm

Something I call "spiritual power" is what allows us to be psychic. The notion that anyone can be psychic is very wrong because you need that component. There is loads of people who don't believe, who aren't spiritual, who don't have the spiritual power to receive and listen to messages like that. Clearly your mother did.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:01 pm

The 'spiritual power' you mention is in everyone!  Of course, it is stronger in some than others - but the talent is available to be trained in anyone!  If we consider 'spiritual power' as something 'special' we are limiting the potential of the many for the agrandisement of the few.  And God did not do that to humanity - we do it to ourselves - ego reigns - instead of spirituality.

There is a consideration that anyone born with a cawl over their face is usually psychic - perhaps the idea fulfilled itself?  There is no consistency of anything in this regard.

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Post by connect » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:09 pm

You are absolutley right in THEORY. But I am reffering to practice. There will be a good majority that will go through life not believing in spirits, connecting to the other side, etc.  And if that is the case, they will never be able to be psychic. Some peoples personalities are characteristics are just so. We are all different and I don't believe everyone was meant for this.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:22 pm

I said nothing about those materialists who do not even acknowledge psychic abilities - although they are still capable.  

We had a discussion re: family heredity.  The census is that it defintely runs in families.  Now here is the thing, my family are mostly rank materialists.  At the same time, there is psychic abiities that came through my mother's family.  So those that can acknowledge it, use it.  Those that don't want it, dismiss it.

How does that fit with your other comments?  

There is the 'power' (if that is what you choose to call it) in everyone - God does not discriminate - that is human ego - and all are available to the skills.  But, like all talents, it requires a certain amount of education and training to hone these skills.  

The place to look for the sad and not good is where they think they have power and are above any effort at working on it.

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Post by connect » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:34 pm

Again, I agree with you.

I do believe psychic powers are partially genetic and it runs in families.

I'm just disagreeing with the overall notion that everyone can. Yes, in theory, everyone can do anything. We can generally say everyone can invent things, everyone can be the top mathmetician, etc But lets consider things like sports. Can we honestly say that anybody who tries can be a top hockey player ? Because I've met loads that just don't have the physical skills to be. And it's not practice that is the issue, or knowledge, its genetic which don't allow the person to have balance, etc to be a top athlete. So that must be true in the intellectual field too?

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:45 pm

Being psychic is a part of who we are as human beings.  It is within us - making each of us capable.  It is kind of like your sports analogy - with the exception that in all things within us we make some distinct either see it or not.

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Post by connect » Thu Dec 13, 2007 5:29 pm

spiritalk wrote:Being psychic is a part of who we are as human beings.  It is within us - making each of us capable.  It is kind of like your sports analogy - with the exception that in all things within us we make some distinct either see it or not.
You are suggesting everyone is capable of being a top athlete?
I'd have to disagree with you completley. Each sport, to be a top level, involves factors outside of hard work and experience, we are discussing pure skill, which is genetic. Balance, agility, etc..depending on the sport.

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