Sylvia Browne

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Sylvia Browne

Post by mariemullyuk » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:21 pm

I have tons of books from Sylvia Browne on how to contact the spirit world and have found them to be useless. They are various hate-sites about her and no doubt you all know about her big cock-up on the Montel Williams show. I'm rather disappointed that I have spent so much money and time on her books. But I'm not going to rely on hearsay or rumours. So what I want to know is this :

Is she for real or is she a fake?

Does she just do 'cold-readings' or is it possible that she is a psychic but she's just got a few of things wrong?

She works with her son Chris. Does that mean he's a fraudster too?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:08 pm

Opinions will abound - she has helped some and hindered others.  Isn't that true of all people?  They tend to either be 'for' us or 'against' us in learning.

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Post by mariemullyuk » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:17 pm

But do I carry on with her books or just get some new ones?


Post by Tyrinaniel » Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:53 pm

What do you sense from her heart?  Does she genuinely only help people? Does she have an attitude that you just don't "click" with?  I've had moments where I just didn't click with someone, and sometimes it was because we picked up negative areas on our personalities that were negative, and didn't get along.  Sometimes when we feel negative vibes from someone, it's because personalities clash.  You may not agree with how she protrays herself.  You could even be right in thinking so.  

Or, she could be the type who thinks very highly of herself and her skills.  She could think it a feather in her hat to be psychic.  You have many popular psychics who end up allowing ego to get in the way.  Sure, they help others, but their motives for helping have changed.  If that's the case, find someone else to learn from.  There are many out there with great resources.  I wouldn't concider buying her books a waste.  We all have different learning styles!  I'm personally more hands-on and visual, because of my artistic nature.  Reading helps, but sometimes I need a photo example to help me, or at least a good, descriptive word-picture.

In cases like this, try to push away negative judgements and discover more about her the person, what she's done, what she's said, and don't read into things too much.  Take her for face value, and make your own judgement based on fact, not opinion of others.  This is never easy to do, but that's probably because with today's society, people are so quick to judge and slow to forgive.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 06, 2007 4:51 pm

There is so much literature out there with regard to mediumship training/development, spirituality, etc. etc. - all topics covered by Sylvia Browne.  Seek and find what works for you.  She may be what is right for some, but not for all.  That is the nature of development - seek what works for us in our own way.

If something does not make sense to us, then it is not for us - if it resonates with the heart - it is right for us.  Choose wisely.

Strictly Mediumship development, best book I found - Develop Your Psychic Powers by Tara Ward found at (new or used)

Spirituality often comes from a religious following.  Spiritualism....A Way of Life by Elizabeth Harris is a good volume for spirituality ideas.

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Post by mariemullyuk » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:03 pm

I have the book by tara ward. She's really good. But I seem to get nowhere either way :( xxx

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:56 pm

Let's start with your personal experiences and go from there, to see where you need to get on track.  Have you checked out the mediumship development in the Mystic Academy?  It answers questions and frequently raises more.

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Post by mariemullyuk » Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:34 am

No I haven't but I'll check it out. I think I'm finding it difficult 'cuz I'm trying too hard and I'm a bit scared tbh 'cuz I was brought up believing that the paranormal is wrong and I got told it was impossible to do anything like seeing into the future anyway. I was ridiculed by my family for it so I just ignored things in the end..  xxx

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:54 pm

Big first step to take....get over the are manifesting how you are thinking.  Believe it is wrong and that is what it will be.

Every morning have a ritual of putting the mind in positive mode - use a simple affirmation that makes you smile.  Then during the day, when stress is overtaking you, repeat til the mind is calmed and at peace.

Also, during this time, put a bubble of protection around you.  It is visualized as a bubble from a child's soap bubble pipe.  (see under Grounding and Protecting)

This positive mode of thinking will help your spirituality.  Now you are free to do the exercises of meditation that find a wonderful peace spot all your own.  You must be ready to accept it.  It will not happen when the mind is not at peace.

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Post by mariemullyuk » Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:51 pm

Could my past depression problems be holding me back as well? Someone once told me that the reason I'm not seeing my spirit guide was because of my mental state. Of course I'm better now but it's nearing christmas [every christmas eve I tried to kill myself for four years in a row] and I'm coping ok but trying not to repeat certain things that I know will 'trigger' me. I was doing really good with the meditation and I was slowly getting more powerful - I started hearing people [who weren't here in body] and started seeing spirits and felt at peace with myself but from about november it's like I have a mental block to things and I'm going backwards not forwards.

Marie xxx

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:25 pm

Doing the self empowerment (Tools of your own Consciousness) will help you get past these physical/mental thoughts and feelings.  It takes time, patience, and an ongoing effort to keep you centred and grounded.  

In depression we tend to do a lot of wishful thinking - make this go away is one.  To make this happen, do the work for yourself.  All 'stuff' begins with self.  We can not dismiss its existence, we can only work to take our mind to another place.  That is what the tools are all about.

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your not the only one

Post by Messiahs_Torch » Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:53 am

I haven't met my spirit guide either marie, but keep meditating and stay dedicated and things will advance ;)  Oh yeah christmas is a pagan holiday anyway so don't sweat over it too much.

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Post by HappyChic727 » Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:03 pm

I just read all of the posts.  I didn't realize Marie that you tried to kill yourself or I would have written sooner.  I'm glad that you are finally more in control of yourself and your "triggers".  Good for you!  You are not alone in having a family who disagrees with the supernatural.  Actually, I used to know a young guy from an anxiety disorder group that I belonged to.  He was classified as mentally retarded and told me so himself.  His mother didn't want him doing anything psychic . . . but he was good.  He gave me a few readings . . . he astral traveled and described the office where I worked, the view that I had from my couch - right down to a little red wrapper from a Starburst candy that was underneath the cushions of my love seat!  He claimed that his dog talked to him, which I believed.  He gave me an awesome medium reading in which he contacted my Mom.  The reading started out "You both have the same hairdresser."  My brother is a hairdresser so this was true!  The skeptical side of me kept going over the reading and asking myself if I had ever mentioned anything like that to him but I don't believe I did and not only that, I don't think he was a good listener and therefore, would not have remembered.  He also contacted my friend Lee during that reading.  

So what I am trying to say is that this kid, Jason, had a gift.  There is no other way to describe it.  He certainly wasn't evil.  

As to your original question about Sylvia Browne, I am a huge fan of hers.  I saw her in person a year ago September and she is beautiful inside and out.  I know that she seems cocky sometimes.  She is human.  She probably gets tired of repeating herself when people say "My loved ones died, are they around me?"  She has had to answer that question thousands of times.  I'd be a little tired of it too.  I don't believe 100% of what she says but again, she is human and capable of misinterpreting what she gets from her spirit guide, Francine.  

If you are not being helped by her books, then try the books recommended here and let us know how you make out.

The best to you for a happy 2008!

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Post by Amethyst-Jen » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:05 pm

Sometimes when watching Sylvia on Montel, I get an impression that she's a fraud. Her predictions (from the pre-NY's Show this past week) seemed to coincide with her own opinions instead of being a real prediction.  I also am a bit hesitant to believe someone who charges an arm and a leg for a reading.  I've visited her website and she charges hundreds of dollars. Now, I have nothing against making a living off your gift, but with her it seems a bit excessive.

I have read all of her books and they were definately interesting and make you think.  I like her ideas of what happen when you die. She's entertaining, so I'll just continue to watch her on tv and enjoy the "readings" she gives. :)

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:24 pm

Hello Mariemullyuk
I have read your postings on mediumship and so on..... plus your fear of them and family influence etc. I share some of them with you, but I am not giving up.

Since you have been buying all these books (I bet they are not cheap) and getting disappointed with their content, and since I see you are in the UK, why not save up and attend a weekend course at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted where I had the privilege of being given a gift to attend a mediumship weekend course. I cant say I saw spirits during the course but it was a huge experience for me not only in mediumship but also in psychic awareness too. This college is specialised in spiritual studies and you can find out about their schedule of courses by simply making a search 'Arthur Findlay College' or sometimes called as 'Stansted Hall'.

Moreover, why dont you also investigate and find out the nearest spiritualist church near you and start attending their clairvoyance nights and hopefully build a circle there and who knows who you might meet? Perhaps a Circle would do you good too.

Please feel free to ask if I can be of help from my very little experience thus far.


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