I am Really Really Hurting

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I am Really Really Hurting

Post by dfmecc » Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:09 pm

Please Help My life is turned upside down and I feel screwed PLEASe HELP

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Please hang in there. . .

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:15 pm

Hi Dan,

I know life is really rough for you at the moment, and you are feeling angry, lost, and alone. When marriages end the feelings are overwhelming! I have been there too. . .

I am sending 'Reiki, love and light', to try to ease some of your pain.
Please hang in there and try to stay in the moment. Try not to project the future. All any of us has is today. . . and sometimes today we have to get through one minute at a time.

Blessings to You! Linda :smt060 :smt058

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Post by dfmecc » Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:44 pm

It's more than just that now -- She has SCREWD ME BADLY through LIES and Deciept -- Restraining Order and Arrest

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sat Oct 01, 2005 10:31 pm

Dear Dan,

Been there done that! I got to spend the night in the county jail a few times in the great state of NJ and for the same charges for the same thing from a herion addict. ALL lies and deceit, also! I hate to say this, but knowing the mentality of an addict now, it will probably get alot worse before it is over! Please believe me. . .

And watch your back! I also got judgements on me for all his business debts, and everthing we owed! New Jersey it is not 50/50 state on debt from a marriage it is either/or and if she takes off you get the whole bag!
Cancel all credit cards and joint accounts? NOW!

I feel for you my friend, and you WILL survive this, even though it may not seem so now. Please hang in there and take deep breaths and you have friends to talk to here. . . I did not even have a computer in 1995 and my friends disappeared with my family with my ex's bizarre behavior.

You and the situation will get better. It will take time and heartache to get though this. I did it and you can too! I have faith in you, Dan!

Blessings! to you. . . Linda :smt060 :smt058

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:02 pm

Dear Friend,

If you read carefully in this forum you will find at least 50% of the members posting having great difficulties of various types. You are another one of them. Why don't you read the postings of those who are in much more difficult situation than you are. Then you will feel happy knowing at least you are in a much better position. Life teaches us many things and the lesson you are getting at present will definitely teach you something which will turn out to be extremely beneficial to you in future. Cheer up. HE only sets the exams paper and we have to solve it and get the highest marks we can get.

HE cannot test us to the extent that we loose faith in HIM. This is for sure. This happens with everyone. Do you know of any person who is very very happy through his life. Just let me know. I would love to contact him.

Well reading this should give you lots of hope and do read certain chapters in Meditation and Mind Control which ever one you like and try to follow it in your life. Remember Love begets love and Hate begets Hate.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

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Post by Sophe » Mon Oct 03, 2005 3:59 pm

Dear Friend,

I know this must seem like a rough time for you, but you have choices on how you are going to handle this situation. We all get our wounds and depending on how you bandage them is how much of a scar there will be when it is all done.

Everything needs to go through there own healing process. Remember you can't change the past but you can change your own future. And you can't control her actions or what had happenned. That is the blessed thing about karma...what goes around comes around.

I have been in a very similiar situation, where the guy I was dating for 5 years...after I found out he was cheating on me...and thought we could work through it. I decided I couldn't change his ways and he needed to leave...he left me with an empty bank account, a foreclosure, and only the clothes I had on my back. He "got rid" of all my stuff and clothing. And when I came home and saw him doing this he and his police officer friend locked me in my bathroom....:) Crazy!!! It took me a very long time to heal from this..and everyday that goes by I am grateful for what I do have, my health, my mind and most of all my breath.

So I understand...it is not easy but you learn and move on or you will never be able to heal this wound.

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Hang In There

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:07 am

Hi Dan,

I have never spoken to you, and I don't know you, but I might be able to help some.

I have been through three divorces.

The first one was only because we took different roads when I found God, but it was rough. I had my child abducted, and I didn't even know where he was for two years.

I went from a great paying job at Hewlett Packard, and a four bedroom house with everything, to nothing.

Then, I was abducted and homeless, and then thrown in a mental hospital and mis-diagnosed as crazy after my mother had me abducted through her coven. I was raped, and no one believed me, and all that I had was God. I was also enviornmentally ill, and couldn't even use tap water and homeless. I did get healed.

God did bring me through. It was during the most trying and alone part of my life that I gained the most that anyone could ever ask for. My best friend. And that best friend is God.

It took the rock bottom experience to bring me to a gift that no one can ever take from me, and that is faith. The horrible experience made me strong through the horrible experiences that I have had lateley.

The love and light that this group has brought me have made me sane again.

Just take one problem at a time at this moment. Kick all of the other mind reeling thoughts, and kick them out of your head. The only thing that you can deal with is one thing at a time. It will get better. It is slow. But, it does pass, and you will one day be able to smile again.

I care very much for those falsely accussed. My husband went through domestic violence, and even had staples in his head from her. She even had him arrested for something she did. He had to go to classes. Even though he didn't do the crime, those classes helped him not act out violently now, when that is what the people that have made very bad choices in life want him to do.

So everything that doesn't kill us, only makes us stronger. Dying is no option either because then you will have the same problems for a very long time, but no way to solve them because you will be a displaced spirit. So, just take one thing at a time. Conquer it like a warrior that you are inside.

Pray for mercy all of the time because our Great Creator knows our hearts and the truth. Ask for mercy all day long, or whenever you come across a fearful thought, and watch the miracles happen, and watch a tangible relationship happen with God at this time where you feel all is lost. You will truly have a new beginning coming. You will have peace that no one will be able to comprehend even in the worst of circumstances. It is hard to explain.

I will be praying for the Great Creator to have much mercy on you, and your loved ones. Please keep us updated as how to things are going for you.

Love, Pamela

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Post by dfmecc » Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:11 pm

God Im so scared -- If I get found Guilty of the Lieing Accusations that shes put on me my career is over -- I will never work on Aircraft again -- Why am I being persecuted by her -- Why does she hate me so much??

Pleas help me


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Post by benjamin » Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:23 pm

You must understand this world is going though a polar shift...and much like growing pains everyone is hurting and confused...this shift is the result of massive magnetic shifts in this planet and you must relize that it will pass dont be so concerned just give as much love as you can muster...and it will work out...besides what is the worst that can happen you die...big deal..death is just another beginning...just give as much love as you can and it will be ok...PROMISE

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Post by dfmecc » Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:21 pm

Well my court date is 10-19-05 at 1:30PM EST I hope it gets thrown out -- Why do the honest people always lose

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Honest people do NOT always LOOSE!

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Sat Oct 08, 2005 2:40 pm

Dear Dan,

Honest people do NOT always LOOSE! And if you think that way you will PRODUCE that end result! Our thoughts are 'energy'. Negative energy attracts negative results!

I would suggest you focus on how happy you will be when you walk out of court when it is overturned, and thrown out of court!

God Bless You! Linda :smt060

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Post by dfmecc » Sat Oct 08, 2005 3:00 pm

Ok I will Try and Be Positive and Hope for the best -- Thanks

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Post by dfmecc » Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:34 pm

Please keep sending light and Reiki -- Im feeling better -- My Court Date is 10-19-05 -- Support is GREATLY APPRECIATED and Im hoping for the best -- Maybe it will be thrown out of court.

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Post by div_tan » Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:10 pm

My prayers are with you, be positive and you will come out of it.

Best Wishes,

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:49 pm

Dear Dan,

You STILL dont GET it! How about changing that "MAYBE' to 'WILL BE' thrown out of Court! Half measures avail us NOTHING!

I am having a little trouble with your half-assed Attitude!

:smt060 Blessings to you! Linda

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