Getting abilities under control?

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Getting abilities under control?

Post by jtanne » Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:38 pm

Hi, I am totally new here.  I was actually really glad to find this place because I had been looking for a place to ask questions and get some guidance.  

Basically I have had a lot of different experiences in my lifetime.  I have no control over when or what I will see etc.  I would like to be able to have more control if that is possible.  Also a lot of times I get impressions about things but don't know if they are accurate.  I sometimes worry a lot about things I see to find later that nothing comes of them.  For example not hearing from a friend and then seeing them in an accident and worrying about it until I hear from them.  Some of the things that have happened are:

When I was 9 or 10 I drew a picture of a dog that was hit by a car and a girl crying.  About 2 hours later our dog was hit by a car and died.

Around 12-13 I saw a shadow person in broad daylight.  My brother also saw something (we never talked about it since).

I had a vision of myself shot in the abdomen and later that day found out that a woman I know had been shot and killed in a robbery, while I was working wearing the outfit I was wearing in my vision.

About a week ago I got out of the car with my husband and just had the though cross my mind "he is going to wish he had his gun" (he is a cop) and as we got back into the car we witnessed a domestic violence situation and my husband was unarmed at the time (situation turned out okay though)

So, I often have these kinds of experiences but there is no rhyme or reason to when they will happen or if I do see or feel something it does not always come to fruition.  Are there any resources to help me?  I don't really have anyone else to talk to about this.  I have gotten tidbits from my mom and grandma who say things like "we" just know things some times, but they are both pretty religious and their religion kind of frowns upon that type of thing.  I also have a pretty strong connection to my daughters as we often know what the other is thinking etc.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

OH... sorry this is so long, but I found this place by reading a post about someone who was scared to explore psychic abilities and I think that may be my problem too.  I am not scared of any one thing, just a fear of the unknown really.  Thanks

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Too many experiences to be be simply ignored as being coincidences

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:51 am

My personal opinion is that if you had only had one or two of these types of experiences, I suppose it would be relatively easy to explain it away by putting it down to simply being due to coincidence.

Psychic abilities operate through your unconscious mind, and are therefore by definition not intended as being totally under your conscious control. There are certainly special exercises we can all do in order to increase our sensitivity, but the ability to sort out genuine psychic information from either wishful thinking or the products of our own imaginations only generally comes through regular practise, under the guidance of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher in a development circle (or group).

Fear of the unknown is frequently one of the biggest barriers to developing your own psychic strengths (which in your case appear to be mainly as a psychic visionary or clairvoyant, who also has a moderate sensitivity to the Spirit world and could potentially develop as a medium if it was your decision to want to do so), but this can be fairly easily dealt with if you also at the same time have a deep spiritual urge to help those who are in need (as I feel that you have).

While it would be foolish not to take the necessary precautions when opening yourself up to the psychic (as well as doing grounding exercises to help you keep a sense of reasonable proportion), which your teacher or circle leader as well as we on these forums can assist you with, do not become so paranoiac that you begin to see evil spirits waiting around every corner ready to pounce on and possess you. Take a more balanced approach to dealing with your very common fears. Fear of the unknown is part of our survival mechanism. It is what we do with these fears that counts in the end. Are you going to let your fears prevent you from being true to yourself?

While I am not saying that such evil and/or confused spirits do not exist and that there are no real dangers of doing this type work, If you are sensible and careful about what you are trying to do and your intentions are positive, it will potentially give you a much greater feeling of personal satisfaction of making a significant, positive difference in somebody else's life than you can most likely presently imagine.

Basically, I believe that there is no other way for a loving and caring person such as your good self to find this same level of personal satisfaction in any other way to continuing to develop your psychic abilities in order to serve your fellow humans. While it must always remain your decision as to whether or not to go ahead with this, I feel that you will never be truly happy if you do not at least give it a good try, and do not be so hard upon yourself for making the inevitable mistakes now and then. :smt018

Loving regards, and welcome to the next and most likely happiest years of your life,

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Post by jtanne » Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:47 am

Thank you Eye.  I think my unconsious mind is quite protective of me.  It is funny because some of the things I have seen you would think would kind of scare me but so far they haven't.  However there are times when I feel something is just about to break through but I am too fearful to let it.  I wish I had a group to meet with like you suggest but there are not any that I know of that fit in with my other beliefs.  I have read some things online about exercises to help build your abilities but some of them seem silly like guessing what color car will pull up next to you at the next red light.  I also think my analytical logical side gets in my way as well.  I am always looking for the logical answer to things and I can usually find it.  But, I think that causes limitations as well.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:29 pm

To help you understand - read through the lessons on the Mystic Academy in Mediumship Development.  Read it all and see how it resonates.  Then form some questions and practices that will help you understand as you work with the talents - rather than in spite of the skills.

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Post by jtanne » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:46 am

Thanks, Spiritalk.  I will find that board.  I am not too sure I want to be a medium though, I think that would really scare me, lol.  But, I am sure there is information there that could help me in general.  Thanks again!

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