We have taken an action stand an update

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We have taken an action stand an update

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:44 am

Hello group,

Wes and I have made a lot of blogs. Lots. We have decided to list each thing about our County and it's criminal conduct publicly. Then, we post one of the main websites on a buisness card that has all of the links to the other blogs, and on top of the blog site address we print in bold letters THE TRUTH.

We have handed cards to firemen, Federal Agents, church goers, people we meet in the grocery store, or the dollar tree. We give cards out to people walking down the street, and have made it known in our town who we are, and what we are doing and why.

So many people have come forward with knowledge and testimony of their stories also, we have talked with Foster mothers, good social workers, the anger management teacher in town.

The best visits were from two people in the government that spoke with us. Everything was verified that we knew, and more was added. To finally speak with government anyone that knew, and supported us, was a good feeling.

I figure if we post lots of evidence public, the government can procecute without us having to do much, and help us.

I also started a private group for litigants that are fighting Butte County. One member moved way out of state. I don't have the group listed, and there we can talk about our cases together, and get our brains together for a class action law suit against the County. All of the stories are so similar.

The federal person that we spoke with wondered how a man that was stabbed nineteen times in the head with a screw driver was deemed a suicide by Butte County investigators.

We brought up a man we knew about that had both feet chopped off, and both arms chopped off, and it was said to be suicide. Wes said that if anyone could logically explain how this could take place, he would accept it.

Then, we talked about lots of things. Some of the local investigators that we in the place listening to us, had their mouths hanging open.

We are also in a step parenting class, and all are litigants with Butte County, and we are ganging together with all of our evidence to stop what is going on. Except one person there is the former photographer for the Butte County Pornography Ring. They had to have one plant there you know. But, we are nice to her. She did go through a lot of things, and we are offering amnesty to any that will testify against the County, so maybe she will come forward. The officials must step down out of office.

One person that was causing us a lot of trouble was flipped off by a Federal U.S. Marshall one day. Then, a woman came by, and did the arm and flip off thing. At least they know the truth. This person couldn't figure out why in the world something like this would happen, but I know why. Even though I care about this person very much, I have to procecute her for obstruction of Justice, and conspiracy charges. This is hard. I had a dream about it quite a while ago, and now I understand the dream.

If anyone reading this message, and is a victim of Butte County at any time, and wants to join my group, e-mail me at catwoman148@walla.com I can't say that anyone will be accepted to the group unless I know them well because it is too serious of a situation, and I want to keep my members safe.

People are coming forward, and are happy about what we are trying to do.

I am feeling peace even in the midst of all of this, and it has to be all the light and prayers.

I finally started a healing blog too. With all of the bad stuff I have been putting out there, there had to be a healing blog. I call it The School Of Hard Knocks Healing Blog. I still have a lot of work to do on it, but that was a part of a dream that I had was to bring healing to those in The School Of Hard Knocks.

With all of that said, I will list all of the blogs that we have going now, and there are more coming. LOL

We are not relying on anyone else to come forward. We are bringing out all the information out that we know about. One coming blog is going to be about the murders and suicides in Butte County, and the 3,000 missing children that no one has talked about that were listed as run aways.

There are about fifty-two of us now fighting together waiting for the right time to bring it all out. Thanks you wonderful people for helping me get past all of the fear, so we could step out in action. I can't stop. Life is not worth living for people here unless something is done now. With all the death threats and attempts out there, I don't know if it will be my last day on earth, or my dear husband's last day, or one of my children, or one more friend's last day, so this is all I do, is bring out the truth, so maybe, there will be peace in one place, and then help others in their County's with the same terror going on, and take each County one at a time, until some sort of laws are made to not allow this horror to happen to anyone, anywhere.

Here are all of the blog sites.

Blogs and their titles

Before and After

Butte County Terrorism

The Truth

Cults of Oroville

Butte County Anti-Environment

Butte County Arson Fires You Decide. Arson?

The Truth About Oroville

Butte County Terrorism And The Animal Victims

Butte County LAFCO and No Redress
http://buttecountylafcocorporationnored ... gspot.com/

The School Of Hard Knocks Healing Blog

http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeacti ... 1127506561

http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeacti ... 1127508817

Love, Pamela

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