How come some psychics wont predict the sex of a Baby?

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How come some psychics wont predict the sex of a Baby?

Post by wisdomseeker12 » Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:12 pm

How come some psychics wont predict the sex of a Baby? Just out of curiousity.......
I was in a bank today and the teller was very pregnant.....All of the sudden in my head a loud voice said "BOY" in a happy tone....I didnt tell her...but does this happen?

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Sex of a baby

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:08 am

Dear Friend,

Definitely that person will have a baby boy.

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Post by looking_glass » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:14 am

Sometimes not knowing is part of the fun. I've seen "psychics" try to make their predictions only to be wrong or follow the rule of odds, not to say that some do not know, nor feel as you did. Sometimes though it leads to expectations if one is having a boy or girl, and so to me I believe it is sometimes best left unsaid.

I do know what you mean though. When my son was conceived, I knew it was a boy far before any tests would say. I just had this feeling inside of me.

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Post by ThelemicWaves » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:16 am

I've predicted sex of baby with 100% accuracy and even correctly (to the dismay of my friend) predicted twins.  :)  That was funny.  But I don't predict the sex often enough to say that my results (5 out of 5 and then the twins) count for much.  I've never felt confident about first trimester predictions because I believe we all start out as females until some point later in time.  But later in time I've been willing to do so.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:22 am

I suppose before one can make their prediction..they need to be asked.  Or else is isn't really anyone's business.  You could srart a polite conversation, however..and ask..'Do you know he sex?"...and if they say could 'offer'..I have a gut's a boy.

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Boy or girl?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:25 am

Consider what happens if the psychic predicts that they will have a daughter, but they have set their hearts on having a son.

If it turns out to be daughter then the psychic may feel happy with him or herself for accurately predicting the event, but the new parents would not.

If it turns out to be a son as the parents had hoped it might, they would be feeling over the moon but the psychic might misinterpret this to mean that they are about as psychic as a stone and a failure, and should therefore seriously consider giving up doing readings for good (when there are so many potential factors which could affect the outcome, which are beyond their or any other one person's control).

In some cultures, if the parents feel that it is to be a girl, their doctor under their instructions will abort the foetus. Honestly I would not want to unintentionally help them to decide that this was necessary on the basis of my reading.

As long as the person realises that the reading is for entertainment purposes only and that neither the reader nor the site being worked on accepts any responsibility if their prediction turns out to be correct or incorrect, when the couple wanted the opposite to happen, I cannot see any real harm in having a bit of fun as long as I am not unconsciously a party to what I regard as being an unwitting accessory to murder.

Your's sincerely,

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Post by tourbi » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:32 am

Sometimes when getting the message, I also get a message to not share, that the person needs the time, or something else and not give the answer to the question they are asking.  It's just that way sometimes.

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Wow....great answers

Post by wisdomseeker12 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:37 am

Thanks for the answers....I get it now....E of T really laid it down for me.

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Baby prediction

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:12 am

Dear E of T,

I have certain experiences about prediction which I wish to share with you and others on the forum interested in this topic. I alongwith my Spiritual Guru and a couple went to see my Sadguru for the first time. (Sadguru is on a very high level and we consider them to be the right hand of God). My Sadguru told this couple (he already knew the boy) that they will have a girl child. The couple got a boy. Then I asked by Guru how come? This is what he said: We can only bless you with children boy or girl but if you have strong desire and pray to God I want a boy only then depending upon your appeal to God your wish will be granted.

Second time only last year one of my relatives went to the Samadhi of this Sadguru as her son did not have children since last 9 years of marriage. She prayed at this Samadhi in May first week and soon her Daughter in law became pregnant and she even got the Doctor to verify and informed me that her daughter in law has twins and that too both girls. Now on 23rd December this girl gave birth to twin boys. The father of this twins had vowed that he will not have children till 10 years of marriage. He married in November 1997 and in December 2007 twin boys were born. In the eighth month the delivery of children is too risky. But I know my Sadguru. He sent some messages (Although my Sadguru has his Samadhi and is not there in body but for his welwishers he always sends messages to them) and the Mother in law of this girl got the message and took the risk and asked the Doctor to perform the Caeserian Operation. Doctor was not sure of the safety of the operation. What happened ultimately that had the Doctor not performed the operation for another four hours one boy would have died in the womb and that would have had negative effect on the other child. Again in this case the wish of the Dad of these twins was fulfilled. It is ultimately your wish which is fulfilled if it is a strong one and you are believer in HIM, but only HE can give you blessings.

Again another boy whom I took to my Guru some 8 years back. He and his wife were tested completely by Doctors to find out the reasons why the wife does not bear a child. After one month of checking the report stated what my Guru predicted one month before psychically. He even said that this couple will get only a girl child as that is written in their horoscope. Even the Father of this boy told me he has been cursed with 8 grand daughters. His other two sons have 3 daughters. Now what happened this girl got pregnant and in the 6th month of pregnancy i.e. the end of 6th month, the Grandfather of this boy who was 92 years old and highly spiritual, said to his sons that tonight I shall leave you all forever. This person died that night and within a week I met my Guru and HE hinted to me that the girl who was pregnant and in the 6th month will have a miracle. I understood. This girl gave birth to a baby boy and the Grandfather who had expired returned back as his grandson's son.

There are many more instances but the above should suffice to show that even predictions made by those who can tell your past and  future life, where you were in your last life or previous to that or where you shall be in your next life etc. etc. can go wrong not because they predicted wrongly but because the wishes of the person ultimately counts and granted by the Almighty.

We try to help a person psychically and can be successful only if the other person has total faith in you and I have found many many predictions given when the other person believes totally in me, cominig out quite right.

Anyone who believes in a psychic for prediction of winning in Lotteries or any such thing should do so at their own risk otherwise normal psychic readings if asked for with full faith is very beneficial.

Pravin Kumar
Last edited by Pravin Kumar on Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:04 pm

Some talents are stronger in some than others.

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Post by Sunsetcoquette » Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:27 pm

because I believe we all start out as females until some point later in time.
I just wanted to point out that is correct, scientifically speaking. While we may have XX or XY genes from conception, human babies all follow the female "template" during a portion of the first trimester. It's why men have nipples. Only after the Y kicks in that male characteristics begin developing.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:16 pm

No one should ask for a prediction - especially on this topic - unless they want the answer.  And as someone pointed out - not for the purpose of aborting the process if the gender is not to their liking.

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I would also add that......

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:49 am

Pravin, Image

Thanking you sincerely for sharing this with us.

I completely agree with your very wise Guru that if your intentions are pure and your desire for a child of a definite gender is intense enough, that even an event which was predestined can under some conditions be altered.

I would also add that even though I have had some success in predicting the sex of a woman's unborn child on these forums, I often wonder if I am merely picking up on their strongest thoughts and desires at the time, and are therefore unconsciously trying to please them by giving them the answer that they obviously want to hear.

In some cases it is not so much that I cannot predict the sex of their child, but rather that I consciously choose not to do so as I feel it is not in their best interests to know this ahead of time (or in some rare cases I am prohibited from doing so by my own inner guidance)

I feel that I have much more luck with this if the woman requesting the reading in order to predict the sex of her baby will love and care for them, regardless of whether they may turn out to be a boy or girl. In other words, someone who will love them no matter to what gender they may have been assigned during their current incarnation.

Hoping this helps,

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Post by Sorrynn » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:59 am

I have always been able to tell the sex of my child from the moment I knew I was pregnant. And I always know the moment I get pregnant. But I don't predict other women's children. Anyway just thought I would put in my buck fifty!! LOL

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:48 am

Dear E.O.T.,

I have read your comments and my thoughts are also similar to the last word. Whatever is in the mind of the lady I too believe I get the message but not always. I have never predicted the sex of the child for those who want a specific child. In India people generally want male child and in such case I never get any intuitions. Wherever it is harmful I believe HE does not give the message.

With kind regards.

Pravin Kumar

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