Psychic Vampire

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Psychic Vampire

Post by Bandit81101 » Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:35 am

What is the youngest that a psychic vampire could really be?  I think I ran into one, as I have the symptoms of such attacks after only spending a few minutes with her.  Unfortunatly, she is only in Kindergarden.  I have never heard of a psychic vampire that young, but the traits seem to fit...Any ideas here???

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:44 am


                Hey hon' more than likely she is someone who doesn't know that she is taking from others, it isn't intentionally. I do not know how many people I have done that same thing to until I finally was told that I was doing it and taught how to stop... it took me a few years to make sure that I was in constant control of myself at ALL times... it is something that I have to make sure that I guard, no matter where I am or who I am with. I personally hate the Term Psychic vampire and prefer to call myself a Leech. I would make it a point to just guard yourself when you know you will be around this little one. Make sure that you put up a shield, and that you always keep aware of where she is and what she is doing. NO matter what anyone says you CAN keep someone from taking from you. You just have to let them know on a psychic level that they can't mess with ya. They will move on to someone with less resistance. It is more about keeping the internal level even than it is about stealing from you. (Although I do know that there are those out there who will take just cuz they can, but letting them know that you are watching them usually makes them stop.

Best of luck hon'


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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:05 am

Age is nothing to do with it. I've had foster kids who were as young as 6 and they were very vampiric.

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Post by Lady of Avalon » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:43 am

Like Prof I have come across children and babies too that really do feast off other's energy, but 'psychic vampires' they mostly aren't really. A true psychic vampire sucks energy on purpose with a view to debilitate the victim. Some people like Nyte perhaps, soak up energy from those around them like a dry sponge that can't help soaking up water, but they are not true vampires. Instead its like energy is attracted to a stronger force much like osmosis or moths to a light. This type can be developed and used in healing and for many good purposes, taking away pain or heat or anxierty and fear. And with the correct use it can be turned about and used to channel intense beneficial energy to others over very long distances too :)

Sadly some very young 'vampires' will not be here long, they have this trait because they need the vast input of energy to enable them to move on.

Many blessings

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Post by Prof. Akers » Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:14 pm

Lady I think you've nailed it - the kids I had were not doing this consciously, it didn't make what they did any less nasty.

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Post by Bandit81101 » Fri Apr 04, 2008 1:44 pm

I will protect myself in the future, I was just unaware at the time.  What I find interesting is that she was diagnosed with ADHD.  She is perfectly calm and for lack of a better word, "normal" when I first see her.  Within the first 10 minutes or so, she's bouncing off the walls.  I have done childcare for a class (parents go to class to learn different techniques and such for their kids, I take care of those children when the parents are in class) for nearly 15 years now, and never had anyone like her.  They are normally the same the entire time I am with them, she is very very different.  Thank you for your input, I will go about protecting myself next time :)

And lighting strikes twice, just because you don't believe in something, doesn't make it gibberish.  Opposing your views on others like you're the all knowing is not right in any sense.  There are things out there that not all of us understand or believe, that doesn't make them any less true.

And you guy are right, I highly doubt that she even knows that she's doing it.

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Post by Gem » Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:57 pm

Hi everyone,

I have split the thread and removed the posts that were off topic, disruptive and insulting. Please lets not go down this road again, we all know where it will lead, someone will end up getting banned again. Instead, and rather than replying, please report any posts that are innapropriate via the link on the left of the post.  :)


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Apr 05, 2008 4:16 am

Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that I also agree that Lady hit the nail on the head, and that it took a long time for me to NOT do it... Luckily I had a friend who apparently I was very drawn to... and he would simply give me a knowing look and say "Nyte!" and I would know and fix it... *smile* I know that I am able to help people in ways that others can not, I am able to not only heal but to feel it too and in that way I can comfort, much like an empath... In fact I am able to 'feel' things without taking energy, but I find that when there is a lot of pain that it helps them for me to take it... it doesn't make it go away, but merely makes it so that they can cope better... *shrugs* When I was younger, I was ALL over the place, I think that I was before the ADHD fade, or I would probably have been labeled as such, and I know that now I can lock it inside and keep anyone from knowing what I am feeling, Sometimes I even surprise Mystikal Miss when she touches me, she will get a rush of what I have inside and she has told me often that she doesn't understand how I can just sit there with it in me. The first time she got a bit flustered, but now she at least knows that it can happen.  I am always watchful of people who are VERY active or VERY subdued... the very active for the most part I find don't 'know' but the other ones, they are the real danger, because they can control how fast the drain. I know that someone who is good at it, can drain you without you even knowing it. Anyways, Best of luck to ya hon'


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Post by biyu » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:40 pm

yea  ive  been  known  ta  leech  some  from  people  i  havent  figured  out  how  to  control  it  tho  so  yea

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:22 am

*smile* well I can tell ya how I learned... it might help ya figure out your own way, or it might work for you too....

I picture these 'feelers' (Like tentacles, <if ya know comics think Doc Oct>) coming out of my back, now they have NO limit on how far the can and do go... (at least for me) Okay, the suckers on them.. (Like an octopus) is how I leech out energy, so I make them wrap around something like a tree or a chair, so that they can not latch on to people or animals... this it basically learning how to maneuver them so that you are NOT leeching off people... then you slowly make them shorter... inch by inch... (once you know that you can control them) &nbsp;Now I never put them completely away... I am who I am and they are a part of me... I know my own limits... and I don't want to hurt myself by taking away something that has always been there... (when I was inching them in I would do it only one inch a day or two... so I had time to adjust... too much too fast and it can and will affect you) Once I got to my desired length I would practice (with meditation) taking them out a little then back in... that way I could extend them when I need to and pull them back. Now I can push and pull and it isn't anything more than a whim... Although I do sometimes catch myself 'feeling' to make sure nothing strange is going on near my home... I also keep an eye out about the time D gets home, I know as soon as he is on the street outside... It takes a lot of time and hard work... and there will be set backs... you are changing the nature of how your body thinks it should work, to make it work better for you... and in the beginning I often thought that I would never be able to change... you can, and when something happens, try to remember that it is like learning to walk again... you brain knows what to do, but your limbs don't always understand what you are asking...

Next thing is, if you are used to getting a lot of energy this way then you still need to get some, which is why I suggested the trees... they don't give it up easy and you shouldn't be able to really drain them... if you find you don't like that Idea then there is always the ground... (mother earth) which is a Constant source... that you can't deplete... It is what helps sustain ALL life... and is there for you to use... but make sure that you are respectful... All energy is a gift, that we few get to take...

After you have learned how to control taking from people you can learn how to give to them too... A leech is simply one side of a two way street... if you can take then you can learn to give... I know that many times people have said that I give too much... but I simply give them a piece of the gifts that I receive from nature...

Leeches can be a very good and wonderful source to help people. Best of luck with mastering yourself... and feel free to contact me to ask questions... I am always happy to help out a friend.

Light, Love, and Blessings,
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Nyte

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Post by biyu » Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:50 am

I picture these 'feelers' (Like tentacles, <if ya know comics think Doc Oct>) coming out of my back, now they have NO limit on how far the can and do go... (at least for me) Okay, the suckers on them.. (Like an octopus) is how I leech out energy, so I make them wrap around something like a tree or a chair, so that they can not latch on to people or animals... this it basically learning how to maneuver them so that you are NOT leeching off people... then you slowly make them shorter... inch by inch... (once you know that you can control them) &nbsp;Now I never put them completely away... I am who I am and they are a part of me... I know my own limits... and I don't want to hurt myself by taking away something that has always been there... (when I was inching them in I would do it only one inch a day or two... so I had time to adjust... too much too fast and it can and will affect you) Once I got to my desired length I would practice (with meditation) taking them out a little then back in... that way I could extend them when I need to and pull them back. Now I can push and pull and it isn't anything more than a whim... Although I do sometimes catch myself 'feeling' to make sure nothing strange is going on near my home... I also keep an eye out about the time D gets home, I know as soon as he is on the street outside... It takes a lot of time and hard work... and there will be set backs... you are changing the nature of how your body thinks it should work, to make it work better for you... and in the beginning I often thought that I would never be able to change... you can, and when something happens, try to remember that it is like learning to walk again... you brain knows what to do, but your limbs don't always understand what you are asking...
i &nbsp;think &nbsp;ill &nbsp;have &nbsp;ta &nbsp;try &nbsp;that &nbsp;soon &nbsp;maby &nbsp;next &nbsp;week?? &nbsp;(this &nbsp;week &nbsp;i &nbsp;have &nbsp;ta &nbsp;just &nbsp;live &nbsp;my &nbsp;mom &nbsp;works &nbsp;every &nbsp;outher &nbsp;week &nbsp;when &nbsp;she &nbsp;works &nbsp;i &nbsp;can &nbsp;pratice &nbsp;an &nbsp;that &nbsp;pretty &nbsp;freely) &nbsp;i &nbsp;think &nbsp;i &nbsp;once &nbsp;tryioed &nbsp;ta &nbsp;focus &nbsp;on &nbsp;somethin &nbsp;else &nbsp;but &nbsp;i &nbsp;dont &nbsp;know &nbsp;if &nbsp;it &nbsp;really &nbsp;works &nbsp;the &nbsp;main &nbsp;way &nbsp;i &nbsp;even &nbsp;know &nbsp;i &nbsp;leech &nbsp;at &nbsp;is &nbsp;outhers &nbsp;have &nbsp;mentioned &nbsp;it &nbsp;an &nbsp;actually &nbsp;seems &nbsp;they &nbsp;know &nbsp;it &nbsp;happens &nbsp;an &nbsp;im &nbsp;pretty &nbsp;easy &nbsp;ta &nbsp;stop &nbsp;so &nbsp;yea
Next thing is, if you are used to getting a lot of energy this way then you still need to get some, which is why I suggested the trees... they don't give it up easy and you shouldn't be able to really drain them... if you find you don't like that Idea then there is always the ground... (mother earth) which is a Constant source... that you can't deplete... It is what helps sustain ALL life... and is there for you to use... but make sure that you are respectful... All energy is a gift, that we few get to take...
i &nbsp;dont &nbsp;think &nbsp;i &nbsp;usially &nbsp;get &nbsp;too &nbsp;much &nbsp;but &nbsp;then &nbsp;i &nbsp;never &nbsp;really &nbsp;notice &nbsp;when &nbsp;i &nbsp;am &nbsp;dooin &nbsp;it &nbsp;or &nbsp;when &nbsp;im &nbsp;not &nbsp;im &nbsp;gonna &nbsp;sound &nbsp;stupid &nbsp;but &nbsp;dont &nbsp;all &nbsp;have &nbsp;the &nbsp;oppurtunity &nbsp;ta &nbsp;take &nbsp;energy &nbsp;from &nbsp;outhers &nbsp;an &nbsp;that?? (actually &nbsp;one &nbsp;of &nbsp;my &nbsp;friends &nbsp;when &nbsp;hees &nbsp;tired &nbsp;or &nbsp;that &nbsp;im &nbsp;allways &nbsp;tellin &nbsp;him &nbsp;ta &nbsp;take &nbsp;what &nbsp;he &nbsp;needs &nbsp;from &nbsp;me)
After you have learned how to control taking from people you can learn how to give to them too... A leech is simply one side of a two way street... if you can take then you can learn to give... I know that many times people have said that I give too much... but I simply give them a piece of the gifts that I receive from nature...
as &nbsp;in &nbsp;healing?? &nbsp;i &nbsp;kinda &nbsp;do &nbsp;some &nbsp;bit &nbsp;here &nbsp;or &nbsp;there &nbsp;now &nbsp;its &nbsp;more &nbsp;instinctual &nbsp;then &nbsp;not &nbsp;now &nbsp;tho &nbsp;i &nbsp;would &nbsp;like &nbsp;ta &nbsp;learn &nbsp;an &nbsp;master &nbsp;reiki &nbsp;as &nbsp;fer &nbsp;givin &nbsp;i &nbsp;try &nbsp;to &nbsp;help &nbsp;asmuch &nbsp;as &nbsp;i &nbsp;can &nbsp;tho &nbsp;often &nbsp;it &nbsp;seems &nbsp;ta &nbsp;leave &nbsp;me &nbsp;mad &nbsp;in &nbsp;some &nbsp;sence &nbsp;fer &nbsp;some &nbsp;reason &nbsp;tho &nbsp;i &nbsp;help &nbsp;just &nbsp;cause &nbsp;i &nbsp;can
Leeches can be a very good and wonderful source to help people. Best of luck with mastering yourself... and feel free to contact me to ask questions... I am always happy to help out a friend.
ill &nbsp;have &nbsp;ta &nbsp;remember &nbsp;thanks

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:00 pm

Hey hon'

&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; I wanted to let you know that the anger thing... well I was there too... I am not sure where it came/comes from to this day, but sometimes I feel like I need to fight... Like claw my way to or from something... (I think death match comes to mind the strongest at these times) So it isn't just you... eventually it went away... for the most part... and when It comes I just get through it... but it is not that great of a feeling...

Next I would like to say that I think it is great that you want to help your friend out when he is not up to par, but you need to be careful... Allowing someone to take from you only means that you will take more... there has to be a balance.. what if you are taking from him, and don't even know it... (we can be VERY subtle...) which is why learning control is important... think about IF you are taking from him, and then you allow him to take from you, only to have your body take from him, more than you had in the first place... This is why learning to take from very large and non-people/creature sources is important... that way you can offer help and know that you can find a good strong source to send to him, or to replace what was taken... Ya can't leave yourself weakened... your body will do what is natural to 'fix' it... Ya know?

&nbsp;Best of luck to you and I am always a PM away if ya need me... (let me know how it goes next week when you can start to work on it)

Light, Love, and Blessings,
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Nyte

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:47 pm

i do that from to time without meaning to and i wont realize it until people start getting tired around me

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:46 pm


&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; I didn't know I did it til someone flat out told me to stop it... he figured out that I didn't know I was doing it... but it was weird that first time... he is the one that got me calling myself a Leech... *smile* but he called me that with affection...

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Post by biyu » Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:18 am

&nbsp;I wanted to let you know that the anger thing... well I was there too... I am not sure where it came/comes from to this day, but sometimes I feel like I need to fight... Like claw my way to or from something... (I think death match comes to mind the strongest at these times) So it isn't just you... eventually it went away... for the most part... and when It comes I just get through it... but it is not that great of a feeling...
yea &nbsp;im &nbsp;strangely &nbsp;gettin &nbsp;it &nbsp;now &nbsp;(of &nbsp;all &nbsp;things &nbsp;my &nbsp;moms &nbsp;uber-negative &nbsp;but &nbsp;shees &nbsp;ALLWAYS &nbsp;negative &nbsp;an &nbsp;some &nbsp;reason &nbsp;she &nbsp;dosent &nbsp;wanna &nbsp;make &nbsp;dinner &nbsp;heack &nbsp;if &nbsp;she &nbsp;gets &nbsp;the &nbsp;stuff &nbsp;out &nbsp;an &nbsp;tells &nbsp;me &nbsp;what &nbsp;to &nbsp;do &nbsp;then &nbsp;ill &nbsp;make &nbsp;the &nbsp;freakin &nbsp;dinner &nbsp;myself &nbsp;still &nbsp;people &nbsp;cant &nbsp;survive &nbsp;on &nbsp;1 &nbsp;brat &nbsp;fer &nbsp;a &nbsp;WHOLE &nbsp;day) &nbsp;an &nbsp;fer &nbsp;me &nbsp;its &nbsp;usially &nbsp;pretty &nbsp;overpowering &nbsp;(heack &nbsp;im &nbsp;playin &nbsp;somethin &nbsp;i &nbsp;know &nbsp;my &nbsp;mom &nbsp;hates &nbsp;pretty &nbsp;loudly &nbsp;ta &nbsp;get &nbsp;my &nbsp;point &nbsp;across)
Next I would like to say that I think it is great that you want to help your friend out when he is not up to par, but you need to be careful... Allowing someone to take from you only means that you will take more... there has to be a balance.. what if you are taking from him, and don't even know it... (we can be VERY subtle...) which is why learning control is important... think about IF you are taking from him, and then you allow him to take from you, only to have your body take from him, more than you had in the first place... This is why learning to take from very large and non-people/creature sources is important... that way you can offer help and know that you can find a good strong source to send to him, or to replace what was taken... Ya can't leave yourself weakened... your body will do what is natural to 'fix' it... Ya know?
speakin &nbsp;of &nbsp;balance &nbsp;i &nbsp;really &nbsp;cant &nbsp;wait &nbsp;till &nbsp;the &nbsp;season &nbsp;starts &nbsp;then &nbsp;i &nbsp;can &nbsp;garden &nbsp;an &nbsp;ground &nbsp;some &nbsp;in &nbsp;the &nbsp;process &nbsp;im &nbsp;shure &nbsp;that &nbsp;will &nbsp;help &nbsp;me &nbsp;an &nbsp;yea &nbsp;i &nbsp;think &nbsp;i &nbsp;know &nbsp;still &nbsp;tho &nbsp;i &nbsp;kinda &nbsp;cant &nbsp;resist &nbsp;the &nbsp;urge &nbsp;ta &nbsp;help &nbsp;sometimes &nbsp;tho &nbsp;iot &nbsp;usially &nbsp;gets &nbsp;me &nbsp;mad &nbsp;in &nbsp;the &nbsp;end &nbsp;(i &nbsp;try &nbsp;to &nbsp;help &nbsp;everyonmer &nbsp;seems &nbsp;to &nbsp;expect &nbsp;me &nbsp;to &nbsp;read &nbsp;minds &nbsp;yet &nbsp;thats &nbsp;soomethin &nbsp;i &nbsp;dont &nbsp;wanna &nbsp;do &nbsp;as &nbsp;the &nbsp;urge &nbsp;to &nbsp;pry &nbsp;will &nbsp;be &nbsp;too &nbsp;great &nbsp;an &nbsp;if &nbsp;outhers &nbsp;minds &nbsp;are &nbsp;like &nbsp;mind &nbsp;it &nbsp;wont &nbsp;be &nbsp;good &nbsp;so &nbsp;yea &nbsp;i &nbsp;try &nbsp;to &nbsp;help &nbsp;all &nbsp;i &nbsp;ever &nbsp;really &nbsp;ask &nbsp;fer &nbsp;is &nbsp;a &nbsp;thanks &nbsp;but &nbsp;it &nbsp;seems &nbsp;benetyh &nbsp;everyone &nbsp;so &nbsp;yea &nbsp;anger &nbsp;has &nbsp;become &nbsp;2nd &nbsp;nature)
Best of luck to you and I am always a PM away if ya need me... (let me know how it goes next week when you can start to work on it)
thanks &nbsp;ill &nbsp;have &nbsp;ta &nbsp;sometime &nbsp;hey &nbsp;do &nbsp;ya &nbsp;use &nbsp;any &nbsp;immer?? &nbsp;(yahoo &nbsp;msn &nbsp;aim &nbsp;icq &nbsp;irc &nbsp;or &nbsp;that??--those &nbsp;are &nbsp;ones &nbsp;i &nbsp;know &nbsp;trillian &nbsp;likes) &nbsp;we &nbsp;could &nbsp;chat &nbsp;more &nbsp;then &nbsp;i &nbsp;bet

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