I've been swindled!!!!!!!!!

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I've been swindled!!!!!!!!!

Post by lenas » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:40 am

Hello, new to forum. And I have been swindled by so called 'psychics" in the past and possibly the present. Its unfortunate that there are people out there who have no problem taking advantage of others that are in dire straits.

I use to believe in psychics but im not sure if I do anymore...heck, I even use to believe that maybe I have something in me, a stronger intuition than most of my friends perhaps? call it whatever you'd like...  

Maybe they are out there... just not on every corner.  With a neon sign in the window.

I have glazed through the posts that ask help in finding lost objects and so far I don't think that these people have found the items that they were asking about...maybe i'm wrong? however somehow this does deepen my growing doubt.
But I am pretty lost right now and still looking for something...and with that being said...curious what do you see as far as my relationship with noel? hope?

thanks for you time...
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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:46 pm

You will feel swindelled as long as you expect to get answers from someone else.  The answers to you and your life are deep within yourself.  A psychic can help you find them if  you are seeking.  Giving that much power away to someone else is a sure give away to your need to know rather than seek.

God bless, J

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:12 pm


I read that you have read through the lost items posts on here, but did you go into any of the reading forums?? there are quite a few different kinds on here and I think that before you let something like a lost item post change your mind you should explore more of this board. Next, I am going to second everything that Spiritalk put so eloquently. No one can fix anything in your life by saying DO this... you have to make that choice on your own, guidance is something we normally seek when we are confused. However, the responsibility of the decisions is on the person making them, not any one who told you what to do. You don't have to do it simply because they say so.

Next, there are some very great psychics out there with Neon signs in their windows... and yes there are frauds out there too... the point is you can't just believe someone because they say something... you need to do homework before you trust your time and money and energy to someone else. Make those times when you felt swindled into something positive. Check out a place more than once before you go in and get a reading... talk to the person and see if you connect with them. Feel them out. Make it a job interview, ask questions, and let them know that although you are interested that you are not just going to jump in.

Just please look around and explore mystic board... there are many great readers here, who do this for free to help others. Keep a open mind when you look around, and know that we are people too... sometimes it isn't the message, but the messenger that makes a mistake. (I sometimes do it myself)

Hope that you will look around, and see all the wonderful people that we have here, hope to hear more from you.

 Light, Love, and Blessings to you,

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Post by coloratura » Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:13 pm

That is very unfortunate that you feel swindled. I agree with the poster above that not every psychic is bad. I've only gotten a few readings from people here on this board, but they've been really honest and straightforward, none of this you-will-find-the-house-of-your-dreams-tomorrow thing.
IMO, the one key sign of a good psychic is honesty and humility. If they're not willing to tell you the bad, as well as the good, then they've got something to gain from you, I think.

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Post by crazyjeans12000 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:22 am

Last edited by crazyjeans12000 on Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:38 pm

Are you sure that what is lost needs to be found? Most of the things I've lost turn out to be not that important anyway. Leave them and if you do really need them then they turn up - eventually.
We have always been plagued by cheeky 'sprites' they hide stuff and most times they turn up in the weirdest of places, what we found is the easisest thing is to not play the game in the first place and they seem to get bored and just leave stuff lying about in full view.
Try it, it may work it may not but don't waste time or money paying someone.
We have a saying in the martial arts,'The best martial artist is the one with the deepest pocket'. But no-one ever says best for whom.

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Post by mom2ericha » Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:38 pm

spiritalk wrote:You will feel swindelled as long as you expect to get answers from someone else.  The answers to you and your life are deep within yourself.  A psychic can help you find them if  you are seeking.  Giving that much power away to someone else is a sure give away to your need to know rather than seek.

God bless, J
BRAVO! Well said! I read tarot cards and I can't believe, some of the people will ask for specific dates, such as what day/date will they meet someone etc. I tell them that the cards (along with my help) can give them guidance in their lives, but the only person who molds their future is THEM. Its my belief that if a psychic comes up and says they can "see the future" they may be someone to be leery of. I have the ability to be REALLY on target when I do the tarot readings. I can't explain it and I don't try. Am I trying to "swindle" someone? NOPE. There are people out here that are the real thing. I think the bad seeds however, spoil it for all of us.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:59 pm

Wonderfully put Mom2erica48 , Prof Akers and Spirtalk.

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Post by dizzywitch » Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:33 pm

If you distrust why do you still ask?? Yes there are bad readers out there, but by using your own tuition and being a little less hostile you may be able to pick them out...I dont mean to be rude but you seem confused, on one hand you mistrust but on the other you want an answer to specific question, but if you go with such mistrust could this influence what the reader tells you, or how you interperate them?

I agree there are "cold readers" out there and no its not nice...I was told 16 years ago the best reading you can have is one that costs you nothing and done in sincerity!

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it's up to you......

Post by trish76 » Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:12 pm

I can honestly say from personal experience, that it's hard when you want something/someone so badly to try and find comfort from outside yourself to give you hope in what seems like a hopeless situation. BUT I have also found that I already knew the answers to most of the questions I was asking. The next and hardest step comes in accepting what we are being told, whether it is what we want to hear or not. I don't know the specifics of your situation and I am NOT judging you, like I said I've been in a place where you want that instant gratification. But sometimes there are things to be done and lessons to be learned before what we want can take place...and sometimes what we want is not what we need. I think anyone who consults a psychic should keep that in mind. Your life is your own and noone can live it for you or tell you how to live it. Regardless of whether you go to a psychic or not, things are going to happen as they were meant to. Psychics can help you deal with what is coming but ultimate responsibility for your choices lies with you. And no one is 100% accurate, if someone says they are--there's your first sign of a swindler.

Just my 2 cents, and hopefully you will find peace with whatever it is you're seeking.



Post by Tyrinaniel » Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:54 pm

Lenas, I will admit that there are people who claim to be psychic, yet they're using actual magic tricks typical in street magic. These people make the real Workers of Light look so bad. While I know it's easy to use simple observation skills of the face and body, a true psychic can see into your spirit.

Just because we're psychic doesn't mean we're perfect. Psychic ability is a skill, just like drawing, painting, singing, etc. Some of us did grow up thinking psychic ability was fake, but I believe it's a gift of the Spirit. Just like other stereotypes, don't let the psychic stereotype cloud your view of who we are.  I know my abilities aren't spot on, but I know many here are much more seasoned than me. I've only been at this for almost 3 years, but I'm learning from the lovely people around here, as well as through friends and relationships.

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