Psychic or Medium

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Psychic or Medium

Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Aug 12, 2009 12:06 pm

A friend of mine recently came home from watching a well known medium. She was given a message and was over the moon at the information the medium had given her saying that it proved life after death.

My thoughts were that the information she was given was in fact just a psychic reading and not proof of life after death. The 'medium' was linking into her and not her parents. The 'medium' was reading her thoughts and feelings and information that she held about her parents, not her acutal parent's spirits.

Is there ever a way of getting concrete proof that any medium actually contacts the dead and their spirits rather than just mind reading or taking energy reading or aura reading from the living sitter in front of them?

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Post by cedars » Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:22 pm

I disagree.

There is a difference between psychic and a mediumistic connection (or a reading) whereby a true medium would give evidence (through spirit) to the one on this side of life about events, details, anniversaries, diseases, causes of death and all sorts of other details only known the the living (your friend). If, however, the medium went on analysing your friend and her current situation, I would call that a psychic connection.

Proof? The proof is what messages the medium conveys through spirit to the living by giving details that ONLY the one on this side of life would validate. Sometimes there are details (I'm sure in everybody's life) that only a few people know including that who is in the spirit world.

A visit to any spiritualist church on a Clairvoyance evening would be quite an eye-opener. I have seen some amazing demonstrations by mediums picking someone in a congregation and bringing in messages from the world of spirit that only the one to whom the message belonged to could validate. Sometimes the medium doesn't know who the visiting spirit is meant for...He/She may have an idea or a direction in the congregation, but they cannot always pinpoint as to whom exactly.

I don't know anything about aura reading and, therefore, cannot comment about its connection or relevance to spirit communication.

I have had a handful of mediumistic experiences in a classroom and in a development circle and the spirit entity who came to visit I had NO idea who he was there for until I started describing him to the group and one of the members started giving feedback and validation to what I was seeing and being shown by the visiting spirit. In my very, very, very small experience, I don't think I was making a psychic connection with the person next to me or one of the members in the classroom.

This is an interesting topic and I am sure you will get a lot more qualified comments than mine.

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Post by MangoMom » Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:49 pm

Well, from my point of view, what is happening is you are questioning where the information is coming from.  Psychics and Mediums are pretty much the same, they just get their information from a different area, same as for me, I get my information from the Akashic Records, it all comes from the same place, we just use different tools and methods to get the information.  This is probably linking more to philosopy but Mediums and Psychics are both true in my opinion.  and Like Cedars, I am somewhat limited in my experience with others and their modalitys, but this is my opinion only.

Thanks for asking this questions, it is very thought provoking.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:33 pm

cedars wrote:I disagree.

There is a difference between psychic and a mediumistic connection (or a reading) whereby a true medium would give evidence (through spirit) to the one on this side of life about events, details, anniversaries, diseases, causes of death and all sorts of other details only known the the living (your friend).
Thats what this medium did. But why do you think that is a medium connection?  Just because the person says they use a spirit guide or says that spirit was telling them the information? The person might just have named their ego or higher self or voice in their head as their guide or call them spirit?
If, however, the medium went on analysing your friend and her current situation, I would call that a psychic connection.

No they kept the information limited to the deceased and their relationship. But gave no information that my friend didn't already know.
Proof? The proof is what messages the medium conveys through spirit to the living by giving details that ONLY the one on this side of life would validate. Sometimes there are details (I'm sure in everybody's life) that only a few people know including that who is in the spirit world.
Yes, but thats whats suddenly shaken my belief. My friend knew the details and so  she took this as confirmation that the medium was in contact with her parents, but this information would also have been in my friend's aura and mind and so easy to extract in a psychic reading no deceased input needed.
A visit to any spiritualist church on a Clairvoyance evening would be quite an eye-opener. I have seen some amazing demonstrations by mediums picking someone in a congregation and bringing in messages from the world of spirit that only the one to whom the message belonged to could validate. Sometimes the medium doesn't know who the visiting spirit is meant for...He/She may have an idea or a direction in the congregation, but they cannot always pinpoint as to whom exactly.
There was a recent programme that I caught that videoed a congregation and demonstration and it showed the resident medium in very bad light.
I don't know anything about aura reading and, therefore, cannot comment about its connection or relevance to spirit communication.
There is no need for belief of the spirit world, life after death or spirit guides to read auras.
I have had a handful of mediumistic experiences in a classroom and in a development circle and the spirit entity who came to visit I had NO idea who he was there for until I started describing him to the group and one of the members started giving feedback and validation to what I was seeing and being shown by the visiting spirit. In my very, very, very small experience, I don't think I was making a psychic connection with the person next to me or one of the members in the classroom.
The programme I just  mentioned highlighted how people chose to take the reading and try and make it fit. It was very sad as it portrayed these grieving people as desperate to believe in  life carrying on.
This is an interesting topic and I am sure you will get a lot more qualified comments than mine.
How can anyone be qualified? It is all our relative experiences. I have been through a rough patch these last few days and then this made me query everything once again. I know that there are things that test us and things that help us, but it appears that there might be very few, if any true, mediums but rather more psychics.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:37 pm

MangoMom wrote:Well, from my point of view, what is happening is you are questioning where the information is coming from.  Psychics and Mediums are pretty much the same, they just get their information from a different area, same as for me, I get my information from the Akashic Records, it all comes from the same place, we just use different tools and methods to get the information.
Ahh yes, you are right, of course, I have visited and read records myself  but that information is definately not from the deceased, or proof of life after death?
This is probably linking more to philosopy but Mediums and Psychics are both true in my opinion.  and Like Cedars, I am somewhat limited in my experience with others and their modalitys, but this is my opinion only.

Thanks for asking this questions, it is very thought provoking.
Thanks, wish I could carry on my innocent littel way, but I had to ask how she got on.  I am in a messy confusion now lol. But nothing now seems to provide proof of contiunuation, does it?

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Post by cedars » Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:19 pm

Hello Cas

If you believe that our spirit guides were once humans on this planet and now act as 'spirit' to guide us,  why do you have difficulties believing that life does continue with others?
Thats what this medium did. But why do you think that is a medium connection?  Just because the person says they use a spirit guide or says that spirit was telling them the information? The person might just have named their ego or higher self or voice in their head as their guide or call them spirit?
Does it really matter who puts the vision of someone in spirit in the screen of our mind? Why would I see someone's uncle's tobacco stained teeth in my mind when that person was not thinking about her uncle at the time?
My friend knew the details and so  she took this as confirmation that the medium was in contact with her parents, but this information would also have been in my friend's aura and mind and so easy to extract in a psychic reading no deceased input needed.
This is why I was saying I do not know or read auras and I don't know how it works.

I don't believe a psychic can also be a medium, but a medium can be a psychic too hence the info that a medium gets is from the after life as opposed to the psychic who gets it from within his/her five senses.

And when I said you will get qualified answers, I was referring to members who are well-versed in mediumship, which I am not.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:00 pm

Why would I see someone's uncle's tobacco stained teeth in my mind when that person was not thinking about her uncle at the time?
Did you ask them if they were thinking about him? Most people at seances and demonstrations have lost a loved one and are wondering continuously if they will come through.
There is also the sub conscious mind. There is also the energy in their aura. And as Mangomom reminded me, the Hall of Records. All of these hold sources of information that can be read. But none of these prove life carries on though or give messages from the deceased? It was the very new religion of Spiritualism that created that idea.

The saying is that "ALL mediums are psychics but NOT all psychics are mediums". Perhaps it is only those that believe in Spiritualism that then choose to call themselves mediums, and these medium/believers then use the information that psychics can tap into to try and perpetuate and confirm their belief?

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:59 pm

"The programme I just  mentioned highlighted how people chose to take the reading and try and make it fit. It was very sad as it portrayed these grieving people as desperate to believe in  life carrying on."
In some cultures a death is celebrated as a birth in another world, and a birth in mourned as a death in another world.

"I don't believe a psychic
can also be a medium, but a medium can be a psychic too hence the info that a medium gets is from the after life as opposed to the psychic who gets it from within his/her five senses."
There are more then just 5 sense that a psychic can call upon.
"The saying is that "ALL mediums are psychics but NOT all psychics are mediums". Perhaps it is only those that believe in Spiritualism that then choose to call themselves mediums, and these medium/believers then use the information that psychics can tap into to try and perpetuate and confirm their belief?"
Or their experience has led them to believe life goes on even if the physical vessel passes away.

I guess there are two extremes of belief on the matter. One being driven by a hope that their is some escape from reality. Life after death of course meaning that even after death one still has to live with them self and death is no escape. This stance would fuel a belief system which holds that their is nothing after death or some lush eternal heaven. The other extreme being the fear of death and the fear of the loss associated with death and wanting to believe that life goes on but blinded by this fear and by the grief it causes and creating barriers to connecting with life in non physical forms.

What bugs me about it is thinking about the disembodied souls seeking to communicate with their living loved ones but having difficulty getting through barriers of grief and belief systems. I guess it's just another obstacle on their path which will help them grow to be stronger.

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Post by MangoMom » Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:12 pm

Hmm, I am not sure I understand this statement:
Ahh yes, you are right, of course, I have visited and read records myself  but that information is definately not from the deceased, or proof of life after death?
Many times when in the records of another individual I have loved ones come forth and give me information for that person.  So proof of life after death? Well, it would be withingyour own beliefs, do you have proof there is a God?  I believe there is and I believe there is life after death. See, we are getting into belief systems and philosophy, it is the individuals choice to believe or not to believe.  Thank God for free will and choices!

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Post by MangoMom » Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:14 pm

I am truly enjoying this discussion, thanks hon for bringing it forth

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:52 am

The thing is some things are true independent of one believing them to be.

An somewhat funny story this brings to mind is there were some scientists in a desert doing some experiments with some level of danger involved. One of these famous scientists went and put a horse shoe on the hut he was sleeping in. Some of the other scientists ridiculed him and said you don't believe in that sort of stuff why'd you put that up. To which he replied I heard it's good luck and although I don't believe in that sort of thing I hear it works even if you don't believe in it.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:52 am

There is also the sub conscious mind. There is also the energy in their aura. And as Mangomom reminded me, the Hall of Records. All of these hold sources of information that can be read. But none of these prove life carries on though or give messages from the deceased? It was the very new religion
of Spiritualism that created that idea.
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Post by spiritalk » Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:54 pm

Perhaps there is more proof of spirit connection and contact when a spirit comes to an individual who they can not immediately recognize.  (Perhaps on the way home or later in the week they will know exactly what was meant) This would show proof of spirit not mind reading.  

What is actually being bantered here seems to be mind reading vs spirit contact.  We use the mind in so many ways  - there is a spirit mind as well as a physical mind.  So actually mind reading and mediumship can and often do live together.  

Finding proof of the continuity of life always requires a part of our own being not being involved and a part being involved - kind of tricky eh!

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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:23 pm

Spiritalk you are so right, thanks :)  I think what I was feeling was helplessness and sorrow, mainly that my friend thought her parents had come through and yet I could quite clearly see those same ideas and feelings and words in her aura and mind as the so called 'medium' had given her. I was shaken that the reading had changed my friend so much so I needed to talk it through and chose here (rightly or wrongly) to put my thoughts and emotions in order. I think that the medium was in fact a confused psychic that was taking good money off people that trusted her, not realising where she was getting the information from.
Perhaps there is more proof of spirit connection and contact when a spirit comes to an individual who they can not immediately recognize.  (Perhaps on the way home or later in the week they will know exactly what was meant) This would show proof of spirit not mind reading.
Yes, again. I have had readings when people swear blind that I am wrong, and then I get a phone call or in the street or a shop a tap on the shoulder and a smile a week later when they say "you were right! How did you know?"  

I am just going through one of those patches!

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Post by Cascade of Light » Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:28 pm

MangoMom wrote:Hmm, I am not sure I understand this statement:
Ahh yes, you are right, of course, I have visited and read records myself  but that information is definately not from the deceased, or proof of life after death?
Many times when in the records of another individual I have loved ones come forth and give me information for that person.  
I must be so blinkered lol, for me each record is encased in light and no-one intrudes the space whilst I am there. But I can understand how you see things differently because when I am researching or asking questions, figures wander in and out and I had never put two and two together, instead I thought of them as Guardians or Helpers or Librarians, perhaps I need to open my eyes next time I visit :)

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