Developing your psychic abilities...

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Developing your psychic abilities...

Post by sunmystic » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:09 pm

I am presenting this picture and maybe some others as visual aids to developing and/or enhancing your psychic abilities.

What you put thought into lights up and is activated. The areas above and around your head are the areas that need to be on and active in order for you to be psychic in any sense of the word psychic. And some people are just born with these areas lit and active. Others have to manually get them going :) or manually enhance what they already have.

To start please notice what is going on above, on, and around the head of the person portrayed in this picture. :)


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:26 pm

Good intent as you light up the light is important too.  What we focus upon we will manifest.  

If we are a negative person, we will draw negativity, even as we light up in meditation.  Keeping all positive and of the spirit within will help fuel the light.

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Post by sunmystic » Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:22 pm

Now what is interesting about the first picture is that it is based on Hindu tradition. And this Hindu tradition is based on the ancient knowledges which are very secret and only passed on from master to student in a very closed reality.

All Hindu deities wear something on top of their head. The ancient Egyptian folk did also and so did the anctient oriental folk and the ancient South American folk. From these traditions and ancient knowledges we have the crowns of royality as interesting left overs. Wreaths and turbans are also from these ancient knowledges.

People who try to wake up the psychic centers above and around the head without feeling the "mass" of something on their head experience instability. The mass is what "grounds" the waking up of these areas. And with that grounding, meditating on these areas only, will automatically activate and balance all chakra energy centers in the physical body. All of them.



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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:29 pm

Thats an interesting conception of head wear.  

When using chakra openings, as I understand it, we must travel through all of them to open and close the light.  Of course the crown is considered our connection with the most high and is located above the body.

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Post by sunmystic » Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:21 pm

spiritalk wrote:Thats an interesting conception of head wear.  

When using chakra openings, as I understand it, we must travel through all of them to open and close the light.  Of course the crown is considered our connection with the most high and is located above the body.
Because our body and brain create electro magnetic fields that extend beyond our physical body one can stimulate their brain and body by mentally activating these fields. The fields that are above and around the head when activated actually wake up the areas of the brain that enable one to percieve and comprehend the multi dimensional world that our three dimensional world is a part of.

When one can percieve and comprehend the multi dimensional reality that our three dimensional world is apart of they have abilities that are generally referred to a psychic abilities.

And when one dies and leaves their physical body they take these electro magnetic fields with them that were actually originally created by the electro machinery of the physical body. Which is why some spirits are more advanced that other spirits.



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Post by sunmystic » Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:36 pm

spiritalk wrote:Thats an interesting conception of head wear.  

When using chakra openings, as I understand it, we must travel through all of them to open and close the light.  Of course the crown is considered our connection with the most high and is located above the body.
Oh and activating the upper areas automatically activates the lower areas.

Activating the lower energy centers through meditation is for folks that do not, for what ever reason, want to explore the higher realities and knowledges. Which in today's world :) no body wants to. Which is ok :)



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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:56 pm

Wouldn't it be more balanced to open them all - indicating our magnetic attachment to the earth at the same time as the mind and spirit soar through the upper chakras?

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Post by sunmystic » Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:40 pm

spiritalk wrote:Wouldn't it be more balanced to open them all - indicating our magnetic attachment to the earth at the same time as the mind and spirit soar through the upper chakras?
If you want to :) I don't mind.

And for some reason you have missed the word "automaticly". And your spirit does not soar you actually just wake up in a bigger world that is not limited to a small three dimensional reality, is all.



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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:44 pm

The spirit soars when set free from the material vibration.

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:09 pm

spiritalk wrote:The spirit soars when set free from the material vibration.
A soaring spirit creates instability. :) Grounding is very important, ok? :)

SpiritTalk you can soar your spirit because you are grounded, most people can not do that :) .

love you,


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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:13 am

That head dress looks like an upside-down cup of knowledge to me =)

Is it customary to remove your head dress, signifying that you are now open for spiritual intervention? (like removing your hat when you step into a church, before prayer etc...)

I noticed at times for myself that I wore hats to kinda cover up myself, but still acted mischievously, knowing that I just can't hide, not even under a hat lol...

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:56 pm

PetraVanilla wrote:That head dress looks like an upside-down cup of knowledge to me =)

Is it customary to remove your head dress, signifying that you are now open for spiritual intervention? (like removing your hat when you step into a church, before prayer etc...)

I noticed at times for myself that I wore hats to kinda cover up myself, but still acted mischievously, knowing that I just can't hide, not even under a hat lol...
Alot of religions require a special kind of hat be always worn to services. The founders of those religions understood the effect that they have on ones spiritual connection.

Hey Petra, would you like to experience physical immortality :) ?

Put on a baseball cap pushed back so that the brim of it is tipped up at abit of an angle, raise your eyebrows slightly and then feel the area that is just under the brim of the hat :) waking up that psychic area is the key to physical immortality and extended life spans :) it is a one stop shop and brings your entire immune system on line.



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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:58 pm

3rd eye, right? I am familiar with chakras and every once in a while my 3rd eye makes itself known with sort of a cool (kinda like if you put some mint oil in that area) tingling. Plus I am WIDE open to spiritual knowledge at this time. Somehow I know that I will live a long and purposeful life. I am convinced now that I am an indigo and like other indigos I so much just want to go "home" sometimes, but I know I am supposed to stay here for quite some time. I had a few near deathly accidents in my life and each single one brought new knowledge, new sense of purpose and new evolving spiritual powers, now that I think about it! And i know I am here to share that knowledge, some of which I don't grasp until i am actually talking to someone that needs it... it's pretty amazing!

Besides the question about the head dress, a question about the eyes... have you ever noticed that psycho-active people (yeah I know I used the same word that is being used in conjunction with drugs, but asking apart from that) have wider pupils from birth? My mom has them, I do and my kids do. And we all seem to have a lot of spiritual understanding, even them at their young age.
Wonder if it is the physical confirmation that we spiritually "see" more...?! Oh boy i am getting philosophical here lol...

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:44 pm

PetraVanilla wrote:3rd eye, right? I am familiar with chakras and every once in a while my 3rd eye makes itself known with sort of a cool (kinda like if you put some mint oil in that area) tingling. Plus I am WIDE open to spiritual knowledge at this time. Somehow I know that I will live a long and purposeful life. I am convinced now that I am an indigo and like other indigos I so much just want to go "home" sometimes, but I know I am supposed to stay here for quite some time. I had a few near deathly accidents in my life and each single one brought new knowledge, new sense of purpose and new evolving spiritual powers, now that I think about it! And i know I am here to share that knowledge, some of which I don't grasp until i am actually talking to someone that needs it... it's pretty amazing!

Besides the question about the head dress, a question about the eyes... have you ever noticed that psycho-active people (yeah I know I used the same word that is being used in conjunction with drugs, but asking apart from that) have wider pupils from birth? My mom has them, I do and my kids do. And we all seem to have a lot of spiritual understanding, even them at their young age.
Wonder if it is the physical confirmation that we spiritually "see" more...?! Oh boy i am getting philosophical here lol...
Actually the sphere shaped area in front of the upper part of one's forehead is not the third eye or mind's eye, it is another whole psychic center and is not actually considered a chakra. The Egyptians called it the eye of the sun or the Eye of Ra which is why the snake and bird kundalini heads in their pictures are in that area. And it is also the beginning of the ascension knowledges. Anyway I just threw it out as a curiosity :)

I had not noticed that about the eyes that you mentioned. When I look at people all I see is energy. I don't see the physical. But I have noticed that my eyes are like you are talking about when I am in a very high psychic state and I do not take drugs. So what you said fits my experience :) Cool!



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simple way to manifest what you want in your life

Post by Mischeviouseyez » Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:38 am

We are like tv tower antennas in that what we transmit is what comes back to us. If we send out negative signals only negative signals come back to us. If we are positive and send out positive signals only positive signals come back to us. The more positive we are and smile and look for the bright side of any situation the more positive our lives become and the more good things happen to us. A simple example of a thought that manifests itself is this...Have you ever been on the road approaching a railroad and thought to yourself...I hope the train does not pass right now...only to see the lights  start blinking and the gates come down within just seconds of you thinking/saying that? Or another example.....Your on the way to work or some location and you are in a big hurry and you think..I hope I dont get any red stop lights.....only to come to the realization that almost every stop light is red along your path? Those are two examples of a thought manifesting. The universe works in mysterious ways and to manipulate for your own benefit all you have to do is be positive and think positive. Not to you use negative words such as no, dont, wont, cant etc. For example...lets say you are in a hurry to work and need all the lights green. Instead of saying...I hope I dont get any red lights...say....I hope I get all green lights..or..I want all green lights all the way to ____. The universe will respond in your favor. And that relates to everything you put your thoughts to. Not just the lights on the road. ;)

On a more personal note.....
I personally wanted to lose weight. I remember it like yesterday. I would look in the mirror every time I passed by the hallway and I would see myself. I would tell myself in the mirror that Im beautiful and that Im losing weight and that Im getting skinnier and that my legs are longer and sexier and that Im sexy and I would believe every word I would say. Well to cut to the chase...I was 35 pounds thinner in less than 3 months. Oh was I happy!! :)

The power of thought is more powerful than our minds can comprehend.

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