connecting spiritually

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connecting spiritually

Post by Songstress » Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:12 am

I posted this on another site and didn't really get any responses.  I thought I would try over here.  I'm still trying to figure this all out.

I've been able to sense the presence of spirits most of my life. When I was younger I could actually see them from time to time. Then when I was 18 I experienced something different.

I had just started college and I would always sense someone near me. It wasn't a constant presence so it only made me paranoid. I had some friends that understand my ability to sense spirits, so I talked with them about it while we were at a nearby creek. A lot of spirits are in that area as well do to a flood that killed many of the families that lived near it. I realized a difference between the presence there and the one I was feeling on campus. I started focusing more on campus. I realized I was sensing a specific person. I was so in tune with him I knew when he entered a room when my back was to the door. By the end of that school year I could feel his presence across campus (which was small about a 2 block radius).

I'm not sure if I was actually feeling the connection with him, or if it was a spirit that followed him. The presence was extremely strong and sometimes overwhelming for me.

Within the past week now I feel like I'm sensing them.  Just today it was like they were in the same room and I could smell their cologne.

I would appreciate any insight on this because I've never had this happen with others. Normally when I am around people I can only read they're emotions.

Thanks in advance.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:25 pm

There is a bit of confusion (to me)in this post.  Is the presence you feel in the living?  Or is it a spirit presence, as in someone who has passed over?

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Post by Songstress » Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:02 pm

OH sorry I should have's in the living.  At least what I think I'm sensing is in the living.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:41 pm

Everything in life is about energy.  Some energies come to us and we feel them discordant and others come to us and we feel connected.  This is the same in relationships we form with other people.  We are actually dealing with their personal energy and allowing it to affect us one way or another.

If we actually felt an energy that we felt drawn to it would be a good thing to pursue a friendship.  That is how we use the energy to find compatible companions.  Do not expect it is deeper unless that is what you seek and find.

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Post by Songstress » Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:58 pm

thanks spiritalk.  i will have to keep that in mind.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:04 am

Some people have a much stronger chi/energy than others and you will notice something changed as soon as they enter a room. That can be positive or negative of course...
If you are a person that is much more sensitive to energies and spirits to begin with, this is a good explanation why you felt that charismatic person's energy so strongly. It seems like it's a positive vibe, so I'd try and see if friendship might something to pursue, as well. Oh, and I'd find out if maybe the reason why that person keeps appearing in your presence might be that they feel the same from you? Never know... I feel lots of strong chi coming from people that are just as sensitive as I and we usually connect well... blessings!

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