Please Help...Feeling Viloated

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Please Help...Feeling Viloated

Post by johnswifey86 » Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:50 pm

I have a freind who is psychic...and she likes to read me even if I haven't given her permission to do so. I feel like its a violation of my privacy for her to be digging around in my head and in my feelings. I feel like I have to dodge her, and if I know shes going to be somewhere I don't go there. I hate to feel this way because I like her alot. But I don't want to feel invaded around her. Is there any way I can block her from reading me? Is there any other way to control the situation better without having to confront her about it?

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Post by Charlesman » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:43 pm

Yes, there is a way to block her from reading you - blocking her from reading you. ;)

There are many posts about 'shielding' on various forums here - I suggest you take a look at them.

I would, ironically, advice you to either confront her about it - she may not know she is doing it or she may not know not everyone is doing it - or simply cutting her off, as someone who intentionally invades your privacy against your will falls into my personal definition of "enemy" rather than "friend."

Hope that helps.

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Post by johnswifey86 » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:50 pm

Well the thing is I can't just write her off. She is the co founder of the paranormal group that I am apart of. And i've deticated my life to paranormal research. There are other groups out there but they won't be accpeting new members any time soon. I like her and she seems like a caring person, and I don't know her well enough to know how she would react if I did confront her. I will check out the sheilding stuff. I just hope it has something to read on sheilding myself from being read without my permission. So where would I find these posts...I mean are they under a certain catergory? I'm still lost as to exactly how I block mysel ffrom being read. Is there somehting I should think about or not think about when I'm around her? Is there a metitation or visualization I could do?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:05 pm

Our grounding and protection is about our own visualization for ourselves.  Before seeing her in any way see yourself as a tree.  It is sending down deep, strong roots into the ground.  (This is best done standing).  Feel the energy come up from the roots, through the trunk and produce green leaves of progress.

Each and every morning visualize a protective bubble (similar to a bubble blown from a child's soap bubble pipe - complete with the rainbow patch.  Rainbows are such magical symbols of connection, bridges, communication and they come with a pot of gold (prosperity) at the end) completely around you.  Acknowledge it as a filter of negativity from within and without - nothing can penetrate this bubble of life.  Repeat this visualization during the stresses of your day and make it your last thought before sleep at night.  The protection is strong and valid.

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Post by johnswifey86 » Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:14 pm

Thank you Spiritalk, I can always count on you to help me out! I will most definately try that. Thank you so much! Have great day!

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:00 pm

Hey Johnswifey, Is she ever telling you what she's "reading"? If you just sense it, which makes you a lil psychic yourself, why don't you make a bit of a fun experiment out of it... you sense her reading, look her straight in the eye and think (just propel your thoughts toward her) "I know that you are reading me and I don't appreciate that, please stop!" If she picks that up she may laugh about it herself... Otherwise, just shielding may be looked at just what it is - a defense, and inspire more curiosity. If she doesn't stop I'd look at her as an invader and chose different company.

Love and light!

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Post by johnswifey86 » Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:27 pm

Hey PertaVanilla! I've been working on my psychic ability so ya I can feel her reading me. I can also see it when I look her in the eyes. Its almost like she's looking at whats behind my exterior. Like she's probing. Not only that but yes she does tell me what she's reading form me as well. And she comes to me like she's being vicitmized. "Like oh my gosh i'm feeling shunned by you"! So next time i'm going to try what you said to do as well. I think it would make it easier for me if I just projected how I feel to her through my thoughts instead of saying it out loud. So do you or does anyone else think that jumbling up my thoughts and emotions would throw her off? Would that work too?

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Post by PetraVanilla » Thu Dec 03, 2009 11:22 pm

LOL It would sure confuse the hell out of her to jumble your thoughts, it would require greater effort from you, though, I bet. Unless you plan to see specific pictures in your mind in advance, I guess....

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:55 pm

Why put yourself to such a task?  

For every thought sent to you, return it.  But in psychic work it is important to make sure to put a spirit light on it.  

Receiving red (high energy) turning it around in white (spirit) energy = pink which is love.  

There is nothing stronger than this formula.

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