Spirit Guide or something else?

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Spirit Guide or something else?

Post by Neroli » Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:03 am

Truth is stranger than fiction. I'm not sure if this belongs in psychic or mediumship, but I'm thinking psychic because it's about clairvoyance. I'm trying to interpret an experience, and would like opinions from anyone who's experienced something similar.

I went to school with a very shady character around 20 years ago. Recently, I began thinking about him again, and having visions of him committing violent acts. In these visions...more like daydreams, but sometimes actual dreams...I kept seeing a woman. She was very pretty, young, black, slightly heavyset, and I'd never seen her before. Anyhow, she kept urging me to report these visions.

Eventually, I decided that I should do something, so I wrote a detailed tip to authorities about activities I knew the man engaged in 20 years back (giving specific details of things I had actually witnessed, but not explaining my visions since I couldn't be certain). After I did this, the woman seemed pleased.

It gets stranger. Two weeks after I report this, a young woman from my hometown goes missing, and is found murdered. She works in the same profession as the man I mentioned above, frequents the same area, and I just KNEW he was behind it. The police take a couple weeks, but they do catch him, and it IS this same man.  I read about it in the paper.

The young girl killed was also very pretty, young, and black, but trimmer and slightly younger than the woman in my vision. I have no doubt she was the reason I was supposed to report it.

I had one last vision of the first woman, and she tells me that we did alright, but apparently it wasn't something that could be changed. She seemed at peace with things.

I'm guessing we were able to communicate and she worked with me since I actually knew one person involved. I have found that I can only receive communications if I have met or interacted with a person before. Not sure why that is.

Here's my question -- was the woman in the visions a spirit guide, or some kind of backward projection of the girl who was murdered? Maybe a family member watching over her? Because when I started having visions, the other woman was still alive (plus the body type was different). I suppose it doesn't matter, but I'm very confused. I'm thinking she's a family member who tried to help her loved one.

I'm really grateful for this board. There aren't many places where you can speak openly about this sort of thing without appearing like a weirdo!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 23, 2009 3:52 pm

It would appear you have a real gift for the clairvoyant vision.  The problems may arise when you do not take charge and work on understanding and using it to its best advantage.  It is up to you to accept the talent and train it.  Finding a good teacher is always a good move.

As to the visions....it would appear you were able to do 'something' even if not prevent the whole situation.  Perhaps timing is something that will improve with training.  To do this, you need to work with only your own spirit guide and not allow such random visions to occur.

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Post by happyme » Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:53 pm

Wow you are very clairvoyant. I am happy you were able to be of help with it. I hope you continue to trust your gift and put it to positive use in helping and serving those in need or danger. All the best and God's blessings!

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Post by Neroli » Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:58 am

Spiritalk, you make good points. I've honestly tried to avoid and ignore it for many years, since it can be unsettling and I worried how it might appear to others (telling people you have premonitions usually just freaks them out, and accuracy is a concern), but I'm starting to think that avoidance is the wrong approach. My spirit guide is assisting, and we're moving slowly and getting better at communicating, but I have found many things in this forum helpful.

Thank you, happyme. Blessings to you too!

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Post by syanika » Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:52 am

I had a simalar thing happen only she came to me after she was murdered. where i had seen was exactly where she was found 1 month later. i never told any1 tho as what i had seen there was no way of being able to find her. As all i has seen was she was on the side of a road in long grass and i had a bad feeling when eva i went on the northern district of my town.

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Post by Neroli » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:57 am

Hi syanika. It's funny how that happens. Is proximity to a location also important to you, or is it more of a connection to people involved? I'm wondering why it is that we pick up on some people but not others.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:27 pm

Everything in life is about energy.  We have our own personal vibration.  When that vibration is open to others, some will be compatible and others will not.  It is the nature of the energy.

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