Black Dots and smoke

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Black Dots and smoke

Post by happyme » Wed Dec 23, 2009 11:55 pm

What does it mean if you see visuals of black dots and black smoke? Has this ever happened to anyone?

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:27 pm

What were the circumstances?

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Post by happyme » Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:10 pm

Having horrible headaches and feeling very negative or confused.

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Post by happyme » Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:48 pm

Hi Spiritalk,

I have been studying the visuals some more. They look like cells. They have the dots in the middle with a thin ring around them, but the ring circumference is noticeably wider than the dot, so orb isn't what would come to mind first necessarily.  They are grey and black. Occasionally cinnamon (red/brown) coloured, but mostly the darker colours. The smoke look like spirals it's not big and cloudy, but it's definitely smoke.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 26, 2009 7:42 pm

I would have my eyes checked for any abnormalities.  Then a check up with the doctor.  Blood pressure and such issues can cause headaches and also visuals.

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sabbath siren
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Post by sabbath siren » Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:32 am

You're in my prayers, happyme.

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Post by happyme » Sun Dec 27, 2009 2:45 pm

Thank you spiritalk and sabbath siren.

When a board like this one tells me it's all in my head or I am sick, I know I really have a problem. :)

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dont worry happyme

Post by joshjive » Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:30 am

ive had this happen too i dont feel its spirtiual though it has happened when stared at a bright light exactly as described it can however happen from the sun without directly looking into its rays i think in this one instance. though im not quite a professional in the spiritual sense can say its nothing to be alarmed about :)

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Post by joshjive » Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:36 am

its either that or another cause for this my aunt has her retina is detaching and she needs laser surgery every few months to keep her sight and it flakes in her eyes causing grey spots as you said i would advise you to see an eye specialist

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Post by happyme » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:29 am

Turns out I didn't have high blood pressure. Thanks for that Joshlive, I will tell when I do my next eye test. As for when I see the visuals, it's both inside cool buildings and spaces where the sunlight isn't coming in and outside in the sun. Sometimes I wake up and it is the first thing I see before even getting out of bed. I am much better though, haven't felt depressed in a while. Thanks again folks.  :)

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Post by bloom » Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:05 am

i actually have the same experience, i remember vividly one time i woke up in the middle of the night seeing those dots/black spots swirling in front of me, i shrugged it off at first, maybe its the light (but mind you, though it was not pitch dark in the room, there was no intense light that shocked my eyes when i opened them) only happened once when i woke up having a nightmare

other than that, i remember seeing white lights swirling only a couple of times upon waking doesn't happen regularly (i sometimes wake up in the middle of the night when i dream of something intense)...

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Post by happyme » Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:14 pm

Bloom, I don't think you are imagining it or are sick.

By the way folks: update nothing is wrong with me beyond my usual bad eyesight (not associated with the visuals which I still continue to have up to today) and I do not have hypertension.

Thanks again.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:46 pm

It is always wisest and best to eliminate all physical symptoms before assuming something of the spirit.  You did mention depression and it is inclined to cause some visuals as well.  Just be cautious in all psychic practices.

The other aspect is....I never sign on for pain.  I am a real sissy with regard to pain.  

So why would I allow spirit to disrupt my equalibrium with pain associated with psychic happenings?  See my point?  Elminate all pain through your psychic practices by a firm talk with any guiding forces and your own higher mind.  Do you sign on for pain?

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Post by mifan2013 » Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:27 pm

I've had those too. my eye sight is gradually degrading. i think it's this: ... floats.htm

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Post by happyme » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:21 pm

Hi all!

I finally found a good possible medical explanation for the cause of the black smoke/web/spirals/dots I got this from askville on amazon:

["I'm seeing spots today...what causes 'floaters' to appear in the eye?"
Topics: spots, vision, doctor, medical, health, eyes
Asked by HELENofTROY 29 months ago

You get the feeling that a bug is passing by, off to the side of your vision field. Then, sometimes it looks like a hint of a spider web in front of you.

I had one in the other eye a while back and it eventually went away. That time, I got scared and went to the eye doc. Even though I asked, I really didn't get a logical explaination...

Anybody have a clue why it happens or what it actually is floating around in there?

What are they?
Floaters are dark specks in the form of dots, circles, lines or cobwebs that appear to move across the field of vision. Floaters come in many sizes and numbers, and they appear to move when the eye looks in different directions.

Floaters in the eyes are seen by the person, but nothing can usually be seen on the eyes. The floaters move with the eyes, so you usually cannot focus on them. To see them best, look at a white piece of paper, wall, or a clear sky in bright light. You can not remove floaters by rubbing your eyes.

By the age of 50 years the vitreous has separated from the retina in about 50% of all people. As the vitreous detaches, it causes floaters. At first the floaters may be quite annoying, but the brain gradually learns to ignore them, and after several months they are hardly noticed.

Generally Harmless

Floaters are usually harmless but if a large number develop suddenly or if they seem to be much worse over a period of time, you should seek medical attention.  No one knows why they occur, but they are associated with aging.  Even though floaters are more common in middle age or older individuals, they can occur at a very young age.  I remember seeing floaters in bright sunlight even as a young child.  Interestingly enough, I am less troubled by floaters now than I was then.  I'm not certain if it is because they went away or because I simply notice them less.

What causes floaters?

For reasons unknown, the gel-like vitreous material in the eye begins to liquefy and contract. Some parts of the vitreous form clumps or strands inside the eye. The vitreous gel pulls away from the back wall of the eye, causing a posterior vitreous detachment. According to experts, floaters are more common for people who:
are middle aged or older
are nearsighted;
have undergone cataract surgery;
have had YAG laser surgery of the eye;
have had inflammation inside the eye.

For more causes-- see

Most spots and floaters in the eye are merely annoying. They usually come and go or  fade over time. Bothersome floaters can be removed by surgery, but most doctors think the risk of the surgery is not worth the benefit.  Some people think that a good diet, exercise and avoidance of high stress and inflammation reduces floaters.  If general inflammation is a problem, fish oil (omega-3 oils) may be helpful and couldn't hurt.   A dietary connection is rejected by many experts.  

Those who have had floaters a long time without much change recently should have an eye examination when convenient. However, suddent change in symptoms are cause for immediate concern. Someone who has developed floaters for the first time or is certain their floaters have become worse or more numerous may have a potentially serious medical condition, including bleeding in the eye, or retinal detachment.

Signs of retinal detachment

If you notice new floaters along with a cloudy area in the side field of vision (especially in one eye) you may be experiencing a retinal tear or detachment. Often people describe this as a ‘curtain’ closing on part of their vision.

Even without cloudiness in the vision, the sudden appearance of a significant number of floaters, especially if they are accompanied by other vision disturbances, could indicate a retinal detachment.  You must call the eye doctor immediately.  Really, immediately.

This happened to my sister-in-law and if she hadn't gotten medical attention THAT DAY, her doctor said that she could have lost her eyesight.   Eye doctors will make time to see you on an emergency basis if your symptoms indicate a possible retinal detachment problem.  Retinal detachment is more likely to occur in just one eye, but for reasons unknown, it IS possible to experience retinal detachment in both eyes at the same time.  This  can happen even in the absence of any notable trauma to the eyes.    

Distinguish from Migraine

Some people experience what seem to be floaters, along with flashes of light that appear as jagged lines or "heat waves" in both eyes, often lasting 10-30 minutes. These types of flashes are usually caused by a spasm of blood vessels in the brain, which is called a migraine with aura.  If a headache follows the flashes, it is called a migraine headache. However, jagged lines or "heat waves" can occur without a headache. In this case, the light flashes are called an ophthalmic migraine, or a migraine without a headache.  You should seek medical treatment in this case as well, but such treatment is usually not urgently needed.   Any kind of visual disturbance lasting longer than 20 minutes is likely NOT a migraine.  And if you have these symptoms without any history of migraine, don't delay in getting medical attention.]

I hope this will help many others today who have been going through what I am going through and been scared or worried. All the best! :)

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