What Will Happen in 2012 To All The People Who Have Chemical Imbalances?

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What Will Happen in 2012 To All The People Who Have Chemical Imbalances?

Post by matt22113 » Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:15 pm

I ask this because I have a serious imbalance I know there is no way I could handle being psychic. And I know I'm not alone in this.

I went to a psychic once and my ocd was so bad I could barley stand the fact that he could read my emotions and thoughts. I how would I handle being psychic myself?:smt009

1 in 90 boys now has autism and 1 and 150 kids all together. and a lot of other imbalances are on the rise too. all this seems to be such great timing right before 2012. :smt009

It seems to me what some people think is going to be such a good thing is really not going to be.

What about all the schizophrenic people? think about psych wards and drug addicts people who are not in control of their mind fully, are going to be going nuts!

Sylvia Browne says that in 2013 and in 2014 there is going to be some kind of breakthrough in the field of mental health. in her book about 2012. so maybe there is hope.

I'm not trying to scare anyone, and I'm honestly just kind of worried and about this.

I know psychics try to avoid health questions or questions that bring out fear in people but I can't find any information about this anywhere on the net.

All I find are articles saying how where going to enter the 4th dimension and our consciousnesses is going to shift.

so I would appreciate if some one please give me a straight forward answer about this.

so what will happen in 2012 to the people who are imbalanced?

any opinions?


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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:03 pm

Through time of humans we have always had people with imbalance....so this is nothing new.

Earlier time many of them ended up in "nut House", or was hided away, today we have more treatment for them, but still not enough.

I think this problem will always stay with us in one form or another, the is being doing much research, because it cost society a lot both in money and human cost.

There is a lot of different imbalances, so we can always predict that improvement will occur in one field, but the danger is that new ones always will arise, so it will be an ongoing project.

Our mind is our control center, we are nothing but a chemical being, we believe we can eat everything, we pollute our environment, and we are talking about saving the world.

Maybe we are using the wrong word here....when we say saving the world...then we are thinking on mother earth.....but mother earth have much more power to her aid the the human race....so maybe we have to change the saying from "saving earth" to saving "mankind?" Maybe our focus have been wrong the whole time...maybe that is why we are telling there is no need to act?

It must be clear that we with our pollution, our way of living, our fast food, our stress, put a very high demand on our "control unit" our brain, and that we have to pay for by a lot of personal suffering.....maybe we should ban company like Coca Cola, Big Mac and so on, maybe that would give us much more benefit then any pills....maybe we need to understand that we need to have exercise more then we need to have TV show....maybe we need to understand that we as humans are responsible for our own life, that we can't expect our society to always know what is best for us, that we need to have a personal initiative....maybe then we would have a real leap forward in our own psychic realm, which would benefit us all :)

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:31 pm

We all can only learn according to our mental capacity to understand concepts and how they affect us.  The mentally challenged still have a spirituality to consider.  2012 is about the spirit not the mental faculties.  As you can see, anything is possible for anyone willing to do the work.  

There will be many who will not feel anything different whatsoever.  They have not worked on raising any form of themselves beyond the material vibration that exists right now.  As that vibration is dissapating, so the consciousness of those stuck in material vibration will deplete with the energies.  

Consciousness raising is about the spirit energies.  Get in touch with the spirit and watch the differences in the mental health.  While I am not advocating miracles or changes without effort, I am suggesting that we all have the capacity to attune to something higher in vibration than the material energies.  God gives points for intent and effort.

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Post by KHEM » Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:09 pm

That's an interresting topic raised here...

However, I would like to mention that 2012 is nothing but a date. Everyone is growing spiritually, even if most are unconsciously.

Get busy, so to speak, growing consciously spiritually and things will be fine.

it's only those who are not conscious of things of a spiritual nature who might be disturbed and will certainly be. The Aquarian Age has already started and 2012 is nothing but a date in that age...

Now, with your mention of you not being ready...that's what you say now and everyone has different paths. Some grow by leaps and bounds while others only do so in 1 burst and many others do that in other ways to...in other words, don't be disturbed by that :)

The World is growing Spiritually, despite what the outer may show, and that's what you should be focused on...All the discoveries that will take place are really details...

Fix your eyes on the general movement of the wave, not its ups and downs. :)
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