Walk-Ins, walk-outs, possession and jump-ins.

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Walk-Ins, walk-outs, possession and jump-ins.

Post by valchenolf » Fri Mar 17, 2006 11:10 pm

I noticed that there is no information on here about these types of psychics/spiritual beings so thought i'd post this page from my own site.

I am a walk-in so thought i'd write a bit about them.

The term Walk-In has been around for a long time and originates from Hindu belief, yet is now strongly believed and realised and accepted by New age religions.

Walk-ins have widely been misunderstood by many people. A walk in is when a person whose origional soul has departed and a new soul has taken its place - this is the walk-in spirit. This means that the body doesn't go to waste like it would have it if had died or commited suicide.

Walk-ins have widely been misunderstood by many people. A walk-in is NOT a foreign soul taking over your body. There must be an agreement between BOTH parties for the walk-in transition to occur. This agreement takes place over many meetings between both souls on the spirit plane where they must decide if this is what they both truely want to happen.

The person/soul who originally resided in the body WANTS out (walk-out), as they have had enough. Whether it is due to them feeling that they have achieved all they can in this carnation or that it has just become very difficult for them and that they wish to die and go back home of the spiritual world. These walk-outs usually have a history of suicidal tendencies. The walk-out experiences non-physical worlds just as though a physical death has occured.

The walk-in is usually an ancient soul and due to being bound by their spiritual ethics, they can not break the agreement process that must occur for them to be able to walk-in. Possession is NOT linked to walk-ins!

The walk-in (ancient soul) is usually on its last lifetime and like to enter an incarnation that is at least partially spiritually awake as having mastered the spirit way they know how hard it is to re-wire a body.

The reason that the walk-in takes over an older body rather then a new-born is because they do not need to experience the trauma of growing up and have already learnt beyond the early year stages. However, as the walk-out was in such pain that they wanted to leave these issues, memories and pain must be dealt with before the walk-in can start working on their own growth process. Some walk-ins find it near impossible to fix these problems and get stranded; sometimes it just takes a long time; but it can be problems that simply moving and getting out of a situation is the answer.

It is likely that the walk-out had its own family and therefore the walk in must take on the role within the family. This adaptation can take several years and can be very confusing. Even though the walk-in is an ancient soul and spiritually awake in comparison to the average person, they do not necessarily understand what they are going through.

They do not understand money, so can fall into financial problems. Sometimes they find it hard to understand the human society, not fitting in and being like an outside. The reason for these problems is that they have been off-planet for a long time. In order for them to adapt to this new life they must re-learn the worldly concepts and how to socially interact with others.

A walk-in must enter this world partially blind and not remember what tasks it is that they must complete otherwise they will bypass all other things that need doing and go straight to the tasks ahead.

How to tell if you're a walk in.

You may feel that you have had parts of your childhood missing or significant memory loss of huge chunks of your life. This is purely due to the fact that you simply weren't around then and another soul was inhabiting what is now your body.

You may have a history of suicidal attempts - not you personally but your body, due to the walk out soul!

People often tell you, that you are not the same person, or that you have changed.

You may have dramatically changed all of your interests, your location, partnerships, friends and appearance.

You may have woken up one morning from what seems to have all been a bad dream or simply woken up in a place that you don't recognise.

Why the above changes occur in walk-ins.

The walk-in sometimes takes on board the memory cells of the walk-out, this enables the walk in to carry on with the life that has already been established. Sometimes the walk-in has little or no memories from the walk-out and this can cause a few problems.

Walk-ins that have no memory and wake up in an un-recognisable place sometimes are able to establish a new life for themselves; but this does mean that as a person the body has become altered and people who know the walk-in as a person will notice the changes. Sometimes the walk-in with no memory is unable to find a method to fit in as a person with no memory so they establish a very new life in a new place for themselves.

Even if full memory has been passed on to the walk in there will still be many personality changes, such as, family relationship, friends, job, home, interests and even the physical appearance, hair and clothes. Usually these changes are gradual, but sometimes can be very instant.

It is Jump-Ins that people often get confused with!

A jump-in jumps into your body whilst you are away/ungrounded. Jump-ins are quite weak that they need the field to be down for them to jump-in. They do not care about your feelings; they just see that nobody is home and that the door is wide open and help themselves!

These spirits tend to hang around pubs and nightclubs. The reason for this being is that when a person is drunk their aura field loses its strength, making them an easy target. Jump-ins can’t taste or become drunk from alcohol. When the person’s body becomes sober, the jump-in usually goes to another drunk person or may choose to just make that one their home. They will try to manipulate the body into have more to drink so that the field stays down. However, the drunk person can attract more then one visitor!

There are also possession spirits, which are very similar; they usually enter the body when there is a lot of spiritual doors/vortexes open to them to come in. This usually happens when the person is doing some spiritual activity such as Ouija.

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Post by dawn » Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:19 am

hello it look weired to me........................ but i will now try to understand it in depth because this is for the frist time i am listen to such a thing. I have no knowledge about this suject before, till now. I have been reading about the hindu religion but did came came across this type of thing.

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i feel my husband walked out and has walked back in?

Post by pam1201 » Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:30 am

In 2001 my husband had a car accident, he changed after that to where he was different, confused, depressed. now, the other day he attemped suicide, we saved him but now he is so different, he is loving and happy, he is more psychic than he was before his accident. he claims he can hear god speaking to him and feels he has a mission to help people, he was never like this before. he had been on heavy medicines and he stopped most of them and plans on stopping the rest, he has hd no withdrawl at all. he was on methadone and does not feel he needs it anymore. he smiles and laughs all the time. what do you think?

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:29 pm

Any traumatic event can open the psychic sensitivities.  If there was any draw to the psychic before the accident it would certainly enhance the abilities.  Perhaps it is knowing life is short through the experience or other factors but it has been known to happen following a traumatic event.

It sounds more like his mood swings are from drugs than any psychic event.  Perhaps when he can be free from medications he can open to psychic abilities on a reality level.  Hearing voices is connected to schizophrenia so he may have to check that out too if they persist.

Voices that lead to suicide are not good.  God is about love not destruction (body, mind or spirit).

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