A gift? Advice, Opinions

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A gift? Advice, Opinions

Post by nyx » Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:01 am

In the dream interpretations I found a post that made me want to ask about something.

This is also posted in the paranormal board, but I wanted to get as many takes on it as I can.

This is going to sound weird, and I'm not sure how to explain it but I'm going to do the best I can with examples.

Since I was very young I've had a "connection" with death...I've always been preoccupied by it, but never afraid of it.

Starting when I was young I "spoke" to "ghosts". I still do.The most common one I would speak to was my dead older brother James. I'm not sure why James in particular (I also had two other dead older siblings another brother, Jason, and a sister, Andrea) but it was always James.

My mother told me about the first time she witnessed this. I was about 3 years old and she came into my room. She saw me sitting on the floor seemingly talking to myself and she asked me "Who are you talking to?" She said I looked at her and matter of factly said, "James mommy, my brother." She was concerned. She said, "Who told you about James?" (They weren't going to tell us about our siblings till we were older). I answered, "James did." Even to this day I still speak with my brother. I feel comfort when I speak to him.

Now the other side of this "gift". Not only do I have the sometimes unwelcome gift of seeing/speaking to spirits. I can "call" deaths. I guess it would be better worded as I "sense" deaths. I've only done it a handful of times but it's happened more than once. Some of the people were people close to me, some where complete strangers. Can't even explain how. I just kind of know.

The first time I did this I was about 8. My best friend at the time was a girl named Ashley. I went to my mother crying one night and said, "Ashley's sick, she's going to die." (Ashley wasn't sick at the time) Ashley had leukimia (spelling???) but wasn't diagnosed for about 6-8 months after I made this "prediction". Ashley did die about a year after she was diagnosed. We were on vacation when she passed. Right around the same time my friend passed I told my mom, "Ashley died." When we got home it was confirmed.

I'm not going to go into all of them, that would take quite a while. But I think I'll share 3 more.

When I was fourteen my mother and I were out one day and our car broke down. Mom's friend came to give us a ride. From the moment she pulled up I thought, "I don't want to get in that car." Mom forced me to go with her. I felt death in that car. I was freaking out I was like, "I want out. I want out of this car NOW." Mom got onto me once we were dropped off at home. She said, "That was rude of you. She was nice enough to come pick us up and bring us home and you were being horrible." I said, "Mom, death is in that car. She's going to die. She's going to have a wreck." Mom said, "Nonsense, you're talking crazy. I'm very disappointed in you." A few days later, that lady died in that car in a car accident. I simply told my mother, "I told you..."

More recently I was driving in traffic. There was a man on a motorcycle. He was in front of me, and out of nowhere I announced to no one. "that man's about to die." Sure enough at the intersection the motorcycle was struck by a van. I read in the paper a day later that the man died of his injuries. That happened about 3 years ago.

Last year I "called" The death of my grandmother.She wasn't sick, her body was rather healthy, but about a week before she died my mother and I were visiting her. I can't say how or why but I knew she was going to die...soon. When we went to leave I solemnly said to my mother, "Mom I have something to tell you, but i don't want you to be mad at me." She said, "I won't be mad..say it." So I said, "Grama's going to die." She said, "Well, we're all going to die someday, and yes she's getting old, but she's healthy Nick. Why would you say something like that?" I reminded her that she said she wouldn't get mad. Then I said, "No it's going to be soon. Real soon. I can feel it. I just know it." She said, "stop it Nick, you're scaring me." Sure enough two days after we saw her she fell ill. Seriously ill. She was taken to the hospital, they involved hospice. Grama was unconsious during her last days alive. She only opened her eyes for a few seconds 3 times twice for me and once for my cousin. That upset my aunt and mother cause they couldn't get her to open her eyes for them. After a week she finally passed. That morning I told mom before school, "It's today mom. She's going to die today." That just upset her, but sure enough, grama passed only a few hours after I said it.

I have noticed that usually the deaths have been rather close. It hasn't been that much of a warning before hand. Some of the very few I've told, tell me it's a gift. But who wants to know that? I really don't. It bothers me when I sense it. And usually I feel the need to tell someone. And always the person I tell doesn't believe it...who would? Can't say I blame them.

I've heard different theories on this...but I want to know some other opinons on it. Some call it a gift. I kind of look at it as a curse.

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Post by Evard » Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:40 am

"Death's Door"    the gift of walking beside    Technical Enlighten Toward Death as Peaceful    spiritual sanctify .

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:13 pm

Perhaps your fascination with death has created this ability on your psychic sensitivities.  Perhaps we draw to us that which we concentrate upon in the material energies.

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