Unhealthy energy!!

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Unhealthy energy!!

Post by Stardust410 » Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:15 am

Today I was told by a psychic that I have some type of unhealthy energy. A couple days ago my friend did a tarot reading for me explaining that I would never have children and she was getting some thing about sone type of body irregularity which would cause this. So now I'm thinking maybe it's all true.
Do you feel an unhealthy energy off me? Is there something wring with my body? Am I infertile?

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:35 am

Ok first up I am requesting that admin move this to the psychic discussion board... someone has given you an awesome reading only yesterday on this.. iM sue your not actually asking for a reading just clarification.

next up as explained to you by a tarot expert, that this friend was way off base by suggesting the cads could tell her you are infertile..

A psychic telling you that you have unhealthy energy.. ahh..
You need to bring this up with them.
Here are some things that could explain what that is coming from.

heads up. bait and switch.. you have unhealthy energy.. I can cure that for a "small"fee
this is gong to be a detailed reading that will cost more $$$
flip the clown the bird and laugh about the stunts some will try to pull

Also an interesting cold reading line.. ie fake" You have some unhealthy energy" You. " yes that could be because I'm challenged with XXX".. and off fake psychic goes rattling about that thng you just told her or hinted at.. ( not aways a cold reading feed.. but be aware that thee things do occur.. even sometimes unintentionally by a genuine reader .. sometimes what we are told and what we pick uo can get confusing not keeping track of one or the other.... I also dont recommend that test the psychic party clown silence line either )

Unhealthy energy may also refer to a "feeling" coming from you. perhaps some insecurity, desperation, depressive feelings..  This you need that person themselves to explain what they thought they were picking up.

if your concerned about fertility go and see a qualified medical practitioner.... Im going to be blunt here. But if you cant even consider this sensible course Id have to wonder if your actually ready to be  responsible for a baby at the tender age of just 18.. Im sorry if this sounds harsh.. on this occasion I do think you need to hear it straight... just yesterday someone was gentle in giving you this advice and you have ignored it.

I believe that at this stage your lifes plan may include the development of life experiences you may not even have considered yet before going along the path of parenthood..

Dont get me wrong parenthood is awesome.. but so is that before parenthood stage of life.. there is such a rapid growth period at this time you really dont want to skip a step..
this is foundation building time.. the solid your foundations the more prepared you will be in the next step of your journey.

I hope this helps
Best wishes StormGirl Blue' aka Tammy

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Post by cedars » Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:04 am

if your concerned about fertility go and see a qualified medical practitioner.... Im going to be blunt here. But if you cant even consider this sensible course Id have to wonder if your actually ready to be  responsible for a baby at the tender age of just 18.. Im sorry if this sounds harsh.. on this occasion I do think you need to hear it straight... just yesterday someone was gentle in giving you this advice and you have ignored it.
I agree!

If a friend of yours has the audacity to tell you such things in her tarot 'reading' then I dont know what kind of a friend she is.
I suggest you stay away from readings and consult a doctor if you have health issues.


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